Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

Gun parts store. Different than a "gun store".

Get your facts straight.

over the weekend the ATF went back to the judge

got an ex parte order and then went and raided the store


yeah the owner was not present for it either

they broke in with a crow bar

there are several youtubes of it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRQ3Yk-th0E]Ares Armor Raid National City, Ca - YouTube[/ame]
notice they (ATF) did not take the supposed "illegal items"

but rather the records of who may have purchased products

from the business
The scenarios you describe are rare. Inner city thugs make up the lions share of murders committed with firearms.
The way to stop those is a mandatory sentence of say thirty years for a crime committed with a firearm and the death penalty for murders committed with a firearm.
Stop penalizing legal gun owners because they aren't the problem.

Wrong. The majority of gun deaths (6 in 10) are suicide, by "responsible" gun owners. Gun deaths are down significantly.

Obviously we need to get the guns out of the hands of registered owners who own them and shouldn't.

And since guns used in other deaths are primarily stolen, we need to tighten laws to keep registered, so-called responsible gun owners from letting their guns get stolen.

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project

I dont really care about suicides. If they dont have a gun they'll just close the garage door and leave the engine running.
Anyone who can read knows full well that most gun deaths are perpetrated by thugs and not law abiding gun owners.
And I'm glad you agree that homicides are are down due to the popularity of the CHL.

It's pretty simple. If you are caught with a stolen firearm or commit crimes with a firearm the penalties should be severe. As in,you wont be out of prison until you're an old man/women severe.
Stop blaming law abiding gun owners.

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