Fem Marxist Ruining Our Culture


May 23, 2014
I have never been a fan of Al Franken, but what happened to him has now become systemic in our culture. This war against white Male heterosexuals has been going on since the 1960’s. Now are children are taught that all white kids have privilege. Now are kids are taught that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were oppressors. Now our kids are taught that the police are bad. The final straw is this drive to teach our kids that white heterosexual males are predatory sexual harassers. What will it come to? Hold a door for a woman and your an asshole? Stand at dinner when a woman takes her seat and you are a male chauvinist pig? This is fucking ridiculous. This song...which is hilarious...would be banned from radio today. Choke on it fem Marxist...
I have never been a fan of Al Franken, but what happened to him has now become systemic in our culture. This war against white Male heterosexuals has been going on since the 1960’s. Now are children are taught that all white kids have privilege. Now are kids are taught that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were oppressors. Now our kids are taught that the police are bad. The final straw is this drive to teach our kids that white heterosexual males are predatory sexual harassers. What will it come to? Hold a door for a woman and your an asshole? Stand at dinner when a woman takes her seat and you are a male chauvinist pig? This is fucking ridiculous. This song...which is hilarious...would be banned from radio today. Choke on it fem Marxist...

Mostly White heterosexual males are the pedaphiles and sex offenders in this country.
Reality is a cold hard slap in the face to you.
I have never been a fan of Al Franken, but what happened to him has now become systemic in our culture. This war against white Male heterosexuals has been going on since the 1960’s. Now are children are taught that all white kids have privilege. Now are kids are taught that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were oppressors. Now our kids are taught that the police are bad. The final straw is this drive to teach our kids that white heterosexual males are predatory sexual harassers. What will it come to? Hold a door for a woman and your an asshole? Stand at dinner when a woman takes her seat and you are a male chauvinist pig? This is fucking ridiculous. This song...which is hilarious...would be banned from radio today. Choke on it fem Marxist...

Mostly White heterosexual males are the pedaphiles and sex offenders in this country.
Reality is a cold hard slap in the face to you.

But liberals like these things. You can see this behavior at every gay pride parade.
Hollywood started in years ago. Suburban white liberal girl gets a blender from fiancée...
I have never been a fan of Al Franken, but what happened to him has now become systemic in our culture. This war against white Male heterosexuals has been going on since the 1960’s. Now are children are taught that all white kids have privilege. Now are kids are taught that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were oppressors. Now our kids are taught that the police are bad. The final straw is this drive to teach our kids that white heterosexual males are predatory sexual harassers. What will it come to? Hold a door for a woman and your an asshole? Stand at dinner when a woman takes her seat and you are a male chauvinist pig? This is fucking ridiculous. This song...which is hilarious...would be banned from radio today. Choke on it fem Marxist...

I always open the door for women. Even if I don't know them. Like when I'm in front of them going in a store. I will open the door and tell them hello. Treat them with respect, unless they prove they don't deserve it, but this place seems to be only place I see that.
Franken did it to himself and even took photographs while he demeaned women but what is really strange is why Rep. Franks was (forced?) encouraged to resign after seemingly innocent comments regarding surrogate pregnancy. Was it an example of political payback and typical republican chickenshit leadership?
Franken did it to himself and even took photographs while he demeaned women but what is really strange is why Rep. Franks was (forced?) encouraged to resign after seemingly innocent comments regarding surrogate pregnancy. Was it an example of political payback and typical republican chickenshit leadership?
Chickenshit leadership. Wait until 2018 when Donald Trump gets 80%of all Male votes because of this bullshit.
Males are often sexual predators and harassers, of any race.
Sure...or it’s just genetics that males in any mammal species are driven to reproduce and most females expect the many to be the potential mate to, “make the first move.”
It is the general state of nature that males in a species of mammals have a drive to reproduce. Why have generations of young hormonal men and women created a culture of writers, musicians, and poets that verse on the context of relationships and reproductive activities. Because it is the natural order. If a woman and myself make eye contact in a public setting...I will go over and strike up a conversation. PC fem Marxist think that is “harassment.” The boundaries have been changed to ludicrous levels.
How did Hillary treat all those women that Bill doinked?
So, you believe women who accused Clinton but don't believe women who accuse Trump, even though he bragged about it to Billy Bush.

Typical wingnut.
Trump was open about it...Slick Willie, the consummate liar, accused the women of lying to preserve his political posture. Hillary kept sham marriage going for political reasons. Donald Trump came from the business world, Bill Clinton has always been a weasel politician. Remember, Trump was elected because he was an “outsider.” Clinton’s were insider, phonies.
It is the general state of nature that males in a species of mammals have a drive to reproduce. [...] If a woman and myself make eye contact in a public setting...I will go over and strike up a conversation. PC fem Marxist think that is “harassment.” The boundaries have been changed to ludicrous levels.

Oh, I don't know --- you are admitting you would go "strike up" a conversation with a woman you've made eye contact with because you have a "drive to reproduce"?

I'll bet. Don't, just don't. Sheeeeesh! Nobody wants your drive to reproduce. Keep it where it belongs, to yourself.
The right’s war on women continues.... actually it never stopped. It’s accelerated under Trump.

Trump's Budget Proposal Is, Surprise, Bad For Women

The 11 worst things Donald Trump has said about women

You are really in no place to talk about a war on women given the number of high profile men in your party who have recently lost their jobs or are currently facing accusations.
Because of a politically motivated attack on our culture and heterosexual males. Again, it is nature at work. If a woman and myself make eye contact in a public setting, I will go over and strike up conversation. I will ask for a number, a hopefully we will set a dinner date. Over time...both of understand...that after more frequent time spent together that we will end up under the sheets. It’s the natural order of things. Let me tell you something...women want physical relationships just as much as men do. Because it is their natural drive to breed...just as it is with males. In ANY mammal species. But what is the motivation behind liberals who want to disrupt this natural order? There is nothing on this earth, more beautiful than a woman. I will never shrink from that. Because of my genetics...I will never stop pursuing them when then initial invitation presents itself.

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