Feds Foul Founder's Fairness Foray, Adopt Antiquated Authoritarianism

Did you thunk all that out on your own, White Man? That is some pretty powerful cypherin' you is doin'.
You aren't by any chance Native American, are you? You sound like an old western, and if disagreeing, you might next say white man speak with forked tongue.:auiqs.jpg:
Well now, White Man, I shore enuff sugjest you git used to it cuz I is am talking about equal protecshun under that thar law!
The constitution was designed to protect the citizens from government abuse.
This is a very difficult concept for crazy banana republic Democrat cultists to understand.
On Jan 6 the corrupt democrat congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's capital police opened the doors and waved people through.
That is not an insurrection.
That is not even trespassing.
The politically motivated Prosecutors have abused their power against the Defendents.
They are not getting a speedy trial.
They are being held much longer than people with much more serious crimes.
I hope that they get their asses sued off.
Calling what happened an "insurrection" is fine as long as you do not have a problem with stretching a term to the point where it has lost all meaning. The left likes to do that. For example, quite a few leaders on the left have repeatedly called multiple GOP members "insurrectionists", "Nazis", "fascists", "election deniers", etc.. It is all perfectly stupid. Frankly, I have got some advice for you: if you are going to accuse someone of being a Nazi, then they better be gassing Jews.

I agree with this completely.

Nobody went to the J6 rally to overthrow the federal government. Nobody is THAT stupid. There were some troublemakers, but no more than at any other rally. Nothing was overthrown nor was there ever any danger of anything being overthrown. Your claim is factually incorrect.
People did go to the capital with the intent of keeping Trump as president...which is an attack on our country and constitution.

Many were simply caught up in the emotion of the moment but those people are not being charged with seditious conspiracy. If they were charging everyone with seditious conspiracy then I could see the issue...but they are not.

That said, I can see your point where it may be innacurate to claim the entire spectacle was an insurrection but certainly there were insurrectionist elements in that crowd who were surrounded by those independently caught up in the moment.
For trespassing?
Mellis is showing his drinking water in DC jail.

Jonathan Mellis was arrested on February 16, 2021, a month after the January 6 protests in Washington DC.
Jon pleaded not guilty to all charges against him after his arrest. He has been held in prison for nearly two years now without trial.
Well now, White Man, I shore enuff sugjest you git used to it cuz I is am talking about equal protecshun under that thar law!
I'm just as sorry as I can be, but I been to a lot of places, states civilian cities, military bases, open road interstate and state highways and roads. I have seen different enforcement, and it is what it is. You should get used to it. Hell, I got plucked out the field by helicopter to appear in Federal Court for going 1 mile over the speed limit, wearing dress blues on my way to a formal dining in. I paid up, like a good young officer, and went back to the field, on the evening log-pack run. Equal treatment never entered my mind. I did have nasty thoughts of the Spec 4 MP, but 1 mile over is one mile over. He got me fair and square, though I have never heard of anybody else getting a one mile over ticket, if not talking sht, like some privileged asshole, and I wasn't stayin at that base much longer or even in that state or Federal jurisdiction. You just need to realize, you can be held accountable whether everybody else gets held accountable or not. You can fk around some places and skate, while others will find your ass in jail or a hospital or the morgue.
For trespassing?
Mellis is showing his drinking water in DC jail.

Jonathan Mellis was arrested on February 16, 2021, a month after the January 6 protests in Washington DC.
Jon pleaded not guilty to all charges against him after his arrest. He has been held in prison for nearly two years now without trial.
The guy who beat police with a stick is awaiting trial. Oh the horror.

