Fellow Republicans: Move on From This Dangerous and Diminished Man

Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
This is not about women and minorities knowing their place. This is about not denying anyone who may be better as to pick a percentage of this and that and that and this which lowers our competition to other nations. Our high tech products are getting more and more expensive in art because of it. I would give your part of Canada up to China and other Prog areas for a peace settlement. You are not worth fighting for.

Why are you clowns now working yourselves into a frenzie over the idea of war with China? China is BUILDING trade alliances, and undercutting your trade deals. They’re building deep sea shipping ports for ocean-going container ships, all along the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

China is now buying most of their soy beans and rice that they used to buy from American farmers in the Midwest, from Mexico, Chile, and Brazil. And because China is an authoritarian dictatorship, they can pivot their economy on a dime. Trump slapped tariffs on their goods, and overnight lost all of their agricultural trade with China.

They’re not preparing for warfare, they’re preparing to economically dominate the world.

This is the part of the conversation where we remind you that Donald Trump emboldened China to take all of these actions by tearing up your trade deals and giving them the opportunity to go elsewhere and build new trade deals and alliances.

Donald Trump was so busy sucking up to Xi, just like he did to Putin, that he allowed China’s economy to surpass yours.

Well you clowns are running around the world blowing up your GDP and getting no benefit for it, China is using theirs to make friends and allies.

You don’t need to be the toughest guy on the block to be the leading nation in the world, but you damn well better be the smartest guy on the block. Trump was neither tough nor smart.

China has been dominating markets for decades with their cheap (slave) labor. It gives them an unfair advantage and countries have been stupid to deal with them. President Trump was the first to turn things around and bring manufacturing jobs back to America, a half million jobs. Jobs the Hussein said he would need a “magic wand” to bring back. No magic wand was needed, just common sense.

The Chinese have been able to buy off politicians for decades. People like Quid Pro Joe whose family has made tens of millions off the Chinese. In return Quid Pro Joe and the rest of Washington voted for every stupid trade deal that fucked over our nation. It was nice having a leader for once who put an end to that shit.

I’m sure you love the idea of allowing China dominate in trade, that’s why you love idiots like Biden and Turdeau. They love kissing the CCP’s ass and fucking over their own countries.

I'm sure dragonlady would love to have a real debate in front of the voters, over whether to have more or less "trade" with China, either more of Biden's policy on it, or doubling down on Trump's.

Right, dragonlady?

Or, is there where you start slinging the hysterical ravings to distract from that issue debate, in favor of hysterical dreams of revolts and coups?
And that's the beauty of ranked-choice voting. It complete does away with this kind of stupidity. Under that system, there's no excuse for not ranking your favorite candidate first.
Sure there is. Doing that could result in the Biden candidate winning.

Nope. That's the beauty of ranked choice voting. As long as you rank Biden at the bottom there's no way your vote will help Biden win. Seriously, check it out.
If your goals and agenda align with the candidate you're voting for, then you're not voting "lesser-of-two-evils". You're just voting for the candidate who aligns with your values. That's perfectly valid.

My beef is with people who acknowledge that they're voting for someone they don't necessarily like, just because they assume that the candidate they actually prefer "can't win". That's a bogus excuse.

And that's the beauty of ranked-choice voting. It complete does away with this kind of stupidity. Under that system, there's no excuse for not ranking your favorite candidate first.

So what are the chances of a constitutional amendment to get this rank choice voting?
I don’t disagree with your description of it, but their goal was insurrection. They want to prevent the certification of the duly elected President of the United States. They wanted to kill the line of succession so Trump could declare martial Iaw, cancel Biden’s inauguration, and remain in office.

The next group tries that may not be a bunch of short bussers who could be easily lead. There were some serious have a heavy duty military dudes in that mob and they had serious plans.

How serious of a threat were they when not one of them were armed?
January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government. The insurrectionist came within seconds of actually getting their hands on the leader ship succession for the nation. Mike Pence can be seen leaving the Senate chamber as the mob came up the Senate stairs.

What’s most troubling is that it took five hours for assistance to arrive at the Capitol. There are more security, police and military personnel within a half an hours’ drive of the capital, then any other city on earth. But it took five hours for help to arrive.

Yes it did. Given the fact the Capital police are under the leadership of the Speaker, why didn't Piglosi react to the FBI information she was handed by the Chief in regards to this likely happening? Seems to me she didn't get off her fat old ass to do a thing. It's likely she was hoping it would happen to stage yet another phony Trump impeachment because she and the other commies are so scared to death of him coming back.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol has uncovered broad government, military and law enforcement missteps surrounding the violent attack, including a breakdown within multiple intelligence agencies and a lack of training and preparation for Capitol Police officers who were quickly overwhelmed by the rioters.

