Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

He doesn't owe the state any money which is why state officers weren't involved. He says the federal fees are $300,000 but the federal government says it's over a million.
You are still missing the part where Bundy pays the state grazing fee.

I knew I couldn't understand it for you.

No, Bundy has paid SOME money to the state. He has NOT paid the grazing fee he was being charged before 1993 to the state. He has admitted owing $300k in back fees.

You claim he has paid the fees and he claims he has not. Who do you think knows what Bundy paid, you or Bundy?
He doesn't owe the state any money which is why state officers weren't involved. He says the federal fees are $300,000 but the federal government says it's over a million.

And the BLM is responsible for the grazing fees. There are not two sets of grazing fees. There is one. It was collected by the BLM. Bundy paid the BLM until 1993 when they limited the number of cattle he was allowed to graze. Then he stopped paying the grazing fee that the BLM, by law, was responsible for collecting.

If you don't like the law, then change it. But don't claim special exceptions, because it is simply not legal.

The BLM also collects the fees from drilling and mining operations. Part of that money goes to the state and part to the feds. You don't get to suddenly decide that you are only paying the state.
The land is not federal land. Get it. It is not federal land. The federal grazing fee has nothing to do with the land but the impact grazing has on the desert tortoise. The federal government never charged a grazing fee until 1993 when the tortoise was put on the endangered species list.

How hard can this be to understand? Nevada has charged a grazing fee since the 40s.
By that logic, any squatter can live free on gubmit lands - or any group of squatters large enough to create their own city. Also your logic suggests that oil barons wishing to frack on public lands should be able to do so for free.

Not very logical, are you?

You are not accepting that Bundy has always paid the state grazing fee. That's the part you are missing.

Since Bundy himself has stated that he owes $300,000 in back grazing fees, I don't take your word for it that he has paid the fees. He said he paid SOME money to the state. But he also admits he owes.

Yes, he does admit he owes. IF he is being truthful, he states he has tried to continue to pay Clark Country since he believes them to be the rightful land management holders, but he states they don't want to take the money.

That is what he claims, I have not seen Clark County claim otherwise, but them may be unable to comment due to law.
I see where you are making your mistake. You think that there were two fees that BLM collected then gave the state their share. In 1993 Bundy stopped paying the BLM fee.

No. BLM didn't charge a fee at all. In 1993 BLM started this grazing fee to pay for the impact cows were having on the tortoise environment. The number of cattle was limited to preserve the forage for the tortoise because both eat the same things. Prior to 1993 BLM had nothing to do with this property. There was no BLM fee at all.
If only the Feds could find some weed growing on Bundy's massive ranch then they could use that as legal justification to seize his land, his home, evict his family, and put him in prison for a couple of decades. Then those "militia" dupes would be gathering up their guns to help the cops fight the evil drug lord land baron.

[MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION] jerks off to Government destruction of families.
I'm glad you find the Selma march

Did you know that the Deacons for Defense And Justice marched alongside King with shotguns to defend blacks from KKK and KKK affiliated LEO's?

Stop rewriting history. MLK needed every gun available to deter violence.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAZT_K-ofB0]JPFO: No Guns for Negroes (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

so then your saying.....just be submissive and do what they want you to do?......for instance .....if they said they will go door to door and take your guns or whatever.....you are just supposed to curl up in a fetal position and let them?...no fighting back?....no resistance to tyranny?.....

[MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION] forgets to realize that our technological terrors have had barely any impact on Afgan insurgent groups armed with primitive and malfunctioning firearms and homemade ammunition.

Hate to break it to you bro, but unless the Government decides to NUKE entire cities and towns, they'll never be "hold the ground." Even if they Nuke it, they aren't "holding the ground" they are more aptly "destroying the ground" making it unusable and inaccessible for everyone, including themselves.

Also, unlike Afghanistan, this would be our very own country. Defection and desertion and espionage rates would climb through the roof, the Government would be conducting several witch hunts within every division of its vastness to discover and route these people out.

