Feel The Johnson!

How 'bout I throw you Johnson dudes a bone?

No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.
Another open borders Jew how surprising!
That's what's so great about him. He contradicts the usual libertarian stereotype of a rigid ideologue. He's a personable, open-minded candidate with proven leadership experience.

If you really wanted to see the cause of liberty make gains, you'd recognize that he's the best candidate who's ever run as a Libertarian and is positioned perfectly to offer a sane alternative to Americans who badly want one.
Or he is flip-flopping and pandering.

Or maybe he's trying to be the Harold Stassen of the LP.

He's a crap shoot for sure.

Maybe. But he's a helluva lot better bet than Hillary, who is a 'sure thing', or Trump, who is a complete wild card. He might not say exactly what you want to hear, but out of the four major candidates, he's by far the best.
Maybe. But he's a helluva lot better bet than Hillary, who is a 'sure thing', or Trump, who is a complete wild card. He might not say exactly what you want to hear, but out of the four major candidates, he's by far the best.
That's your call. Not gonna bust on you for it. In fact, I commend you for not being a party hack zombie.

So you got that going for you, which is nice.
To me, this isn't about party labels, it's about who can best run the country.

That's exactly the issue. It isn't the job of government to "run the country".
He odium - you rated my quote 'funny'. Does it blow your mind to consider that maybe that isn't the point of government after all? How about this? How about we create a government that protects the people's freedom to run the country the way they want, and otherwise stays out of the way. How did we get so chummy with totalitarian government that we can't imagine it not running our lives?
To me, this isn't about party labels, it's about who can best run the country.

That's exactly the issue. It isn't the job of government to "run the country".
He odium - you rated my quote 'funny'. Does it blow your mind to consider that maybe that isn't the point of government after all? How about this? How about we create a government that protects the people's freedom to run the country the way they want, and otherwise stays out of the way. How did we get so chummy with totalitarian government that we can't imagine it not running our lives?
Nope I don't believe in democracy I believe in racial socialism and the leadership principle just follow the link in my sig you can learn all about my beliefs
Ejohnson wants to repeal social security? Good luck on that. So tens of millions of retired folk are now stuck and screwed. Please introduce that...political suicide. As it SHOULD be.
Ejohnson wants to repeal social security? Good luck on that. So tens of millions of retired folk are now stuck and screwed. Please introduce that...political suicide. As it SHOULD be.
They're already stuck and screwed. I'm one of them.

Better to be honest and shitcan the whole mess, than pimp and hustle for that which cannot possibly be sustained.
So if senior citizens have to work then i can safely say the richest country on earth isnt so great.
No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.

I agree with you about the Libertarian party, but not Johnson
Another "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot because it isnt 100%" libertarian. They let the perfectbe the enemy of the good.

Johnson isn't libertarian at all. He changed his positions after losing in the Republican primary. You just listen to him and he sounds like he's trying to figure out what his position is supposed to be, and he usually gets it wrong

What "republican primary" was that? :cuckoo:
He changed his positions after losing in the Republican primary. You just listen to him and he sounds like he's trying to figure out what his position is supposed to be, and he usually gets it wrong

That's what's so great about him. He contradicts the usual libertarian stereotype of a rigid ideologue. He's a personable, open-minded candidate with proven leadership experience.

If you really wanted to see the cause of liberty make gains, you'd recognize that he's the best candidate who's ever run as a Libertarian and is positioned perfectly to offer a sane alternative to Americans who badly want one.

I'm old fashioned, I like my libertarians to be libertarian.

And I'm not sure what calling making our own choices an "ideology" even means. To me the idea that someone can make your choices for you better than you can is what sounds like an "ideology"

No one should have the expectation that in 4 years -- the vast swamp of Wash DC is gonna be tranformed into a libertarian utopia. Just not possible. At this point, there is SO much to be done -- you can only take out the trash that you can bag and fit into that timeframe. If the LP grows and gains voter confidence -- THEN we can talk about "visions"... LP candidates start to get elected. The competition grows between us and the existing parties and off it goes.

This "ain't pure enough" wing of the LP -- just wants to wander in the Sinai for 40 more years trying to out pure each other.
Ejohnson wants to repeal social security? Good luck on that. So tens of millions of retired folk are now stuck and screwed. Please introduce that...political suicide. As it SHOULD be.

Never happen that way. No one would ever break the IMPLIED contract with folks going into retirement. EXCEPT for the Dems who keep screaming about raising the retirement age and raising the income caps. As tho a roofer is gonna ENJOY working til they are 70...
No one in his right mind can vote for Trump. He is a fascist and an incompetent and borderline psychotic.
No one is his right mind can vote for Hillary. She is a criminal and a liar.
There is one ticket to vote this year. Libertarian. Is it perfect? No. I disagree strongly with many of their positions. But they get the basic problem right, the economy. And if we dont get that right nothing else matters.

I agree with you about the Libertarian party, but not Johnson
Another "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot because it isnt 100%" libertarian. They let the perfectbe the enemy of the good.

Johnson isn't libertarian at all. He changed his positions after losing in the Republican primary. You just listen to him and he sounds like he's trying to figure out what his position is supposed to be, and he usually gets it wrong

What "republican primary" was that? :cuckoo:

You realize you're on the Internet and can Google, no?

Johnson ran for the Republican nomination in 2012. He lost and ran as a Libertarian and won that nomination. He just won it again in 2016.

Seriously, you didn't know that?
He changed his positions after losing in the Republican primary. You just listen to him and he sounds like he's trying to figure out what his position is supposed to be, and he usually gets it wrong

That's what's so great about him. He contradicts the usual libertarian stereotype of a rigid ideologue. He's a personable, open-minded candidate with proven leadership experience.

If you really wanted to see the cause of liberty make gains, you'd recognize that he's the best candidate who's ever run as a Libertarian and is positioned perfectly to offer a sane alternative to Americans who badly want one.

I'm old fashioned, I like my libertarians to be libertarian.

And I'm not sure what calling making our own choices an "ideology" even means. To me the idea that someone can make your choices for you better than you can is what sounds like an "ideology"

No one should have the expectation that in 4 years -- the vast swamp of Wash DC is gonna be tranformed into a libertarian utopia. Just not possible. At this point, there is SO much to be done -- you can only take out the trash that you can bag and fit into that timeframe. If the LP grows and gains voter confidence -- THEN we can talk about "visions"... LP candidates start to get elected. The competition grows between us and the existing parties and off it goes.

This "ain't pure enough" wing of the LP -- just wants to wander in the Sinai for 40 more years trying to out pure each other.

Um ... OK?
This "ain't pure enough" wing of the LP -- just wants to wander in the Sinai for 40 more years trying to out pure each other.

If we're talking about the comments this board, I don't think many of them coming are from big "L" libertarians anyway. More likely Republicans who want to herd libertarians into their 'big tent'.

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