Fellow Conservatives I am entering the battle of my life time

one of your libtard buddies accidentally proved it by posting a study that he thought confirmed your claim, but like you, he failed to read it.

What it showed was that 60% of bankruptcy filings had some medical bills included in the filing, but there was not one case where the filing was solely the result of medical bills.

A study that says not one bankruptcy is caused by unexpected medical bills is crap. I personally know of a few.

you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you can claim the medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

You are as delusional as anyone I have seen on this board. If soneone is hit with a $200,000 hospital bill, you think they have that cash laying around? Only a lame RWer would come up with such a insane line of reasoning.

Are you saying all those that declare bankruptcy were hit with a $200,000 bill or do you know of ONE situation that you want to make out as if it is all of them?

$200 or $200,000 makes no difference. You bleeding hearts claim you care about all these people going bankrupt. Why don't you all get together and pool your money and prove it?
A study that says not one bankruptcy is caused by unexpected medical bills is crap. I personally know of a few.

you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you can claim the medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

nope, what he said is 100% correct. No one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills.

If bleeding heart Liberals cared as much as they claimed, when someone was going to go bankrupt due to medical bills, they'd all get together and pool their own money to pay it.
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one of your libtard buddies accidentally proved it by posting a study that he thought confirmed your claim, but like you, he failed to read it.

What it showed was that 60% of bankruptcy filings had some medical bills included in the filing, but there was not one case where the filing was solely the result of medical bills.

A study that says not one bankruptcy is caused by unexpected medical bills is crap. I personally know of a few.

you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you can claim the medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

So you agree you couldn't find all those compassionate bleeding hearts. Nice to know you've learned something today.
A study that says not one bankruptcy is caused by unexpected medical bills is crap. I personally know of a few.

you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you can claim the medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

You are as delusional as anyone I have seen on this board. If soneone is hit with a $200,000 hospital bill, you think they have that cash laying around? Only a lame RWer would come up with such a insane line of reasoning.

Are you saying all those that declare bankruptcy were hit with a $200,000 bill or do you know of ONE situation that you want to make out as if it is all of them?

$200 or $200,000 makes no difference. You bleeding hearts claim you care about all these people going bankrupt. Why don't you all get together and pool your money and prove it?

You are floundering. Comments like that are expected from a 12 year old, but you need a little more than that to sound like a reasonable adult.
A study that says not one bankruptcy is caused by unexpected medical bills is crap. I personally know of a few.

you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you can claim the medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

So you agree you couldn't find all those compassionate bleeding hearts. Nice to know you've learned something today.

Everybody says something dumb occasionally, but you have to try really hard to sound that childish.
Obviously you don't know what you are talking about. An emergency room will sew you up if you are bleeding, or help you through a heart attack, but once the immediate problem is dealt with,you are screwed.

that is a lie. I know for a fact that M D Anderson, Ochsner, Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, and every other major hospital system in the country will take and treat people with no ability to pay.

you are a victim of left wing lies. Even people in this country illegally receive treatment.

do you left wingers ever tell the truth about anything?

you clearly have zero clue about how things work.

rightwingnuts wouldn't know truth if it bit them. it's all that confirmation bias BS

Have you ever heard of medicaid? Check it out, it pays the medical bills of poor people and uninsured people.

No one was denied medical treatment in the US before obozocare.

I personally know of two young people who had CF. they both got double lung transplants and are doing pretty well, neither had any money or insurance. the hospital did not take them to court or try to garnish their wages.

you libs lie about everything to justify the failures and lies of your kenyan messiah. you are pathetic human beings.

Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist
that is a lie. I know for a fact that M D Anderson, Ochsner, Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, and every other major hospital system in the country will take and treat people with no ability to pay.

you are a victim of left wing lies. Even people in this country illegally receive treatment.

do you left wingers ever tell the truth about anything?

you clearly have zero clue about how things work.

rightwingnuts wouldn't know truth if it bit them. it's all that confirmation bias BS

Have you ever heard of medicaid? Check it out, it pays the medical bills of poor people and uninsured people.

No one was denied medical treatment in the US before obozocare.

I personally know of two young people who had CF. they both got double lung transplants and are doing pretty well, neither had any money or insurance. the hospital did not take them to court or try to garnish their wages.

you libs lie about everything to justify the failures and lies of your kenyan messiah. you are pathetic human beings.

Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
you clearly have zero clue about how things work.

rightwingnuts wouldn't know truth if it bit them. it's all that confirmation bias BS

Have you ever heard of medicaid? Check it out, it pays the medical bills of poor people and uninsured people.

No one was denied medical treatment in the US before obozocare.

I personally know of two young people who had CF. they both got double lung transplants and are doing pretty well, neither had any money or insurance. the hospital did not take them to court or try to garnish their wages.

you libs lie about everything to justify the failures and lies of your kenyan messiah. you are pathetic human beings.

Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:
Have you ever heard of medicaid? Check it out, it pays the medical bills of poor people and uninsured people.

No one was denied medical treatment in the US before obozocare.

I personally know of two young people who had CF. they both got double lung transplants and are doing pretty well, neither had any money or insurance. the hospital did not take them to court or try to garnish their wages.

you libs lie about everything to justify the failures and lies of your kenyan messiah. you are pathetic human beings.

Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.

and you would have to actually think before you could comment on those things in others.

but you don't... so it's all good. you can go back to hating anyone who isn't a rightwingnut neocon wackjob now.
Before Obamacare, I couldn't get insurance at any price because of a pre existing condition, and I didn't qualify for medicaid. You really should check some things before you repeat what rush told you.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
More proof of my statement:eusa_wall:
you really think reality concerns them?

glad you have coverage now.
The leftist answer for everything is to create an ever growing bureaucracy, siphoning off money meant to help people, to support the bureaucracy. The Clintons are very good at siphoning off money for personal gain. Which is why their foundation spent 80% of the money raised to employ their friends and family and to support their lavish lifestyle. The preexisting conditions thing could have been easily fixed without destroying the whole system, but those people are good fodder for you leftist

ok ncwj. :cuckoo:
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
More proof of my statement:eusa_wall:

you wish. :cuckoo:

but you are amusing... sort of... if by amusing one means a misogynist loser who lies compulsively and has no sense of reality.
that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE

That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.

nope, you are making that up. they just write off the unpaid bills, they do not go to court and get judgements against sick people who cannot pay.

you are spouting a lib talking point that has no basis in fact.

Bullshit. Hell, why would anyone pay their bill? Hospitals/collections can garnish wages up to 25%.

You're full of shit.

very few people pay their bills out of their own pockets. they either have insurance, medicare, or medicaid, or they just don't pay.

Do you understand why you get a bill for $25 for one aspirin and then the insurance pays the hopital $0.25 for it? the hospital writes off $24.75 as a loss for tax purposes, its a game, grow up.

People do not file bankruptcy solely for unpaid medical bills, to claim otherwise is just being ignorant of the facts.

You are an idiot. Not everyone has insurance. For example, if a person is between jobs, has an emergency, and winds up at the emergency room, once they are employed again, the hospital can get a court order against you, and garnish your wages.

It's not rocket science, and you can simply google what I'm saying.

they could, but they don't. thats the point, fool.

Now, if you have any brains and are between jobs you buy a temporary short term medical policy, they are very inexpensive and cover any major medical issues. But that would require taking personal responsibility, something you libs do not understand.
you are lying. but you are a liberal so thats expected. But if you have a case of a bankruptcy being caused SOLELY by medical bills, please post it. Remember there can be no credit card bills, car payments, mortgage payments, etc in the filing, it must be solely due to medical bills.

Of course there were other bills. Bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, those bills were not a problem until an unexpected medical emergency. You're trying a little too hard to hide from the fact that medical bills have caused countless bankruptcies.

The only way you if medical bill was the cause of it is to say that had no other bills been a part of it, bankruptcy would have been the result. You don't know all those situations personally. Some of them could have been due to the person not having enough money because they were so far in debt from other bills ANYTHING could have caused bankruptcy. You want to use that because you believe the government belongs in healthcare. You want to believe it because you couldn't get coverage and couldn't find any bleeding hearts that said they cared about you to help you personally.

You are as delusional as anyone I have seen on this board. If soneone is hit with a $200,000 hospital bill, you think they have that cash laying around? Only a lame RWer would come up with such a insane line of reasoning.

Are you saying all those that declare bankruptcy were hit with a $200,000 bill or do you know of ONE situation that you want to make out as if it is all of them?

