Feeling the Bern?

Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?
Not voting for Hill if she's nominated makes you a dupe, I fear. Both Dems are much better than any Pub.

The choice of an original Flower Power Child or an out right liar like we have now are better?
Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Because you want him to give you other people's property that you didn't lift a finger to help earn?

I don't want anyone's property, I've already got my own, however, I would like to see some investment in THIS country for a change.
That's what you're supposed to do. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Someone ineligible for a seat at today's Democrat table said that.

Well ... how can an unfed, uneducated child grow up to contribute to society? we need to give that child the opportunity to be productive and contribute to common good. It starts at the bottom of the pyramid ... we have to invest in moving them from bottom (survival mode) so they have the chance to move up and reach the top of the pyramid. But, the people already at the top of the pyramid say, "oops, we destroyed our businesses and the economy ... country ... give us a trillion dollars and bail us out ... and then let us do it again in a few years." The people already at the top of the pyramid say, "gee, I can make more money if I hire slave labor in foreign countries, so country ... give me tax breaks to move jobs overseas." What are they actually doing for this country other than robbing us? I don't understand the mindset that has no problem with corporate welfare, but balks at feeding a hungry child or educating him or making sure he is healthy.

There are no unfed children in this country. In fact, obesity is rampant among the poor. They all get 12 years of government schooling. Whose fault is it if they can't read after they're done?

The rich didn't destroy the economy, the government did, and Democrats have given American jobs to cheap imported labor from third world countries. Democrats are the ones robbing us all. Democrats are destroying the middle class.
The two candidates this election worthy of respect for their honesty and integrity are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. It's a shame Paul had to drop out.
Honesty and politics don't mix. If you're truly honest, then you're going to have a lot of opposition which means less votes but if you're a skillful liar, you can get the votes of both sides.
While that is true and a skillful BS'r can be more effective, "honest" candidates are needed in our politics and I respect them for their contribution. The presence of Sanders and Paul have been needed and are making a positive impact IMO.
Oh, I agree. In fact most historians agree that honesty is one of the most important traits of a good president. I really don't think politicians actually lie that much, they just don't tell all the truth and they allow the public to reach erroneous conclusion that are in their best interest.
If that's the case, then why do historians all claim that the biggest liars in American history were the best presidents?

Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson - these men were all liars of the highest voltage.
Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Because you want him to give you other people's property that you didn't lift a finger to help earn?

I don't want anyone's property, I've already got my own, however, I would like to see some investment in THIS country for a change.
That's what you're supposed to do. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Someone ineligible for a seat at today's Democrat table said that.

Well ... how can an unfed, uneducated child grow up to contribute to society? we need to give that child the opportunity to be productive and contribute to common good. It starts at the bottom of the pyramid ... we have to invest in moving them from bottom (survival mode) so they have the chance to move up and reach the top of the pyramid. But, the people already at the top of the pyramid say, "oops, we destroyed our businesses and the economy ... country ... give us a trillion dollars and bail us out ... and then let us do it again in a few years." The people already at the top of the pyramid say, "gee, I can make more money if I hire slave labor in foreign countries, so country ... give me tax breaks to move jobs overseas." What are they actually doing for this country other than robbing us? I don't understand the mindset that has no problem with corporate welfare, but balks at feeding a hungry child or educating him or making sure he is healthy.

There are no unfed children in this country. In fact, obesity is rampant among the poor. They all get 12 years of government schooling. Whose fault is it if they can't read after they're done?

The rich didn't destroy the economy, the government did, and Democrats have given American jobs to cheap imported labor from third world countries. Democrats are the ones robbing us all. Democrats are destroying the middle class.

