Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.

Cry me a river.

Round up all them other illegal immigrant criminals while your at it. Look for a bunch of un-registered cars and the smell of rotten cabbage and score

That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
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Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

Yup, government is damn serious about going after those who break federal laws, except when it comes to illegal immigration, Black Panthers intimidating voters or the administration trampling on the rights of citizens by spying on everyone and forcing us to participate in commerce with a revenue raising bill that did not pass the House.

Go to the border and see the bus loads daily of illegals trying to enter into this country. Entire plane full of them fly out by the hour returning them.
Problem is we are too involved wasting resources "fighting" the "war" on drugs to have much money left to enforce immigration law.
But they come because you demand them.
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

Yup, government is damn serious about going after those who break federal laws, except when it comes to illegal immigration, Black Panthers intimidating voters or the administration trampling on the rights of citizens by spying on everyone and forcing us to participate in commerce with a revenue raising bill that did not pass the House.

Go to the border and see the bus loads daily of illegals trying to enter into this country. Entire plane full of them fly out by the hour returning them.
Problem is we are too involved wasting resources "fighting" the "war" on drugs to have much money left to enforce immigration law.
But they come because you demand them.

Exactly. When Americans are willing to pay decent wages to fellow Americans, then there will be no reason for the illegals to come here. They come because they know that there are always those that are willing to pay them sub-standard wages under the table. They are not to blame. Were I in their circumstances, I would be an illegal.

Enforce the law on those that pay the illegals the sub-standard wages, and the problem will largely go away.
Another point. I see the referance constantly about thus many ranchers have been forced into bankruptcy by the government. What a load of shit. An outright lie. That country has always been marginal for ranching, usually carrying less than a cow per square mile. And it has been drying out even more in the last two decades. We saw the same thing happen in Harney and Malhuer counties in Oregon when after 1920 the land dried out and people could no longer make a living off of it.

It is not the government forcing the ranchers off of the land, it is the land itself. A warming and drying of the high desert, which was already marginal for ranching, has rendered much of it unfit.
Yup, government is damn serious about going after those who break federal laws, except when it comes to illegal immigration, Black Panthers intimidating voters or the administration trampling on the rights of citizens by spying on everyone and forcing us to participate in commerce with a revenue raising bill that did not pass the House.

Go to the border and see the bus loads daily of illegals trying to enter into this country. Entire plane full of them fly out by the hour returning them.
Problem is we are too involved wasting resources "fighting" the "war" on drugs to have much money left to enforce immigration law.
But they come because you demand them.

Exactly. When Americans are willing to pay decent wages to fellow Americans, then there will be no reason for the illegals to come here. They come because they know that there are always those that are willing to pay them sub-standard wages under the table. They are not to blame. Were I in their circumstances, I would be an illegal.

Enforce the law on those that pay the illegals the sub-standard wages, and the problem will largely go away.

I do not see it that way. The local chicken processing plant here starts their workers that are UNSKILLED at $12 a hour and a skilled worker there makes $18 a hour.
Fact is most Americans will not take jobs in chicken plants or on farms where stoop labor is almost obsolete as most crops are picked by machines and the immigrant labor does plantings and maintenance.
Hispanics come here and do far better than the American worker at that skill level.
Something about pride in their work and a strong work ethic.
The growth of children born out of wedlock in poverty has increased the entry level work force uneducated and unskilled.
Low and no skills and uneducated equals low pay.
How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?

Just another example of the RW loons on the board picking and choosing what law breakers they will defend. The message they are sending is if you lose in the courts, well you can always strap on your guns and bully your position into the limelight.

They call enforcing a court order, infringing on someone's constitutional rights. He has been breaking the law for years, and should have been prosecuted long before this. But since Obama is the Devil, he is wrong when a federal agency enforces the law.

Have been following a bit, and this is where I had to stop and say something. You say that the man has been breaking the law for quite sometime now (years and years), so why the inconsistency of government to do it's job up until now ? I mean it must not have meant much to them, but now for some reason it does ? Sounds fishy to me as to why they would want to act now, so I can see why people get all up in arms about these things when all of a sudden it matters when it didn't matter as you say for years prior. Is the government in the business of allowing people to hang themselves for a reason (The IRS comes to mind), and if so what are the reason's for which they do these sort of things? Care to change your position on the alleged law breaker, and why the government has allowed him to break the law for so long now as according to you?

