Feds willing to destroy millions of documents to protect obama

Respondees apparently didn't read the whole article.
Also is a display cover-up of his crimes in office.
Dispute it

Obama getting orders from his boss.
Hey wampum peyote
Why don't you take two seconds to read the damn article..
And dispute the presentation given to you?

I read blogs, lots of them. However, the only ones I read more than once are those that serve up links to credible sources and cover topics that put me ahead of the news I can use. The site provided fails on both counts. I worried about what lurked there.

When the beginning is birther nonsense, why would anyone read further? Why would you post something like that?
The first commenter to that article is on the money: "No candidate who is sincerely attempting to gain the approval of the voters would allow the series of questions about his citizenship to exist, especially in an environment where the numbers seem to be moving away from him. The only reason why he will not release the records is because he CANNOT release the records: no records exist that corroborate his required status as a natural born citizen."

I hope voters get pissed and vote this fraud out in a landslide.
Millions of documents are being rolled into fireplace logs, and will be sold to help finance Obama's campaign this fall.

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