CDZ Felicity Huffman was sentenced for a college cheating scandal. Why not Liz Warren?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Huffman cheated to get her daughter into college. Not cool, but who did that hurt really? Unqualified and under-qualified students get admitted all the time through minority quota admissions or other avenues. What Liz Warren did was WORSE since her cheating at Harvard actually stole a very lucrative position away from legitimate candidates. If Huffman has to do prison time and pay a fine and do community service for her college cheating scandal, then so should Liz Warren.
Great idea, any one you don't like because there Democrat or a Republican just go back 20 40 whatever years it takes, see if you can dig up some dirt so you can jail them. more & more simple thinking here every day.
Huffman cheated to get her daughter into college. Not cool, but who did that hurt really? Unqualified and under-qualified students get admitted all the time through minority quota admissions or other avenues. What Liz Warren did was WORSE since her cheating at Harvard actually stole a very lucrative position away from legitimate candidates. If Huffman has to do prison time and pay a fine and do community service for her college cheating scandal, then so should Liz Warren.
good fnnceo said, too late...?
good point though
at least should should be ''fired'''
14 days. Big whoop.

14 days in prison is still very disrupting, and a lot more than I would have expected. From previous TV programs, most people didn't think this kind of thing was a crime at all and just standard operating procedure.

Here is a dramatization of a major industrialist having a discussing about getting his ne'er-do-well son admitted to Yale.

Let this be a lesson kids. Going to college doesn't always make you smarter. Look at Elizabeth Warren.
This whole 'scandal' is asinine. People have been openly purchasing their way into ivy league schools since their inception. Where has the outrage been all this time?
The "news" has been reporting that she paid $15k to "improve" her daughter's SAT score. Having someone else take the test doesn't "improve" her daughter's score, it fraudulently replaces it.
Not sure who she is, looked up her movie credits, I have never seen a show she was in.
She didn't go to the college where she applied as a Native American.
The "news" has been reporting that she paid $15k to "improve" her daughter's SAT score. Having someone else take the test doesn't "improve" her daughter's score, it fraudulently replaces it.

Actually, they got her test answers and corrected the ones she got wrong. That's why it was "improved". I still would like to know how this was possible without fraud by the test administrators. I was a employed by the ACT as a test administrator for security. There is no way anyone should have gotten access to anyone's answer sheets.

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