Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords

Afraid the police are going to bust you?
Typical reaction from an Obama sycophant.

No. Questioning why you would be concerned.

Breach of the 4th Amendment which the Founders wrote to protect us from an intrusive tyrannical government.
To you far left wing nuts, the Constitution is filth. You people believe we exist to serve the government and not the other way around.
Look, you are just one of those little pieces of orange crap in pool of far left moon bat upchuck.
So bring it on. Try to come up with something clever. I will bury you.
The liberal mantra..."Oh, that can never happen here"...
Have you ever been in the least bit inquisitive as to why the phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely" was ever written/spoken?
This federal government in its current form CANNOT be trusted.
Those in charge are pissing on the Constitution and you liberal Obama as lickers could not care less as long as "The Chosen One" gets to push his socialist agenda down our throats.
Hey, barf bag, elections have consequences.

What would be the motive for the government to blackmail you?
Who said anything about blackmail?

1%er apparently has no problem with the government overstepping it's power and violating our privacy.

Sounds like reasoning from a terrorist.
You are an abuser of controlled substances.
You are also full of shit. Had the administration been run by the GOP you'd be so pissed off, you would have an out of the body experience.
So cut the shit asshole.

Are you stupid enough to not believe that this wasn't going on for decades?
Typical reaction from an Obama sycophant.

No. Questioning why you would be concerned.

Breach of the 4th Amendment which the Founders wrote to protect us from an intrusive tyrannical government.
To you far left wing nuts, the Constitution is filth. You people believe we exist to serve the government and not the other way around.
Look, you are just one of those little pieces of orange crap in pool of far left moon bat upchuck.
So bring it on. Try to come up with something clever. I will bury you.

Show me where 'cybersecurity' is written in the constitution. The constitution is a LIVING document.
Are you on fucking crack?
Tell ya what..You can be the guinea pig for the federal email account snooping program. Let us know how it works out for you.

Stop your BLOW-V-ATING and explain how on-line banking isn't extremely secure.
Stupid fuck.
Like I said....YOU be the guinea pig for this shit.
Leave others out of your schemes.

How many consumers lost anything because their bank account was hacked? None

How many businesses lost anything because they were hacked? None

On the flip side. How many Americans lost all or part of their retirement because of your failed voting record. Millions.
The liberal mantra..."Oh, that can never happen here"...
Have you ever been in the least bit inquisitive as to why the phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely" was ever written/spoken?
This federal government in its current form CANNOT be trusted.
Those in charge are pissing on the Constitution and you liberal Obama as lickers could not care less as long as "The Chosen One" gets to push his socialist agenda down our throats.
Hey, barf bag, elections have consequences.

What would be the motive for the government to blackmail you?
Who said anything about blackmail?

Maybe to keep you from running for office?

I dunno, somebody told that old toad that runs the Senate that Romney paid no taxes?

Makes ya think aye?

Afraid the police are going to bust you?

Which of course they can’t.

What’s scary is the ignorance exhibited by many on the subject, or those who know better yet attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Any ‘evidence’ gathered in the context of the surveillance programs can’t be used to pursue a criminal prosecution as such ‘evidence’ would have been obtained outside of the scope authorized by the court issuing the surveillance warrant.

If the government wanted to pursue a criminal prosecution against a given citizen, it would need to return to court to seek the appropriate authorization.

And of course the government won’t attempt to do this because too much of the details of the surveillance programs would be exposed in open court.

The purpose of the surveillance programs is to gather information in an effort to deter terrorist attacks, not engage in criminal prosecutions. This is one of the reasons why the programs are both legal and Constitutional.

Afraid the police are going to bust you?

The purpose of the surveillance programs is to gather information in an effort to deter terrorist attacks, not engage in criminal prosecutions. This is one of the reasons why the programs are both legal and Constitutional.

I beg to differ

Surveillance programs tip off the IRS which leads to voter nullification and intimidation.

All coming from the White House

Afraid the police are going to bust you?

The purpose of the surveillance programs is to gather information in an effort to deter terrorist attacks, not engage in criminal prosecutions. This is one of the reasons why the programs are both legal and Constitutional.

I beg to differ

Surveillance programs tip off the IRS which leads to voter nullification and intimidation.

All coming from the White House


Because of criminal activity.
Sounds like reasoning from a terrorist.

Me a terrorist? Nope. The real terrorist is sitting in the Oval Office.

You promote making it easier for the bad guy's to do bad.

I'm glad to hear it worked so well for the Boston maimed and injured.

Wait, we missed it but were warned too..

Still missed it

Sounds like a well oiled machine. They were probably watching all of us here on USMB instead

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I see the paranoid kiddie-porn folks are at it again!

How cares. As long as you aren't money laundering through paypal you have nothing to fear.

Jesus. Only someone completely ignorant of history and why our Founders put the Fourth Amenmdment in the Bill of Rights would say something this profoundly stupid.
No. Questioning why you would be concerned.

Breach of the 4th Amendment which the Founders wrote to protect us from an intrusive tyrannical government.
To you far left wing nuts, the Constitution is filth. You people believe we exist to serve the government and not the other way around.
Look, you are just one of those little pieces of orange crap in pool of far left moon bat upchuck.
So bring it on. Try to come up with something clever. I will bury you.

Show me where 'cybersecurity' is written in the constitution. The constitution is a LIVING document.

Wow. You are incredibly stupid. Read the Fourth Amendment.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

There's your "cybersecurity" right there.

People who say stupid shit like, "Show me where (modern term) is in the Constitution" don't understand a thing about the Constitution.
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