Feinstein, Boxer buck constituents on Syria strike

Feinstein, Boxer buck constituents on Syria strike
Feinstein, Boxer buck constituents on Syria strike - SFGate

Comment: Anyone know exactly how many of "their family members", they will be sending to war?

Exactly None.
The proles supply the cannon fodder.

All those troops dead fighting AQ.
Now Obama wants to support, supply and fight for them?

Liberals support AQ!!
I never believed it until now!!

No wonder they hate GWB who stood up to their AQ allies.
Liberals now proven to be supporters of terrorism.

This really should scare us-----people from California want war.
The tentacles of the corporate world and their allies have their slimy digits all over Boxer and Feinstein's shriveled up old breasts. I'm surprised that vile woman hasn't turned anyone to stone yet.
I will say, given DiFi's committee position, she MAY have more info than we're privy to.

But, DAMN she's one hideous broad

There's no way I'm going with----"we have secret information that we can't share with you"


They cant' even explain the stuff that we already know.

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