Felons Should Be Excluded From Minimum Wage Increase, Because Reasons...

It is a risk for an employer to hire a felon.

He puts his other employees and his property at risk by giving an ex con access to them.

So maybe saying that an ex con felon can be paid $10 an hour instead of 15 will be incentive for business owners to give the ex con a shot.

Have you ever hired any Ex cons? I have and it worked out well for my businesses. In fact, I hired a black housekeeper to help me with the house and the children years ago. Her family came to me and asked. I knew her mother and grandmother. She had killed a man who was beating her up and spent 5 years in prison. I paid her top dollar. She stayed with me ten years until she finally married and started a family of her own..
Im hiring a non felon, given a choice.
So let's say one of these Trumpers end up with a felony on their record now due to their part in the insurrection...

Are you saying they should be paid less now because of that??

Or does this only apply to a "certain type" of felon??

Some can turn out okay if given a chance, but most troublemakers will always remain troublemakers. In my early years of being a landlord, I rented to felons because I figured other landlords wouldn't. Big mistake. In one case it was a major fire that almost destroyed the entire building. Even though I have no evidence, I strongly suspect arson because the punk didn't work and used drugs that he couldn't pay for. My insurance company not only canceled my policy, but the policies of every other building.

Another time I rented to a guy who was recommended by a friend; a guy who was a user who just got out of prison. He worked in remodeling and asked if he could do something with the bathroom in the unit. I gave him permission as long as he didn't charge me for the work, and I bought the supplies. He ripped the entire bathroom apart, went back on drugs, and that's the way it stayed until I kicked him out and had to bring people in to do the job.

These people are just too many problems to take a chance one of them want to start and lead a normal life. I don't blame employers for not hiring them. Too much risk.
It is a risk for an employer to hire a felon.

He puts his other employees and his property at risk by giving an ex con access to them.

So maybe saying that an ex con felon can be paid $10 an hour instead of 15 will be incentive for business owners to give the ex con a shot.

Have you ever hired any Ex cons? I have and it worked out well for my businesses. In fact, I hired a black housekeeper to help me with the house and the children years ago. Her family came to me and asked. I knew her mother and grandmother. She had killed a man who was beating her up and spent 5 years in prison. I paid her top dollar. She stayed with me ten years until she finally married and started a family of her own..

Good for you.

No I have never hired any ex cons but some of the subcontractors I used to use did

My husband and I built a lot of houses and strip malls ..but we also had an interstate moving company and storage.. We didn't hire a lot of excons, but the ones we did hire stayed with us for 25 years and they were good employees...
It is a risk for an employer to hire a felon.

He puts his other employees and his property at risk by giving an ex con access to them.

So maybe saying that an ex con felon can be paid $10 an hour instead of 15 will be incentive for business owners to give the ex con a shot.

Have you ever hired any Ex cons? I have and it worked out well for my businesses. In fact, I hired a black housekeeper to help me with the house and the children years ago. Her family came to me and asked. I knew her mother and grandmother. She had killed a man who was beating her up and spent 5 years in prison. I paid her top dollar. She stayed with me ten years until she finally married and started a family of her own..
Im hiring a non felon, given a choice.

What sort of business do you have?
I don’t believe in 15$ minimum wage, but if it’s going to be implemented then maybe kids should be excluded, however that could come with some unintended consequences. I see no reason why felons who have paid their debt to society should have a different set of rules applied to them.

In many states they are prohibited from voting, and can't own a gun the rest of their lives. It's not about punishing anybody for life, it's about offering a strong enough deterrent for them not to commit crimes in the first place.
The reason for increasing the minimum wage is so people can actually pay their rent and live pay check to paycheck.

It is also to provide a better quality of life and felons won't have any life without a job.

Not only that, employers take a risk by hiring them. If it works out well, I'm sure most if not all employers would give a raise to a good worker, and likely to the same minimum wage as others get.
I don’t believe in 15$ minimum wage, but if it’s going to be implemented then maybe kids should be excluded, however that could come with some unintended consequences. I see no reason why felons who have paid their debt to society should have a different set of rules applied to them.

In many states they are prohibited from voting, and can't own a gun the rest of their lives. It's not about punishing anybody for life, it's about offering a strong enough deterrent for them not to commit crimes in the first place.

I agree with them never being able to own a gun (at least the violent ones), not sure about voting, but I think they already face an uphil battle in job market. I wouldn’t make it harder on them in reference to that.
So let's say one of these Trumpers end up with a felony on their record now due to their part in the insurrection...

Are you saying they should be paid less now because of that??

Or does this only apply to a "certain type" of felon??

Some can turn out okay if given a chance, but most troublemakers will always remain troublemakers. In my early years of being a landlord, I rented to felons because I figured other landlords wouldn't. Big mistake. In one case it was a major fire that almost destroyed the entire building. Even though I have no evidence, I strongly suspect arson because the punk didn't work and used drugs that he couldn't pay for. My insurance company not only canceled my policy, but the policies of every other building.

