Feel like an idiot yet for supporting Black Lives Matter???

I still can't believe Nike boarded up their business like that.
Those seeking reparations could have been hurt breaking all that glass!!
Racist through and through. Unbelievable.
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Um, they do have insurance.... I can't get worked up about a 7-11 getting looted.

BLM is working with anarchists to tear their cities apart.
They'll use any excuse to start looting.
The latest is a black perp shooting at police and the police shot him (didn't kill him) and then BLM has their crisis actors out there crying over this wounded black person.

Here's the problem. The CPD has such little credibility with the community at this point, no one really believes them.

They also said that Laquan McDonald was only shot once and he charged the officer. Then the tape came out.

They are already suffering....they have vast areas of black neighborhoods where there are no food stores........they have voted for democrats since the 1960s and paid for those votes with the blood of their children.

They have no food stores because the big chains refuse to open there.... That's what needs to come to an end.
At what point will Democrats realize they have been played fools for supporting and giving 100s $millions to this organization that hates them as much as they hate anything else.

Funny, I wonder the same about Republicans.

Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Um, they do have insurance.... I can't get worked up about a 7-11 getting looted.

yeah... so they caused $40 million in damages.
Little bit more than a 7-11 robbed.
Now that everybody knows BLM stands for Black Losers Moaning, how much longer will the DNC keep funding them? All those criminal illegal aliens are feeling neglected and getting restive, wanting to know where their free houses and electricity are and why the borders aren't open yet.
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Announcement.... NIKE to open new store in Chicago South side.... the slogan for the new store is "Just take them"

nike store.jpg
Hey if they want to loot urban Chicago and make that their 'reparations', then we should get behind it; let them loot all the Democrat run cities and that will be the end of it, theyw ill have all they asked for. If they ask more, say 'sure', come get it at this address' and when they show up toss them into shipping containers and put them on as slow ship the Africa or Red China. We can pay some illegal aliens to feed and water them via holes punched in the tops. We can throw all that in as a freebie, part of their 'reparations n stuff'.
At what point will Democrats realize they have been played fools for supporting and giving 100s $millions to this organization that hates them as much as they hate anything else.
Democrats knew during the Obama administration what they were getting into. Obama met with their leaders. BLM is just a toned down version of what's going on in Beirut today. Rioting to create change. The government is shooting rioters in Lebanon. Rioters that are pissed about that explosion.
The more accurate name for that Communist domestic terrorist group would be OCBLM(Only Certain Black Lives Matter) :smoke:
At what point will Democrats realize they have been played fools for supporting and giving 100s $millions to this organization that hates them as much as they hate anything else.
Democrats knew during the Obama administration what they were getting into. Obama met with their leaders. BLM is just a toned down version of what's going on in Beirut today. Rioting to create change. The government is shooting rioters in Lebanon. Rioters that are pissed about that explosion.
Basically Bolsheviks like Barr said.
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

If you still support BLM now - then you also support complete anarchy where theft is no longer a crime if the person stealing it is black.
You are talking about "people" who do not have the ability to think. These are not sentient adults who question their beliefs when new data contradicts their programmed responses.

Ask them if Bush "stole" the 2000 election. To this day they will affirm it to be so.

Ask them if the National Socialist Workers Party was left wing, and if they even understand what you're talking about, they will deny the fact that a bunch of authoritarian sociopaths nationalized all industry and labor, centralized the economy, denied private property rights and built upon the established social programs of the Wiemar Republic.

Ask them if passing more gun control laws will lead to greater public safety and they will enthusiastically respond in the affirmative, as if people who ignore laws against MURDER will obey laws that prevent them from touching a firearm.

Look at the idiotic threads and posts of these sniveling liberal bed wetters. Are they embarrassed to look as stupid as they do? No, in fact when they're mercilessly ridiculed they double down on stupid and deflect attention somewhere else. They do not have the capacity to acknowledge when they're wrong, either out of deliberate ignorance or a false sense of pride.

