Felons Should Be Excluded From Minimum Wage Increase, Because Reasons...

Social scientists were finding that DNA evidence proved that 19% of inmates on death row were innocent of doing the crime a jury convicted them of in the late 70s and early 80s. A lot of lying and false witnesses ensured that someone else would pay the ultimate price--death for a crime someone else committed. Since the social scientists who compared the new evidence to crime scene dna were from Illinois, the Illinois governor was so horrified that likely, a similar number of previous executions were likely to have similar statistics of state murders of innocent death row people, so he cancelled all executions in Illinois on his watch since 19 out of 100 was too high a number of state murders and justice miscarriages.

People serve sentences for crimes. Since a fifth of them are likely innocent, I think we should let old dogs lie when people get out of prison. They paid for their crimes, and losing your freedoms for many years is all the rest of us get. We need to let it be and pray the prison system did its job by rehabilitating those convicted of their mistakes. Leave them alone so long as they stay well away from trouble.

When you decide to commit a felony, you are subject to losing some rights like never being able to own a firearm again, and in some states, no voting. Yes, you know ahead of time if caught and sent to prison, you will have a hard time getting a decent job as well. All these things have to be considered and add as a deterrent to committing crime. There are just some things we do in life that have lifelong consequences. If you have sex without protection, you could catch a lifelong STD. You may have a child you are not financially prepared for. If you try to unclog the wet grass in your lawnmower without stopping the blades, you could lose fingers or a hand.

I'd like to see a link to this 19 out of a hundred were found innocent, because if so, it's rarely reported. If evidence comes up that a person was not guilty of a crime, he or she is allowed to leave prison and paid millions of dollars for the mistake by the state. I doubt Illinois has hundreds of millions of dollars to pay all those people.

We have more people in prison than any other country.
Once again, you are not considering the "Professional" Criminal. And then you wish to continue those actions well past the end of the sentence for everyone else. The Professional Criminal could care less. They don't vote, work government jobs and will be back no matter how bad the prison life is.

Nobody is talking about a professional criminal, I'm talking about your average everyday Joe which most felons are.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
Florida wants more Democrats.

Florida wants to punish felons after they have paid their debt to society.

They are afraid that the state may turn blue and this is their latest gimmick to regain control.
Once again, you are not considering the "Professional" Criminal. And then you wish to continue those actions well past the end of the sentence for everyone else. The Professional Criminal could care less. They don't vote, work government jobs and will be back no matter how bad the prison life is.

Nobody is talking about a professional criminal, I'm talking about your average everyday Joe which most felons are.

Then give them a chance to become contributing citizens once again. From what I can see, this is nothing more than a way for select Politicians to keep control and it has nothing to do with anything else.
Then give them a chance to become contributing citizens once again. From what I can see, this is nothing more than a way for select Politicians to keep control and it has nothing to do with anything else.

If that were the case they wouldn't have allowed them to vote in the first place. The Republicans were not on board for a $15.00 minimum wage for anybody. They were against the idea because of economic fears.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
Florida wants more Democrats.

Florida wants to punish felons after they have paid their debt to society.
What will happen in reality is that most employers will not pay that minimum and will be penalized the same way they are penalized for hiring trespassers.
In other words, zip.
Then give them a chance to become contributing citizens once again. From what I can see, this is nothing more than a way for select Politicians to keep control and it has nothing to do with anything else.

If that were the case they wouldn't have allowed them to vote in the first place. The Republicans were not on board for a $15.00 minimum wage for anybody. They were against the idea because of economic fears.

I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.

I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?

Repeated criminals that help feed the prison complex...
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.

I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

Texas is one of the richest States and one of the biggest economies in the World and it is not Blue at all...

So let get that straight and let not make this a Blue vs Red thing...
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.

I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

Texas is one of the richest States and one of the biggest economies in the World and it is not Blue at all...

So let get that straight and let not make this a Blue vs Red thing...

And it's not red either. Never has been. Texas has traded state wide parties over and over for many years. It's just in a very slight red cycle right now. It can go blue at state level in a heart beat.
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.

I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

Texas is one of the richest States and one of the biggest economies in the World and it is not Blue at all...

So let get that straight and let not make this a Blue vs Red thing...

