Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

I have served to protect My freedom and yours. Have you?

Please refrain from trying to think that you understand Me or what I have sacrificed in life to be where I am now.
Yes, I am a veteran, and that's why I know that the US military will roll over you gun owners in a heartbeat. You chimps aren't even on the same level as the Iraqi military and they fell in less than two weeks. You bitches don't even have the balls to play weekend warriors, let alone try to sustain a guerrilla revolution against your own government.
Dumb fuck...The said the same thing in 1770....how'd that work out for you? American's down lay down and they don't quit.

The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

Beside, how can you have served and then sneer at a 50 million + army?

YOU ARE NOT A MINUTEMAN IN 1770. YOU are a douche with a gun. That doesn't make you a defender of liberty. It just makes you a douche with a gun.
Let me clarify....

I don't oppose the 2nd amendment. I oppose gun-owning pussies who claim to be defenders of freedom while cheering as their government tortures POWs to death in secret prisons during an endless war that has been repeatedly proven to be based on lies.
You of course, cannot prove any of that.

I, and no one I know, cheer on our government taking away liberties and freedoms. However, killing the enemy of our nation in war is not robbing any of us of freedoms or rights. As for the endless war, please learn to write for yourself...that line has been debunked and is way over used.

If you want to see how much of a pussy I am, you have just to ask and we'll find out.....
if this was a black muslim owned business I bet the righties would be singing another tune
We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.


In other words, only the rich will have guns.

Is there a reason why the ideas of Progressives always make the elite more powerful and the masses more impoverished?

it is just how they roll
Yes, I am a veteran, and that's why I know that the US military will roll over you gun owners in a heartbeat. You chimps aren't even on the same level as the Iraqi military and they fell in less than two weeks. You bitches don't even have the balls to play weekend warriors, let alone try to sustain a guerrilla revolution against your own government.
Dumb fuck...The said the same thing in 1770....how'd that work out for you? American's down lay down and they don't quit.

The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

Beside, how can you have served and then sneer at a 50 million + army?

YOU ARE NOT A MINUTEMAN IN 1770. YOU are a douche with a gun. That doesn't make you a defender of liberty. It just makes you a douche with a gun.
Went right over your head, didn't it?
Dumb fuck...The said the same thing in 1770....how'd that work out for you? American's down lay down and they don't quit.

The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

Beside, how can you have served and then sneer at a 50 million + army?

YOU ARE NOT A MINUTEMAN IN 1770. YOU are a douche with a gun. That doesn't make you a defender of liberty. It just makes you a douche with a gun.
Went right over your head, didn't it?
Short answer? *YES*
No I think he was saying that gun owners don't do anything but own guns, and pretend that is for some reason patriotic.
You don't know many gun owners, do you?

I know a lot. Sorry but just owning a gun is not patriotic. Was the mother of Adam Lanza patriotic? Her gun ownership led to how many innocent people dying?
Who said anything about patriotic? Owning a gun is a right, and one that the government cannot touch.

If ever the need arises that the population has to rise up against its government to stop the taking of rights and liberties, that WOULD be patriotic...a gun is just a tool.
The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

How'd that work out during that event oh, some 150 years ago...?

How about that lil Washington callout during that thing called the Whiskey rebellion?
there are already limits on guns you can buy.

always has been
Under what premise? What part of 'shall not be infringed' do YOU not understand? And who is the Government to tell ME the amount of anything I can buy? It's NONE of their business. Got it?
I seem to recall you loving you some St. Ronnie.

That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
"Progressive" Hero:

Why I'm for the Brady Bill

By Ronald Reagan

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com


"Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

Ronald Reagan. Gun Grabber.

Gun Grabbity.

"Three years later, Congress had passed the Brady Bill and was working on another piece of gun control legislation, a ban on assault weapons. Reagan joined former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter in a letter published in the Boston Globe that called on Congress to pass a ban on assault weapons.
Later, in a letter to Rep. Scott Klug, a Wisconsin Republican, Reagan said the limitations proposed by the Assault Weapon Ban “are absolutely necessary” and that it “must be passed.” Klug voted in favor of the ban."

Gun Rights and President Ronald Reagan - A Pro-Second Amendment President Who Supported Gun Control

And when he was Governor:

"Even with the current gaps among states, those that have waiting periods report some success. California, which has a 15-day waiting period that I supported and signed into law while Governor, stopped nearly 1,800 prohibited handgun sales in 1989. New Jersey has had a permit-to-purchase system for more than two decades. During that time, according to the state police, more than 10,000 convicted felons have been caught trying to buy handguns."

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - New York Times

Ronald Reagan was not our GOD, our MESSIAH, our DICTATOR, or our KING!! He was wrong on Gun Control.
Dumb fuck...They said the same thing in 1770....how'd that work out for you? American's don't lay down and they don't quit.

You can thank the French for helping save our asses in that little war.
And that changes what exactly? The French entered the war late and made a difference, true, but we were already on the up side, if not winning, at least fighting to a draw.

This against what was at that time, the most powerful and battle tested army in the world.

Never think that a civilian populace can just be defeated in short order. Not when there are 100 million people with 300 million guns.
Yes, I am a veteran, and that's why I know that the US military will roll over you gun owners in a heartbeat. You chimps aren't even on the same level as the Iraqi military and they fell in less than two weeks. You bitches don't even have the balls to play weekend warriors, let alone try to sustain a guerrilla revolution against your own government.
Dumb fuck...The said the same thing in 1770....how'd that work out for you? American's down lay down and they don't quit.

The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

Beside, how can you have served and then sneer at a 50 million + army?

YOU ARE NOT A MINUTEMAN IN 1770. YOU are a douche with a gun. That doesn't make you a defender of liberty. It just makes you a douche with a gun.
No...*I* am a MINUTEMAN 2014
The military won't follow illegal orders to kill an uprising civilian revolt. They have standing orders to preserve the Constitution and let the civilian government and citizenry hash it out.

How'd that work out during that event oh, some 150 years ago...?

How about that lil Washington callout during that thing called the Whiskey rebellion?
Not the same circumstances as we are talking here, is it?

There is always the possibility that the citizens can lose. Which makes us less of a people than not, because people don't rise up against governments without compelling reasons of life and death, do they?
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