Another time I rented to a guy who was recommended by a friend; a guy who was a user who just got out of prison. He worked in remodeling and asked if he could do something with the bathroom in the unit. I gave him permission as long as he didn't charge me for the work, and I bought the supplies. He ripped the entire bathroom apart, went back on drugs, and that's the way it stayed until I kicked him out and had to bring people in to do the job.

These people are just too many problems to take a chance one of them want to start and lead a normal life. I don't blame employers for not hiring them. Too much risk.

I see your point.. I didn't have any addicts.to deal with.. My husband still has heavy equipment and does a lot of site prep and cutting right of ways for the power company. It can be a bit dangerous. Some of his young workers smoked pot on the job. He is so cool.. He just sidled up to them and said, You boys go on home, I'm docking your pay. Come on back if you can get thru the workday without getting high.
I agree with them never being able to own a gun (at least the violent ones), not sure about voting, but I think they already face an uphil battle in job market. I would make it harder on them in reference to that.

A lot of people do things that have lifelong consequences. When I was younger I got into delivering home medical equipment. I delivered to people who were in motorcycle accidents. All they could do is lay there like a plant because they were paralyzed from the neck down. Hell of a price to pay when you're in your early 20's and have to live like that the rest of your life over a motorcycle ride, but they knew the risks when they got on the bike.
The reason for increasing the minimum wage is so people can actually pay their rent and live pay check to paycheck.

It is also to provide a better quality of life and felons won't have any life without a job.

Not only that, employers take a risk by hiring them. If it works out well, I'm sure most if not all employers would give a raise to a good worker, and likely to the same minimum wage as others get.

I'm not a bleeding heart so please don't misunderstand... We just knew everyone and their families so you sort of know who can make a go of it after they have been in trouble .. You'd never know it, but we are Christians and came from privilege so we try.
I see your point.. I didn't have any addicts.to deal with.. My husband still has heavy equipment and does a lot of site prep and cutting right of ways for the power company. It can be a bit dangerous. Some of his young workers smoked pot on the job. He is so cool.. He just sidled up to them and said, You boys go on home, I'm docking your pay. Come on back if you can get thru the workday without getting high.

Pot is pretty harmless. The people I rented to were on the hard stuff. They brought all kinds of strange people around. I don't think one of them weighed over 100 pounds.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
It is a better chance for felons and high school kids to get hired by small private companies
I'm not a bleeding heart so please don't misunderstand... We just knew everyone and their families so you sort of know who can make a go of it after they have been in trouble .. You'd never know it, but we are Christians and came from privilege so we try.

That's fine, but in most cases, an employer doesn't know them. So again, they are taking a big chance. If they want to pay them less, it's better than them not getting paid at all. As for myself, after several problems, I don't rent to felons any longer. Even if the state gave me an extra $300 a month per unit, it's not worth the problem to me.
I see your point.. I didn't have any addicts.to deal with.. My husband still has heavy equipment and does a lot of site prep and cutting right of ways for the power company. It can be a bit dangerous. Some of his young workers smoked pot on the job. He is so cool.. He just sidled up to them and said, You boys go on home, I'm docking your pay. Come on back if you can get thru the workday without getting high.

Pot is pretty harmless. The people I rented to were on the hard stuff. They brought all kinds of strange people around. I don't think one of them weighed over 100 pounds.

I know the difference.. and the hard stuff scares me. But in this case you can't work around chain saws and falling trees and be stoned. Being relaxed and loosey goosey will get you killed.

"On Thursday, a Florida GOP state senator proposed a measure that would block felons from being included in the $15 minimum wage increase that the state approved last year. Bill SJR 854—which was introduced by Sen. Jeffrey Brandes (R-St. Petersburg)—specifically allows soulless lawmakers to reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees convicted of a felony, reduce the Minimum Wage rate for employees younger than 21 years of age, [and] reduce the Minimum Wage rate for other hard-to-hire employees.”

Still don't know what "hard-to-hire employees" are but ok.....how does discriminating against felons by reducing their wages help the economy?? We are basically claiming these people are less human compared to their peers working the same job.

People forget that the state of Florida voted for a state minimum wage increase with a 60% super majority; no where in that ballot initiative did they advocate for paying "certain groups" of Floridians less....but leave it to the GOP to find yet another way to fuck over the people with the least amount of power....

This doesn't make any sense to me. What does Florida gain by promoting poverty in a small segment of society?
It is a better chance for felons and high school kids to get hired by small private companies

I agree... Especially in small of medium sized towns where people know each other and their families.
I hired felons for years to do masonry laboring and they worked just as well as non-felons.

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