FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

how many times do you have to be told that this is NOT a constitutional matter
nothing in this violates the constitution
you just want to see something that wasnt there

Denial is unreasonable because the evidence is before you. You clearly have no interest in seeing constitutonal due process prevail in a case of 3,000 murders.
deception and lies put out by the truthers is really just par for the course.


Your response is incompetent because no evidence of the supposed core is provided. Posted evidence shows an empty core area.

You do not appear to support truth and justice at all as you refuse to observe evidence and have none.

Are you working for the demise of the Constitution?

circle jerk alert!

Okay, so the Consitution means nothing and the matter is therefore left out with an inept, juvenile attempt at ridicule.
So the concrete was all mysteriously blown away by the "explosives," but the "3-inch rebar" is still standing? Here's a Google search for rebar sizes:
rebar sizes - Google Search
Any thoughts on why the largest diameter listed in the first half dozen hits is only 2.257"?

You haven't been reading. The rebar was custom ordered from a DOD steel mill.

I can explain why the rebar is there but that is getting off topic. The fact is that it IS there and it cannot be anything else but rebar and concrete is corroborated many other times with images from 9-11.

Here is an image showing the WTC 1 north core base wall which was 12 feet thick. Note the 3x7 foot utility connection hallway running the length of the wall section that has daylight shining through it.


Are you interested in protecting the US Constitution?
Please quit trying to sound patriotic with your libelous crap. You still haven't shown one photo of a concrete core wall in a WTC tower, there's no such thing as a "DoD steel mill," and the idea of 3-inch rebar in a 12" concrete wall is utterly absurd, as is the notion that all of the concrete in these alleged walls was blown away by explosives, leaving one piece of steel standing.
If you want accurate details of the construction of the WTC towers, here's the link:
Good grief...

If you had evidence your words might mean something. As it is they expose your subterfuge.

The evidence is before you, but you ignore it. I already know there are no plans available of the actual towers, and I know you have no interest in the Constitution or truth and justice with due process for the murders of 3,000 innocent people on US soil.
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Your response is incompetent because no evidence of the supposed core is provided. Posted evidence shows an empty core area.

You do not appear to support truth and justice at all as you refuse to observe evidence and have none.

Are you working for the demise of the Constitution?
Show me ONE photo of a poured concrete core wall above grade in a WTC tower. Still waiting...
It also makes a liar out of him. although that wasn't too difficult.

The images of construction showing concrete were removed from the available construciton photos of the Twin towers, and that statement is fully possible as fact. What is not possible as fact is that the supposed structure FEMA says existed as the core NOT BE SEEN, and it is not, on 9-11 in the core.

So you are working against the Constitution with your efforts here and in essence supporting that the means of mass murder remain secret in order to support the insurrection using 9-11 as a pivotal point of takeover.
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

This just in........Obama might not be an American citizen. You might wat to look into it as well. :cuckoo:

I agree, but this topic prempts that and without resolution to this issue, the impetus will never be found to correct the matter. Without that resolution , there will be no rule of law, no matter where one is born.

This just in........Obama might not be an American citizen. You might wat to look into it as well. :cuckoo:

I agree, but this topic prempts that and without resolution to this issue, the impetus will never be found to correct the matter. Without that resolution , there will be no rule of law, no matter where one is born.


You laugh at the demise of the US Constitution. Thanks for showing your sentiments.
I agree, but this topic prempts that and without resolution to this issue, the impetus will never be found to correct the matter. Without that resolution , there will be no rule of law, no matter where one is born.


You laugh at the demise of the US Constitution. Thanks for showing your sentiments.

No, I love the constitution. I laugh at you believing in your tin hat, black helicopter, conspiracy theories.

You laugh at the demise of the US Constitution. Thanks for showing your sentiments.

No, I love the constitution. I laugh at you believing in your tin hat, black helicopter, conspiracy theories.

So why are you not interested in preserving the Constitution? When you can produce no evidence substantciating your position, but I can substantiate what I assert, your statement appears false. Lip service.

Apparently the Constitution is not worth your using your eyes and ability to reason and you prefer believing FEMA, not created under the Constitution..
How does a NIST report lead to the demise of the constitution?


The rights of 3,000 were violated extremely and their due process remains unfulfilled. Equal protection of the law are Constitutional rights. Americans share their rights. My rights are the same as rights of another Americans.

My rights were violated when a proper, correct "cause of death" was not rendered by NIST, for what ever reason. Not knowing how 3,000 died on 9-11 could cost me or those I love their lives.


The notion of law and order as beneficial to society.

When 3,000 case of constitutional rights violations happen, all Americans rights and the ability to enforce them is compromised.
The rights of 3,000 were violated extremely and their due process remains unfulfilled. Equal protection of the law are Constitutional rights. Americans share their rights. My rights are the same as rights of another Americans.

My rights were violated when a proper, correct "cause of death" was not rendered by NIST, for what ever reason. Not knowing how 3,000 died on 9-11 could cost me or those I love their lives.

de·mise (d-mz)
a. Death.
b. The end of existence or activity; termination:

So, what you are telling me is that the NIST report leads to the end of the existence of the constitution?

In all due respect, quit with the melodrama. That is such utter nonsense. Do you have any understanding or knowledge of the history of your own country? As tragic as 9/11 was, there have been far, far greater violations of the articles or the intent of the constitution by the governments yet the constitution endures.

