Feds Foul Founder's Fairness Foray, Adopt Antiquated Authoritarianism

Yeah, you can beat the hell out of people on the NY subway and get turned loose with no charges, but don't dare to enter the people's house without approval from the authoritarians or you'll be held without bail for over a year, be sentenced to fines, time, probation, and be put at the top of the federal terrorist watch list. And that was done to someone who didn't even enter the building, so imagine what they're doing to those who did. They're definitely sending the message to not fuck with them or they'll abuse their power to make your life miserable, definitely what the founding fathers envisioned for the federal government. :rolleyes:
It sucks to not be able to attack the capital, for you, I'm sure. But, I think you are seeing the difference, whether you like it or not. Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations." Sounds like you do. Go forth and enjoy life.
Yes. Who in that partison rant is being treated unfairly and still in jail after only having trespassed as the OPer claimed?

Please be specific.

Why don't you educate yourself and do some research on the timelines and sentences of people arrested for being on the capitol grounds that day, then you may not appear as much of an idiot by asking stupid questions, but I doubt it.
It sucks to not be able to attack the capital, for you, I'm sure. But, I think you are seeing the difference, whether you like it or not. Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations." Sounds like you do. Go forth and enjoy life.

Unfortunately for you, you buy in to the lie that January 6th was an 'insurrection', when it was a protest that got out of hand. Nobody went to the capitol that day with the intention of overthrowing the government, if you really believe that then you're more of a fool than I already think you are. You're also a fool if you believe that a few thousand unarmed people are even capable of overthrowing the government to begin with. Apparently you haven't watched any of the videos from that day of people just walking around in the halls, trespassing was their crime and that's what they were charged with. Lady Justice had her blindfold ripped off when dealing with the people that were there that day, compared to other people that have been charged with trespassing anywhere else in the United states. The fact that you seem to think that there's something special about that trespassing, that they deserved more severe punishment, shows that you have no sense of what justice even is, or constitutionalism.

In your opinion, the US government is sacrosanct, and never to be questioned, their authority is absolute.. That is also not in the constitution. You would have definitely sided with king George in the fight for freedom from authoritarianism.
Why don't you educate yourself and do some research on the timelines and sentences of people arrested for being on the capitol grounds that day, then you may not appear as much of an idiot by asking stupid questions, but I doubt it.
The OPer claimed...

"First, the defendants are for the most part charged with low-level misdemeanor offenses like trespass. Yet, the court refuses to set bond, essentially causing them to serve a sentence for a crime of which they have not been convicted."

Its not my job to validate claims of another poster. That is their job.

Give me a name of someone who is being treated unfairly and I will gladly research his/her situation.
The OPer claimed...

"First, the defendants are for the most part charged with low-level misdemeanor offenses like trespass. Yet, the court refuses to set bond, essentially causing them to serve a sentence for a crime of which they have not been convicted."

Its not my job to validate claims of another poster. That is their job.

Give me a name of someone who is being treated unfairly and I will gladly research his/her situation.
This poster is apparently too stupid to do research for themselves. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately for you, you buy in to the lie that January 6th was an 'insurrection', when it was a protest that got out of hand. Nobody went to the capitol that day with the intention of overthrowing the government, if you really believe that then you're more of a fool than I already think you are. You're also a fool if you believe that a few thousand unarmed people are even capable of overthrowing the government to begin with. Apparently you haven't watched any of the videos from that day of people just walking around in the halls, trespassing was their crime and that's what they were charged with. Lady Justice had her blindfold ripped off when dealing with the people that were there that day, compared to other people that have been charged with trespassing anywhere else in the United states. The fact that you seem to think that there's something special about that trespassing, that they deserved more severe punishment, shows that you have no sense of what justice even is, or constitutionalism.

In your opinion, the US government is sacrosanct, and never to be questioned, their authority is absolute.. That is also not in the constitution. You would have definitely sided with king George in the fight for freedom from authoritarianism.
I believe they went there to disrupt the accepting of the electoral college vote into the congressional record as is required by our constitution and in accordance with our laws. Some weapons were brought, but not used, others picked up onsite. An attack ensued, with some screaming to hang the VP and maybe Pelosi, while Capital defenders were attack, windows and door of the Capital destroyed, offices ransacked, the floor of one of the chambers briefly occupied and people died and others hospitalized before the attack was defeated, and the attackers dispelled (all while President Donny refused to call it off), many to be arrested for their attack on our seat of government then and later as video evidence mounted. I don't care what you say they came for. It was wrong and Un-American to attack our Capital. They get what they get, and I don't give a shit about them, if they rot in jail or never find gainful employment again with their records of this Un-American attack to their names. Personally, I think there are members of congress and people in the executive branch at the time, that should be sharing a cell with them, due to their support or possibly involvement, but know, it won't happen. :(
I believe they went there to disrupt the accepting of the electoral college vote into the congressional record as is required by our constitution and in accordance with our laws. Some weapons were brought, but not used, others picked up onsite. An attack ensued, with some screaming to hang the VP and maybe Pelosi, while Capital defenders were attack, windows and door of the Capital destroyed, offices ransacked, the floor of one of the chambers briefly occupied and people died and others hospitalized before the attack was defeated, and the attackers dispelled (all while President Donny refused to call it off), many to be arrested for their attack on our seat of government then and later as video evidence mounted. I don't care what you say they came for. It was wrong and Un-American to attack our Capital. They get what they get, and I don't give a shit about them, if they rot in jail or never find gainful employment again with their records of this Un-American attack to their names. Personally, I think there are members of congress and people in the executive branch at the time, that should be sharing a cell with them, due to their support or possibly involvement, but know, it won't happen. :(