$200 or $200,000 makes no difference. You bleeding hearts claim you care about all these people going bankrupt. Why don't you all get together and pool your money and prove it?

Honestly, do you take psychopathic drugs? Your level of reasoning borders on insane.

My level of reasoning shows that those who CLAIM they care only care about seeing how much the government can force from the rest of us so you can take credit for something you didn't do.
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
More proof of my statement:eusa_wall:

you wish. :cuckoo:

but you are amusing... sort of... if by amusing one means a misogynist loser who lies compulsively and has no sense of reality.

you are a lesbian, aren't you? "not that there is anything wrong with that" your rhetoric gives you away. angry, victim, liberal, hater. you fit the mold.

If you're going to make assumptions like that, I'm going to assume you haven't gotten laid in at least 30 years. You fit the mold.
That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.

nope, you are making that up. they just write off the unpaid bills, they do not go to court and get judgements against sick people who cannot pay.

you are spouting a lib talking point that has no basis in fact.

Bullshit. Hell, why would anyone pay their bill? Hospitals/collections can garnish wages up to 25%.

You're full of shit.

very few people pay their bills out of their own pockets. they either have insurance, medicare, or medicaid, or they just don't pay.

Do you understand why you get a bill for $25 for one aspirin and then the insurance pays the hopital $0.25 for it? the hospital writes off $24.75 as a loss for tax purposes, its a game, grow up.

People do not file bankruptcy solely for unpaid medical bills, to claim otherwise is just being ignorant of the facts.

You are an idiot. Not everyone has insurance. For example, if a person is between jobs, has an emergency, and winds up at the emergency room, once they are employed again, the hospital can get a court order against you, and garnish your wages.

It's not rocket science, and you can simply google what I'm saying.

they could, but they don't. thats the point, fool.

Now, if you have any brains and are between jobs you buy a temporary short term medical policy, they are very inexpensive and cover any major medical issues. But that would require taking personal responsibility, something you libs do not understand.

I already provided you with two links that say the opposite, and here you are with nothing...again.
nope, you are making that up. they just write off the unpaid bills, they do not go to court and get judgements against sick people who cannot pay.

you are spouting a lib talking point that has no basis in fact.

Bullshit. Hell, why would anyone pay their bill? Hospitals/collections can garnish wages up to 25%.

You're full of shit.

very few people pay their bills out of their own pockets. they either have insurance, medicare, or medicaid, or they just don't pay.

Do you understand why you get a bill for $25 for one aspirin and then the insurance pays the hopital $0.25 for it? the hospital writes off $24.75 as a loss for tax purposes, its a game, grow up.

People do not file bankruptcy solely for unpaid medical bills, to claim otherwise is just being ignorant of the facts.

You are an idiot. Not everyone has insurance. For example, if a person is between jobs, has an emergency, and winds up at the emergency room, once they are employed again, the hospital can get a court order against you, and garnish your wages.

It's not rocket science, and you can simply google what I'm saying.

they could, but they don't. thats the point, fool.

Now, if you have any brains and are between jobs you buy a temporary short term medical policy, they are very inexpensive and cover any major medical issues. But that would require taking personal responsibility, something you libs do not understand.

I already provided you with two links that say the opposite, and here you are with nothing...again.

thats funny, your links prove my point, did you bother reading them?

what they said is that 60% of bankruptcy filings have some medical bills in them. No where do they say that anyone has ever filed bankruptcy solely due to medical bills.
You're not a very deep thinker are you?..That's common with leftist :slap:

i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
More proof of my statement:eusa_wall:

you wish. :cuckoo:

but you are amusing... sort of... if by amusing one means a misogynist loser who lies compulsively and has no sense of reality.

you are a lesbian, aren't you? "not that there is anything wrong with that" your rhetoric gives you away. angry, victim, liberal, hater. you fit the mold.

If you're going to make assumptions like that, I'm going to assume you haven't gotten laid in at least 30 years. You fit the mold.

30 minutes would be more accurate. but am I right or wrong about jilly?
i think you should save those criticisms for the braindead rightwingnut shills... you know, like the psychotic, drug addled o/p.
More proof of my statement:eusa_wall:

you wish. :cuckoo:

but you are amusing... sort of... if by amusing one means a misogynist loser who lies compulsively and has no sense of reality.

you are a lesbian, aren't you? "not that there is anything wrong with that" your rhetoric gives you away. angry, victim, liberal, hater. you fit the mold.