OIL. How do these technological terrors function without oil, gas and electric?

Money? How do they pay their thug army when the value of the dollar would instantly crash to zero during a revolution?

Food: How do they feed this army of thugs, other than Quartering troops in the urban centers (which will immediately lead to pillage of local resources by the thugs themselves --- for their own survival).

Roads: How do this army move, when every road is a potential ambush, where every citizen is potential spy and informant?

Was a great show to see the toothless meth head militia leader from South Dakota show up and give his news conference. Tatted up to the max skin head could hardly complete a full sentence.
This case is similar to the Trayvon Martin case.
Media enters, distorts and twists the facts and partisan hack ideologues be they whatever party eat it up like hogs on slop.

Left-wing Tyrant suffering a mental breakdown.
because the situation is apparently resolved and this discussion is no longer necessary.

Discussion about this will always be necessary, just as the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, will always be necessary to discuss. Both of these American historical events demonstrate the power of a populace in possession of modern military grade firearms against government thugs like Harry Reid who want to invade and plunder and steal your land.

Molon Labe.
Who said, "follow the money"?

Bundy vs. BLM: Interest in cattle dispute widens | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Almost 600,000 acres of public land has been temporarily closed to the public as more than 900 cattle are rounded up from a vast swath of mountains and desert where Bundy has left his livestock to roam even though he hasn’t paid federal grazing fees since 1993.

The BLM’s Lueders said the seizure of cattle on federal land was being done as a “last resort,” and there is only one person to blame for the situation.

“Mr. Bundy is breaking the law, and he has been breaking the law for 20 years,” she said. “He owes the taxpayers of the United States over $1 million.”

This isn't about civil rights or whatever, it's just a criminal who refuses to pay his taxes.

Actually it is about Kelo v. City of New London.


Eminent Domain is a terrible thing. Kelo v New London is the worst court decision is modern history.
Might makes Right. This man and his family don't stand a chance. Such is life in this Police State.


No. He won today, the feds withdrew from the battle zone. The Patriots won.

For now. The feds can come back any time to remove the rest of the cattle from public lands. The militia can't drop everything and keep coming back over and over.

The feds wanted to avoid an armed confrontation. They succeeded. They also removed half of his cattle from public lands.

Nah, they released all the cows they rounded up.

Federal land managers confirmed they released all 400 head of cattle rounded up on public land in southern Nevada from a rancher who has refused to recognize their authority.

Feds Release All Cows Gathered During NV Roundup - ABC News
This is public land, not private, and that was years after this idiot started refusing to pay taxes.

On the surface it's about "public land." In actuality it's about bankrupting him so he'll be forced to sell his plot of private land, since he refused the offer to sell it to the Government many years ago.

The Government is using it's "public land" as the stanging ground (their "turf") to launch ludicrous financial attacks against him and violations and theft of his property.
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By that logic, any squatter can live free on gubmit lands/QUOTE]

What exactly is "Government land" to you? Any land that isn't owned by someone?

You seem to be mixing up the terms "Territory" and "Property." For instance, I own my house, but it's located within US territory.

All regions of the United States ARE US Territory, this does not mean that they are US "property."
CaféAuLait;8925711 said:

No. He won today, the feds withdrew from the battle zone. The Patriots won.

For now. The feds can come back any time to remove the rest of the cattle from public lands. The militia can't drop everything and keep coming back over and over.

The feds wanted to avoid an armed confrontation. They succeeded. They also removed half of his cattle from public lands.

Nah, they released all the cows they rounded up.

Federal land managers confirmed they released all 400 head of cattle rounded up on public land in southern Nevada from a rancher who has refused to recognize their authority.

Feds Release All Cows Gathered During NV Roundup - ABC News

And they only released them because the Patriots stormed their barricades with both sides pointing loaded at each other.
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Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.

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