feeling grimmer about obama chances today

i know what you mean but frankly man without good turn out ec will reflect nc . you can,t lose nv so badly to be able to win ev. can,t happen man

LOL, oops you lost your impairment for a moment, again. You are so full of shit!
what the fuck are you talking about . go away with me pretending to have anything. that is total bollocks. back it up with evidence

your a real dicker decker
with gallup poll increasing romney lead, abc with romney in the leaed bad enough but in the
uk guardian newspaper they said that obama could be trouble in pa as the sentator their is behind in his race which could impact on obama. They also said wi is gettting more dominant romney buys then obama

I know nv looking ok for obama but getting sense that even if he wins ohio it won,t be enough in the end

i know nate sliver confident but just sense he off bit time here.

So you're still throwing your British support behind the guy that let HIS DIPLOMATIC STAFF die at the hand of terrorists in Benghazi? And then lied thru his damned buck teeth about it?
Facts are decker is ignoring credible analysis and lying through omission.

Spotting the lying through omission tactic is a sure way to ferret out partisan trolls who claim to be Fair and Balanced. :lol:

So like FOX News, they don't even know it. They might even believe their own bullshit.

At least Dante links to Cassidy and 538 and give reasons for an argument in what he favors

decker is a concern troll...

Urban Dictionary: concern troll
fuck off with concern trol lie. i deny this all day long as it bollocks. just because i don,t follow tradtional partisan route i am a troll. fuck off that is lazy and bollocks.

i can't help it if you're a concern troll...

not my fault, i didn't make you one and i can't help that it makes you cranky that you were found out.
Decker is refereshing to this board. He's a liberal, but not a tool like so many that are on this board.
thank you man and for all suport you shown. Many on left and right attacks people who don,t follow a norm of behavior in partisan behavior. I want obama to win but i won,t be partisan as pretend all is nice in the garden.

i also will defend my views against conservative think i a mad to have. just a have a different view.

cheers for the support
Just heard one poll has Obama lead down to 5 in................... California!


You know that isn't going to happen....not with wry catcher and his ultra liberal frisco bay crowd

not voting for a far rightwing extremist agenda is now "ultra liberal"

how about just saying sniper fire is a liar.


Apparently, you don't know frisco very well....one of the most liberal places in the US, so Yes, no matter what you say, it is ultra liberal, Jillian. :eusa_whistle:
fuck off with concern trol lie. i deny this all day long as it bollocks. just because i don,t follow tradtional partisan route i am a troll. fuck off that is lazy and bollocks.

i can't help it if you're a concern troll...

not my fault, i didn't make you one and i can't help that it makes you cranky that you were found out.
i have not been found out. you accuse me of stuff without a cred of evidence.
with gallup poll increasing romney lead, abc with romney in the leaed bad enough but in the
uk guardian newspaper they said that obama could be trouble in pa as the sentator their is behind in his race which could impact on obama. They also said wi is gettting more dominant romney buys then obama

I know nv looking ok for obama but getting sense that even if he wins ohio it won,t be enough in the end

i know nate sliver confident but just sense he off bit time here.

So you're still throwing your British support behind the guy that let HIS DIPLOMATIC STAFF die at the hand of terrorists in Benghazi? And then lied thru his damned buck teeth about it?
he did not lie about that. he may have cocked up but he did not lie.
just because i am british does not mean i can,t support him. I think he done good job at resorting america image aboard and tried to improve americans lives

i admit he heading to lose but i think he done a lot of good things
Decker is refereshing to this board. He's a liberal, but not a tool like so many that are on this board.


Dante has attacked and been attacked by the left. Dante is a liberal, not a leftie. Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008.

decker? come on. tries too hard to be Fair and balanced. refreshing? yeah, from the right

i am not right wing you idiot. have you read my posts. i am a liberal who belives in public sector, balanced budget, health care for all, gay marriage and host of other things. I am being fair and balanced and if you bothered to read my posts your see that

you can ignore the admin but i am not going let you get away with your bullshit attacks on me.
Still has leads in battlegrounds even if OK goes 80% R. Now the fact checking goes on, not good for R+R...

The :lol: thing is watching Right Wing World play the Karl Rove game of magical thinking will keep the GOP base up and the DNC base down.

This isn't 2008, but 2012 does not need to be 2008.

President Obama's campaign is doing here what it did to Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2008. ?Remember how close the delegate counts and how fierce the battles were?

Plouffe is doing what he does best...wins.
i personally disagree as i think Plouffe i made mistakes. firstly he should have got obama doing more interveiws weeks ago when he was ahead before the debate. secondly for me he should have done that booklet he did on tuesday , just after election when obama had all the mo.

i think should had more ads with michelle and barack. would have been really effective as she liked and help sell postive image

instead they got caught in silly attacks like big bird and romensia lines which i think have no effect on undecideds.

decker, Plouffe and others have been focusing on a few states since the deabtes. Doing more interviews would not have changed things.

Romney should have stayed on economy and puts his nice looking family more up front.

Your posts are all about what Obama should have done. You are shilling for Romney. :lol:

It's hilarious
Decker is refereshing to this board. He's a liberal, but not a tool like so many that are on this board.
thank you man and for all suport you shown. Many on left and right attacks people who don,t follow a norm of behavior in partisan behavior. I want obama to win but i won,t be partisan as pretend all is nice in the garden.

i also will defend my views against conservative think i a mad to have. just a have a different view.

cheers for the support




I think decker says what most liberals are feeling and they don't like to hear it. I'm not for either of these guys, but if I were a betting man I would put my $$$ on Romney. You can just feel it.

It's obvious Obama feels it. You can see it and hear it in his voice. The man is worried. No amount of name calling and insults will change the fact the Obama is fighting for his life in this one. If the libs don't see that they are out of touch with reality. This is a vicious streetfight and Romney appears to have the upper hand_right now_
Decker is refereshing to this board. He's a liberal, but not a tool like so many that are on this board.


Dante has attacked and been attacked by the left. Dante is a liberal, not a leftie. Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008.

decker? come on. tries too hard to be Fair and balanced. refreshing? yeah, from the right


Decker sees this from an ocean away....tell that to Dante.
He isn't rapped up with the emotion that is rampant in the US.
why would i provide advice to guy if i did not won,t him to win. i do it because i want obama team to do more and better. did you read my posts before second and thrid debates about obama looking more at romney and making sure he was on attack. he did that all which is what i was happy about. i don,t provide advice to someone i won,t to lose. just mad that you would say that

it just nonsence what your saying. i not once shilled for romney. i think he gop rino who would be bad for america. he propse tax cuts for the rich and wants to cut programmes for the poor

i am just honest at the state of play. that is all. if you can,t accept that well that your promblem
Decker, these liberals are trying to get this thread moved to the flame zone.
They attack you and not your message, they can't argue your message.



I was on message with this decker troll, and then what happens? Oh wait, you just suggested a tactic that is used by Right Wing World here @ USMB.

No one is trying to get anything moved. I post links and explain why I say what I do, and this decker keeps saying he/she has read things .. while posting no links to what he/she comments up.

decker ignores the facts and opinions of others with a simple play book of talking points that have become glaring in their obviousness.


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