Inconsistencies for reasons unknown, has a tendency to breed bad things if allowed to go to far down the road, so it may be that the government needs to consider these things before it uses the hammer that is has been allowed to wield against it's own. The government is wrong it seems, just as much as the one it claims is wrong, I mean don't you think?
No one is taking anyone's guns away, unless Federal agents pick them up off of the corpses of the so-called "militia" of brainless yokels fighting to defend a rich man's greed. And if the stand-off has been thwarted then all of the posturing is irrelevant and this discussion is pointless.

thats not my point knb..... what i got out of what you said earlier about the cruise missile thing is...IF... there was a takeover here....because the military has bigger guns you should not fight back just go with the flow and let them take over and take whatever rights away they want....never resist because, well you may die.....thats a pretty submissive attitude if thats what you meant....i dont give a shit if all i had was fucking pea shooter....ill go down shooting that thing all the way until i hit the dirt....hopefully i will hit one of those fuckers in the eye on the way down....
Given that the Federal government hasn't taken anything from Bundy besides the cattle that were on public land, your argument is pointless.

As for the "I'm gonna go down shootin'" remark, please. The clueless gun-toting jackasses out there trying to fight the big government for a rich man's greed are the same pathetic little bitches who cheered on the big government for seven years when Bush was torturing POWs to death in Iraq.

well since i was not talking about the bundy thing then either you wont answer what i was talking about or we are talking about 2 different things....
Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.

and if he isnt?.... will we see you here saying so Rocks?.....just askin....
Another point. I see the referance constantly about thus many ranchers have been forced into bankruptcy by the government. What a load of shit. An outright lie. That country has always been marginal for ranching, usually carrying less than a cow per square mile. And it has been drying out even more in the last two decades. We saw the same thing happen in Harney and Malhuer counties in Oregon when after 1920 the land dried out and people could no longer make a living off of it.

It is not the government forcing the ranchers off of the land, it is the land itself. A warming and drying of the high desert, which was already marginal for ranching, has rendered much of it unfit.
I thought our government is formed to protect the Americans in this country, and to keep them strong in everything that they do ? They seem to have no problem keeping all the welfare programs going for all the baby makers, and the apartment dwellings going in which are deemed baby making factories by many who know of these things, yet here they are after a farmer for land that you claim is worthless to the farmer, but is now so highly valuable to the government ? Strange indeed.
Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.
Their names taken as according to you eh? Now who is taken these names, and do you like threatening Americans with the government is always right, and where Americans under the government are always wrong attitude ? I know of many cases as well as others do here, where the government has been wrong, and was caught being wrong in their doing of things, but lets not let those facts get in your way when you threaten people. Warrants should be served and proper protocol should be followed in all cases, now has the government done this in this case ? If so then why all the ruckus ?
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Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.
Their names taken as according to you eh? Now who is taken these names, and do you like threatening Americans with the government is always right, and where Americans under the government are always wrong attitude ? I know of many cases as well as others do here, where the government was been wrong and caught being wrong in their doing of things, but lets not let those facts get in your way when you threaten people. Warrants should be served and proper protocol should be followed in all cases, now has the government done this in this case ? If so then why all the ruckus ?

i wouldnt be surprised

if the likes of BLM tried to come back in the night

and disappear desenters

they have already proved that they are fully capable

of doing the governments dirty work
Well, bloodshed has been averted for a while. Until the next excuse these 'militias' find to point their guns at fellow Americans. Bundy is a criminal, and will be treated as such now. He just as well sell out and get the hell out of this country. And the people that have staged this travesty have had their names taken, and appropriate action, over time, will be taken.

