Felons Should Be Excluded From Minimum Wage Increase, Because Reasons...

I see your point.. I didn't have any addicts.to deal with.. My husband still has heavy equipment and does a lot of site prep and cutting right of ways for the power company. It can be a bit dangerous. Some of his young workers smoked pot on the job. He is so cool.. He just sidled up to them and said, You boys go on home, I'm docking your pay. Come on back if you can get thru the workday without getting high.

Pot is pretty harmless. The people I rented to were on the hard stuff. They brought all kinds of strange people around. I don't think one of them weighed over 100 pounds.

I know the difference.. and the hard stuff scares me. But in this case you can't work around chain saws and falling trees and be stoned. Being relaxed and loosey goosey will get you killed.
If that was what getting high on MJ was like then I guess so.
I'm not a bleeding heart so please don't misunderstand... We just knew everyone and their families so you sort of know who can make a go of it after they have been in trouble .. You'd never know it, but we are Christians and came from privilege so we try.

That's fine, but in most cases, an employer doesn't know them. So again, they are taking a big chance. If they want to pay them less, it's better than them not getting paid at all. As for myself, after several problems, I don't rent to felons any longer. Even if the state gave me an extra $300 a month per unit, it's not worth the problem to me.

When I was renting in Fort Lauderdale near my son's home .. He was 500 yards from the ocean.... I got a real lesson. The landlord was a trust fund cokehead who inherited the property right after I moved in. Nightmare.
I see your point.. I didn't have any addicts.to deal with.. My husband still has heavy equipment and does a lot of site prep and cutting right of ways for the power company. It can be a bit dangerous. Some of his young workers smoked pot on the job. He is so cool.. He just sidled up to them and said, You boys go on home, I'm docking your pay. Come on back if you can get thru the workday without getting high.

Pot is pretty harmless. The people I rented to were on the hard stuff. They brought all kinds of strange people around. I don't think one of them weighed over 100 pounds.

I know the difference.. and the hard stuff scares me. But in this case you can't work around chain saws and falling trees and be stoned. Being relaxed and loosey goosey will get you killed.
If that was what getting high on MJ was like then I guess so.

I don't understand what you mean. I don't really care if people smoke pot, but it never seems to work in the workplace.. and is often dangerous.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
Florida wants more Democrats.
Tell that to the out of work Felon breaking into your home to make enough money to feed his family.

Why would anybody have a family if they couldn't support them? Why would anybody be committing a felony if they had a family at that time? Either way it's a bad decision, and that gives them no right to break into my home.

If you can't get a job with a company, then you have to work for yourself. Get some lawn equipment and do landscaping. Go to trade school to learn how to fix appliances, be a bricklayer, carpenter, electrician. Go to school and learn how to drive a tractor-trailer. Industry is so desperate now, they'll hire anybody. Then after you work for a while, buy your own truck and run your own business.
It is a risk for an employer to hire a felon.

He puts his other employees and his property at risk by giving an ex con access to them.

So maybe saying that an ex con felon can be paid $10 an hour instead of 15 will be incentive for business owners to give the ex con a shot.

Have you ever hired any Ex cons? I have and it worked out well for my businesses. In fact, I hired a black housekeeper to help me with the house and the children years ago. Her family came to me and asked. I knew her mother and grandmother. She had killed a man who was beating her up and spent 5 years in prison. I paid her top dollar. She stayed with me ten years until she finally married and started a family of her own..
Im hiring a non felon, given a choice.

What sort of business do you have?
I dont have a business, i have a housekeeper.
Tell that to the out of work Felon breaking into your home to make enough money to feed his family.

Why would anybody have a family if they couldn't support them? Why would anybody be committing a felony if they had a family at that time? Either way it's a bad decision, and that gives them no right to break into my home.

If you can't get a job with a company, then you have to work for yourself. Get some lawn equipment and do landscaping. Go to trade school to learn how to fix appliances, be a bricklayer, carpenter, electrician. Go to school and learn how to drive a tractor-trailer. Industry is so desperate now, they'll hire anybody. Then after you work for a while, buy your own truck and run your own business.

You think it's easy? My neighbor is a convicted felon. He's tried the work for himself and has the skills and tools to work as a handyman. He just as well stand on a street corner with a sign "Will fix your house for food". The job he has right now pays him about 12 bucks an hour and he's had it for the last 15 years or so. And he's the only employee. Walmart and such won't even consider hiring him.