The Senate report recounts how the Guard was delayed for hours on Jan. 6 as officials in multiple agencies took bureaucratic steps to release the troops. It details hours of calls between officials in the Capitol and the Pentagon and as the then-chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, desperately begged for help.

So now you are educated enough to know why it took five hours: Bureaucracy and red tape. There was nothing Trump could have possibly done about it. Read the entire report.
If your goals and agenda align with the candidate you're voting for, then you're not voting "lesser-of-two-evils". You're just voting for the candidate who aligns with your values. That's perfectly valid.

My beef is with people who acknowledge that they're voting for someone they don't necessarily like, just because they assume that the candidate they actually prefer "can't win". That's a bogus excuse.

And that's the beauty of ranked-choice voting. It complete does away with this kind of stupidity. Under that system, there's no excuse for not ranking your favorite candidate first.

So what are the chances of a constitutional amendment to get this rank choice voting?
None is required. Maine is already using it. As are many other cities and counties. Some state parties are using it for primaries.
Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

Trump's first term was a bigger success than Bill Clinton's. If not for Dementia's buddies in China sending us their flu, it would have continued to be a great success.

But I understand you're a leftist, and it's inherent in all leftists to be liars.

Where is this country in five months of Communism? Our fuel is over 30% higher. Our girls in school athletics now threatened by weirdo boys in dresses eliminating their chance at a trophy or even a college scholarship. Our border problem is the worst it's been in 20 years. We have an employment shortage with 6% unemployment. HTF does that happen? It happens under Communist leadership where they pay people more to stay home than work. Inflation is out of control. A serious threat to our what's now safe and secure suburbs by Dementia forcing them to take Section 8 lowlifes that will destroy their property values. They want to take away our firearms so we can't protect ourselves any longer. Police in large cities are retiring early or quitting in record numbers. Double digit violent crime rates and murders in Communist cities, our Capital looks like a military zone long after all the suspects in the attack were arrested and put in jail, and the list goes on and on.
None is required. Maine is already using it. As are many other cities and counties. Some state parties are using it for primaries.

The states can conduct their primaries how they feel fit. But our national elections are guided by the US Constitution where the majority of electors mirror the majority vote and choose those electors accordingly.
Nope. That's NEVER the case. That's what you tell yourself, as you knowingly pull the lever to elect crap. I guess it helps you sleep at night. But it's not true.

It is true because your three choices are, vote Republican in which your candidate can win, vote Democrat in which you can win, or vote Independent which most people will never do thus casting your vote into a fire pit.

I bet either party would be ok with it, if they get to write the test. Think about it. That breaks down right out of the gate.

You don't follow politics very closely, do you? Look at the stink the commies made over Voter-ID, voter role purges, and you think they would accept a simple test to see if a voter is capable of voting? Look at the presidential map sometime. See all those huge red areas? See those small blue areas? Those small blue areas are filled with uneducated ghetto and government dependent people who don't know the first thing about our government, policies or politics in general. Think the commies are going to give up those tens of millions of voters so easily?

The commies are pushing for mail-in voting, allowing felons to vote, and even prisoners to vote. Why is that? Do you think there is a politically educated electorate in any one of those categories?

For fuck's sake - how about something that isn't an authoritarian wet dream?

It's an authoritarian dream for the media to be forced to report the truth? The US Constitution protects free speech even if the speech are lies. That's why I said you can never change this system.

It can be changed. It IS being changed. The only people resisting it are brain-dead partisans who actually want there to be only two choices.

By partisans do you mean voters or leaders? Because in most elections, the voters don't vote for any other candidate outside the two major parties. The parties don't control that--the voters do. The voters overwhelmingly reject any third party candidate. Should we hold a gun to their heads to vote for them?
None is required. Maine is already using it. As are many other cities and counties. Some state parties are using it for primaries.

The states can conduct their primaries how they feel fit. But our national elections are guided by the US Constitution where the majority of electors mirror the majority vote and choose those electors accordingly.
Maine and Alaska are using it for federal elections.
Nope. That's NEVER the case. That's what you tell yourself, as you knowingly pull the lever to elect crap. I guess it helps you sleep at night. But it's not true.

It is true because your three choices are, vote Republican in which your candidate can win, vote Democrat in which you can win, or vote Independent which most people will never do thus casting your vote into a fire pit.

Voting for someone you don't actually believe is a far greater "waste" than voting for someone who doesn't win.

