Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

what part of "a well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while bush was torturing pows to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

wow, you really are over the edge stupid!!
Good answer, Republican. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia?
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

James Dillinger.......??????

never heard about him, what was he known for ??
what part of "a well-regulated militia" do gun owners not understand? Those are the first words of the 2nd amendment, before "shall not be infringed".

How many of you gun owners are members of the militia? Do any of you want to argue that armed citizens are the militia? What is the purpose of your well-regulated militia? To fight government tyranny? If that is true, then you should all be convicted of dereliction of duty for standing around with your thumbs in your asses while bush was torturing pows to death in secret prisons during a war that was started over complete lies.

wow, you really are over the edge stupid!!
Good answer, Republican. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia?
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Even if "crazy fucks" weren't allowed to legally buy guns they would steal them,buy them illegally. Banning guns won't change that...then only criminals would have guns. That's what makes them criminals to begin with they follow no laws...you ban guns you just make criminals out of MILLIONS of formally law abiding citizens.Most people who go through the effort of putting their own rifle together do it so the government will mind its own damn business.


As if someone who goes the speed limit, pays her taxes, signals when she turns left, abides by every law that she is aware of...is going to become James Dillinger if she can't have a gun?


We have the 2nd Amendment so there is no way to get rid of guns. What you should do is tax the crapolla out of them and make them unattractive due to cost.

James Dillinger.......??????

never heard about him, what was he known for ??
John's little brother...
wow, you really are over the edge stupid!!
Good answer, Republican. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia?
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Waste of time with that one, DW.
In this area, we have begun a movement to return the "Common Law Grand Jury" that the SCOTUS upheld. This Grand Jury is of the people, independent of the Judiciary and will ferret out Judicial corruption. Another movement is to seek to have any jury in Connecticut to annul the law requiring registration. An information drive is getting underway to get this information to every citizen of Connecticut so that if they get called to sit a jury on a felony charge for failure to register a gun, they will know the real law and act appropriately.


Good luck with that. See how far ya get.
Good answer, Republican. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia?
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Waste of time with that one, DW.
I know, but its always worth at least ONE try....I don't think I've ever shown this one the truth about the Second Amendment...
In this area, we have begun a movement to return the "Common Law Grand Jury" that the SCOTUS upheld. This Grand Jury is of the people, independent of the Judiciary and will ferret out Judicial corruption. Another movement is to seek to have any jury in Connecticut to annul the law requiring registration. An information drive is getting underway to get this information to every citizen of Connecticut so that if they get called to sit a jury on a felony charge for failure to register a gun, they will know the real law and act appropriately.


Good luck with that. See how far ya get.
So you fear it. Good to know.

After all, if our government no longer has to enforce the laws that it passes, why not just let juries decide which laws should be acceptable. After all, its all good. The rule of law has been tossed out the window anyway.
Good answer, Republican. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia?
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Waste of time with that one, DW.
Aw, no comment on your favorite

gun grabber?
In this area, we have begun a movement to return the "Common Law Grand Jury" that the SCOTUS upheld. This Grand Jury is of the people, independent of the Judiciary and will ferret out Judicial corruption. Another movement is to seek to have any jury in Connecticut to annul the law requiring registration. An information drive is getting underway to get this information to every citizen of Connecticut so that if they get called to sit a jury on a felony charge for failure to register a gun, they will know the real law and act appropriately.


Good luck with that. See how far ya get.
So you fear it. Good to know.

After all, if our government no longer has to enforce the laws that it passes, why not just let juries decide which laws should be acceptable. After all, its all good. The rule of law has been tossed out the window anyway.
I fear it. lol

People taking the law into their own hands don't usually get too far. Nothing to fear there.
Let's see your precious link which explains why the first words of the 2nd Amendment don't apply to a single US gun owner.
I can disprove your 'well regulated militia' nonsense with a single link. Will you read it or will I just be wasting My time? If I post it and you don't read all of it, you will owe Me 27.50.....US dollars.
Waste of time with that one, DW.
I know, but its always worth at least ONE try....I don't think I've ever shown this one the truth about the Second Amendment...
Some of us already know it...but I guess if this one can be saved, the word might be spread...but my cynical side says it is a waste of time judging from it's prior posting history. Good form by the way.
An excerpt from the primer..

Those responsible for the adoption of the Second Amendment accepted the individual right of self-defense as the natural basis for the right to arms. Like William Blackstone, and no doubt heavily influenced by him and other natural rights theorists, the people who gave us the Second Amendment drew no fundamental distinction between an individual's right to defend himself against a robber or a marauding Indian and that same individual's right to band together with others in a state-regulated militia. The inseparability of these concepts was reflected in two early state constitutions, which provided: "That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state . . . ."26 The breadth of the purpose of the right to arms was also apparent in the very first proposal for a bill of rights, which came from an Anti-Federalist minority at the Pennsylvania ratifying convention. The right to arms provision in this proposal reads:
That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and their own State, or the United States, or for the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them, unless for crimes committed, or real danger of public injury from individuals; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military shall be kept under strict subordination to and be governed by the civil power.27
The Pennsylvania minority report became an influential Anti-Federalist document, and it appears to have reflected typical republican concerns. Virtually every proposal for a bill of rights included a right to arms (which appeared with twice the frequency of demands for protecting the freedom of speech). Additional language praising the militia was added only in three states that acted late in the ratification process.28
Waste of time with that one, DW.
I know, but its always worth at least ONE try....I don't think I've ever shown this one the truth about the Second Amendment...
Some of us already know it...but I guess if this one can be saved, the word might be spread...but my cynical side says it is a waste of time judging from it's prior posting history. Good form by the way.
Thanks....I should know better, but I have yet to read a post here that sets Me in a funk and become uncivil to everyone. One of the many reasons I really need to take a hiatus from these forums.
And this, which is almost prophetic in that it speaks directly to those who would steal your rights away from you today, not just 235 years ago..

Contrary to a widespread misconception, moreover, violent crime is not reduced by disarmament laws aimed at the general population. The founder of modern criminology, Cesare Beccaria, offered the essential insight that explains this phenomenon over two centuries ago:
False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils, except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.30
Yeah, that doesn't answer a fucking thing. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia? How often do you train? Note: a firing range is not militia training. And what is the stated goal of your militia?
Yeah, that doesn't answer a fucking thing. What's your rank in the well-regulated militia? How often do you train? Note: a firing range is not militia training. And what is the stated goal of your militia?

It not only is a primer for the Second Amendment, but a short lesson on the English language. It seems you failed both.

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