Fellow Republicans: Move on From This Dangerous and Diminished Man

Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.

Blah, blah, blah. Come 2023 and the primaries we can start the campaign and talk about issues AND rehashing the blame from the China Flu Pandemic.

We will be able to contrast the Trump years to the Biden years, and any primary contenders can make their case, and then in the general, Biden can try to defend his record.

All this nonsense about "authoritarian dictatorship" is just you being terrified of the next election.
those pics of poor old senile Joe with Putin said it all...biden desperately gripping his note cards that tell him where he is and what hes doing while Putin desperately tries to not laugh in the old fools face
View attachment 505644
Can you Progs ever get tired of this? Everything politicians do, with Prog doing most of it seems to be on a stage pontificating their agendas. Vaccines by a certain date is just one of them. They are frauds. Dog and pony shows. Taiwan makes most of the computer chips in the world. China wants Taiwan. We did this. Globalism. Product after product is being made overseas as the globalists pack our manufacturing plants up and send them to other nations. And that was done with our politicians approval. Rights lost over decades. Our politicians did this! And they act chummy.
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
This is not about women and minorities knowing their place. This is about not denying anyone who may be better as to pick a percentage of this and that and that and this which lowers our competition to other nations. Our high tech products are getting more and more expensive in art because of it. I would give your part of Canada up to China and other Prog areas for a peace settlement. You are not worth fighting for.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?
Who wrote the op-ed OP?
By Barbara Comstock

Ms. Comstock, a Virginia Republican and a lawyer, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2015 to 2019.

RINO trash
Does he even vote Republican? I always assumed he was a Democrat. He posts like one

Repubs are way too lenient in who they let run as GOP. They need to put Marjorie Green in charge of new members to the party.
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
This is not about women and minorities knowing their place. This is about not denying anyone who may be better as to pick a percentage of this and that and that and this which lowers our competition to other nations. Our high tech products are getting more and more expensive in art because of it. I would give your part of Canada up to China and other Prog areas for a peace settlement. You are not worth fighting for.

Why are you clowns now working yourselves into a frenzie over the idea of war with China? China is BUILDING trade alliances, and undercutting your trade deals. They’re building deep sea shipping ports for ocean-going container ships, all along the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

China is now buying most of their soy beans and rice that they used to buy from American farmers in the Midwest, from Mexico, Chile, and Brazil. And because China is an authoritarian dictatorship, they can pivot their economy on a dime. Trump slapped tariffs on their goods, and overnight lost all of their agricultural trade with China.

They’re not preparing for warfare, they’re preparing to economically dominate the world.

This is the part of the conversation where we remind you that Donald Trump emboldened China to take all of these actions by tearing up your trade deals and giving them the opportunity to go elsewhere and build new trade deals and alliances.

Donald Trump was so busy sucking up to Xi, just like he did to Putin, that he allowed China’s economy to surpass yours.

Well you clowns are running around the world blowing up your GDP and getting no benefit for it, China is using theirs to make friends and allies.

You don’t need to be the toughest guy on the block to be the leading nation in the world, but you damn well better be the smartest guy on the block. Trump was neither tough nor smart.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?

January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government. The insurrectionist came within seconds of actually getting their hands on the leader ship succession for the nation. Mike Pence can be seen leaving the Senate chamber as the mob came up the Senate stairs.

What’s most troubling is that it took five hours for assistance to arrive at the Capitol. There are more security, police and military personnel within a half an hours’ drive of the capital, then any other city on earth. But it took five hours for help to arrive.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?

January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government.

No, sorry. It didn't even come close. Jan. 6th was a riot, incited by a sitting President. But it was not an "insurrection". It was a bunch of angry short-bussers, whipped into a frenzy by a deluded con-man.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?

January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government. The insurrectionist came within seconds of actually getting their hands on the leader ship succession for the nation. Mike Pence can be seen leaving the Senate chamber as the mob came up the Senate stairs.

What’s most troubling is that it took five hours for assistance to arrive at the Capitol. There are more security, police and military personnel within a half an hours’ drive of the capital, then any other city on earth. But it took five hours for help to arrive.

Odd. I ask you why you seemed afraid of actually having Trump and Biden run on their competing records, and your response, instead of answering the question,

was to make an absolutely hysterical accusation in a painfully obvious attempt to distract from that question.

IF you libs really believed that Trump's records was soooo bad, you would not spend so much time making up hysterical panic mongering shit to change the subject every time someone even hinted at a real discussion of Trump's actual record.

Your actions prove that you know you are lying.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

Voter's don't "win" elections.

