Feeling the Bern?

So if we can leave the 18th century now and get back to Bernie Sanders...

Mister Sanders, and the entire American political system would do well to remember the roots of this system and the fact that they work FOR the American people, not the other way around.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Do you really believe Bernie Sanders is going to get anything even close to what he proposes, free college education, tax rates up to 50%, a progressive estate tax, a whole new healthcare plan that makes Obamacare look like a Republican plan, $15 minimum wage, 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a youth job core, expanded medicare, expanded social security etc.

Republicans are going to control House and very possibly the Senate. Now, I'm not saying I oppose everything Sanders is proposing. I'm just saying it ain't gonna happen.

One should never fall in love with a candidate because heartbreak is sure to follow.
actually Im fairly interested in the free college, but before it happens we need to see the debt come down so it can be paid for without raising taxes to do it.
The debt is not going to come down. Any surplus would be short lived. It would be far more likely that little green men will land their space ship on the White House lawn, before Republicans vote a tax increase to support trillions of dollars in new domestic programs.
The republicans caved in and approved the spending on obamacare, what is it that makes you think they would not cave in for bernies free education?
Obamacare and first year funding was passed by a Democrat congress in 2010. Denying funding in later years after implementation of a program has begun is far more difficult than blocking passage of the legislation. Most of Sanders programs would never get out of committee in the House.
The two candidates this election worthy of respect for their honesty and integrity are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. It's a shame Paul had to drop out.
Honesty and politics don't mix. If you're truly honest, then you're going to have a lot of opposition which means less votes but if you're a skillful liar, you can get the votes of both sides.
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Don't feel the Bern he's a lot like Trump who I also don't support he has a populist message that gets big applause lines but that is about it. Putting aside if you agree or disagree with Bernies policies the chances of anything he wants to enact getting through Congress is slim and none closer to none in my opinion. After New Hampshire the demographics of the Southern states and those with large minority populations favor Hillary and I think that is when Bernie mania ends I'm not putting that in stone though because as I said on another thread I thought Sanders and Trump would both be out of the race by now.
The two candidates this election worthy of respect for their honesty and integrity are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. It's a shame Paul had to drop out.
Honesty and politics don't mix. If you're truly honest, then you're going to have a lot of opposition which means less votes but if you're a skillful liar, you can get the votes of both sides.
While that is true and a skillful BS'r can be more effective, "honest" candidates are needed in our politics and I respect them for their contribution. The presence of Sanders and Paul have been needed and are making a positive impact IMO.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
So if we can leave the 18th century now and get back to Bernie Sanders...

Mister Sanders, and the entire American political system would do well to remember the roots of this system and the fact that they work FOR the American people, not the other way around.

Well, they once used to. That is until the Wall Streeter's got full of themselves and became just another genetic mutation of "walking heads".
Don't feel the Bern he's a lot like Trump who I also don't support he has a populist message that gets big applause lines but that is about it. Putting aside if you agree or disagree with Bernies policies the chances of anything he wants to enact getting through Congress is slim and none closer to none in my opinion. After New Hampshire the demographics of the Southern states and those with large minority populations favor Hillary and I think that is when Bernie mania ends I'm not putting that in stone though because as I said on another thread I thought Sanders and Trump would both be out of the race by now.

With a Republican Congress ain't nottin but good. Bernie gets the message out about Wall Street and the Congress can't do anymore oppression. Win! Win!
So if we can leave the 18th century now and get back to Bernie Sanders...

Mister Sanders, and the entire American political system would do well to remember the roots of this system and the fact that they work FOR the American people, not the other way around.

Well, they once used to. That is until the Wall Streeter's got full of themselves and became just another genetic mutation of "walking heads".


that was before the billionaires of this country shipped peoples jobs overseas to get around taxation and labor costs

that was before the billionaires of this country got tax cuts on their overseas profits by the claim that they were providing jobs to this society

that was before the billionaires of this country in wall st made hard working mid class 401Ks disappear

that was before the billionaires of this country did bail out on tax payer money after the crash while mid class were losing their homes from left and right........

that was before the billionaires of this country, not double, not triple, but quadruple screwed the mid class of this country...........

Everybody should realize; you quadruple screw the mid class, and mid class is gonna pentadruple screw you.

Law of nature...
Debra, I'm most definitely NOT feeling the Bern. Nor am I supporting Hillary C*nton. Interestingly enough as of right now, the most likely choice for me in November will be to write my own name in on that line of the ballot, since I can't stand any of the Republican candidates either.

But, back to Mr. Sanders for a moment..... He's a Socialist. My ancestors moved here between 1660 and 1900 from European countries to GET AWAY FROM Government's that controlled everything in their contries. Governments that robbed some of the citizens to pay for the want and desires of others. Only in their cases it was the rich stealing from the middle/poor, and Mr Sanders would apparently prefer the poor to steal from the middle/rich. Robin Hood was a great legend, but it doesn't work in reality.

Do you really think these companies and individuals at the top will just sit around and allow the Government to run a scythe through their profits? Not gonna happen. They'll move the whole company and themseelves out of the country, not just their bank accounts. . . .