They refuse to believe those facts.
They think that it is wrong headed opinions.
Well ... how can an unfed, uneducated child grow up to contribute to society? we need to give that child the opportunity to be productive and contribute to common good. It starts at the bottom of the pyramid ... we have to invest in moving them from bottom (survival mode) so they have the chance to move up and reach the top of the pyramid. But, the people already at the top of the pyramid say, "oops, we destroyed our businesses and the economy ... country ... give us a trillion dollars and bail us out ... and then let us do it again in a few years." The people already at the top of the pyramid say, "gee, I can make more money if I hire slave labor in foreign countries, so country ... give me tax breaks to move jobs overseas." What are they actually doing for this country other than robbing us? I don't understand the mindset that has no problem with corporate welfare, but balks at feeding a hungry child or educating him or making sure he is healthy.
What the hell are you talking about? The US spends a fortune on each child in public ed. Way more than other countries with much less results. You don't occupy reality, you're living in some agenda driven bubble universe.

If you have a problem with big business and government, growing the size and scope of government will make things worse. That's why we're in the predicament we're in now. And people don't don't want to pay 2 or 3 times the amount for products to employ an American. That isn't the businesses fault, people vote with their pocketbooks. That's called reality. Bernie is the exact wrong answer and it should be obvious. We been moving down that road and his solution is to put the peddle to the metal.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?

if hillary's the candidate you won't vote.

and if bernie is the candidate we can't win.

so there ya go. but feel free to stay home.

I don't agree that Bernie can't win the election.

If he's not the presidential candidate, I will stay home. I won't vote for "evil" even if some people believe Hillary is the lesser evil.
I never thought Trump would make it this far but he has.

Hillary is by far the most experience and capable candidate but her age is catching up with her. Sanders does't have a chance getting anything he has proposed through congress. Rubio lacks experience and credibility. Cruz's own party can't stand him and his political philosophy is so ridge he will never be able to work with congress. Trump is just plain crazy.

Why does Sanders have to carry all the water for us? Voting him into office is just the first step. The next step is to hold each member of an obstructionist Congress accountable. If we're unwilling to take the first step because the next step requires further effort on our part, then we're lazy and deserve what we get. We need to clean house from top to bottom.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Don't complain about money in politics, and never complain about lying politicians if Bernie Sanders isn't our next president. You have your chance to elect an honest, fearless candidate for president, and if you choose the wrong person, simply don't complain when the next financial collapse costs you a business, or your house.

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of popularity by proposing what strategists may call “real change” ideas. It’s not just about maintaining the status quo, but fighting Wall Street for their damages on the economy, fighting for healthcare as a human right, and fighting for every kid to be given a chance at a college education. Clinton’s ad seems to suggest that all this “real change” is too idealistic, which may hold some truth.

However, by outright using that as a reason to support her, what Clinton’s ultimately saying is: “real change is impossible, so settle for me.” Not the best motivation speech.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?

if hillary's the candidate you won't vote.

and if bernie is the candidate we can't win.

so there ya go. but feel free to stay home.

I don't agree that Bernie can't win the election.

If he's not the presidential candidate, I will stay home. I won't vote for "evil" even if some people believe Hillary is the lesser evil.
I never thought Trump would make it this far but he has.

Hillary is by far the most experience and capable candidate but her age is catching up with her. Sanders does't have a chance getting anything he has proposed through congress. Rubio lacks experience and credibility. Cruz's own party can't stand him and his political philosophy is so ridge he will never be able to work with congress. Trump is just plain crazy.

Why does Sanders have to carry all the water for us? Voting him into office is just the first step. The next step is to hold each member of an obstructionist Congress accountable. If were unwilling to take the first step because the next step requires further effort on our part, then we're lazy and deserve what we get. We need to clean house from top to bottom.
We don't want a congress passing bills/laws all the time... More laws/bills/regulations means less freedom....
Career politicians like Bernie are the ones needed to be kicked out...
Socialism is an disease without a cure... This country is living on borrowed time.
I love Bernie Sanders, I'm just not sure how effective he would be. You cannot change decades of oligarchy simply by talking loudly. He does come with less baggage though.

Effective in what way?