It's weird, you really do seem to be looking at it like a bet - like you'll win something if you pick the winner, or that you'll lose something if you vote for a candidate who doesn't win. That's not valid thinking.

The only "wasted" vote is a dishonest vote. And if you're playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game, that's exactly what you're doing, you're voting dishonestly.
I didnt ask how they win the election. If the guy they voted for loses, then their goals and agenda lose
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?

January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government.

No, sorry. It didn't even come close. Jan. 6th was a riot, incited by a sitting President. But it was not an "insurrection". It was a bunch of angry short-bussers, whipped into a frenzy by a deluded con-man.

I don’t disagree with your description of it, but their goal was insurrection. They want to prevent the certification of the duly elected President of the United States. They wanted to kill the line of succession so Trump could declare martial Iaw, cancel Biden’s inauguration, and remain in office.

The next group tries that may not be a bunch of short bussers who could be easily lead. There were some serious have a heavy duty military dudes in that mob and they had serious plans.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

Voter's don't "win" elections.

It's weird, you really do seem to be looking at it like a bet - like you'll win something if you pick the winner, or that you'll lose something if you vote for a candidate who doesn't win. That's not valid thinking.

The only "wasted" vote is a dishonest vote. And if you're playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game, that's exactly what you're doing, you're voting dishonestly.
I didnt ask how they win the election. If the guy they voted for loses, then their goals and agenda lose
If your goals and agenda align with the candidate you're voting for, then you're not voting "lesser-of-two-evils". You're just voting for the candidate who aligns with your values. That's perfectly valid.

My beef is with people who acknowledge that they're voting for someone they don't necessarily like, just because they assume that the candidate they actually prefer "can't win". That's a bogus excuse.

And that's the beauty of ranked-choice voting. It complete does away with this kind of stupidity. Under that system, there's no excuse for not ranking your favorite candidate first.
Your HALF WAY there, so I gotta give you a little credit.

We already know many of them were leftists trying to incite the most easily swayed (yes we have a small percentage of those)
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
The policies that “crashed the economy” was Fauci funding the creation of WuFlu by colluding with the Chinese. Along his lies when he lied to the President and the American public about how it spreads, it’s origin, and the effectiveness of masks, and the largely Democrat governors that locked everything down.

President Trump didn’t alienate any allies, he just pissed off little globalist cocksuckers like your beloved Turdeau.

“Authoritarian dictatorship”? President Trump didn’t need 30,000 troops and barbed wire fence when he took office.

Women and minorities know their place? What are you babbling about?

The Constitution and people’s rights....yea sure. It’s Canada that is jailing people for violating WuFlu mandates and has turned into a dictatorship. How do you like the fact that Canadians have to quarantine in hotels at inflated rates when traveling?
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

You’re not voting for “winners” or “losers”. You’re hiring a management team to prove sound governance, a stable platform for your people to thrive.

That’s why parties have platforms. To tell you their plans to achieve those goals. The voter studies both parties platforms and compare their proposals, and pick the plan they like best.

The incumbents running for re-election tout their achievements and what they plan to do their second term.

Trump’s a first term was an abject failure and an economic disaster. Everyone with a lick of sense turned out to ensure he would never be re-elected, and took nothing for granted this time.

Many had stayed home last time because they didn’t like Hillary and didn’t think anyone would vote for Trump. They weren’t going to underestimate him this time.

IF Trump's first term was such a disaster why do you sound so hysterical and afraid at the thought of him running again, against Biden and comparing and contrasting their records?

January 6th almost succeeded in overthrowing the government.

No, sorry. It didn't even come close. Jan. 6th was a riot, incited by a sitting President. But it was not an "insurrection". It was a bunch of angry short-bussers, whipped into a frenzy by a deluded con-man.

I don’t disagree with your description of it, but their goal was insurrection. They want to prevent the certification of the duly elected President of the United States. They wanted to kill the line of succession so Trump could declare martial Iaw, cancel Biden’s inauguration, and remain in office.

The next group tries that may not be a bunch of short bussers who could be easily lead. There were some serious have a heavy duty military dudes in that mob and they had serious plans.
Preventing the certification is not the equivalent of an insurrection, moron. We don't have a "line of succession" in this country. This isn't a monarchy. Your claims are unsupported by any tangible evidence.
an alternative to knowingly voting for a shitty candidate? Here's my proposal. Don't.
You mean vote for someone who doesn't have a chance?

Beats the hell out of deliberately wasting your vote on a shitty candidate. Why would you that? You're not betting on a fucking horse race. You don't get a prize if you successfully guess the winner.
Voting for someone who can't possibly win is wasting your vote. Voting for the lesser evil is less of a waste.
Nope. That's a con. And it's WHY we keep electing bad leaders.