The companies have been moving their businesses overseas for many, many years already. Our citizens have already lost tons of jobs and the congress gives those businesses tax breaks. Check out this article from 2012: "The Senate has rejected further consideration of a bill Democrats say would have eliminated existing tax breaks for employers who ship their jobs overseas. . . . Under existing law, employers may take tax deductions for the costs associated with moving jobs out of the country."

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politic...i-outsourcing-bill-democrats-point-to-Romney/

Likewise, as someone who makes $80K a year working for a living, the moment that it is no longer more prosperous for me to work than to sit around on my ass, like so many of Mr Sanders supporters, I will quit my job. It's not MY place to pay for everyone elses healthcare, higher education, etc....

Mr. Sanders needs to understand something..... In 1775 parts of my family took up arms because King George had his hand in their pockets. In 1861 parts of my family took up arms because the US Government was trying to steal their Rights. I'm more than happy to follow in the tradition and take up arms against a Government that wants to do BOTH at the same time.

The government already has its hands in your pockets. It even gives businesses tax breaks to take your job away and give it to some other person in a foreign country. If corporations want to leave ... let them leave ... pass legislation that says ... leave if you want, but we're not opening our markets to you to exploit. There are tons of hard working, industrious citizens who will stand up, take advantage of the opening, and take their place.

If you're paying taxes that are spent on healthcare, education, modern infrastructure, clean water, etc., then so am I and so are all other citizens. I don't mind paying taxes for the common good to cover your healthcare and the education of your kids and grandkids. I want you to be healthy and live a long, happy, productive life. I want smart, educated, and innovative kids growing up and rising up to do great things for this country. Why is that a bad thing? Why would you want to take up arms against a government that assists people to rise out of poverty and despair? We should be angry at the corporate welfare that diverts our tax dollars into the hands of a privileged few.

that was before the billionaires of this country shipped peoples jobs overseas to get around taxation and labor costs

that was before the billionaires of this country got tax cuts on their overseas profits by the claim that they were providing jobs to this society

that was before the billionaires of this country in wall st made hard working mid class 401Ks disappear

that was before the billionaires of this country did bail out on tax payer money after the crash while mid class were losing their homes from left and right........

that was before the billionaires of this country, not double, not triple, but quadruple screwed the mid class of this country...........

Everybody should realize; you quadruple screw the mid class, and mid class is gonna pentadruple screw you.

Law of nature...

That wasn't before the Government of this country told those billionaires who they had to hire to meet some quota or level of fairnesss

That wasn't before the Government of this country saddled those billionaire's companies with overwhelming regulations

That wasn't before the Government of this country clobbered those billionaire's companies with excessive tax rates

That wasn't before the Government of this nation made any successful billionaire out as a greedy rich guy rather than something to aspire to.

No sane person in this country wants to own a business anymore. The regulations, restrictions, requirements and persecution placed upon businesses and their owners for every little thing in this nation at this point is INSANE. Whether it's Walmart or Fred's Roadside Hot Dog Shop. It's ludicrous.

The middle class would be far better off to side with the people who CAN create jobs (the business owners) rather than the people who run those companies out of the country (the Government).
If you're paying taxes that are spent on healthcare, education, modern infrastructure, clean water, etc., then so am I and so are all other citizens. I don't mind paying taxes for the common good to cover your healthcare and the education of your kids and grandkids. I want you to be healthy and live a long, happy, productive life. I want smart, educated, and innovative kids growing up and rising up to do great things for this country. Why is that a bad thing? Why would you want to take up arms against a government that assists people to rise out of poverty and despair? We should be angry at the corporate welfare that diverts our tax dollars into the hands of a privileged few.

I do mind having the Government, especially the Federal Govermnent, reach into my paycheck every week for things that they are not LEGALLY allowed to do, and shouldn't be doing on a MORAL basis either. The US Constitution lays down a very specific and incredibly SHORT list of things the US Congress is allowed to legislate and/or spend money on. The "General Welfare and Common Defense" noted in that same Article, refer to the Welfare and Defense of the NATION, not the individual citizens thereof.

It is not the Government's job to raise people out of poverty and despair. It is the decision of those individuals if they choose to want to take the initiative to raise themselves out of those conditions or remain there. The Government is simply there to ensure that nobody unduely restrains their opportunity to rise, not to give them a hand out OR a hand up.

When someone sticks their hand in my pocket without a good reason, they damn well better understand that I'm gonna turn around with a gun in mine. It doesn't matter if they're the local mugger or the US Government.

I have no use for Welfare of any type.... Corporate, Personal, Agricultural, Foreign Aid, etc.... The way to fix it is to fix the entire Government, not just put a new face on the old system. Especially not a face whose mouth constantly spews ideas even worse than the ones the current system has come up with.

that was before the billionaires of this country shipped peoples jobs overseas to get around taxation and labor costs

that was before the billionaires of this country got tax cuts on their overseas profits by the claim that they were providing jobs to this society

that was before the billionaires of this country in wall st made hard working mid class 401Ks disappear

that was before the billionaires of this country did bail out on tax payer money after the crash while mid class were losing their homes from left and right........

that was before the billionaires of this country, not double, not triple, but quadruple screwed the mid class of this country...........