If you're going to make assumptions like that, I'm going to assume you haven't gotten laid in at least 30 years. You fit the mold.

30 minutes would be more accurate. but am I right or wrong about jilly?

That doesn't count.

Bullshit. Hell, why would anyone pay their bill? Hospitals/collections can garnish wages up to 25%.

You're full of shit.

very few people pay their bills out of their own pockets. they either have insurance, medicare, or medicaid, or they just don't pay.

Do you understand why you get a bill for $25 for one aspirin and then the insurance pays the hopital $0.25 for it? the hospital writes off $24.75 as a loss for tax purposes, its a game, grow up.

People do not file bankruptcy solely for unpaid medical bills, to claim otherwise is just being ignorant of the facts.

You are an idiot. Not everyone has insurance. For example, if a person is between jobs, has an emergency, and winds up at the emergency room, once they are employed again, the hospital can get a court order against you, and garnish your wages.

It's not rocket science, and you can simply google what I'm saying.

they could, but they don't. thats the point, fool.

Now, if you have any brains and are between jobs you buy a temporary short term medical policy, they are very inexpensive and cover any major medical issues. But that would require taking personal responsibility, something you libs do not understand.

I already provided you with two links that say the opposite, and here you are with nothing...again.

thats funny, your links prove my point, did you bother reading them?

what they said is that 60% of bankruptcy filings have some medical bills in them. No where do they say that anyone has ever filed bankruptcy solely due to medical bills.

Maybe this cart will help. See that big blue area?


Earlier this year, the financial-advice company NerdWallet found that medical bankruptcy is the number-one cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S. With a new report out today, the company dug into how, exactly, medical treatment leaves so many Americans broke.

Americans pay three times more for medical debt than they do for bank and credit-card debt combined, the report found. Nearly a fifth of us will hear from medical-debt collectors this year, and they'll gather $21 billion from us, collectively.

It's worth noting that the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate and Medicaid expansion might alleviate some of this debt strain over the coming years. But otherwise, patients have few options beyond attempting to research hospital charges ahead of time—which is probably the furthest thing from a person's mind when they are most in need of a hospital.

Why Americans Are Drowning in Medical Debt


In 2013 over 20% of American adults are struggling to pay their medical bills, and three in five bankruptcies in 2014 will be due to medical bills. While we are quick to blame debt on poor savings and bad spending habits, our study emphasizes the burden of health costs in causing widespread indebtedness. Medical bills can completely overwhelm a family when illness strikes.

Furthermore, 25 million people hesitate to take their medications in order to control their medical costs. This can lead to even worse financial outcomes as patients avoid preventive care and instead use expensive ambulance and ER care as their health worsens.

Finally, many question whether President Obama’s universal health insurance mandate will protect Americans from problems with medical bills. Insurance is no silver bullet. Even with insurance coverage, we expect 10 million Americans will face bills they are unable to pay.

  • 56M Americans under age 65 will have trouble paying medical bills
    – Over 35M American adults (ages 19-64) will be contacted by collections agencies for unpaid medical bills
    – Nearly 17M American adults (ages 19-64) will receive a lower credit rating on account of their high medical bills
    – Over 15M American adults (ages 19-64) will use up all their savings to pay medical bills
    – Over 11M American adults (ages 19-64) will take on credit card debt to pay off their hospital bills
    – Nearly 10M American adults (ages 19-64) will be unable to pay for basic necessities like rent, food, and heat due to their medical bills
  • Over 16M children live in households struggling with medical bills
  • Despite having year-round insurance coverage, 10M insured Americans ages 19-64 will face bills they are unable to pay
  • 1.7M Americans live in households that will declare bankruptcy due to their inability to pay their medical bills
    – Three states will account for over one-quarter of those living in medical-related bankruptcy: California (248,002), Illinois (113,524), and Florida (99,780)
  • To save costs, over 25M adults (ages 19-64) will not take their prescription drugs as indicated, including skipping doses, taking less medicine than prescribed or delaying a refill.
NerdWallet Health finds Medical Bankruptcy accounts for majority of personal bankruptcies - NerdWallet

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