Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality

You people are as just as dangerous as these ISP providers.

Clearly, this presents a golden opportunity for you to start your own ISP service, which will most certainly thrive in the face of all those evil operations screwing people over. Let me know when I can sign up.


Typical "I want it my way...but I'm not willing to work for it" collectivist response. That's for confirming your overwhelming sense of entitlement.
Ask yourself, "Can I trust my cable provider to be fair?"

One need not trust any business to be fair, only to comply with the terms of contract into which you've voluntarily entered.

they were suing for the right to be as unfair as they want and to squeeze more money from us and by god you guys took their side over the American consumer, how screwed up is that?

Of course, you have the right to choose a different medium to receive your digital signal. Or am I sorry, is cheap internet and TV a "right"

You like paying more for less?

I like voluntary choice.

That's a good one. Remember when they were forming the DHS and liberals were upset and you called them terrorist sympathizers?

Try again. No libertarian supported DHS. Fail...again.

You would think that you would have learned from being that fucking willfully ignorant just to spite liberals.

Ah yes, yet another example of a leftist that cannot argue with specificity, logic or reason resorting to childish name calling. Color me shocked...
One need not trust any business to be fair, only to comply with the terms of contract into which you've voluntarily entered.

Of course, you have the right to choose a different medium to receive your digital signal. Or am I sorry, is cheap internet and TV a "right"

You like paying more for less?

I like voluntary choice.

That's a good one. Remember when they were forming the DHS and liberals were upset and you called them terrorist sympathizers?

Try again. No libertarian supported DHS. Fail...again.

You would think that you would have learned from being that fucking willfully ignorant just to spite liberals.

Ah yes, yet another example of a leftist that cannot argue with specificity, logic or reason resorting to childish name calling. Color me shocked...

Now you are just being dense, maybe you could show you actually have grasp on this subject rather than just being a jackass because it is clear you do not know what you are even arguing for or against here and just taking a contrary position.
Clearly, this presents a golden opportunity for you to start your own ISP service, which will most certainly thrive in the face of all those evil operations screwing people over. Let me know when I can sign up.


Typical "I want it my way...but I'm not willing to work for it" collectivist response. That's for confirming your overwhelming sense of entitlement.

You really don't understand the topic of net neutrality do you?
You don't think advancements in technology will continue to increase speeds?

Of course, if regulated by the feds, you're right, they probably wouldn't.

Great you don't understand the subject at all...

Of course, when you can't respond with logic or reason, an ad hominem attack is the way to go...:cuckoo:

You didn't give out any logic..you proved nothing more than zero understanding on the subject.
Good grief, it's amazing how some panic when government doesn't have control over something. What to do? Libs are in a panic. How horrible would it be if they couldn't copy and paste the daily talking points as quickly? I think we'll survive.

Look another fucking retard who doesn't understand why the regulations where in place. She just see government and instantly is against it.

Fuck you, and the fact you are to fucking stupid to understand the fact the regulations where keeping the Internet open for everyone to use.

Stupid low information voters.

Ya cause before the power grab by the Fed we did not have internet access and didn't have choices on our service providers.
The power grab? Sigh...it's not about choice of ISP you dipshit...
You like paying more for less?

I like voluntary choice.

Try again. No libertarian supported DHS. Fail...again.

You would think that you would have learned from being that fucking willfully ignorant just to spite liberals.

Ah yes, yet another example of a leftist that cannot argue with specificity, logic or reason resorting to childish name calling. Color me shocked...

Now you are just being dense, maybe you could show you actually have grasp on this subject rather than just being a jackass because it is clear you do not know what you are even arguing for or against here and just taking a contrary position.

They just see regulation and government and are instantly against it. Even though the regulation that was removed kept isp's from blocking or slowing down bandwidth.

What they don't understand is this. Let's say comcast and yahoo make a deal. Therefore anyone who has comcast will see higher speeds, but if you go to say Google you would see lower search speeds. Thus if you use Yahoo you are subject to whatever they put on their home page.

Net neutrality keeps all search engines and Internet at a constant rate.
The idea that people are against this type of regulation just goes to show how stupid people are.
We interrupt plazzie's self-absorbed, self-congratulatory monolog for this public service announcement.

