Feds are doing it again. Marching against "pride" carrying swastika flags

So you have nothing, as per usual.
Even if they are real national socialists, the right to assembly is a constitutionally-protected freedom.
I do understand that reason is not your strong suit, but have you ever seen real Neo Nazis dress that way, use that particular flag or hide their faces like that?

I sure haven't.

Cummon, man -- Nazis all wearing white pants? Gimme a break!
It has only been a couple weeks since the Proud Boys chased off a gaggle of these fucks, and unmasked a couple of them, revealing them to be known Pantifa.

But never mind that gaslight, you conspiracy theorist!

Frazier Glenn Miller, the 72-year-old suspect in this month’s Kansas City shootings, in which three people were killed, was a well-known anti-Semite and former Ku Klux Klan leader with a long, public history of hate. He was also, ABC News reports today, an FBI informant who struck a deal with authorities in the late 1980s in which he gave up information about fellow white nationalists for a reduced prison sentence, along with protection and a new name upon his release in 1990.

FBI funded neo-Nazi book publisher, court docs reveal​

Neo-Nazi talk-radio host Hal Turner served as a paid FBI informant, his lawyer confirmed this week.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has previously reported that Turner was on the FBI payroll. In 2008, unidentified hackers posted E-mail correspondence between Turner and an FBI agent who appeared to be his handler. The FBI refused to comment at the time on Turner’s relationship with the agency.

A paid FBI informant was the man behind a neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando’s black community and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization.

That revelation came Wednesday in an unrelated federal court hearing and has prompted outrage from black leaders, some of whom demanded an investigation into whether the February 2006 march was, itself, an event staged by law-enforcement agencies.

.... and so on and so on.

Nah, you're just clueless is all. 90% of these tree house clubs wouldn't exist without FBI funding and promotion.
Of, course. Has to be "Feds." Everything is a set up and conspiracy in Trump World. Proof?? Who needs proof. Just have to declare it and it's true.
Well, we know all those guys serving prison time for the Insurrection were actually Feds, too. And Antifa. And BLM.

Yeah, the only leftist sanctioned protests these days are by teachers, BLM, and Antifa.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of their ideologies, I know that white supremacists, Klanners, and neo-Nazis aren't going to try to rob me or burn down my shit.

So there's that.


LOL....Glowing as bright as the sun or what? Wait, let me get my sunglasses. :laughing0301:

The feds should have some contacts in Ukraine who could train them to act like convincing neo-Nazis. Make those training arrangements go both ways.

Also it would help if they didn't stop by "88ers-R-Us" to get all that new gear the day before the event. ;)

I believe the Black LIES Matter riots were still going on, when the Biden Administration infamously cited “White Supremacy” and related “far right” causes as the greatest terrorist threat. They're being rather clumsily obvious in their charades to support this narrative, aren't they?



LOL....Glowing as bright as the sun or what? Wait, let me get my sunglasses. :laughing0301:

The feds should have some contacts in Ukraine who could train them to act like convincing neo-Nazis. Make those training arrangements go both ways.

Also it would help if they didn't stop by "88ers-R-Us" to get all that new gear the day before the event. ;)

It has only been a couple weeks since the Proud Boys chased off a gaggle of these fucks, and unmasked a couple of them, revealing them to be known Pantifa.

But never mind that gaslight, you conspiracy theorist!
We do need to realize that we are dealing with people who can see what is obviously a man wearing a dress and swear up and down that he is actually a woman.

Who are they to ever question anything, right?

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