Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

What part of "A well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd Amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while Bush was torturing POWs to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

You do understand that militias are illegal in some states right?
So how are you supposed to join a militia if they are illegal?
Sounds like a work around of the 2nd doesnt it?
More infringement.
It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?
What part of "A well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd Amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while Bush was torturing POWs to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

A well regulated militia is composed of all men of fighting age. The possession and bearing of Arms insures they are prepared in advance to serve in the Militia if needed to remove a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT. If the Government controls the possession and bearing of Arms there's no protection for a free State, in fact the Free part ceases to exist except in name only.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right to keep and bear Arms, SHALL not be infringed.
Yes which is why you have so many shootings, because crazy fucks are allowed to buy guns.

"o many shootings"?!

Violent crime is dramatically down virtually everywhere, especially those committed with guns. That has been true for decades. Where it is not true as much is in those jurisdictions that put hard restrictions on gun ownership and carry. You don't know what you're talking about. And all but one of the mass shootings in the last two decades of any note occurred in defenseless, gun-free zones.

Facts don't matter to the gun grabbers who would in fact make our streets more dangerous if they had their way.
It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?
No. Just biding our time.
It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?
No. Just biding our time.
I can only hope...
Been meaning to drill out a a lower with no serial. On the to do list.

i recommend it

it works great

have you made one ?


i do not really like to discuss what firearms if any that i hold

on a public forum certainly you can understand that

these days

i would recommend though that if you have not done one

to get into a club that builds them at least for the first one

the drilling out the proper holes is not the hard part

putting the lower receiver parts kit together is a little harder

and requires certain tools

ar-15 dot com supplies guides to assist
Been meaning to drill out a a lower with no serial. On the to do list.

that takes a lot of tools and tooling, do you have a good sturdy drill press or mill ?

i have been thinking of the same thing, one of my recent gun magazines gave a detailed description on what one needs and how to do it, i have all the tools, just need the jigs/tooling.., that costs about $250.00 :eek:

Are you a criminal? Or are you planning to sell guns to criminals? Can't see why else you'd do that.

it is not illegal to build your own firearm

and it is not illegal for you to not put a serial number on it
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.

the state of Connecticut anti assault rifles law right now is a great example, » Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse to Register Firearms & Magazines Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

it is estimated there are more than 350,000 criminals in Conn., do you suppose that makes that krazy kook Nooomi happy :up:

the 300 thousand non registered ar in Connecticut only apply to store bought firearms

there is no way of knowing how many home builts are out there

It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?
No. Just biding our time.
I can only hope...
The time will come if things continue the way they are. It is my fervent hope that we won't have to take the Founder's up on their challenge...and permission.
We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

Really? So the 2nd means nothing to you. You can't tax the shit out of something without that being an infringement.

The ends justify any means with you people,really sad and wrong.
That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
"Progressive" Hero:

Why I'm for the Brady Bill

By Ronald Reagan

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com


"Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

Ronald Reagan. Gun Grabber.

The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act was an abomination. It's expired. And it was aimed at so-called assault rifles and magazines, not most semiautomatic handguns.

The only logical end of your argument would be to ban the purchase of all guns by law-abiding citizens. The problem has ever been with law-abiding citizens, but with criminals and lunatics, and the ultimate reason for the 2nd has nothing to do with the domestic crimes of common thugs, but with the usurpative crimes committed by the common thugs of officialdom.

Reagan was wrong.
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Yeah, that doesn't answer a fucking thing. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia? How often do you train? Note: a firing range is not militia training. And what is the stated goal of your militia?

The above proves that you did not read the article in the link, but it does prove you are an ignorant participant in this debate.
Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

And according to the same DoJ crime statistics over 2,700,000 crimes each year are prevented by civilians having firearms.
That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
"Progressive" Hero:

Why I'm for the Brady Bill

By Ronald Reagan

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com


"Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

Ronald Reagan. Gun Grabber.

The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act was an abomination. It's expired. And it was aimed at so-called assault rifles and magazines, not most semiautomatic handguns.

The only logical end of your argument would be to ban the purchase of all guns by law-abiding citizens. The problem has ever been with law-abiding citizens, but with criminals and lunatics, and the ultimate reason for the 2nd has nothing to do with the domestic crimes of common thugs, but with the usurpative crimes committed by the common thugs of officialdom.

Reagan was wrong.
Yes he was indeed. wrong. Looks like PPV wants to dispirit us 'gun nutz' against what PPV perceives as our God...Ronald Reagan...for you see PPV? Even we admit Reagan was wrong on some things and didn't blindly follow him like YOU and your leftist buddies blindly follow OBAMA.

WE have the ability to call out, and criticize our own...do YOU? NO...you don't. PPV? YOU remain blind.

As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

And that too is un-constitutional. My but you progressives just hate the rule of law don't you...

The costs of guns is in the constitution? Who knew? :cuckoo:

No, the "infringing" part moron. What part of making ammunition or guns too expensive for the middle class (note how the rich can always get their guns...ultimately gun ownership is the ultimate class warfare....) is not an infringement?

It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?

When has a long standing democracy ever had a revolution?
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Waste of time with that one, DW.
I know, but its always worth at least ONE try....I don't think I've ever shown this one the truth about the Second Amendment...


It's funny that posters like [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION] jump from thread to thread making the same remarks, then they get exposed as a either wrong or severely misguided, then they go to the next thread and repeat the same lie verbatim, HOPING that we won't catch them (logged off or sleeping).

Whether they are hired disinformation artists, or regulars supporting Progressive propaganda, one thing is for sure:

They are soldiers in the Liberal Army, determined to subvert America by deception, and ultimately through force. Deception will be their tool to disarm us, force will be their tool after they disarmed us.

See the rise of: Communist Party in Russia under Stalin. Rise of Communist Party in China under Mao. Rise of National Socialist Party under Hitler in Germany. Rise of Fidel Castro, Rise of Pol Pot.

See these people come to power claiming they want to "help" everyone. Once their grasp on power is secured, they immediately dispense with the charade and start massacring political opponents by the millions. The IRS/NSA is in the common historical stage of where the KGB/SS was when they were first erected.
In this area, we have begun a movement to return the "Common Law Grand Jury" that the SCOTUS upheld. This Grand Jury is of the people, independent of the Judiciary and will ferret out Judicial corruption. Another movement is to seek to have any jury in Connecticut to annul the law requiring registration. An information drive is getting underway to get this information to every citizen of Connecticut so that if they get called to sit a jury on a felony charge for failure to register a gun, they will know the real law and act appropriately.


Good luck with that. See how far ya get.

I was acquitted for having an unloaded shotgun (inside a case, could have been a guitar so far as anyone knew) over my back when I walked into a Dunkin Donuts in New York. I was acquitted because three of the jurors simply refused to convict. The jury hung. Upon re-trial five jurors hung.

Btw -- this is New York.

I'm so glad that newspapers on Long Island/NY/Northeast Coast refused to have it printed. Apparently Tom Cruise and adding a ride to Six Flags in New Jersey was more important to report upon that week.
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