Felons Should Be Excluded From Minimum Wage Increase, Because Reasons...

Then I suggest you push for more strengent legal Judicial Punishments. If you suggested that I just might agree.

Like I said, that's what we had at one time. As more liberal judges got on the bench, they reversed most of what our prisons were like under the fair and humane treatment of the Constitution. Our prisons have the highest recidivism rates in the world. We let them out, and they just end up back there again.
And yet...compared to then, crime is DOWN.
Then I suggest you push for more strengent legal Judicial Punishments. If you suggested that I just might agree.

Like I said, that's what we had at one time. As more liberal judges got on the bench, they reversed most of what our prisons were like under the fair and humane treatment of the Constitution. Our prisons have the highest recidivism rates in the world. We let them out, and they just end up back there again.
And yet...compared to then, crime is DOWN.

Several things to consider on that. First of all, we are living in a country of cameras. There are cameras everywhere. They are in doorbells, motion detector lights, in our cars, most everybody has a video camera in their pocket. Secondly are more people getting licenses to carry and use firearms for self-defense. In many states, they changed the laws from favoring the attacker to favoring the victim.

The estimates of people who use firearms to stop a crime or protect themselves in the US ranges from 45,000 times a year to up to 4 million, depending on who's research you subscribe to. They use different criteria to define what using a firearm for self-defense is. Most of these are crimes that would have taken place without an armed citizen. The low estimate, 45,000 a year is an FBI statistic using their criteria.

There are crimes of opportunity and crimes of necessity. Years ago, social programs didn't pay all that much. You either work or starve. If you can't get work, then you commit a crime or starve. Today, people live on social programs because you can survive on them. Some estimates are that a person using every social program available, they are living in the same comfort as a person making 50K a year when you consider payroll taxes. The US census shows that most people living in poverty have things like big screens, air conditioning, microwave ovens, video games...... There are less reasons to commit crimes.

Bottom line is like our prisons used to be, there are deterrents to crime. Technology like lights that can detect blood, even through a painted wall, DNA technology, forensics make it much more difficult to get away with a crime.

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