Fellow Bernie voters: Admit it, you’re gonna STFU and vote Biden in November


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.
Literally as I typed this post Bloomberg announced hes dropping out and endorsed Biden.

Yeah its rigged. You guys are gonna just take it too. You’re gonna be mad but THEY KNOW you’re still gonna vote for Biden or Hillary or whoever in November.

And honestly im sick and fucking tired of MAGA fans laughing at us for it so Im not doing it, not again.

Nobody is getting screwed. Hopefully, Bernie's voters will believe that - hell, they believed his bullshit for this long.
Literally as I typed this post Bloomberg announced hes dropping out and endorsed Biden.

Yeah its rigged. You guys are gonna just take it too. You’re gonna be mad but THEY KNOW you’re still gonna vote for Biden or Hillary or whoever in November.

And honestly im sick and fucking tired of MAGA fans laughing at us for it so Im not doing it, not again.


Dude, welcome to our pre-Trump world. You think we liked the Bush Family? Clinton was a better President than either Bush
Nobody is getting screwed. Hopefully, Bernie's voters will believe that - hell, they believed his bullshit for this long.

Seriously?? The DNC rigged it in 2016 and are doing it again. Its why Warren is still in, to suck voters away from our progressive platform.

Its sad all my fellow Bernie folks are just gonna take this screw job and STILL reward the DNC in November
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

Peach, they got 7 or 8 months to propagandize you. By the time they are done, they hope you will actually believe you were for Biden all along.

I do not like BERNARD policies, but yes, your group got screwed.

No offense, but that is how the DNC works, which is why we are GOP! The GOP is NOT the solution to all of our problems, no way. But the DNC is the cause of most of them!

Good luck Peach! And oh, by the way--------->expect Warren to be the VP nominee after she took BERNARD out by staying in. They will float it as-------->if something happens to Joe, you have your 2nd best choice. How you feel about that is up to you!
If Biden wins I'm voting for Trump.

Bullshit. Everyone at the rally said the same thing and they said it in 2016 too. But we’ll get spoon fed the DNC lines for 6 months and you all will still vote for Biden.

I’ll NEVER vote GOP or Trump, but sometimes you have to tip your hat to the devil, at least they ran a fair election and let the chips fall where they may in 2016
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.
Lol....well, the first thing I would advise you, is pay your own student debt buddy. You took the loans now pay for them...There are no free rides in life.

Second, Biden needs to evaluated for Alzheimer's....I think he is losing it....Trump will wipe the floor with him. And your tantrum deciding not to vote is only one reason why....so, go sit and pout.

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Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

But gosh, you just joined like 2 weeks ago.
I think what we saw last night was a repudiation of socialism, there are more democrats who are more moderate than Bernie is than there are Bernie supporters and they don't want Bernie as their standard-bearer. We didn't see the big turnout from the Bros, I don't think anyone can blame the DNC for that.

I do believe many of the Bernie Bros will not vote for Trump if Biden is the Dem nominee, but many won't vote for Biden either. What we have here is a split in the Dem Party.
I think what we saw last night was a repudiation of socialism, there are more democrats who are more moderate than Bernie is than there are Bernie supporters and they don't want Bernie as their standard-bearer. We didn't see the big turnout from the Bros, I don't think anyone can blame the DNC for that.

I do believe many of the Bernie Bros will not vote for Trump if Biden is the Dem nominee, but many won't vote for Biden either. What we have here is a split in the Dem Party.

I think most people who voted for Sanders will vote for the eventual Democratic party nominee. The so called 'Bernie bros' are a relatively small group and they appear to be smaller than they were in 2016 as Sanders vote has shrunk since 4 years ago.

Not that it's not ever going to happen but anyone who was for Sanders Medicare for all, take it to the billionaires and excuse student debt stance who is now going to cross over and vote for Trump who is the polar opposite is either lying or really fucking stupid. Either way, let them go, nothing you can say to them to make a difference.
I think what we saw last night was a repudiation of socialism, there are more democrats who are more moderate than Bernie is than there are Bernie supporters and they don't want Bernie as their standard-bearer. We didn't see the big turnout from the Bros, I don't think anyone can blame the DNC for that.

I do believe many of the Bernie Bros will not vote for Trump if Biden is the Dem nominee, but many won't vote for Biden either. What we have here is a split in the Dem Party.

Dont get me wrong, beating Trump IS very crucial. But doing it with Biden accomplishes nothing. It simply delays the inevitable 4-8 years, then another Republican will win and delay it another 4-8, then over and over

At that rate me and my classmates will be 75 years old and still only paying interest on student loans
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market has been great, low gas prices for 3 years, no new wars, N. Korea in check, etc... Get over the tweets and go with Trump until 2024 then pick someone else.
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market has been great, low gas prices for 3 years, no new wars, N. Korea in check, etc... Get over the tweets and go with Trump until 2024 then pick someone else.

Absolutely not. None of that pays off student debt or gives free medical care like a SANE country should. Not to mention, grad school is gonna add like another $80,000 in debt. Trump isnt gonna do shit about that, yet thats what is training future workers for his “great economy”
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market has been great, low gas prices for 3 years, no new wars, N. Korea in check, etc... Get over the tweets and go with Trump until 2024 then pick someone else.

Absolutely not. None of that pays off student debt or gives free medical care like a SANE country should. Not to mention, grad school is gonna add like another $80,000 in debt. Trump isnt gonna do shit about that, yet thats what is training future workers for his “great economy”

Biden won't relieve your debt either. Most Democrats I know don't believe in free college which is why Biden is surging. But at least Trump gives you the best chance to get a job and start paying off some of the debt. If it comes down to Biden and Trump why take a chance and change the state of the economy and job market?
Im beyond mad that they screwed Bernie again. We’re never gonna get our student debt erased, get free tuition or free medical care. Biden will be better than Trump, but thats like saying “Yay I dont have Ebola, its only cancer”

JUST ADMIT that the reason the DNC did this is because all of you fellow Bernie voters are gonna shut the **** up and pull the lever for Biden in November anyway.

Welp not me. Ive had enough and will sit this one out. Whatever.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market has been great, low gas prices for 3 years, no new wars, N. Korea in check, etc... Get over the tweets and go with Trump until 2024 then pick someone else.

Absolutely not. None of that pays off student debt or gives free medical care like a SANE country should. Not to mention, grad school is gonna add like another $80,000 in debt. Trump isnt gonna do shit about that, yet thats what is training future workers for his “great economy”
America rejected your moronic free shit platform.

Go pat for your own shit, loser.

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