Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.
What is it about you that prevents you from understanding that laying a tax on the exercise of a right with the intent to restrict the exercise of said right is, necessarily, an infringement on that right?

You'lll be the first to whine and cry as soon as some state levies such a tax on abortion...
So what? 2nd amendment doesn't say UNLESS YOU ARE A CRIMINAL YOU CAN'T OWN A WEAPON. I know someone who can't get a permit simply because 4 years ago they got into it with their MIL and BOTH were arrested and the charges were dropped and they haven't been in trouble since then...the only gun law I abide by is the 2nd amendment it very clearly says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Well, you're not alone. Many others believe they are above the law and many of those are in prison.

The law says your right to own a gun shall not be infringed.

You're the one who doesn't give a crap about the law.

Who says registration infringes on your right to own a gun?
What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.
What is it about you that prevents you from understanding that laying a tax on the exercise of a right with the intent to restrict the exercise of said right is, necessarily, an infringement on that right?

You'lll be the first to whine and cry as soon as some state levies such a tax on abortion...
Or condom sales...:eusa_whistle:
there are already limits on guns you can buy.
always has been
Under what premise? What part of 'shall not be infringed' do YOU not understand? And who is the Government to tell ME the amount of anything I can buy? It's NONE of their business. Got it?
Don't feed the troll, dude.
His every post proves that the truth means nothing to him.
Been meaning to drill out a a lower with no serial. On the to do list.

that takes a lot of tools and tooling, do you have a good sturdy drill press or mill ?

i have been thinking of the same thing, one of my recent gun magazines gave a detailed description on what one needs and how to do it, i have all the tools, just need the jigs/tooling.., that costs about $250.00 :eek:
there are already limits on guns you can buy.

always has been
Under what premise? What part of 'shall not be infringed' do YOU not understand? And who is the Government to tell ME the amount of anything I can buy? It's NONE of their business. Got it?
I seem to recall you loving you some St. Ronnie.

We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

Really? So the 2nd means nothing to you. You can't tax the shit out of something without that being an infringement.

The ends justify any means with you people,really sad and wrong.
That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
"Progressive" Hero:

Why I'm for the Brady Bill

By Ronald Reagan

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com


"Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

Ronald Reagan. Gun Grabber.

Gun Grabbity.

"Three years later, Congress had passed the Brady Bill and was working on another piece of gun control legislation, a ban on assault weapons. Reagan joined former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter in a letter published in the Boston Globe that called on Congress to pass a ban on assault weapons.
Later, in a letter to Rep. Scott Klug, a Wisconsin Republican, Reagan said the limitations proposed by the Assault Weapon Ban “are absolutely necessary” and that it “must be passed.” Klug voted in favor of the ban."

Gun Rights and President Ronald Reagan - A Pro-Second Amendment President Who Supported Gun Control

And when he was Governor:

"Even with the current gaps among states, those that have waiting periods report some success. California, which has a 15-day waiting period that I supported and signed into law while Governor, stopped nearly 1,800 prohibited handgun sales in 1989. New Jersey has had a permit-to-purchase system for more than two decades. During that time, according to the state police, more than 10,000 convicted felons have been caught trying to buy handguns."

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - New York Times
What part of "A well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd Amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while Bush was torturing POWs to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.
Been meaning to drill out a a lower with no serial. On the to do list.

that takes a lot of tools and tooling, do you have a good sturdy drill press or mill ?

i have been thinking of the same thing, one of my recent gun magazines gave a detailed description on what one needs and how to do it, i have all the tools, just need the jigs/tooling.., that costs about $250.00 :eek:

Are you a criminal? Or are you planning to sell guns to criminals? Can't see why else you'd do that.
Yes which is why you have so many shootings, because crazy fucks are allowed to buy guns.

Noomi, That doesn't justify violating the Constitution. What you Libtards can't seem to get through your thick skulls is this: If you don't like something in the Constitution, there's a Constitutional way to change it! Our Founding Fathers anticipated future conflicts with the Constitution and wrote into it a way to deal with these conflicts.

Try reading Article V of our Constitution, the Supreme Law Of Our Land!!
what part of "a well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while bush was torturing pows to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

wow, you really are over the edge stupid!!
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.

the state of Connecticut anti assault rifles law right now is a great example, » Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse to Register Firearms & Magazines Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

it is estimated there are more than 350,000 criminals in Conn., do you suppose that makes that krazy kook Nooomi happy :up:
He could have sold a gun to someone with a criminal record.
In America, we have a tool called a warrant, that will give them that information and restrict them from using any other information found for ANY OTHER purpose.
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

That would be as "infringing" as charging a "Poll Tax", If I remember right, Poll Taxes were judged to be Unconstitutional by the Supremes.
In this area, we have begun a movement to return the "Common Law Grand Jury" that the SCOTUS upheld. This Grand Jury is of the people, independent of the Judiciary and will ferret out Judicial corruption. Another movement is to seek to have any jury in Connecticut to annul the law requiring registration. An information drive is getting underway to get this information to every citizen of Connecticut so that if they get called to sit a jury on a felony charge for failure to register a gun, they will know the real law and act appropriately.

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