Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.
Was that John's little brother?

John Dillinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

And that too is un-constitutional. My but you progressives just hate the rule of law don't you...
Only when it suits them.
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

And that too is un-constitutional. My but you progressives just hate the rule of law don't you...

The costs of guns is in the constitution? Who knew? :cuckoo:

As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

And that too is un-constitutional. My but you progressives just hate the rule of law don't you...

The costs of guns is in the constitution? Who knew? :cuckoo:

Shall not infringe means just that. Charging more to price people out is an Infringement.
We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.


In other words, only the rich will have guns.

Is there a reason why the ideas of Progressives always make the elite more powerful and the masses more impoverished?
The costs of guns is in the constitution? Who knew? :cuckoo:

Shall not infringe means just that. Charging more to price people out is an Infringement.

Some could argue any price that is being charged is pricing people out. It becomes a matter of degrees argument.

All the more reason we need the 2nd Amendment , people wanting to take things away.

It is conceivable that when this nation was formed no words to paper could possibly set right from wrong.
As it was America was formed illegally by breaking England's Laws.
But they knew right from wrong. I for one know writing down rules is not going to make people understand right from wrong and you are proof.
The law abiding should not suffer because of the law breaker.
Making laws just to make a population law breakers is beneath any educated persons intelligence.
So as gun laws seems to have another agenda other than saving lives one now believes owning guns is necessary as true intentions are not honorable.
You here stories about other things that cause more deaths than guns. Like Bikes, sports,
swimming, cars and the like who knows but we cannot trust having overzealousness removing weapons needed to hold back the bad guy and maybe some day Tyranny.
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The costs of guns is in the constitution? Who knew? :cuckoo:


The power to tax involves the power to destroy." Chief Justice John Marshall - McCulloch v. Maryland.

It's a maxim of American law that taxation being used for the purposes of destruction --- of any right --- is an infringement.

The Stamp Act (pre Revolution) was a direct infringement on Freedom of the Press, making mass public dissemination of articles/newspapers/journals all but impossible.

Under your premise, the Congress could destroy the press today by passing a 21st century of the Stamp Act (including things like a "Bandwidth Act" "Texting Act" etc).

Even more embarrassing for yourself, under your current premise, you have ENDORSED and DEFENDED the King George's Stamp Act as JUST and REASONABLE.

So, you want an authoritarian and unconstitutional policy and only empowers the rich and wealthy, connected and powerful, to keep and bear firearms.

You're a Communist pig.

Move to Red China or Cuba, where you can't have guns and the Government proclaims that it loves the People.

[MENTION=5176]RetiredGySgt[/MENTION] [MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] [MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION]

I'm going to bed, some mop up what remains of this punk [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]
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We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

Really? So the 2nd means nothing to you. You can't tax the shit out of something without that being an infringement.

The ends justify any means with you people,really sad and wrong.
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

Really? So the 2nd means nothing to you. You can't tax the shit out of something without that being an infringement.

The ends justify any means with you people,really sad and wrong.
That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

Really? So the 2nd means nothing to you. You can't tax the shit out of something without that being an infringement.

The ends justify any means with you people,really sad and wrong.
That is the progressive way. Make laws in an attempt to circumvent the Constitution. They've been doing it for over 100 years. How do you think we got here?
"Progressive" Hero:

Why I'm for the Brady Bill

By Ronald Reagan

Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com


"Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

Ronald Reagan. Gun Grabber.
So what? 2nd amendment doesn't say UNLESS YOU ARE A CRIMINAL YOU CAN'T OWN A WEAPON. I know someone who can't get a permit simply because 4 years ago they got into it with their MIL and BOTH were arrested and the charges were dropped and they haven't been in trouble since then...the only gun law I abide by is the 2nd amendment it very clearly says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Well, you're not alone. Many others believe they are above the law and many of those are in prison.

Others are retired cops shooting people in movie theaters.

Retired Florida cop in deadly theater shooting was ALSO texting moments before pulling the trigger: officials - NY Daily News
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

By that logic poll taxes are legal then.
I'd have read the article but the FORCED AUDIO ADVERTISEMENT drove me off the page.
How many of you gun owners hold substantial rank in the well-regulated militia?

Why do you gun owners claim to love the 2nd Amendment if you only follow the last half of it?

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