And it's not red either. Never has been. Texas has traded state wide parties over and over for many years. It's just in a very slight red cycle right now. It can go blue at state level in a heart beat.

It has been red since George W. Bush and most likely stay red seeing another Bush is being groomed for the head office...
I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

It depends on what you consider rich or poor states. California is a rich state, but in massive debt estimated to get even more massive, especially now that citizens and businesses are leaving in droves and they welcome illegals with open arms even providing them with healthcare services. A beautiful house in Alabama may cost you 250K, and the same house goes for 900K or more in the northeast, does that mean Alabama is a poor state and a northeast state is wealthy? You'd have to make low six figures to buy a house like that there, where in Alabama, you could do the same exact job for 60K a year and afford the same house.

Yes, this issue is up to the state and the federal government would never dream of adopting it.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job. People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....
You know this is just a ploy to increase the chances of an ex-felon becoming a repeat offender right?
You know this is just a ploy to increase the chances of an ex-felon becoming a repeat offender right?

Why would anybody want to do that? What if they didn't have a minimum wage increase in the state? They'd be working for that pay anyhow.
Think for a moment. If everyone is getting paid the same minimum wage that doesnt create a sense of unfairness and envy. Prisons are really just schools on how to be a better criminal so those people are more likely than not to express their anger at the discrepancy by committing crimes.
I'm against 15 bucks an hour as well. But if one gets it all should get it. If you exclude one then you exclude everyone else. Yah, I know your bunch likes to exclude groups. the Jim Crow Laws are some of you favorites. And when those were put down, your bunch just found other ways around it. We just ain't gonna let you get away with it every time.

We don't live in a country with a government that treats everybody equally. Why are the wealthy taxed at such higher rates than everybody else? Why do cigarette smokers pay ten times more in taxes than somebody that buys an in-ground pool? Why are we all not paid the same amount of money no matter what we do for a living?

Now if this issue passes (and I doubt it will) then it will add an extra level of deterrent just like gun ownership and voting.

I am a big proponent for States Rights and if a State were to do it then I wouldn't have any problem with it. But the Feds need to keep their asses out of it. The richer states can afford it (all blue) but the poorest states (all red) cannot. As for the poorest states, they are that way because the voters allow it.

Texas is one of the richest States and one of the biggest economies in the World and it is not Blue at all...

So let get that straight and let not make this a Blue vs Red thing...

And it's not red either. Never has been. Texas has traded state wide parties over and over for many years. It's just in a very slight red cycle right now. It can go blue at state level in a heart beat.

It has been red since George W. Bush and most likely stay red seeing another Bush is being groomed for the head office...

Guv Richards was probably the best Guv you ever had. But she really blew it going for reelection. She expected Bush Jr. to be nothing but a Gaff Machine. For once in his life, he wasn't. Richards, on the other hand, went out of character and said some really stupid things. She pissed the voters off and lost the election. That was only 15 years ago. One thing Texans can't stomach is Gaffs and Public Scandals. Enter Cruz. Cruz barely beat fruitcake O'Rorke before this last round of bad press and really poor decisions by Cruz. It's going to be another "Ham Sandwich" election.
Think for a moment. If everyone is getting paid the same minimum wage that doesnt create a sense of unfairness and envy. Prisons are really just schools on how to be a better criminal so those people are more likely than not to express their anger at the discrepancy by committing crimes.

Then that's one the reasons you don't commit such crimes. When you get out it's going to be hard finding any job, never be allowed to own or touch a gun, and in many states won't be able to vote. You have to consider these things before committing a crime. That's why those deterrents are there in the first place.
Think for a moment. If everyone is getting paid the same minimum wage that doesnt create a sense of unfairness and envy. Prisons are really just schools on how to be a better criminal so those people are more likely than not to express their anger at the discrepancy by committing crimes.

Then that's one the reasons you don't commit such crimes. When you get out it's going to be hard finding any job, never be allowed to own or touch a gun, and in many states won't be able to vote. You have to consider these things before committing a crime. That's why those deterrents are there in the first place.

Many crimes are not well thought out or planned. They are of the moment. And those things were far from your mind when the crime was committed. Now, a Professional Criminal does take those under consideration but he knows he won't be caught (for the 3rd time).

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