Feeling the Bern?

You managed to get it wrong on Sanders.......

What did I get wrong about Sanders? This is a guy who wants the Government to control/oversee just about every aspect of the country, and my life instead of allowing me to make my own decisions. He's closer to Josef Stalin than George Washington, philosophically. That's Socialism bordering on Communism so far as I'm concerned.
Socialism especially DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is NOT Communism. Does Denmark,Norway or Sweden look like China or Cuba to you? Hell no. Government must control things when private entities prove they can't do things the right way.
You managed to get it wrong on Sanders.......

What did I get wrong about Sanders? This is a guy who wants the Government to control/oversee just about every aspect of the country, and my life instead of allowing me to make my own decisions. He's closer to Josef Stalin than George Washington, philosophically. That's Socialism bordering on Communism so far as I'm concerned.

Nope, nope, nope, and nope, and you can't prove otherwise without posting a Photoshop or running to see what Breitfart wants you to believe.
You managed to get it wrong on Sanders.......

What did I get wrong about Sanders? This is a guy who wants the Government to control/oversee just about every aspect of the country, and my life instead of allowing me to make my own decisions. He's closer to Josef Stalin than George Washington, philosophically. That's Socialism bordering on Communism so far as I'm concerned.
Socialism especially DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is NOT Communism. Does Denmark,Norway or Sweden look like China or Cuba to you? Hell no. Government must control things when private entities prove they can't do things the right way.

So what you mean is that socialism is really capitalism.

Private entities always do things better than government entities.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Do you really believe Bernie Sanders is going to get anything even close to what he proposes, free college education, tax rates up to 50%, a progressive estate tax, a whole new healthcare plan that makes Obamacare look like a Republican plan, $15 minimum wage, 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a youth job core, expanded medicare, expanded social security, a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrates, etc.

Republicans are going to control the House and very possibly the Senate. Now, I'm not saying I oppose everything Sanders is proposing. I'm just saying it ain't gonna happen.

One should never fall in love with a candidate because heartbreak is sure to follow.
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Socialism especially DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is NOT Communism. Does Denmark,Norway or Sweden look like China or Cuba to you? Hell no. Government must control things when private entities prove they can't do things the right way.

YES, they do look like China and Cuba to me.... They're all areas outside the US, and therefore unworthy of my attention. If I were interested in them, I would tell you that they're all places where the GOVERNMENT is in charge instead of the PEOPLE; and I come from a place and a family where the PEOPLE are intended to run the Government, not the other way around.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Do you really believe Bernie Sanders is going to get anything even close to what he proposes, free college education, tax rates up to 50%, a progressive estate tax, a whole new healthcare plan that makes Obamacare look like a Republican plan, $15 minimum wage, 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a youth job core, expanded medicare, expanded social security etc.

Republicans are going to control House and very possibly the Senate. Now, I'm not saying I oppose everything Sanders is proposing. I'm just saying it ain't gonna happen.

One should never fall in love with a candidate because heartbreak is sure to follow.
actually Im fairly interested in the free college, but before it happens we need to see the debt come down so it can be paid for without raising taxes to do it.
You managed to get it wrong on Sanders.......

What did I get wrong about Sanders? This is a guy who wants the Government to control/oversee just about every aspect of the country, and my life instead of allowing me to make my own decisions. He's closer to Josef Stalin than George Washington, philosophically. That's Socialism bordering on Communism so far as I'm concerned.
Socialism especially DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is NOT Communism. Does Denmark,Norway or Sweden look like China or Cuba to you? Hell no. Government must control things when private entities prove they can't do things the right way.

So what you mean is that socialism is really capitalism.

Private entities always do things better than government entities.
No they don't. When they aren't paying their workers rightful wages to make a living on then its time for government to intervene.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Someone's butt itches...
This Independent cries: "Go Bernie"
The only one who can say that what he stumps in his political rallys is what he has fought for all along. Honesty goes a longgggggg, longggggggg way!
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Do you really believe Bernie Sanders is going to get anything even close to what he proposes, free college education, tax rates up to 50%, a progressive estate tax, a whole new healthcare plan that makes Obamacare look like a Republican plan, $15 minimum wage, 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a youth job core, expanded medicare, expanded social security etc.

Republicans are going to control House and very possibly the Senate. Now, I'm not saying I oppose everything Sanders is proposing. I'm just saying it ain't gonna happen.