Plaz appears to be the only one who misapprehends what the alleged "net neutrality" actually is and what it actually means. His support of the empty slogan is actually just a manifestation of his hostility to the market force of competition.

That is all.
Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You : All Tech Considered : NPR

In a landmark ruling Tuesday, a federal appeals court has struck down key parts of the Federal Communications Commission's open-Internet rules, effectively ruling that the federal government cannot enforce net neutrality. Put more simply, it can't require that Internet service providers treat all traffic equally.
this isnt a good thing and sadly people will defend this ruling.

Judges did, however, preserve the disclosure requirements that say while Verizon and other carriers can make some traffic run faster or block services, they have to tell subscribers they're doing it.
This is what Free market gets you for people always claiming that free market is the way to go. Dont start bitching when USMB starts loading slower for you via your ISP and is blocked because it doesnt jive with the ISP's political agenda.

What it means is that the government has to follow rules.

Sort of.
Has nothing to do with agenda when it comes to hops and ISP peering.. it could have to do with 2 companies feuding...

Quite frankly, it is the ISP's traffic gateway.. if they wish to not peer with another connection or to not add bandwidth, so be it... if they do so, it will lose them business, but it is their freedom and choice...

Free market.. better than the totalitarian style of control you keep calling for

you keep thinking this when your net is slowed down to crawl.
Lose of business are you kidding me? when every ISP is doing it you will have no choice if you want to get on the internet.

I knew you guys would defend this because the dirty "regulation" word is being used. You people are as just as dangerous as these ISP providers.

Did you even read the link you posted? Did you see the part where it only applies to cell phone carriers? Unless you get all your internet access by paying more for data than voice you won't even notice.
The prevailing conservative opinion on this issue is so fucking retarded that I am surprised, and their level of retardedness rarely exceeds my expectations. I guess when it hits them in the pocketbook they will reconsider, maybe. It's going to come down to the internet becoming more expensive with a lousy tiered data plan that resembles current cable plans where you must pay extra to access a broader choice.

The prevailing conservative opinion is that they fully support government mandated net neutrality, they just insist that the government actually follows the rules it set up when it does it.
Good grief, it's amazing how some panic when government doesn't have control over something. What to do? Libs are in a panic. How horrible would it be if they couldn't copy and paste the daily talking points as quickly? I think we'll survive.

Ask yourself, "Can I trust my cable provider to be fair?" they were suing for the right to be as unfair as they want and to squeeze more money from us and by god you guys took their side over the American consumer, how screwed up is that?

Can I trust my cable provider?

I don't get my internet from my cable provider, next question.
Good grief, it's amazing how some panic when government doesn't have control over something. What to do? Libs are in a panic. How horrible would it be if they couldn't copy and paste the daily talking points as quickly? I think we'll survive.

Look another fucking retard who doesn't understand why the regulations where in place. She just see government and instantly is against it.

Fuck you, and the fact you are to fucking stupid to understand the fact the regulations where keeping the Internet open for everyone to use.

Stupid low information voters.

The regulations that the FCC set up are what is preventing it from doing what you want. That means that, if anyone doesn't understand the regulations, it is you.
We interrupt plazzie's self-absorbed, self-congratulatory monolog for this public service announcement.

Plaz appears to be the only one who misapprehends what the alleged "net neutrality" actually is and what it actually means. His support of the empty slogan is actually just a manifestation of his hostility to the market force of competition.

That is all.

ah more nothing
Has nothing to do with agenda when it comes to hops and ISP peering.. it could have to do with 2 companies feuding...

Quite frankly, it is the ISP's traffic gateway.. if they wish to not peer with another connection or to not add bandwidth, so be it... if they do so, it will lose them business, but it is their freedom and choice...

Free market.. better than the totalitarian style of control you keep calling for

you keep thinking this when your net is slowed down to crawl.
Lose of business are you kidding me? when every ISP is doing it you will have no choice if you want to get on the internet.

I knew you guys would defend this because the dirty "regulation" word is being used. You people are as just as dangerous as these ISP providers.

Did you even read the link you posted? Did you see the part where it only applies to cell phone carriers? Unless you get all your internet access by paying more for data than voice you won't even notice.

no its not.

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