BTW, he pleaded guilty.
No. I just don't give a sht that you say it got out of hand. It happened. That is what was wrong. You assholes need to maintain control of your actions or take responsibility for your actions and suffer the consequences of your actions if you are an adult in a society, living under laws and under our constitution. If you can't, you should just hang with the liquor and auto parts store looting scum and hope you don't get caught or are not stupid enough to film yourself and publish the vids, but definitely reframe from half-baked attacks on our Capital. If you can do that honey, more power to ya. If not, tough sht. I am sure there are federal jail cells that are empty for you.
I know you don't give a shit, you're Uber alles government authority, you'll be with them crushing anyone that opposes them regardless of right or wrong. You've proven that by agreeing with what they've done in abusing their power in the sentencing handed out for mere trespassing. The majority were charged with trespassing, and the government abused its power to put much more harsh penalties than have ever been seen in any trespassing charges in any other situation. What's they're excuse for not charging them with a harsher crime that would match the sentencing? Why couldn't they do that, you're insisting it was more than trespassing, so why weren't harsher charges brought, please explain your position. TDS isn't a reason. And who are ' you assholes'? You want your opinion to be taken seriously, yet your bias and TDS are so ridiculous that you're willing to punish people for who they support, how very American of you. You don't even see your own pathetic vindictiveness and that it's out of control.
I know you don't give a shit, you're Uber alles government authority, you'll be with them crushing anyone that opposes them regardless of right or wrong. You've proven that by agreeing with what they've done in abusing their power in the sentencing handed out for mere trespassing. The majority were charged with trespassing, and the government abused its power to put much more harsh penalties than have ever been seen in any trespassing charges in any other situation. What's they're excuse for not charging them with a harsher crime that would match the sentencing? Why couldn't they do that, you're insisting it was more than trespassing, so why weren't harsher charges brought, please explain your position. TDS isn't a reason. And who are ' you assholes'? You want your opinion to be taken seriously, yet your bias and TDS are so ridiculous that you're willing to punish people for who they support, how very American of you. You don't even see your own pathetic vindictiveness and that it's out of control.
I've pretty well gone with our government for good or bad for almost 69 years, our constitution and laws also, for the most part. I know what they were doing, attacking the Capital and do not approve. Penalties much harsher than any other situation? Fine with me. This wasn't any other situation in the last hundred and fifty years or more.
Why not charge them with harsher crime? That would have something to do with what they could prove. I call that good prosecutorial discretion. I hate it when they try to run a charge list beyond reality, pissing off the jury, the judge and everybody else, hoping something will stick. I was foreman on a jury at the trial of a young man, where they tried to without enough evidence for most of the charges. You could say, I made the point in the jury room until everybody was equally pissed at the overreach and led them to clear of all charges, as jury nullification can be a two-way street, not just something for the defense, but the prosecutorial indiscretion and attempt to railroad, nullified me to the point, I would have rather jailed the prosecutor and maybe a deputy sheriff or two.
Who are "you assholes"? Anybody and everybody that participate or approves of what Trump and the MAGA assholes of that day were attempting to do, in the way they attempted to do it, plus the whiners of how the guilty were mistreated by the justice system, they invited themselves to, by their actions. When you lose as the polls, the state governor's offices or attorney generals offices, and a myriad of court cases where his lawyers either tried to present no evidence, had no evidence, only had evidence easily dismissed as bogus or hearsay, or denied they were even attempting to prove of charge what they told on FOX NEWS or the courthouse steps for fear of being disbarred for malfeasance at the bar, you have lost, and the rest is just whining sore loser bullsht of little kids crying because they did not get their way, this time at the urging of Donny and his inside crew of anti-American scum. I hate it that some were too stupid to know any better than to believe the BS from their leader, but stupid is as stupid does and mob stupidity usually turns out bad.
I would only punish those found guilty after being prosecuted in the court. There are lots of trump supporters the were not there that day. Sure, I blame them not recognizing his lack of character before the 2016 election, but of course, he was running against Hillary, and she was no better, when it came to character and could have turned out to be even worse in office, as she easily has 30 IQ points on that asshole and knew the government inside and out, making her potentially far more dangerous.