One should never fall in love with a candidate because heartbreak is sure to follow.
actually Im fairly interested in the free college, but before it happens we need to see the debt come down so it can be paid for without raising taxes to do it.
The debt is not going to come down. Any surplus would be short lived. It would be far more likely that little green men will land their space ship on the White House lawn, before Republicans vote a tax increase to support trillions of dollars in new domestic programs.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Do you really believe Bernie Sanders is going to get anything even close to what he proposes, free college education, tax rates up to 50%, a progressive estate tax, a whole new healthcare plan that makes Obamacare look like a Republican plan, $15 minimum wage, 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a youth job core, expanded medicare, expanded social security etc.

Republicans are going to control House and very possibly the Senate. Now, I'm not saying I oppose everything Sanders is proposing. I'm just saying it ain't gonna happen.

One should never fall in love with a candidate because heartbreak is sure to follow.
actually Im fairly interested in the free college, but before it happens we need to see the debt come down so it can be paid for without raising taxes to do it.
The debt is not going to come down. Any surplus would be short lived. It would be far more likely that little green men will land their space ship on the White House lawn, before Republicans vote a tax increase to support trillions of dollars in new domestic programs.
The republicans caved in and approved the spending on obamacare, what is it that makes you think they would not cave in for bernies free education?
Nope, nope, nope, and nope, and you can't prove otherwise without posting a Photoshop or running to see what Breitfart wants you to believe.

I'm not a meme generator and I don't care for Breitbart. I'm a Traditional Conservative; the kind who understands what the Foundational Concepts of this nation were because MY FAMILY was part of the Founding of this nation. Trust me, those concepts had NOTHING to do with the Government telling the Citizens they had to buy healthcare services or Business Owners how much they could charge for a product.
You managed to get it wrong on Sanders.......

What did I get wrong about Sanders? This is a guy who wants the Government to control/oversee just about every aspect of the country, and my life instead of allowing me to make my own decisions. He's closer to Josef Stalin than George Washington, philosophically. That's Socialism bordering on Communism so far as I'm concerned.
Socialism especially DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is NOT Communism. Does Denmark,Norway or Sweden look like China or Cuba to you? Hell no. Government must control things when private entities prove they can't do things the right way.

So what you mean is that socialism is really capitalism.

Private entities always do things better than government entities.
No they don't. When they aren't paying their workers rightful wages to make a living on then its time for government to intervene.

Yes, they always do things better than the government. Not paying welfare is one of those things. There is never any time where government is justified in intervening in private business arrangements. Never.
The republicans caved in and approved the spending on obamacare, what is it that makes you think they would not cave in for bernies free education?

Maybe a third sound ass-kicking by a Democrat POTUS candidate, when they choose to run an establishment candidate for the position; combined with loss of the US Senate and numerous House seats (though I believe they'll maintain the majority there). One would at least hope that would open their eyes to what happens when they collude with Liberal, Socialist, Democrats; coming only two years after they gained or expanded their majority in both Congressional Houses
Nope, nope, nope, and nope, and you can't prove otherwise without posting a Photoshop or running to see what Breitfart wants you to believe.

I'm not a meme generator and I don't care for Breitbart. I'm a Traditional Conservative; the kind who understands what the Foundational Concepts of this nation were because MY FAMILY was part of the Founding of this nation. Trust me, those concepts had NOTHING to do with the Government telling the Citizens they had to buy healthcare services or Business Owners how much they could charge for a product.

So if we can leave the 18th century now and get back to Bernie Sanders...
What irritates me the most is the GOVT is a massive inefficient machine using lots of fuel (money). The bigger and harder you run it the more fuel it wastes. Yet many say, "keep feeding it, it will improve". huh? it is poor design. It cannot improve w/o changes/rebuild. insanity.

And GOVT workers appear to have won the lottery in lifetime pension for running this bad machine that does not pay off. They always come out on top with Golden benefits. Enough already. They work for us. Term limits, No pension, No healthcare, no special benefits. Make Congress into Volunteer jobs, with a max term. Many of us worked many years forced to pay into this mess. We get near retirement and they teeter on collapse daily. Market flat last year and down this year. Not looking good at the moment. I hope I am wrong..........and it turns around.
The two candidates this election worthy of respect for their honesty and integrity are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. It's a shame Paul had to drop out.

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