You just regurgitated what you said in the initial post that I quoted, nothing new. You just won't simply accept the fact that it was a protest that got out of hand, you buy into the propaganda that it was a an insurrection or an attack, then you close your eyes to the fact that these people who are charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing were dealt with much harshly than anyone else that is charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing. Tell me, why weren't these people charged with more than trespassing if it was what you said it was? I hope you get a taste of your own medicine some day and others sit by and do nothing or applaud the authoritarianism that is causing your misery. Karma is a bitch.

Again, you seem to think that the US government is sacrosanct and an absolute authority that can never be questioned or overturned for any reason. That is not constitutional, you do not believe in a constitutional Republic you believe in authoritarianism.
It sucks to not be able to attack the capital, for you, I'm sure. But, I think you are seeing the difference, whether you like it or not. Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations." Sounds like you do. Go forth and enjoy life.
Progs do not understand the loss of unalienable rights. You will. Getting freedoms back is a lot harder than staying vigilant to preserve them.
You just regurgitated what you said in the initial post that I quoted, nothing new. You just won't simply accept the fact that it was a protest that got out of hand, you buy into the propaganda that it was a an insurrection or an attack, then you close your eyes to the fact that these people who are charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing were dealt with much harshly than anyone else that is charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing. Tell me, why weren't these people charged with more than trespassing if it was what you said it was? I hope you get a taste of your own medicine some day and others sit by and do nothing or applaud the authoritarianism that is causing your misery. Karma is a bitch.

Again, you seem to think that the US government is sacrosanct and an absolute authority that can never be questioned or overturned for any reason. That is not constitutional, you do not believe in a constitutional Republic you believe in authoritarianism.
No. I just don't give a sht that you say it got out of hand. It happened. That is what was wrong. You assholes need to maintain control of your actions or take responsibility for your actions and suffer the consequences of your actions if you are an adult in a society, living under laws and under our constitution. If you can't, you should just hang with the liquor and auto parts store looting scum and hope you don't get caught or are not stupid enough to film yourself and publish the vids, but definitely reframe from half-baked attacks on our Capital. If you can do that honey, more power to ya. If not, tough sht. I am sure there are federal jail cells that are empty for you.
You just regurgitated what you said in the initial post that I quoted, nothing new. You just won't simply accept the fact that it was a protest that got out of hand, you buy into the propaganda that it was a an insurrection or an attack, then you close your eyes to the fact that these people who are charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing were dealt with much harshly than anyone else that is charged with the misdemeanor of trespassing. Tell me, why weren't these people charged with more than trespassing if it was what you said it was? I hope you get a taste of your own medicine some day and others sit by and do nothing or applaud the authoritarianism that is causing your misery. Karma is a bitch.

Again, you seem to think that the US government is sacrosanct and an absolute authority that can never be questioned or overturned for any reason. That is not constitutional, you do not believe in a constitutional Republic you believe in authoritarianism.
Which people are you talking about?

I have seen nobody who is being held for just trespassing.

All these charges are public. Why can't I find them?
It was a assault on the capitol. You are just another Republican fascist. You are the one who is dumb. When that horse kicked you in the face, it also scrambled your brains.
It was a political protest. Some fringe elements got out of hand. There is absolutely nothing different between the J6 protest and any other protest (e.g., pro-abortion, antifa, BLM, etc...).
Oh! The "Whataboutism" issue. The ones that did not wish to be part of it, should have immediately egressed the protests, but were too "herd instinct" stupid to think for themselves, or to distinguish right from wrong. Looks like they picked the wrong venue to get away with being Un-American asshhole sheep.
I don't think you know what "whataboutism" actually means. I am talking about taking 2 groups of similarly situated people and treating one differently from the other. It is essentially the same analysis used to determine if some particular classification violates the Equal Protection Clause (starting point, the next step being to assess what standard applies,...reasonable, compelling interest, etc...).