Everybody should realize; you quadruple screw the mid class, and mid class is gonna pentadruple screw you.

Law of nature...

That wasn't before the Government of this country told those billionaires who they had to hire to meet some quota or level of fairnesss

That wasn't before the Government of this country saddled those billionaire's companies with overwhelming regulations

That wasn't before the Government of this country clobbered those billionaire's companies with excessive tax rates

That wasn't before the Government of this nation made any successful billionaire out as a greedy rich guy rather than something to aspire to.

No sane person in this country wants to own a business anymore. The regulations, restrictions, requirements and persecution placed upon businesses and their owners for every little thing in this nation at this point is INSANE. Whether it's Walmart or Fred's Roadside Hot Dog Shop. It's ludicrous.

The middle class would be far better off to side with the people who CAN create jobs (the business owners) rather than the people who run those companies out of the country (the Government).

That was not before the billionaires of this country were treating their employees like their slaves

That was not before the billionaires of this country were trying to avoid tax in Cayman islands

That was not before the billionaires of this country poisoned citizens food, water, air with their reckless greedy actions

That was not before the billionaires of this country screwed people over and over and over again for the name of profit, and at the end people had to defend themselves with regulations and rules to get a fair play

Billionaire class would be far better of if they didn't treat citizens of this country like they are an expandable bunch...

Just my honest opinion........
Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Because you want him to give you other people's property that you didn't lift a finger to help earn?

I don't want anyone's property, I've already got my own, however, I would like to see some investment in THIS country for a change.
That's what you're supposed to do. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Someone ineligible for a seat at today's Democrat table said that.

Well ... how can an unfed, uneducated child grow up to contribute to society? we need to give that child the opportunity to be productive and contribute to common good. It starts at the bottom of the pyramid ... we have to invest in moving them from bottom (survival mode) so they have the chance to move up and reach the top of the pyramid. But, the people already at the top of the pyramid say, "oops, we destroyed our businesses and the economy ... country ... give us a trillion dollars and bail us out ... and then let us do it again in a few years." The people already at the top of the pyramid say, "gee, I can make more money if I hire slave labor in foreign countries, so country ... give me tax breaks to move jobs overseas." What are they actually doing for this country other than robbing us? I don't understand the mindset that has no problem with corporate welfare, but balks at feeding a hungry child or educating him or making sure he is healthy.
Well ... how can an unfed, uneducated child grow up to contribute to society? we need to give that child the opportunity to be productive and contribute to common good. .......
The best way to do that is to teach young people that they should not be having children UNLESS and UNTIL they can properly support and take care of them; rather than allowing many of these parents (including two of my sisters-in-law) to use children as a means to increase their income.... 100% of which comes from my tax money through State and Federal assistance programs.
No, I don't feel the Bern. The reason is that socialists want the power to spend your money the way they see fit. They live in a childmind state where they envision a country like a family with parental care and guidance. The more dependent your mentality the more socialism will appeal. I'm a very independent individual and will fight to be free.

Fair enough. But isn't that true about all politicians? Why are we 17 Trillion Dollars in debt? Where did the money go? Obviously, Congress spent the money how they saw fit. What do average American citizens have to show for that debt? other than an obligation to pay it?
Well, it got doubled fairly recently and the economy isn't showing much in the way of results. No, not all politicians want us to be micro managed by DC bureaucrats, that's the hallmark of the left. Democrats have moved so far to the left there isn't a distinction between them and Bernie any more.

I don't want to be micro-managed either. I don't want the government in my home, in my bedroom, in my refrigerator ... I don't want a "nanny state" that dictates. But Carla mentioned this: We want INVESTMENT in our country (and a country consists of its people) ... I would like our government to invest our tax revenues in a manner that is beneficial to all of us and not just a privileged few. We need to move people from the bottom of our society into the middle class and upper echelons. Our shrinking middle class isn't just the fault of democrats ... the republicans have done much to facilitate that problem. And truly, once a democrat or republican is entrenched in political office, you really can't tell them apart. One or the other will emerge from time to time to toss around some red meat, and then they laugh at everyone who chews on it ... those red meat issues will never be resolved because they serve a purpose.
Break up the banks means "Holy shit, how did this happen?


Be more than happy to explain this to a Bernie fan.. One of the traits of Bernie fans is that they don't have a CLUE how stuff works.. Not taxes, not economics, not the banking system..

See the 2 largest periods of CONSOLIDATION in that graph? Sarbanes/Oxley was being formed in 2001 and Dodd Frank was being contemplated in 2008.. Creating regulation that only HUGE banks can afford is a sure way to DRIVE consolidation.. It's KILLING small and community banks right out of existence.


Only reason they were "below historical levels" for Dodd Frank is that there were only a handful LEFT to consolidate.

You're most welcome.. Any thing else the Bernie crowd needs to understand??

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