But, if the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's easier, by far, to con someone, than it is to convince them that they've been conned.
How do you win by voting for a gauranteed loser?

Voter's don't "win" elections.

It's weird, you really do seem to be looking at it like a bet - like you'll win something if you pick the winner, or that you'll lose something if you vote for a candidate who doesn't win. That's not valid thinking.

The only "wasted" vote is a dishonest vote. And if you're playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game, that's exactly what you're doing, you're voting dishonestly.
I didnt ask how they win the election. If the guy they voted for loses, then their goals and agenda lose
If your goals and agenda align with the candidate you're voting for, then you're not voting "lesser-of-two-evils". You're just voting for the candidate who aligns with your values. That's perfectly valid.

My beef is with people who acknowledge that they're voting for someone they don't necessarily like, just because they assume that the candidate they actually prefer "can't win". That's a bogus excuse.

No, it's a perfectly legitimate reason

And that's the beauty of ranked-choice voting. It complete does away with this kind of stupidity. Under that system, there's no excuse for not ranking your favorite candidate first.
Sure there is. Doing that could result in the Biden candidate winning.
Sadly, most just can't quit him, so strong is the cult.

Op-Ed from a Republican:

When Donald Trump, the patron saint of sore losers, appeared at a Republican event on Saturday night and compared the 2020 election to a “third-world-country election like we’ve never seen before,” it wasn’t just another false rant from the former president. His words also described his attempted subversion of democracy in the run-up to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Consider Mr. Trump’s remarks at his rally just before the attack: “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” he said. “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.”

Or consider Mr. Trump’s harassment of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, with the request to “find” him votes, or his relentless harassment of other election officials and governors.

Many Republicans want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. But how is that possible when the former president won’t move on from the Nov. 3 election and continues to push the same incendiary lies that resulted in 61 failed lawsuits before Jan. 6, led to an insurrection and could lead to yet more violence?

This shit, again?

We aren’t “moving on” from Make America Great Again or America First policies. You faggots can kiss the CCP’s ass all you want, and start new wars against countries that never attacked us. We on the other hand choose not to. Nor will we support any RINO that does.

You aren’t moving on from the policies which crashed the economy, killed 500,000 Americans, alienated all of your allies, and emboldened your enemies.

You are very happy with an anti-democratic, authoritarian dictatorship modelled after the Third Reich, and so long as women and minorities know their place, fuck the Constitution.
This is not about women and minorities knowing their place. This is about not denying anyone who may be better as to pick a percentage of this and that and that and this which lowers our competition to other nations. Our high tech products are getting more and more expensive in art because of it. I would give your part of Canada up to China and other Prog areas for a peace settlement. You are not worth fighting for.

Why are you clowns now working yourselves into a frenzie over the idea of war with China? China is BUILDING trade alliances, and undercutting your trade deals. They’re building deep sea shipping ports for ocean-going container ships, all along the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

China is now buying most of their soy beans and rice that they used to buy from American farmers in the Midwest, from Mexico, Chile, and Brazil. And because China is an authoritarian dictatorship, they can pivot their economy on a dime. Trump slapped tariffs on their goods, and overnight lost all of their agricultural trade with China.

They’re not preparing for warfare, they’re preparing to economically dominate the world.

This is the part of the conversation where we remind you that Donald Trump emboldened China to take all of these actions by tearing up your trade deals and giving them the opportunity to go elsewhere and build new trade deals and alliances.

Donald Trump was so busy sucking up to Xi, just like he did to Putin, that he allowed China’s economy to surpass yours.

Well you clowns are running around the world blowing up your GDP and getting no benefit for it, China is using theirs to make friends and allies.

You don’t need to be the toughest guy on the block to be the leading nation in the world, but you damn well better be the smartest guy on the block. Trump was neither tough nor smart.

China has been dominating markets for decades with their cheap (slave) labor. It gives them an unfair advantage and countries have been stupid to deal with them. President Trump was the first to turn things around and bring manufacturing jobs back to America, a half million jobs. Jobs the Hussein said he would need a “magic wand” to bring back. No magic wand was needed, just common sense.

The Chinese have been able to buy off politicians for decades. People like Quid Pro Joe whose family has made tens of millions off the Chinese. In return Quid Pro Joe and the rest of Washington voted for every stupid trade deal that fucked over our nation. It was nice having a leader for once who put an end to that shit.

I’m sure you love the idea of allowing China dominate in trade, that’s why you love idiots like Biden and Turdeau. They love kissing the CCP’s ass and fucking over their own countries.

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