As for joining the Union, he can forget it. They don't accept convicted felons. His employment is limited to just over min wage and it will take him awhile to get even that high. Convicted Felons already have restrictions without leveling yet another one on them.
You think it's easy? My neighbor is a convicted felon. He's tried the work for himself and has the skills and tools to work as a handyman. He just as well stand on a street corner with a sign "Will fix your house for food". The job he has right now pays him about 12 bucks an hour and he's had it for the last 15 years or so. And he's the only employee. Walmart and such won't even consider hiring him.

As for joining the Union, he can forget it. They don't accept convicted felons. His employment is limited to just over min wage and it will take him awhile to get even that high. Convicted Felons already have restrictions without leveling yet another one on them.

As I stated, it's a consideration you have to evaluate when you decide to commit a crime. It's an added deterrent. But a handyman is not a trade. You see them advertise all the time in the paper. If you get into a profession, you can work for yourself after you get some experience, even if it's at minimum wage.
If the felons get paid a lot less, they would be much more likely to get a job. I am sure many of them would be very happy to have any job whatsoever.

So "discriminating against felons" is good, not bad.
I've hired a bunch of "hard core" criminals over the years. Dealers(good with numbers),car thieves(great mechanics), an iron worker who killed a dude in a bar fight, about 6'4" 350,not fat. Big baby and man could he carry some steel beams and do bolt ups 50 feet in the air that would normally take 2 hosses to get it done. Stallone wound up hiring him, full time, as a "bodyguard" and house helper. Fucker could move those heavy bronze sculptures by his bad self and never scratch a marble floor. Real patient guy.Comical and really cool. Moved like a snail but made shit happen. 12' tree in a 35 gallon pot. " "No worries man. I got it". I often wonder where he wound up. He worked for Sly after Miami and moved to NY and then CA with him. He'd be about 60 by now.
" Hey Steve, come and spot me. I gotta do some inclined bench.Steve woud snatch the 230 or so like a broom handle and hand it to Stallone like nothing.. Big Steve never went to a gym in his life.Said his moms father was the same. Natural born monster of a man.Sat in the can for 8 years for involuntary manslaughter.
No. I wouldn't hire Epberg or Goldenfarb.
Just tough guys who fucked up.
A couple of the dealers went back to their old coke habits and had to get gone.Drugs are fine. Addicts are a serious problem.All my guys made far more than any minimum wage. I'd tell "illegals" back in the 90's. Finish this shit today(heavy tree trimming-cleanup or planting 1000 3 gallon hedge plants at a shopping center) and it's 100 cash ea. 4 hours or 12.
They'd often do it in 6-7 or so...No lunch/no nothing. LISTO ! Vamos a la casa ! I'd just shake my head and we'd go drink some beers. Tough bastards.
Social scientists were finding that DNA evidence proved that 19% of inmates on death row were innocent of doing the crime a jury convicted them of in the late 70s and early 80s. A lot of lying and false witnesses ensured that someone else would pay the ultimate price--death for a crime someone else committed. Since the social scientists who compared the new evidence to crime scene dna were from Illinois, the Illinois governor was so horrified that likely, a similar number of previous executions were likely to have similar statistics of state murders of innocent death row people, so he cancelled all executions in Illinois on his watch since 19 out of 100 was too high a number of state murders and justice miscarriages.

People serve sentences for crimes. Since a fifth of them are likely innocent, I think we should let old dogs lie when people get out of prison. They paid for their crimes, and losing your freedoms for many years is all the rest of us get. We need to let it be and pray the prison system did its job by rehabilitating those convicted of their mistakes. Leave them alone so long as they stay well away from trouble.
Social scientists were finding that DNA evidence proved that 19% of inmates on death row were innocent of doing the crime a jury convicted them of in the late 70s and early 80s. A lot of lying and false witnesses ensured that someone else would pay the ultimate price--death for a crime someone else committed. Since the social scientists who compared the new evidence to crime scene dna were from Illinois, the Illinois governor was so horrified that likely, a similar number of previous executions were likely to have similar statistics of state murders of innocent death row people, so he cancelled all executions in Illinois on his watch since 19 out of 100 was too high a number of state murders and justice miscarriages.

People serve sentences for crimes. Since a fifth of them are likely innocent, I think we should let old dogs lie when people get out of prison. They paid for their crimes, and losing your freedoms for many years is all the rest of us get. We need to let it be and pray the prison system did its job by rehabilitating those convicted of their mistakes. Leave them alone so long as they stay well away from trouble.

When you decide to commit a felony, you are subject to losing some rights like never being able to own a firearm again, and in some states, no voting. Yes, you know ahead of time if caught and sent to prison, you will have a hard time getting a decent job as well. All these things have to be considered and add as a deterrent to committing crime. There are just some things we do in life that have lifelong consequences. If you have sex without protection, you could catch a lifelong STD. You may have a child you are not financially prepared for. If you try to unclog the wet grass in your lawnmower without stopping the blades, you could lose fingers or a hand.

