Feel The Johnson!

No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.

Yeah, feel the Johnson and enjoy the hildabitch. NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump cannot win. Johnson can. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

LMAO I have as good a chance of winning as Johnson and I'm not even running.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Johnson has a path by denying either one of those clowns the electoral votes needed.
I must say, I am experiencing a good deal of schadenfreude watching Rabbi being called a liberal by the retards. :lol:

I feel your pain, Rabbi.
I must say, I am experiencing a good deal of schadenfreude watching Rabbi being called a liberal by the retards. :lol:

I feel your pain, Rabbi.

Imagine my discomfort with Rabbi claiming to support a libertarian...
I am also refusing to vote for Trump. No fucking way I am going to vote for an asshole and his family who have never been Republicans in their entire lives who think they can come in and hijack the GOP with their money. Fuck them, and fuck the retards who are too goddammed stupid to see them for what they are.

Nor am I voting for the Libertarian candidate. I've said many times the third parties are propellerheads, and it makes no sense to vote for them as a protest.

I'm writing in a name. Ted Cruz.

As Rabbi said, "it's the economy, stupid." Well, the Clinton people said that, a long time ago. But it's true. And when it comes right down to it, our federal debt is the single biggest threat to our country.

Not Muslims, not gays, not blacks, not Mexicans. Not even close. While I would love nothing more than to see the retards' faces if Trump managed to throw out a bunch of Mexicans and for them to see it have ZERO impact on our economy, it just isn't worth the destruction Trump would cause.

There are a lot of things I don't like about Ted Cruz, but his tax plan is a good starting point to getting our economy back on track. And that is what matters most of all.

Cruz was my second choice, but he's my mom's first choice, so I'm voting for Cruz. For mom.
I am also refusing to vote for Trump. No fucking way I am going to vote for an asshole and his family who have never been Republicans in their entire lives who think they can come in and hijack the GOP with their money. Fuck them, and fuck the retards who are too goddammed stupid to see them for what they are.

Nor am I voting for the Libertarian candidate. I've said many times the third parties are propellerheads, and it makes no sense to vote for them as a protest.

I'm writing in a name. Ted Cruz..

Johnson has zero chance of winning, but a great chance of getting Hillary elected.
Trump and his supporters are the ones getting Hillary elected.

No, it is the "feel the Johnson" crowd.
Trump is a corrupt piece of shit who represents everything wrong with the GOP. He is literally no different from Hillary, which is why they are friends. The narrative that "Trump is better" is simply untrue
Johnson is the only rasonabel choice.

Someone wasted a lot of free time making shit up there. You and I have been over TPP and the FACT that the details are STILL TO THIS SECRET and that Johnson reasonably says he doesn't yet know the details.

He MIGHT be pro-choice -- because we're pretty much pro-choice on EVERYTHING that isn't illegal or harmful to others. But Libertarians would likely not use govt funds for such a controversial practice. Being "pro" PParenthood, simply means you don't shut down a large sector of women's health services. YOU MIGHT want to look into the money laundered back to the DNC tho.. Since taxpayer funds should NOT be in a revolving racket for political advocacy..

And Weld's issue on gun control is 25 years old. 25 years ago -- I was a committed leftist reading Noah Chomsky for fun and enlightenment.
No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.

How is trump a fascist and incompetent?
No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.

How is trump a fascist and incompetent?

He uses every resource to go full commando on his opponents. It's what he does. You think he won't use and expand the powers of OSHA, SEC, the X-FIles, DOJ, IRS, EPA, Commerce to enforce his deals? Why does he single out "Carrier" and a couple otther companies with his threats?

He will fit the fascist mold perfectly. Because there is no humility there about serving or the office when one of HIS deals is on the table.
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Someone wasted a lot of free time making shit up there. You and I have been over TPP and the FACT that the details are STILL TO THIS SECRET and that Johnson reasonably says he doesn't yet know the details
Which is why it should be rejected out-of-hand, on the general principle.

He MIGHT be pro-choice -- because we're pretty much pro-choice on EVERYTHING that isn't illegal or harmful to others. But Libertarians would likely not use govt funds for such a controversial practice. Being "pro" PParenthood, simply means you don't shut down a large sector of women's health services. YOU MIGHT want to look into the money laundered back to the DNC tho.. Since taxpayer funds should NOT be in a revolving racket for political advocacy..
Still a state issue and I know of no libertarian who believes that PP should be getting taxpayer any money.

And Weld's issue on gun control is 25 years old. 25 years ago -- I was a committed leftist reading Noah Chomsky for fun and enlightenment.
Which mitigates his positions on Iraq, the Patriot Act, and abuse of eminent domain in what way?
Put a sock in it, you hack.
Fuck off, turd sucker. The two major party candidates are simply unelectable. That leaves Johnson/Weld.
Also Jill Stein and ? as her running mate as well. Johnson/Weld is clearly the best 3rd party candidacy that deserves attention though. Both ex governors with experience, and Johnson's platform is sane and not crazy anarchy libertarian.

The ticket with the most governing experience is the Libertarian ticket. What does that tell you about the political environment?

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