Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

And according to the same DoJ crime statistics over 2,700,000 crimes each year are prevented by civilians having firearms.

Stats for how many crimes are prevented by guns are highly flawed.
Do guns make us safer? - CNN.com

232,000 guns are stolen each year. That's a pretty good source for crime. So are owners really doing more against or for crime? Supplying them with 232,000 guns a year is certainly helping crime.
It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?

When has a long standing democracy ever had a revolution?
Don't know since WE aren't one.
It is interesting that people will point out the circumstances of the past and then say that today, that couldn't happen.

But we are not talking about the circumstances. We are talking about the spirit, or motivation of the people who achieve these great things.

During the American Revolution, a significant portion of the population did not partake in the rebellion, and many thought of themselves as British citizens. Right up to the point where the rebels won and found themselves to be an Independent nation.

I offer this up as a counter to the inevitable argument that will come that says, "Not enough of the population will back a revolution."

In any revolution in history, it was never a majority of the population that won the day...But enough of them to make a difference.

Has America lost that?

When has a long standing democracy ever had a revolution?
Don't know since WE aren't one.

I don't think you'll come up with one.
Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

And according to the same DoJ crime statistics over 2,700,000 crimes each year are prevented by civilians having firearms.

Stats for how many crimes are prevented by guns are highly flawed.
Do guns make us safer? - CNN.com

232,000 guns are stolen each year. That's a pretty good source for crime. So are owners really doing more against or for crime? Supplying them with 232,000 guns a year is certainly helping crime.
Sounds like to me there is a CRIMINAL problem, NO? WHY make it sound like it is the GUN OWNER'S fault? Hmm?
I fear it. lol

People taking the law into their own hands don't usually get too far. Nothing to fear there.

Jury Nullification generally voided the Fugitive Slave Laws before the Civil War, even though the Fugitive Slave Clause was in the Constitution itself (90%+ acquittal in the North, and 70% acquittal in the South).

Progressives realized that even those things written into the Constitution can be voided by a Jury, so when they passed the 216th Amendment (Income Tax), they made it impossible to obtain a Trial by a Jury of your Peers to contest income tax laws.

However, Progressives forgot to do the same from the Prohibition on alcohol. The result was that prosecuting people for the trade/consumption of alcohol led to the voiding and REPEAL of that clause too (again, 90%+ acquittal).

Today, Jury Nullification is the peaceful method being employed by the people (albeit unorganized) against the War on the Drugs. Often, young people, who are uneducated because of Public Government School, accept Plea Deals in the face of charge stacking, skipping a Jury Trial. Yet, statistics show that if you go to Jury Trial, you will most likely be acquitted via a hung jury.

Even Think Progress has recognized this, since New Hampshire MADE Jury Nullification the LAW OF THE LAND in 2012:
6 Policy Stances Scott Brown Will Need To Change To Align With New Hampshire Voters | ThinkProgress

New Hampshire made a deeply controversial move in 2012 to enable jury nullification, which allows juries to nullify charges if they disagree with the law. In New Hampshire, this has played out as a way to protest drug laws. The House has also passed a bill to make New Hampshire the third state to legalize and tax marijuana (though the Senate is unlikely to approve it). Brown has opposed medical marijuana in the past and proposed a bill to effectively recriminalize marijuana possession as a Massachusetts state senator — a history he may have to disavow to win over the 60 percent of New Hampshire adults who support legalization.

Jury Nullification is also what keeps the press free. No Jury is going to unanimously convict professional or amateur or citizen journalist.
I'm depressed, but more mad. I've got to go drive around town and my District is two to one in favor of Democrats. Meaning, I have to drive on streets that are two to one blathering idiots like the ones on this thread!! Wish me luck, please?
And according to the same DoJ crime statistics over 2,700,000 crimes each year are prevented by civilians having firearms.

Stats for how many crimes are prevented by guns are highly flawed.
Do guns make us safer? - CNN.com

232,000 guns are stolen each year. That's a pretty good source for crime. So are owners really doing more against or for crime? Supplying them with 232,000 guns a year is certainly helping crime.
Sounds like to me there is a CRIMINAL problem, NO? WHY make it sound like it is the GUN OWNER'S fault? Hmm?

And thanks to gun owners we have a lot more armed criminals. Sounds like they are part of the problem.
I see thread after thread by Conservatives whining about Obama taking our rights and destroying American freedom, which proves that millions of well-regulated gun owners are nothing but a bunch of pussies.


Are you claiming that the situation in American has deteriorated so great, that resorting to Force of Arms is the only remaining remedy?

The use of Second Amendment right to Restore the Rule of Law is a last resort, as seen in 1946, in the Battle of Athens, Tennessee.
Yes, I am a veteran, and that's why I know that the US military will roll over you gun owners in a heartbeat. You chimps aren't even on the same level as the Iraqi military and they fell in less than two weeks. You bitches don't even have the balls to play weekend warriors, let alone try to sustain a guerrilla revolution against your own government.
Provide proof of you identity as a veteran.

It seems EVERY veteran I talk to is either an Oathkeeper or indistinguishable from one.

And for the few that aren't, I have yet to meet a SINGLE veteran that delights in massacring Americans for defending their right to bear arms.

Have you seen how many generals have either resigned or have been fired under Obama?
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Waste of time with that one, DW.
I know, but its always worth at least ONE try....I don't think I've ever shown this one the truth about the Second Amendment...


It's funny that posters like @KNB jump from thread to thread making the same remarks, then they get exposed as a either wrong or severely misguided, then they go to the next thread and repeat the same lie verbatim, HOPING that we won't catch them (logged off or sleeping).

Whether they are hired disinformation artists, or regulars supporting Progressive propaganda, one thing is for sure:

They are soldiers in the Liberal Army, determined to subvert America by deception, and ultimately through force. Deception will be their tool to disarm us, force will be their tool after they disarmed us.

See the rise of: Communist Party in Russia under Stalin. Rise of Communist Party in China under Mao. Rise of National Socialist Party under Hitler in Germany. Rise of Fidel Castro, Rise of Pol Pot.

See these people come to power claiming they want to "help" everyone. Once their grasp on power is secured, they immediately dispense with the charade and start massacring political opponents by the millions. The IRS/NSA is in the common historical stage of where the KGB/SS was when they were first erected.
Which is why the violation of the rule of law by any administration is so egregious.
So just throw in the towel and capitulate to the tyranny we live in...about right? THAT is what you're spouting here.

No. I'm saying countries where people vote don't need revolutions.
Iraq would disagree with you.

Well I did specify long standing. Sure forced democracies that we create have problems. Can you name some country with long standing voting rights that ever had a revolution?
Iraq would disagree with you.

Well I did specify long standing. Sure forced democracies that we create have problems. Can you name some country with long standing voting rights that ever had a revolution?
FORCED Democracies, Gracie? How can one IMPOSE liberty? I never figured that out...:eusa_hand:

Did Iraq citizens bring about change in the country or did we impose our will on them?

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