And the whole time you loons will be squaling your heads off, while the rest of us take satisfaction in the fact that troublemakers are getting what is coming to them.
Their names taken as according to you eh? Now who is taken these names, and do you like threatening Americans with the government is always right, and where Americans under the government are always wrong attitude ? I know of many cases as well as others do here, where the government was been wrong and caught being wrong in their doing of things, but lets not let those facts get in your way when you threaten people. Warrants should be served and proper protocol should be followed in all cases, now has the government done this in this case ? If so then why all the ruckus ?

i wouldnt be surprised

if the likes of BLM tried to come back in the night

and disappear desenters

they have already proved that they are fully capable

of doing the governments dirty work
What is the BLM ?
Their names taken as according to you eh? Now who is taken these names, and do you like threatening Americans with the government is always right, and where Americans under the government are always wrong attitude ? I know of many cases as well as others do here, where the government was been wrong and caught being wrong in their doing of things, but lets not let those facts get in your way when you threaten people. Warrants should be served and proper protocol should be followed in all cases, now has the government done this in this case ? If so then why all the ruckus ?

i wouldnt be surprised

if the likes of BLM tried to come back in the night

and disappear desenters

they have already proved that they are fully capable

of doing the governments dirty work
What is the BLM ?

the folks stealing the cattle
If only the Feds could find some weed growing on Bundy's massive ranch then they could use that as legal justification to seize his land, his home, evict his family, and put him in prison for a couple of decades. Then those "militia" dupes would be gathering up their guns to help the cops fight the evil drug lord land baron.

[MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION] jerks off to Government destruction of families.
Yeah, okay. I love the big government using pot as a flimsy excuse to destroy American working families, so I post online about a time in America not too long ago when the big government urged American working families to grow pot in defense of freedom and democracy. That doesn't make any sense but I'm a stupid liberal so whatever.

Good argument. Stick with that.

Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

so then your saying.....just be submissive and do what they want you to do?......for instance .....if they said they will go door to door and take your guns or whatever.....you are just supposed to curl up in a fetal position and let them?...no fighting back?....no resistance to tyranny?.....

[MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION] forgets to realize that our technological terrors have had barely any impact on Afgan insurgent groups armed with primitive and malfunctioning firearms and homemade ammunition.

Hate to break it to you bro, but unless the Government decides to NUKE entire cities and towns, they'll never be "hold the ground." Even if they Nuke it, they aren't "holding the ground" they are more aptly "destroying the ground" making it unusable and inaccessible for everyone, including themselves.

Also, unlike Afghanistan, this would be our very own country. Defection and desertion and espionage rates would climb through the roof, the Government would be conducting several witch hunts within every division of its vastness to discover and route these people out.

OIL. How do these technological terrors function without oil, gas and electric?

Money? How do they pay their thug army when the value of the dollar would instantly crash to zero during a revolution?

Food: How do they feed this army of thugs, other than Quartering troops in the urban centers (which will immediately lead to pillage of local resources by the thugs themselves --- for their own survival).

Roads: How do this army move, when every road is a potential ambush, where every citizen is potential spy and informant?

And you are making the mistake of thinking that you have the same resolve as the Mujaheddin. You don't. Rednecks are a fucking joke and any American redneck uprising will break as soon as the football season starts again.
Looks like Big Brother is backing down for now. I think the Harry Reid/China thing has rattled some folks there. The People ain't havin it. God bless this man and his family. I hope he survives this.
This time, the government lost. Too bad, so sad. If the government keeps up tyrannical action, resistance won't stop at one ranch.
Those that want to visit National Park recreational areas are the real losers. No doubt the absurdity level of sending sniper teams and 200 agents on a case where the only crime is grazing cattle on land that is not his is very high but I have seen the damage cattle do on public lands and it is massive.
However, government needs to fight real crime. This guy Bundy is a clown, a dumb ass and a freeloader but a criminal he is not.
But it is amazing the support that he gets for lying and cheating taxpayers.
The National Parks are federal land. Gold Butte is not. Marijuana growers do more damage to national parks than cows would.
The National Parks are federal land. Gold Butte is not. Marijuana growers do more damage to national parks than cows would.

So legalize marijuana and let people grow it on their own property like we did to stop Hitler.

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