Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

So KNB...I guess you agree that only government people should be allowed to own books.
How many of you gun owners hold substantial rank in the well-regulated militia?

Why do you gun owners claim to love the 2nd Amendment if you only follow the last half of it?

another fucking idiot who does NOT understand any damn thing about the 2nd Amdt.

just spewing more liberal lies and utter stupidity. :up: ..... :lmao:

actually i am a 12 star General :lmao:
I read enough to know that it wasn't going to answer any questions in any intelligible manner.

If the 2nd Amendment establishes the right of individual drunk hilljacks to own automatic rifles as a State's defense against oppressive Federal tyranny, or establishes that State militias are legal while standing armies are not, then why today is every gun owner not only NOT a member of any militia but you're all also fans of the Federal government's standing army during peacetime?
How many of you gun owners hold substantial rank in the well-regulated militia?

Why do you gun owners claim to love the 2nd Amendment if you only follow the last half of it?

another fucking idiot who does NOT understand any damn thing about the 2nd Amdt.

just spewing more liberal lies and utter stupidity. :up: ..... :lmao:

actually i am a 12 star General :lmao:
Its okay. I just ate his lunch and he is still in the hallway rolling 3rd graders for milk money.
I read enough to know that it wasn't going to answer any questions in any intelligible manner.

If the 2nd Amendment establishes the right of individual drunk hilljacks to own automatic rifles as a State's defense against oppressive Federal tyranny, or establishes that State militias are legal while standing armies are not, then why today is every gun owner not only NOT a member of any militia but you're all also fans of the Federal government's standing army during peacetime?
Because its not a 'both' requirement. IT is an either/or/both requirement.

You didn't read it, did you? Do you owe Me money?

OOps. that wasn't it.....

Okay, here...

Those responsible for the adoption of the Second Amendment accepted the individual right of self-defense as the natural basis for the right to arms. Like William Blackstone, and no doubt heavily influenced by him and other natural rights theorists, the people who gave us the Second Amendment drew no fundamental distinction between an individual's right to defend himself against a robber or a marauding Indian and that same individual's right to band together with others in a state-regulated militia. The inseparability of these concepts was reflected in two early state constitutions, which provided: "That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state . . . ."26 The breadth of the purpose of the right to arms was also apparent in the very first proposal for a bill of rights, which came from an Anti-Federalist minority at the Pennsylvania ratifying convention. The right to arms provision in this proposal reads:
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Pay particular attention to the numbers embedded in the quotes KNB...they are references to research of law and history.
What part of "A well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd Amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while Bush was torturing POWs to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

Like conservatives, you're confusing what's in the Constitution with what's since been decided by the Supreme Court.

"Well-regulated militia" is more or less null and void now.
What is an "either/or" requirement? Either militias or a standing army?

You are failing in your objectives as a "militia". There is not only a standing US army during peacetime now, but there is also today a standing PRIVATE mercenary army in the form of Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

How often do you train for the militia? Is it as much time as you spend on the computer writing about how the government is going to take your guns? Maybe if you actually trained as a militia, the big bad Federal government wouldn't have a standing army, a standing private army, secret torture prisons, a universal spying program, or an endless war started by complete lies.
KNB? Do YOU understand that it is the DUTY and right of every citizen to protect not only their OWN liberty, security, safety, but that of their neighbors, communities, Country from anyone that has intent to take it away, be it a common criminal, foreign power, or even their own government? EVERYONE is a member of the militia.

The Second amendment affirmed that duty AND right.
What is an "either/or" requirement? Either militias or a standing army?

You are failing in your objectives as a "militia". There is not only a standing US army during peacetime now, but there is also today a standing PRIVATE mercenary army in the form of Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

How often do you train for the militia? Is it as much time as you spend on the computer writing about how the government is going to take your guns? Maybe if you actually trained as a militia, the big bad Federal government wouldn't have a standing army, a standing private army, secret torture prisons, a universal spying program, or an endless war started by complete lies.

Last post to you unless you come up with something more germane...

Either/or means that you would not be able to be in a militia AND retain the right to self defense....or you would retain the right to self defense but not be in a militia.

The actual Second Amendment prohibits none of the above. You CAN have weapons for self defense without giving up the other rights. You can have weapons to defend the State WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights. you can have weapons for hunting WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights.

In essence, you do NOT have to be in the militia to have the right to self defense.
You do not have to be in the militia to 'take game' or as we say today, hunt.
You do not have to have weapons for self defense in order to be in ONLY the militia.

and there is about 20 other permutations to what you don't have to give up simply because you are NOT in a militia.
I see thread after thread by Conservatives whining about Obama taking our rights and destroying American freedom, which proves that millions of well-regulated gun owners are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
What is an "either/or" requirement? Either militias or a standing army?

You are failing in your objectives as a "militia". There is not only a standing US army during peacetime now, but there is also today a standing PRIVATE mercenary army in the form of Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

How often do you train for the militia? Is it as much time as you spend on the computer writing about how the government is going to take your guns? Maybe if you actually trained as a militia, the big bad Federal government wouldn't have a standing army, a standing private army, secret torture prisons, a universal spying program, or an endless war started by complete lies.

Last post to you unless you come up with something more germane...

Either/or means that you would not be able to be in a militia AND retain the right to self defense....or you would retain the right to self defense but not be in a militia.

The actual Second Amendment prohibits none of the above. You CAN have weapons for self defense without giving up the other rights. You can have weapons to defend the State WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights. you can have weapons for hunting WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights.

In essence, you do NOT have to be in the militia to have the right to self defense.
You do not have to be in the militia to 'take game' or as we say today, hunt.
You do not have to have weapons for self defense in order to be in ONLY the militia.

and there is about 20 other permutations to what you don't have to give up simply because you are NOT in a militia.
That's one interpretation of it from someone who doesn't want to actually have to fight for their freedom.
What is an "either/or" requirement? Either militias or a standing army?

You are failing in your objectives as a "militia". There is not only a standing US army during peacetime now, but there is also today a standing PRIVATE mercenary army in the form of Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

How often do you train for the militia? Is it as much time as you spend on the computer writing about how the government is going to take your guns? Maybe if you actually trained as a militia, the big bad Federal government wouldn't have a standing army, a standing private army, secret torture prisons, a universal spying program, or an endless war started by complete lies.

Last post to you unless you come up with something more germane...

Either/or means that you would not be able to be in a militia AND retain the right to self defense....or you would retain the right to self defense but not be in a militia.

The actual Second Amendment prohibits none of the above. You CAN have weapons for self defense without giving up the other rights. You can have weapons to defend the State WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights. you can have weapons for hunting WITHOUT giving up any of the other rights.

In essence, you do NOT have to be in the militia to have the right to self defense.
You do not have to be in the militia to 'take game' or as we say today, hunt.
You do not have to have weapons for self defense in order to be in ONLY the militia.

and there is about 20 other permutations to what you don't have to give up simply because you are NOT in a militia.
That's one interpretation of it from someone who doesn't want to actually have to fight for their freedom.
I have served to protect My freedom and yours. Have you?

Please refrain from trying to think that you understand Me or what I have sacrificed in life to be where I am now.
Every American should want to fight for their inherent rights and freedoms. It should be part of the very fabric of what makes you, YOU.
He could have sold a gun to someone with a criminal record.

Not a believer in the bill of rights, are you? Well, whether you care or not, they need to obtain probable cause and get a warrant. Government fishing expeditions to see if a crime was committed are blatantly Unconstitutional.

Furthermore, buy the 10th amendment, what Constitutional Authority does the Federal government have to demand a customer list of a local merchant at all?

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