On the other hand, "whataboutism" is a shallow tactic made famous by the Soviet propagandists to distract and hint at hypocrisy. That is not at all what I was doing, White Man.
Which insurrectionists are still in jail with only charges of trespassing?

Over 10,000 people were jailed in association with 2020 riots.

When you participate in an insurrection, expect to pay the price.
It was not an insurrection. I have a friend who was in Caracas, Venezuela back in the late 1980s, back when they had a military coup every other weekend. One night he was leaving a night club (drinking and diddling smoking hot Caracas puss) and out on the streets people were shooting at the soldiers and the soldiers were shooting back. There were molotov cocktails, explosions, and general chaos. My friend, THAT was an insurrection. What happened on J6 was essentially a capital tour of elderly tourists. That's a pretty fucking lame insurrection if you ask me.
I believe they went there to disrupt the accepting of the electoral college vote into the congressional record as is required by our constitution and in accordance with our laws. Some weapons were brought, but not used, others picked up onsite. An attack ensued, with some screaming to hang the VP and maybe Pelosi, while Capital defenders were attack, windows and door of the Capital destroyed, offices ransacked, the floor of one of the chambers briefly occupied and people died and others hospitalized before the attack was defeated, and the attackers dispelled (all while President Donny refused to call it off), many to be arrested for their attack on our seat of government then and later as video evidence mounted. I don't care what you say they came for. It was wrong and Un-American to attack our Capital. They get what they get, and I don't give a shit about them, if they rot in jail or never find gainful employment again with their records of this Un-American attack to their names. Personally, I think there are members of congress and people in the executive branch at the time, that should be sharing a cell with them, due to their support or possibly involvement, but know, it won't happen. :(
Did you thunk all that out on your own, White Man? That is some pretty powerful cypherin' you is doin'.
It was not an insurrection. I have a friend who was in Caracas, Venezuela back in the late 1980s, back when they had a military coup every other weekend. One night he was leaving a night club (drinking and diddling smoking hot Caracas puss) and out on the streets people were shooting at the soldiers and the soldiers were shooting back. There were molotov cocktails, explosions, and general chaos. My friend, THAT was an insurrection. What happened on J6 was essentially a capital tour of elderly tourists. That's a pretty fucking lame insurrection if you ask me.
It was, by definition, an insurrection.

While I enjoyed your personal anecdote, it really doesn't carry any weight regarding Jan 6th.

Their was planning, multiple groups, and they had weapons and made death threats against politicians. The intent was to stop the Constitutional duty of counting the electorial votes which is an attack on our constitution and country.

Certainly nobody is trying to claim the extent of the insurrection is equal to what happened in Venezuela in the 80s, or many other insurrections, but their was an attempted revolt against our government.
It was, by definition, an insurrection.

While I enjoyed your personal anecdote, it really doesn't carry any weight regarding Jan 6th.

Their was planning, multiple groups, and they had weapons and made death threats against politicians. The intent was to stop the Constitutional duty of counting the electorial votes which is an attack on our constitution and country.

Certainly nobody is trying to claim the extent of the insurrection is equal to what happened in Venezuela in the 80s, or many other insurrections, but their was an attempted revolt against our government.
Calling what happened an "insurrection" is fine as long as you do not have a problem with stretching a term to the point where it has lost all meaning. The left likes to do that. For example, quite a few leaders on the left have repeatedly called multiple GOP members "insurrectionists", "Nazis", "fascists", "election deniers", etc.. It is all perfectly stupid. Frankly, I have got some advice for you: if you are going to accuse someone of being a Nazi, then they better be gassing Jews.

Nobody went to the J6 rally to overthrow the federal government. Nobody is THAT stupid. There were some troublemakers, but no more than at any other rally. Nothing was overthrown nor was there ever any danger of anything being overthrown. Your claim is factually incorrect.
I don't think you know what "whataboutism" actually means. I am talking about taking 2 groups of similarly situated people and treating one differently from the other. It is essentially the same analysis used to determine if some particular classification violates the Equal Protection Clause (starting point, the next step being to assess what standard applies,...reasonable, compelling interest, etc...).

On the other hand, "whataboutism" is a shallow tactic made famous by the Soviet propagandists to distract and hint at hypocrisy. That is not at all what I was doing, White Man.
I don't care about who invented or uses "whataboutism". It cuts no ice with me, EVER. The groups (J6 attackers vs BLM, Antifa or asshole hooligans rioting for fun and free sht) are not similar. Nor is the venue or what they are attacking. I have no stake in those Blue indulgent cities and do not care if their local governments go along with it and burn to the ground. We don't have that crap in my neck of the woods, generally not even in the whole state. I do care about the Capital of the United States of America.

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