I think having an honest voice and watchdog in the oval office will be extremely effective. He can use his loud voice and his White House pulpit to educate the people. Hey ... this is what your congressional representatives want to do with your tax dollars or with a proposed bill ... do you agree with that or not? Here's why I believe it is a good or bad plan ... etc... He can encourage the people to put pressure on their elected representatives to actually do the jobs they were elected to do ... or be replaced in the next election. I think electing Bernie Sanders is a first step in the right direction.

The right direction in your case would be over the adjacent cliff!

We've already fallen over the cliff. Can't you see that we're a pile of rubble laying at the bottom of the canyon? We need to figure out how we got there, start picking up the pieces, and rebuild.
I love Bernie Sanders, I'm just not sure how effective he would be. You cannot change decades of oligarchy simply by talking loudly. He does come with less baggage though.

Effective in what way?

I think having an honest voice and watchdog in the oval office will be extremely effective. He can use his loud voice and his White House pulpit to educate the people. Hey ... this is what your congressional representatives want to do with your tax dollars or with a proposed bill ... do you agree with that or not? Here's why I believe it is a good or bad plan ... etc... He can encourage the people to put pressure on their elected representatives to actually do the jobs they were elected to do ... or be replaced in the next election. I think electing Bernie Sanders is a first step in the right direction.

The right direction in your case would be over the adjacent cliff!

We've already fallen over the cliff. Can't you see that we're a pile of rubble laying at the bottom of the canyon? We need to figure out how we got there, start picking up the pieces, and rebuild.
Not going to happen, the career politicians federal government is already a banana republic... Socialism is an incurable disease
I love Bernie Sanders, I'm just not sure how effective he would be. You cannot change decades of oligarchy simply by talking loudly. He does come with less baggage though.

Effective in what way?

I think having an honest voice and watchdog in the oval office will be extremely effective. He can use his loud voice and his White House pulpit to educate the people. Hey ... this is what your congressional representatives want to do with your tax dollars or with a proposed bill ... do you agree with that or not? Here's why I believe it is a good or bad plan ... etc... He can encourage the people to put pressure on their elected representatives to actually do the jobs they were elected to do ... or be replaced in the next election. I think electing Bernie Sanders is a first step in the right direction.

The right direction in your case would be over the adjacent cliff!

We've already fallen over the cliff. Can't you see that we're a pile of rubble laying at the bottom of the canyon? We need to figure out how we got there, start picking up the pieces, and rebuild.
We already know, it isn't rocket science. We elected too many leftists that believe business is the enemy and they are the good guys. All wealth is created by business, those in government exist by taking from the private sector. As the public sector grows in power, the private sector shrinks. Fewer and fewer are pulling the weight of more and more. The only thing that can fix it is to start trimming the fat.
"Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush)."


In which case you'll need to vote.

A significant number of us have never voted 'for' anyone, only against.

A significant number of us are pragmatists who long ago accepted a fundamental fact of American politics: voting for the lesser of two evils.

It's understood that there are those who wish to feel excited about those whom they vote for, that their vote will make a difference, and will go to support a candidate who will accomplish what the voter would like to see accomplished.

But that's often not how it works.

The problem isn't a lack of 'good' candidates, or that 'poor' candidates alone seek public office.

The problem is the hyper-partisan nature of American politics, where not only elected office and its privileges are at stake, but where our fundamental rights are in jeopardy, part of the spoils of political war, the consequence of those crazy Republicans, rightwing extremists, and social conservatives.

The Framers created a Constitutional Republic to safeguard our rights and liberties, to shield them from the intrigues and acrimony of partisan conflict, from those who would seek to attack the protected liberties of their political enemies, as most on the right seek to do today.

It would be nice to participate in the political process, to support the candidate who best represents one's views and beliefs, comforted by the fact that whomever might become president, one's rights and liberties would indeed be beyond the reach of that partisan conflict.

Sadly, that's not the case.

With each of the republican candidates for president hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans, who as president would appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court with the intent of undermining settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence and our protected liberties, in addition to republicans' wrongheaded fiscal policy, foreign policy, and propensity for war, we are compelled to vote this November, to vote against the republican nominee, not 'for' someone we don't like.