I was a moonbat in my youth so I understand the belief system of these parasites. I never imply that it's just "how they think" because I've come to understand that there is NO THINKING going on inside their dense skulls.
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

If you still support BLM now - then you also support complete anarchy where theft is no longer a crime if the person stealing it is black.
You are talking about "people" who do not have the ability to think. These are not sentient adults who question their beliefs when new data contradicts their programmed responses.

Ask them if Bush "stole" the 2000 election. To this day they will affirm it to be so.

Ask them if the National Socialist Workers Party was left wing, and if they even understand what you're talking about, they will deny the fact that a bunch of authoritarian sociopaths nationalized all industry and labor, centralized the economy, denied private property rights and built upon the established social programs of the Wiemar Republic.

Ask them if passing more gun control laws will lead to greater public safety and they will enthusiastically respond in the affirmative, as if people who ignore laws against MURDER will obey laws that prevent them from touching a firearm.

Look at the idiotic threads and posts of these sniveling liberal bed wetters. Are they embarrassed to look as stupid as they do? No, in fact when they're mercilessly ridiculed they double down on stupid and deflect attention somewhere else. They do not have the capacity to acknowledge when they're wrong, either out of deliberate ignorance or a false sense of pride.

I was a moonbat in my youth so I understand the belief system of these parasites. I never imply that it's just "how they think" because I've come to understand that there is NO THINKING going on inside their dense skulls.
Narrative is all that matters anymore.
Truth is what is accepted as truth, regardless if accurate or not.
As their new Dear Leader stated... "We choose truth over facts".
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Um, they do have insurance.... I can't get worked up about a 7-11 getting looted.

BLM is working with anarchists to tear their cities apart.
They'll use any excuse to start looting.
The latest is a black perp shooting at police and the police shot him (didn't kill him) and then BLM has their crisis actors out there crying over this wounded black person.

Here's the problem. The CPD has such little credibility with the community at this point, no one really believes them.

They also said that Laquan McDonald was only shot once and he charged the officer. Then the tape came out.

They are already suffering....they have vast areas of black neighborhoods where there are no food stores........they have voted for democrats since the 1960s and paid for those votes with the blood of their children.

They have no food stores because the big chains refuse to open there.... That's what needs to come to an end.

The big chains refuse to open there 1) because the democrat party alderman want to rape them for bribes, kick backs and other perks....and 2) because the local community thugs rob them blind and increase the cost of business to the point they don't want the hassle.......
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

If you still support BLM now - then you also support complete anarchy where theft is no longer a crime if the person stealing it is black.
You are talking about "people" who do not have the ability to think. These are not sentient adults who question their beliefs when new data contradicts their programmed responses.

Ask them if Bush "stole" the 2000 election. To this day they will affirm it to be so.

Ask them if the National Socialist Workers Party was left wing, and if they even understand what you're talking about, they will deny the fact that a bunch of authoritarian sociopaths nationalized all industry and labor, centralized the economy, denied private property rights and built upon the established social programs of the Wiemar Republic.

Ask them if passing more gun control laws will lead to greater public safety and they will enthusiastically respond in the affirmative, as if people who ignore laws against MURDER will obey laws that prevent them from touching a firearm.

Look at the idiotic threads and posts of these sniveling liberal bed wetters. Are they embarrassed to look as stupid as they do? No, in fact when they're mercilessly ridiculed they double down on stupid and deflect attention somewhere else. They do not have the capacity to acknowledge when they're wrong, either out of deliberate ignorance or a false sense of pride.

I was a moonbat in my youth so I understand the belief system of these parasites. I never imply that it's just "how they think" because I've come to understand that there is NO THINKING going on inside their dense skulls.

Thank you....

Feel like an idiot yet for supporting Black Lives Matter???
They were ignorant of their idiocy before, so I doubt this further evidence will wake them from their woke-stupor.
Black Lives Matter lead Chicago organizer - “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

If you still support BLM now - then you also support complete anarchy where theft is no longer a crime if the person stealing it is black.
I never have supported those 3rd grade animals.

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