Do you always just vote for whoever you think is going to win? Do you just lick your finger and see which way the wind is blowing?

It's an authoritarian dream for the media to be forced to report the truth?

It can be changed. It IS being changed. The only people resisting it are brain-dead partisans who actually want there to be only two choices.

By partisans do you mean voters or leaders?
Both, unfortunately.

Because in most elections, the voters don't vote for any other candidate outside the two major parties. The parties don't control that--the voters do. The voters overwhelmingly reject any third party candidate.

That's exactly my point - they haven't rejected third party candidates. All they've done is followed your twisted reasoning and told themselves it was a waste of a vote to support a third party. Your entire excuse is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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"How would the get a better candidate?"

By refusing to vote for the shitty ones. But most people are easily frightened, and they usually fall for the line that "you have to vote for our asshole because the other asshole is even worse!"

In most situations there are only two candidates. If you vote for nobody, either one could get in. Isn't it better to vote in the least of the two evils since one of the two are going to get in anyway?

Moreover the best candidates for the parties are chosen during the primaries. That's the only way to make a difference.

The only possible ways to change our election system is to have a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing hard at all, just a basic knowledge of our current politics and polices. You need to get 7 out of 10 correct. If you fail, you can't vote until the next election. The Republicans would love such a system, but the Democrats would fight it until their last breath. The other is some sort of control of the media. Look at what they do to even the cleanest cut person and their family. Would you put yourself and your family through all that? No good person would.

I'm afraid you're talking about a system that can't be changed because nobody wants to take the effort to change it, which may require a constitutional amendment.
I want to address a few things here. First, the two candidate bit, which is due to our two party system and the inability of a third party to make a significant impact other than to be the "spoiler" as it were, Teddy Roosevelt or Ross Perot, the only thing either achieved was to swing the election to Wilson and Clinton. And they were the most successful third party candidates in our history. Teddy probably did it on purpose.

But the problem begins with a lack of voter participation, especially in the primaries. Republican efforts to further restrict access to voting will only exacerbate the problem. But in the status quo, only the motivated base bothers to vote in primaries. So the primary winner is usually the person furthest to the left or the right. Then they have to swing to the middle. If there was greater participation during the primaries that problem could be curtailed. Maybe open primaries could be the answer. But then you have yahoos who would attempt to sabotage a particular candidate. Which points to a deeper problem, many voters see this as a damn game instead of the serious business that it is.

Now, to the test. Actually, there is one group of voters that have already passed a test. Quite frankly, from some of the posts I see here, a test that many posters could not pass. The citizenship test and naturalized citizens. And yeah, if someone can't pass that test they probably should not be eligible to vote, for at least two years. You get one shot, and 60% is passing.

But one of our biggest problem is the Senate. The founders never intended for Senators to be elected, and they should not be. The job of a representative is to represent their district. But a senator's job is to seek the best solution for the country, not necessarily their state. When elected, they are dependent on their constituents, and there in lies the problem. From the nomination of justices, to something as important as an infrastructure bill, for the last decade the Senate has been little more than a cesspool. Time we revoked the 17th amendment.

And since I am on the subject, George Mason argued quite forcible, that no member of Congress should be eligible for re-election. I am not advocating term limits, a senator or a representative can be elected as many times as they can win, they just can't serve back to back terms. The founders never intended for Congress to be filled with "professional" politicians. It was meant to be a "citizens council". Today, representatives and senators are little more than over-payed telemarketers. They spend hours and hours each week attempting to raise money for their re-election. Time for that to end.

Finally, to the press. The solution is simple, albeit probably impossible. When the press was limited to newspaper journalist and three television networks they maintained a type of gentleman's agreement, certain things were off limits when it came to politicians. In today's environment a Kennedy, or a Eisenhower, or even a Roosevelt, could have never negotiated through the incessant press. The solution is for the consumer to kick these asshole, and quite honestly, worthless partisan news sites, to the curb. When they violate that gentleman's agreement from back in the day, consumers boycott them and their advertisers.
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

Seems I've reached my end of 'free' articles from NYT and I'm not about to pay money in support of a Leftist propaganda fish wrapper, so excuse the shot in the dark here but sounds like another fifth columnist claiming to be a republican but is likely a RINO and CINO, a.k.a another libtard posser and hack, "fake news".

As for cults and their strength, see the ones attached to Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, etc. You commies and seditionists have a head start on the "cult" thing. Have 4+ years of chasing the "Trump/Russia Collusion stole the election from SHillary" fiasco and fantasy been so quickly forgotten?
Nope. That's NEVER the case. That's what you tell yourself, as you knowingly pull the lever to elect crap. I guess it helps you sleep at night. But it's not true.

