Feeding on tragedy: Ex-Blackwater boss Erik Prince squeezes profit from mad scramble at Kabul airport, charging $6.5k for escape

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Coyotes are in a growth industry.

I'm confident that the private military contractors will be moving in there to guard the resource miners soon enough.

Just have to justify their presence first, I guess. Then the moners will show up.

The sympathy card is likely the route they're gonna take to justify establishing a base camp.

Biden has to fulfill his 2035 electro hoopty plan, after all.

Pretty sure this whole mess wasn't by accident. We have the most organized, effective military in the world. No way this mess happened unless it was planned that way in order to transist to a new phase of occupation.

The next phase will be a private endeavor, no doubt.
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

It's kind of like a reverse Schindler's list

When does the movie come out?
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

Had the Biden admin done it's job we wouldnt be in this situation. It's funny the admin wont send our trained service members out to get these people because it's too dangerous but you expect this private company that hires former service members to go out and risk their lives at a discount.....

What's sad is all Biden had to do was call up the Taliban and tell them "Look here's what's about to happen. My guys are going to go out and get our people, and you are going to let them. You or any of your people so much as raise your voice at one of my soldiers or Marines and I'll ship every swinging dick in the Army and Marine Corps over here and cut them loose. You think the last invasion was bad? That will be a picnic compared to what I will unleash on you and your ilk. We will hunt you, run you to ground and kill you all. Then we'll dig shallow graves and bury your asses with pig carcasses, right before we use it as a shit ditch. Think Im joking? Try me. I fucking dare you. " Instead he asked permission. What did he think the Taliban was going to say?
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

Its a very hazardous job to escort someone through a war zone.

How much would you charge for this?
Should Mr. Prince just charge a buck a mile like Uber?
Its a very hazardous job to escort someone through a war zone.

How much would you charge for this?
Should Mr. Prince just charge a buck a mile like Uber?

Perhaps the Afghans should have picked a safer profession than participating in imperialist coercion.

They're part of the problem. They're part of the reason it is a war zone in the first place.
I'm confident that the private military contractors will be moving in there to guard the resource miners soon enough.

Just have to justify their presence first, I guess. Then the moners will show up.

The sympathy card is likely the route they're gonna take to justify establishing a base camp.

Biden has to fulfill his 2035 electro hoopty plan, after all.

Pretty sure this whole mess wasn't by accident. We have the most organized, effective military in the world. No way this mess happened unless it was planned that way in order to transist to a new phase of occupation.

The next phase will be a private endeavor, no doubt.

For the Chinese???
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

Somebody has to save these people....sadly we have a US President unwilling to do it....and he has the entire US Treasury at his disposal
If Biden didn't set up the military well enough to help these people you can be sure somebody will make a buck off it. The left wing logic is to blame anybody but Biden.
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

If Xiden had evacuated civilians before removing the military, people wouldn't be desperately looking for any way out.

But sure, focus on Prince to deflect attention away from the thousands of people who will be killed, raped and held hostage by the Taliban. Someone charging a fee for transit is much worse than a Semi-Sentient Vegetable abandoning thousands of people to abject horror.
But sure, focus on Prince to deflect attention away from the thousands of people who will be killed, raped and held hostage by the Taliban.

People who participate in coercion are always the first people who are put on the chopping block. Always!

If nothing else, perhaps this will wake the drones up to this reality. Because telling them over and over and over and over and over and over again is like talking to the wall.
People who participate in coercion are always the first people who are put on the chopping block. Always!

If nothing else, perhaps this will wake the drones up to this reality. Because telling them over and over and over and over and over and over again is like talking to the wall.

Blaming the victims? Helluva post, bub.
Perhaps the Afghans should have picked a safer profession than participating in imperialist coercion.

They're part of the problem. They're part of the reason it is a war zone in the first place.
What does that have to do with the guy who is charging people to escort them through a war zone?
People who participate in coercion are always the first people who are put on the chopping block. Always!

If nothing else, perhaps this will wake the drones up to this reality. Because telling them over and over and over and over and over and over again is like talking to the wall.
That has nothing to do with this guy escorting people. You made this thread, so why are you running away from every discussion about your thread premise?
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.

After all, he’s not running a charity. That's for the do-gooders.

$6,500 for what they are getting is dirt cheap!

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