Thank you, C_Clayton_Jones. This is a very well written post. It reflects education, intelligence, and careful thought. And, on most days I would agree with everything you said. But it sends the wrong message to Washington and rewards the status quo. It rewards "divide and conquer" politics where the voters are just pawns in the political games and we're forced to choose between one evil or another evil.

And really, Obama (a Democrat) has been at the helm for two terms and we're still expending our wealth and the lives of our military personnel on never-ending war. All we get is red meat thrown at us ... and so long as we're bickering over issues such as a woman's right to privacy or a gay couple's right to buy a wedding cake from a main street business ... then the political establishment wins and we the people lose. The "change we can believe in" didn't materialize based on the party designation of our president and commander-in-chief. Change will never be realized unless we recognize the problem and confront it.

Should we allow pragmatism ... settling for what we perceive to be the "lesser evil" ... carry the day? Hope for a better tomorrow is just that: Hope. Nothing else. Other than placing the future of our country in tomorrow's basket of hope, what ACTION can we take today to resolve our predicament before it's too late to pick up the pieces and rebuild?

I'm adding my voice to this important conversation. I want people to really feel and think about the burning need for real change to our political establishment. It appears there is not much else I can do, not by myself anyway.
It would be nice to participate in the political process, to support the candidate who best represents one's views and beliefs, comforted by the fact that whomever might become president, one's rights and liberties would indeed be beyond the reach of that partisan conflict.

Sadly, that's not the case.

With each of the republican candidates for president hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans, who as president would appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court with the intent of undermining settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence and our protected liberties, in addition to republicans' wrongheaded fiscal policy, foreign policy, and propensity for war, we are compelled to vote this November, to vote against the republican nominee, not 'for' someone we don't like.

This is the reason I'll support either Bernie or Hillary. At this point, a vote for Hillary would simply be a vote against Cruz or Rubio.
Bernie is just like any other career politician, paid for.

I don't agree that he is "just like" the others. His long-term record discloses that he stays true to his stated beliefs.

I agree. He's got a pretty good voting record.

Bernie Sanders on the Issues
For who??

People who can be bothered to click on the link? Name one specific thing there that you object to and why. Try to use sentences of more than two syllables.
Feeling the Bern? I am. I even contributed money to his campaign. I've never done that before. Not even for Obama even though I truly hoped he would be the harbinger of change. I'm disappointed.

Here's a good reason why I support Bernie Sanders for President of the United States:

Source: If Hillary Clinton Isn't Influenced by Wall Street Cash, Then Why Overturn Citizens United?

I'm not going to settle for Hillary.

Source: Hillary Clinton Says "No We Can't"

Ugh. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent. Outrageous.

Do you feel the Bern? why or why not?

if hillary's the candidate you won't vote.

and if bernie is the candidate we can't win.

so there ya go. but feel free to stay home.

I don't agree that Bernie can't win the election.

If he's not the presidential candidate, I will stay home. I won't vote for "evil" even if some people believe Hillary is the lesser evil.
I never thought Trump would make it this far but he has.

Hillary is by far the most experience and capable candidate but her age is catching up with her. Sanders does't have a chance getting anything he has proposed through congress. Rubio lacks experience and credibility. Cruz's own party can't stand him and his political philosophy is so ridge he will never be able to work with congress. Trump is just plain crazy.

Why does Sanders have to carry all the water for us? Voting him into office is just the first step. The next step is to hold each member of an obstructionist Congress accountable. If were unwilling to take the first step because the next step requires further effort on our part, then we're lazy and deserve what we get. We need to clean house from top to bottom.
We don't want a congress passing bills/laws all the time... More laws/bills/regulations means less freedom....
Career politicians like Bernie are the ones needed to be kicked out...
Socialism is an disease without a cure... This country is living on borrowed time.

no. an obstructionist minority of 40 members of congress not voted for by the people of this country is trying to destroy this country from the inside.

whining loons. you aren't "we the people".

the majority who wants the business of our government done is.

idiots. :cuckoo:

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