It is true because your three choices are, vote Republican in which your candidate can win, vote Democrat in which you can win, or vote Independent which most people will never do thus casting your vote into a fire pit.

When a major party is dying the indy party becomes a reality for winning. We are close to that in the very near future. You Party of the Rumpsters can't survive politically without Rump. And the GOP can't survive without you.

I bet either party would be ok with it, if they get to write the test. Think about it. That breaks down right out of the gate.

You don't follow politics very closely, do you? Look at the stink the commies made over Voter-ID, voter role purges, and you think they would accept a simple test to see if a voter is capable of voting? Look at the presidential map sometime. See all those huge red areas? See those small blue areas? Those small blue areas are filled with uneducated ghetto and government dependent people who don't know the first thing about our government, policies or politics in general. Think the commies are going to give up those tens of millions of voters so easily?

The commies are pushing for mail-in voting, allowing felons to vote, and even prisoners to vote. Why is that? Do you think there is a politically educated electorate in any one of those categories?

For fuck's sake - how about something that isn't an authoritarian wet dream?

It's an authoritarian dream for the media to be forced to report the truth? The US Constitution protects free speech even if the speech are lies. That's why I said you can never change this system.

When you have one candidate go off and claim that anything that is reported or printed about them (even if it's true or not) is fake and has the power to convince half the population of that then we need to rethink the truth in advertising in political adverts.

It can be changed. It IS being changed. The only people resisting it are brain-dead partisans who actually want there to be only two choices.

By partisans do you mean voters or leaders? Because in most elections, the voters don't vote for any other candidate outside the two major parties. The parties don't control that--the voters do. The voters overwhelmingly reject any third party candidate. Should we hold a gun to their heads to vote for them?

The Voters (Electors) only get the choice between the two candidates that a handful of power brokers offer them. It's the normal choice between Satan and Lucifer.
When a major party is dying the indy party becomes a reality for winning. We are close to that in the very near future. You Party of the Rumpsters can't survive politically without Rump. And the GOP can't survive without you.

No party is coming close to dying and won't for the remainder of our life on this planet. Third party candidates get like what, 2% of the vote if that? I don't know where you see these signs of either party falling prey to a third party.

The Republicans will be fine without Trump just like we were fine after Reagan left office. There will be the usual bickering back and forth between the establishment and the constitutionalists, but that took place before Trump, and it will still be the case if he comes back or if he doesn't.

When you have one candidate go off and claim that anything that is reported or printed about them (even if it's true or not) is fake and has the power to convince half the population of that then we need to rethink the truth in advertising in political adverts.

As I already stated, we have constitutional protections to lie if we feel like it, and only an amendment can change that which will never happen. Your better bet is on the power ball. The clown before Trump screwed up our entire medical system making claims everybody will be covered, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, you will save $2,000 a year., all plans will be quality and easily affordable. Now that none of it came true, what could we do to DumBama? Nothing.

The Voters (Electors) only get the choice between the two candidates that a handful of power brokers offer them. It's the normal choice between Satan and Lucifer.

That's how people vote for them in the primaries. The people made the choice, not some power broker.
I want to address a few things here. First, the two candidate bit, which is due to our two party system and the inability of a third party to make a significant impact other than to be the "spoiler" as it were, Teddy Roosevelt or Ross Perot, the only thing either achieved was to swing the election to Wilson and Clinton. And they were the most successful third party candidates in our history. Teddy probably did it on purpose.

But the problem begins with a lack of voter participation, especially in the primaries. Republican efforts to further restrict access to voting will only exacerbate the problem. But in the status quo, only the motivated base bothers to vote in primaries. So the primary winner is usually the person furthest to the left or the right. Then they have to swing to the middle. If there was greater participation during the primaries that problem could be curtailed. Maybe open primaries could be the answer. But then you have yahoos who would attempt to sabotage a particular candidate. Which points to a deeper problem, many voters see this as a damn game instead of the serious business that it is.

Now, to the test. Actually, there is one group of voters that have already passed a test. Quite frankly, from some of the posts I see here, a test that many posters could not pass. The citizenship test and naturalized citizens. And yeah, if someone can't pass that test they probably should not be eligible to vote, for at least two years. You get one shot, and 60% is passing.