I've pretty well gone with our government for good or bad for almost 69 years, our constitution and laws also, for the most part. I know what they were doing, attacking the Capital and do not approve. Penalties much harsher than any other situation? Fine with me. This wasn't any other situation in the last hundred and fifty years or more.
Why not charge them with harsher crime? That would have something to do with what they could prove. I call that good prosecutorial discretion. I hate it when they try to run a charge list beyond reality, pissing off the jury, the judge and everybody else, hoping something will stick. I was foreman on a jury at the trial of a young man, where they tried to without enough evidence for most of the charges. You could say, I made the point in the jury room until everybody was equally pissed at the overreach and led them to clear of all charges, as jury nullification can be a two-way street, not just something for the defense, but the prosecutorial indiscretion and attempt to railroad, nullified me to the point, I would have rather jailed the prosecutor and maybe a deputy sheriff or two.
Who are "you assholes"? Anybody and everybody that participate or approves of what Trump and the MAGA assholes of that day were attempting to do, in the way they attempted to do it, plus the whiners of how the guilty were mistreated by the justice system, they invited themselves to, by their actions. When you lose as the polls, the state governor's offices or attorney generals offices, and a myriad of court cases where his lawyers either tried to present no evidence, had no evidence, only had evidence easily dismissed as bogus or hearsay, or denied they were even attempting to prove of charge what they told on FOX NEWS or the courthouse steps for fear of being disbarred for malfeasance at the bar, you have lost, and the rest is just whining sore loser bullsht of little kids crying because they did not get their way, this time at the urging of Donny and his inside crew of anti-American scum. I hate it that some were too stupid to know any better than to believe the BS from their leader, but stupid is as stupid does and mob stupidity usually turns out bad.
I would only punish those found guilty after being prosecuted in the court. There are lots of trump supporters the were not there that day. Sure, I blame them not recognizing his lack of character before the 2016 election, but of course, he was running against Hillary, and she was no better, when it came to character and could have turned out to be even worse in office, as she easily has 30 IQ points on that asshole and knew the government inside and out, making her potentially far more dangerous.
That's certainly a long winded response to reiterate that you don't believe in equal justice under the law, and that you have nothing to back up your support of harsh sentencing without the equivalent charge to go with it, because this event was somehow "special" and merited special treatment. The facts are that the feds couldn't charge the majority with anything but trespass since that's all they did, period. Then found corrupt judges to pass sentencing that far outweighed the charges. You're biased, and you can't see past your bias, simple as that. You support tyranny because you've gotten your paycheck from the feds your entire life, you're one of them. You also believe every lie they've put out, not very bright or discerning.
That's certainly a long winded response to reiterate that you don't believe in equal justice under the law, and that you have nothing to back up your support of harsh sentencing without the equivalent charge to go with it, because this event was somehow "special" and merited special treatment. The facts are that the feds couldn't charge the majority with anything but trespass since that's all they did, period. Then found corrupt judges to pass sentencing that far outweighed the charges. You're biased, and you can't see past your bias, simple as that. You support tyranny because you've gotten your paycheck from the feds your entire life, you're one of them. You also believe every lie they've put out, not very bright or discerning.
So I like harsh sentences. Lots of people do. I don't have to present argument. Seen any of the sentence overturned as outside the law? I haven't. Corrupt judges? Unfair sentences? Where are the appeals? None? Maybe just you crying about it. Many that pleaded guilty admitted remorse for their actions and some were ashamed. I would be too, in their place. You should be for whining about it for them. You are biased, and can't see past your bias, simple as that. I only got a government paycheck working for about 22 years. Don't expect me to apologize. I literally recovered millions in lost property, that hadn't been located for one unit, that hadn't been seen in years, just by knowing how the system worked and where to look, far more than you ever paid me, ya cheesy asshole. Some of us were very good at what we did. In my case, it was why they called me, being outside the system at the time, but knowing it and still known at the time to know it.

Oh, ye of little faith and poor of spirit. I still believe in my country. You should run for office and clean up part of the problem or move to a country you believe in. I did my part. You just never stepped up, and now whine for everybody that wants to have it their way or will just try to take it. You strike me as a very poor specimen of an American.

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