I'd like to see a link to this 19 out of a hundred were found innocent, because if so, it's rarely reported. If evidence comes up that a person was not guilty of a crime, he or she is allowed to leave prison and paid millions of dollars for the mistake by the state. I doubt Illinois has hundreds of millions of dollars to pay all those people.
You think it's easy? My neighbor is a convicted felon. He's tried the work for himself and has the skills and tools to work as a handyman. He just as well stand on a street corner with a sign "Will fix your house for food". The job he has right now pays him about 12 bucks an hour and he's had it for the last 15 years or so. And he's the only employee. Walmart and such won't even consider hiring him.

As for joining the Union, he can forget it. They don't accept convicted felons. His employment is limited to just over min wage and it will take him awhile to get even that high. Convicted Felons already have restrictions without leveling yet another one on them.

As I stated, it's a consideration you have to evaluate when you decide to commit a crime. It's an added deterrent. But a handyman is not a trade. You see them advertise all the time in the paper. If you get into a profession, you can work for yourself after you get some experience, even if it's at minimum wage.

An added Deterrent? One would think that was determined by a judge. I realize that society does level other deterrents but we have enough of them already. We don't need to be creating even more. That's just mean spirited and cruel.
An added Deterrent? One would think that was determined by a judge. I realize that society does level other deterrents but we have enough of them already. We don't need to be creating even more. That's just mean spirited and cruel.

The United States has the second highest prison population per capita in the world. Obviously our deterrents aren't enough. You are fed three squares a day, buy snacks if you have people on the outside contribute to your account, a field where you go outside in favorable weather and play sports, a little private room if your wife wants to come over to start a family, a pool room, a workout room, visitors, and working is an option. Need to get out of prison for a while? File a lawsuit against the state because you were served grape jelly instead of cherry. They will take you out for court battles and you can get out of there for a while.

We have the same thing in the outside world, but we call them get away weekends and we have to pay for them. For most good productive people, being confined anywhere is torture, but for people who don't do anything and waste their life anyway, it's not so bad.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried, but we don't have strong deterrents here anymore, and no, watching cable television all day is not a deterrent. Watch the classic movie Cool Hand Luke sometime. If prisons were like that today, nobody would want to go there.
An added Deterrent? One would think that was determined by a judge. I realize that society does level other deterrents but we have enough of them already. We don't need to be creating even more. That's just mean spirited and cruel.

The United States has the second highest prison population per capita in the world. Obviously our deterrents aren't enough. You are fed three squares a day, buy snacks if you have people on the outside contribute to your account, a field where you go outside in favorable weather and play sports, a little private room if your wife wants to come over to start a family, a pool room, a workout room, visitors, and working is an option. Need to get out of prison for a while? File a lawsuit against the state because you were served grape jelly instead of cherry. They will take you out for court battles and you can get out of there for a while.

We have the same thing in the outside world, but we call them get away weekends and we have to pay for them. For most good productive people, being confined anywhere is torture, but for people who don't do anything and waste their life anyway, it's not so bad.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried, but we don't have strong deterrents here anymore, and no, watching cable television all day is not a deterrent. Watch the classic movie Cool Hand Luke sometime. If prisons were like that today, nobody would want to go there.

And if the brains of the criminal were normal, they wouldn't have the idea that they wouldn't be caught for the 7th time. You keep lumping those losers in with the person that "F&&ed Up" once. And it's a friggin movie.
And if the brains of the criminal were normal, they wouldn't have the idea that they wouldn't be caught for the 7th time. You keep lumping those losers in with the person that "F&&ed Up" once. And it's a friggin movie.

The movie pretty much tells what prisons used to be before liberal judges made them into adult playgrounds. It doesn't matter what your mind is. If you had to go to a place like that, you'd be less likely to commit any crimes.
And if the brains of the criminal were normal, they wouldn't have the idea that they wouldn't be caught for the 7th time. You keep lumping those losers in with the person that "F&&ed Up" once. And it's a friggin movie.

The movie pretty much tells what prisons used to be before liberal judges made them into adult playgrounds. It doesn't matter what your mind is. If you had to go to a place like that, you'd be less likely to commit any crimes.

Once again, you are not considering the "Professional" Criminal. And then you wish to continue those actions well past the end of the sentence for everyone else. The Professional Criminal could care less. They don't vote, work government jobs and will be back no matter how bad the prison life is.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job. People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....
You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer....

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
Florida wants more Democrats.

Florida wants to punish felons after they have paid their debt to society.

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