But one of our biggest problem is the Senate. The founders never intended for Senators to be elected, and they should not be. The job of a representative is to represent their district. But a senator's job is to seek the best solution for the country, not necessarily their state. When elected, they are dependent on their constituents, and there in lies the problem. From the nomination of justices, to something as important as an infrastructure bill, for the last decade the Senate has been little more than a cesspool. Time we revoked the 17th amendment.

And since I am on the subject, George Mason argued quite forcible, that no member of Congress should be eligible for re-election. I am not advocating term limits, a senator or a representative can be elected as many times as they can win, they just can't serve back to back terms. The founders never intended for Congress to be filled with "professional" politicians. It was meant to be a "citizens council". Today, representatives and senators are little more than over-payed telemarketers. They spend hours and hours each week attempting to raise money for their re-election. Time for that to end.

Finally, to the press. The solution is simple, albeit probably impossible. When the press was limited to newspaper journalist and three television networks they maintained a type of gentleman's agreement, certain things were off limits when it came to politicians. In today's environment a Kennedy, or a Eisenhower, or even a Roosevelt, could have never negotiated through the incessant press. The solution is for the consumer to kick these asshole, and quite honestly, worthless partisan news sites, to the curb. When they violate that gentleman's agreement from back in the day, consumers boycott them and their advertisers.

I'll start of with the last part of your statement first. What can you do to the press? Nothing except quit buying their papers, going to their news sites or blogs. But the government can't do a thing to them under our Constitution which as I previously mentioned, cannot be changed. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are two things that will never be amended in this document.

The Senate was designed to give states equal power unlike the House that has one representative for X amount of people. That was to insure we don't have mob rule in our federal government and we don't have a pure democracy. We are a republic. It's also the reason for electoral colleges. I'd rather the people pick the Senators instead of the Governors. We have enough back room deals and back scratching as it is. We don't need to open the doors to more.

The easier you make it to vote, the more stupid and politically ignorant voters you will draw in. This last election was a perfect example. Donald Trump was the best President we've had since Reagan, and he was voted out and replaced with a dementia patient? Even his own party wanted to strip him of exclusive powers over our nuclear arms because his mental condition is so concerning. The guy has used his political positions to enrich his family, his son was under FBI investigation for a matter he too was involved in, he spent nearly a half-century in the federal government and accomplished nothing, and people voted for him over a very successful President? That can only happen if you have a bunch of stupid and politically ignorant voters which Democrats are doing everything in their power to try and keep it that way, because stupid people and the politically ignorant will most always vote Democrat.
These are yesterday's Republicans. Those that moved on have. It is Trump's party today
The RINOs of Trumpery that infested the GOP in 2016 have a limited shelf life as a cult venerating a Cry Baby Sore Loser, grievance-driven and lashing out with self-serving lies and seething hatred.

His negative approval numbers in independent public survey had been relentless throughout his regime and, after his goons attacked democracy and he faces criminal and civil prosecutions as well as financial crises, there is no rehabilitation is sight.

He can still intimidate the quislings in the Party, but he is the Man on the Way Down.

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Senator Ben Sasse (R)​
Voting for someone you don't actually believe is a far greater "waste" than voting for someone who doesn't win.

Do you always just vote for whoever you think is going to win? Do you just lick your finger and see which way the wind is blowing?

Let's relate this to something current like covid. We have an experimental vaccine out there that hasn't had FDA approval we are giving to the public. Your only two choices are to take the vaccine or don't. If you don't, you may catch this thing, become very ill and even risk death. If you take the vaccine, you don't know what the ramifications will be down the road ten years from now, however there is a much greater chance that if in contact, this virus won't effect you. There is no viable third option.

Can you tell me the last candidate that ran in which you believed every single stance of his or hers? I can't. So you get as close as you can, again, no other options. Even if I don't care for the candidate of my party, no matter who he or she is, they are still better than allowing a Communist to take a seat in the Congress or White House. I will vote against such people.

That's exactly my point - they haven't rejected third party candidates. All they've done is followed your twisted reasoning and told themselves it was a waste of a vote to support a third party. Your entire excuse is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

By not voting for them we are rejecting third party candidates.

Donald Trump was an outsider. He ran the office of the presidency more conservatively than even Ronald Reagan although he never once referred to himself as a conservative. The Democrats hated him, and even many members of his party hated him. He wasn't part of the club.

So let's create a scenario based on your third party fantasy. We decide to get this third party person in. WTF is going to work with him or her? What will they get passed? Nothing. The Republicans will not work with them unless they are conservative, and the Nazis won't work with them unless they are way to the left. They will serve one term and out because they won't be able to accomplish anything. A third party candidate would be every much of an outsider and even more so than Donald Trump who ran as a Republican.
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