CDZ Fellow Conservatives: Let's discuss Carley Fiorina together.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Unmolested by the left.

I find myself about to flip-flop on her. During the last debate, she won me over. I liked her presence, it projected confidence and she looked like a leader. I listened to Trump bash her and I heard her response, it was a good and solid response.

So I decided to look into her. Her tenure at HP is confusing, people who attack her bring issues up, some are valid, some seem like nonsense. I am willing to accept her explanation of what went on. Recently however, I was very disturbed about a deal that seemed very shady, involving what looked like a bypassing of the sanctions against Iran. That was a deal breaker for me. Funny thing is that I haven't heard anything else about it. It seems to be a non-issue, even to her competitors.

I listened to her being interviewed by Glenn Beck. He didn't pull any punches or throw any soft balls. I was impressed again and Beck claims he was too.

I am never going to find a candidate that I agree with 100%. And I may not agree with everything she believes, but I find myself ready to pull the lever for her.

My fellow Conservatives how do you feel about her?
Her declaration that Islam is the 'most enlightened religion' almost all but did it for me. I have been impressed with her pretty much until that point, despite a few things here and there. No candidate is or will be have to find one that best / closest meets your own 'philosophy'...but that one is a little hard to over-look.
I found myself apprehensive after finding out she did behind the scenes work for Bush in the tech industry, I believe it had something to do with establishing the domestic spying network, and having worked on the McLame campaign.

She just seems like a republicrat who talks a good game about challenging the establishment, but will actually just be a rubber stamp for it.

I'd still vote for her, while I WILL NOT vote for jeb, crispy or graham cracker.

Her declaration that Islam is the 'most enlightened religion' almost all but did it for me. I have been impressed with her pretty much until that point, despite a few things here and there. No candidate is or will be have to find one that best / closest meets your own 'philosophy'...but that one is a little hard to over-look.

How long ago did she say that? Is she saying it now. I've never been totally against candidates who flip on some issues. At times when they learn more, their minds change.
I found myself apprehensive after finding out she did behind the scenes work for Bush in the tech industry, I believe it had something to do with establishing the domestic spying network, and having worked on the McLame campaign.

She just seems like a republicrat who talks a good game about challenging the establishment, but will actually just be a rubber stamp for it.

I'd still vote for her, while I WILL NOT vote for jeb, crispy or graham cracker.

Oh, I have no delusions about her being a rock solid conservative.
How long ago did she say that? Is she saying it now. I've never been totally against candidates who flip on some issues. At times when they learn more, their minds change.

I can understand how positions can change, but you don't get elected saying you oppose gay marriage and "evolve" so much that in a few years you've got queers in the army and you're lighting the WH up in rainbows.

I have changed my mind back and forth on her for some of the same reasons mentioned already. (Though I didn't know she sold tech to Iran when it was illegal). She presents herself well but that isn't enough. Frankly, the back and forth nonsense with Trump annoys me. Many think she handled it well. OK, fine. I just don't think it is helpful at all for the GOP candidates to go after each other. The best leaders focus on the task at hand, not on petty bickering. (I'd like to see such a leader emerge. Ah, we all have our dreams.)

I know this much. I'll vote for her before I'll vote for a Christie or a Jeb. She may not be a real conservative but at least she isn't a time tested whore moderate.
I know this much. I'll vote for her before I'll vote for a Christie or a Jeb. She may not be a real conservative but at least she isn't a time tested whore moderate.

She's just not doing it for me for some reason. I have my favorites. one for sure, one on standby.
My favorite is still Ted Cruz.

He can speak for lengths about what he believes in without written speeches because it's his true principles.

The meat muppet sounds like a babbling insane asylum patient without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

My favorite is still Ted Cruz.

He can speak for lengths about what he believes in without written speeches because it's his true principles.

The meat muppet sounds like a babbling insane asylum patient without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Go Cruz:banana:
She just about destroyed HP.
She sold tech to Iran when it was illegal.
She paid herself BEFORE staff, they waited 6 years.
I can't do it. I just can't do it.

Actually she saved HP. She made the tough decisions that had to be made. That is a plus IMO, needed for a POTUS.

Her company did not deal with Iran directly. I mentioned this in my OP. I would like to know more about it and hear her answer to the allegations.

I find it not credible that she didn't pay her staff for 6 years. Six years of working without pay? I don't buy it.

I would like to hear more on these from you. If you have any more information.
I think my problem is: she make's me think of Hillary for some reason. Especially when she pulled the sexist card. oh he made fun of my looks. waaaa
I have changed my mind back and forth on her for some of the same reasons mentioned already. (Though I didn't know she sold tech to Iran when it was illegal). She presents herself well but that isn't enough. Frankly, the back and forth nonsense with Trump annoys me. Many think she handled it well. OK, fine. I just don't think it is helpful at all for the GOP candidates to go after each other. The best leaders focus on the task at hand, not on petty bickering. (I'd like to see such a leader emerge. Ah, we all have our dreams.)

I know this much. I'll vote for her before I'll vote for a Christie or a Jeb. She may not be a real conservative but at least she isn't a time tested whore moderate.

As far as the information I have gathered, she did business with a foreign company that also did business with Iran. I don't know much more than that. I would think that if she did anything illegal, there would have been at least a minor stink about it.
She just about destroyed HP.
She sold tech to Iran when it was illegal.
She paid herself BEFORE staff, they waited 6 years.
I can't do it. I just can't do it.

Actually she saved HP. She made the tough decisions that had to be made. That is a plus IMO, needed for a POTUS.

Her company did not deal with Iran directly. I mentioned this in my OP. I would like to know more about it and hear her answer to the allegations.

I find it not credible that she didn't pay her staff for 6 years. Six years of working without pay? I don't buy it.

I would like to hear more on these from you. If you have any more information.
Her staff when she ran for the Senate. She repaid herself first and her election staff and creditors had to wait six years before being paid off.
I think my problem is: she make's me think of Hillary for some reason. Especially when she pulled the sexist card. oh he made fun of my looks. waaaa

Yeah I wish all of our candidates would stop attacking each other and focus on what they are FOR.

I am tired of that. If they attacked the Democrat party like they do their own. that's why Rubio has become a big disappointment
She just about destroyed HP.
She sold tech to Iran when it was illegal.
She paid herself BEFORE staff, they waited 6 years.
I can't do it. I just can't do it.

Actually she saved HP. She made the tough decisions that had to be made. That is a plus IMO, needed for a POTUS.

Her company did not deal with Iran directly. I mentioned this in my OP. I would like to know more about it and hear her answer to the allegations.

I find it not credible that she didn't pay her staff for 6 years. Six years of working without pay? I don't buy it.

I would like to hear more on these from you. If you have any more information.
Her staff when she ran for the Senate. She repaid herself first and her election staff and creditors had to wait six years before being paid off.

Ok, fair enough. Doesn't sound nice at all but that alone isn't a deal breaker for me.
Ok, fair enough. Doesn't sound nice at all but that alone isn't a deal breaker for me.

I would disagree with you there. That alone puts her just one click above jeb.

Neglecting to pay your people for 6 years, and she probably only did so after she decided to go for POTUS is inexcusable. The fact that she reimbursed herself first proves to me she has no concern for people she considers beneath her.

I think I now have 4 republicrats who will get my vote under no circumstance.


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