Give me a break.
This is not structural steel.


It is very simple. The structure FEMA describes did not exist.

Please tell me how I'm supposed to look at that picture and see anything other than a vague silhouette behind a bunch of smoke.

Do you really expect people, laymen especially, to look at that picture and see something as specific as what you're claiming?
The rights of 3,000 were violated extremely and their due process remains unfulfilled. Equal protection of the law are Constitutional rights. Americans share their rights. My rights are the same as rights of another Americans.

My rights were violated when a proper, correct "cause of death" was not rendered by NIST, for what ever reason. Not knowing how 3,000 died on 9-11 could cost me or those I love their lives.

de·mise (d-mz)
a. Death.
b. The end of existence or activity; termination:

So, what you are telling me is that the NIST report leads to the end of the existence of the constitution?

In all due respect, quit with the melodrama. That is such utter nonsense. Do you have any understanding or knowledge of the history of your own country? As tragic as 9/11 was, there have been far, far greater violations of the articles or the intent of the constitution by the governments yet the constitution endures.

Give me a break.

TheConstituton is in shambles. Just look at how title 42 §1988 are implimented in Wilson v. Garcia and used ever since. Moron.

Give America a break. Support lawful government. Not your country canadian get the numbers right, "3,000 murdered" on American soil.

My rights and Consitutition are at stake. My childrens lives too.
TheConstituton is in shambles. Just look at how title 42 §1988 are implimented in Wilson v. Garcia and used ever since. Moron.

Give America a break. Support lawful government. Not your country canadian get the numbers right, "3,000 murdered" on American soil.

My rights and Consitutition are at stake. My childrens lives too.


The constitution was being violated the moment it was fucking written when only white men who owned land could vote, not to mention little things, like, oh, slavery, segregation, slaughter of the Indians, and so on and so on and so on. It must be embarrassing for a Canadian to point out these things to you.
TheConstituton is in shambles. Just look at how title 42 §1988 are implimented in Wilson v. Garcia and used ever since. Moron.

Give America a break. Support lawful government. Not your country canadian get the numbers right, "3,000 murdered" on American soil.

My rights and Consitutition are at stake. My childrens lives too.


The constitution was being violated the moment it was fucking written when only white men who owned land could vote, not to mention little things, like, oh, slavery, segregation, slaughter of the Indians, and so on and so on and so on. It must be embarrassing for a Canadian to point out these things to you.

Now we know you want people to think with your distortions whatever compromise was effected through manipulations of the past, justifies its compromise now.

Give up canandian. I have a thread for you.

You support that the means mass murder reamin secret.

Now we know you want people to think with your distortions whatever compromise was effected through manipulations of the past, justifies its compromise now.

You seem to have little understanding of context, let alone the history of your own country. You said earlier that an NIST report is leading to the demise of the constitution. That is a laughable conclusion, given the gross violations of the constitution in the past. Yet, somehow, America endures.

What little faith you have in this great country.

Give up canandian.

I'm pwning your sorry ass. Why would I give up? Out of boredom, maybe.

I have a thread for you

You support that the means mass murder reamin secret.


I have no horse in this race, twoofer. I don't support either party, though I loathed Bush and am disgusted by the Republican party at the moment. You twoofers could change my mind if you could come up with something other than conjecture and circumstance. But you can't. And your gross simplification and exaggerations such as

"the demise of the Constitution"

not to mention lack of understanding of context and randomness just makes me want to get away as possible from such nuttiness.
Imagine this. You take a glass and freeze it. Not dip just the end into hot water. Snap!

That's what brought the towers down. Some areas were at room temperature, others at 600 to 800 degrees. The areas of intense heat brought about by 30,000 liters of jet fuel, caused the building to "buckle" between areas of low temperature and super high temperature. It's like the most basic physics and so easy to reproduce with stuff in your kitchen.

So often, the simplest explanation is the correct one.
This is not a thread about what happened or how it happened. This is a thread about a simple deception by FEMA of the agency conducting an analysis of a structure that was supposed to have collapsed.

The deception invalidates the analysis.

No, the conspiracy invalidates sanity.
Give America a break. Support lawful government. Not your country canadian get the numbers right, "3,000 murdered" on American soil.

My rights and Consitutition are at stake. My childrens lives too.


The constitution was being violated the moment it was fucking written when only white men who owned land could vote, not to mention little things, like, oh, slavery, segregation, slaughter of the Indians, and so on and so on and so on. It must be embarrassing for a Canadian to point out these things to you.[/QUOTE]

Now we know you want people to think with your distortions whatever compromise was effected through manipulations of the past, justifies its compromise now.

Give up canandian. I have a thread for you.

You support that the means mass murder reamin secret.


I read quite a bit of your garbage.

I still have no idea what you're saying.

Are you saying the construction was sub-standard? If so, how in the hell did it stand for 30 years--BOTH TOWERS? Just for starters.

Christophera said:
Now we know you want people to think with your distortions whatever compromise was effected through manipulations of the past, justifies its compromise now.

Give up canandian. I have a thread for you.

You support that the means mass murder reamin secret.

I read quite a bit of your garbage.

I still have no idea what you're saying.

Are you saying the construction was sub-standard? If so, how in the hell did it stand for 30 years--BOTH TOWERS? Just for starters.

How well did you read? Not well enough. The construction of the towers was actually a great deal stronger than the truth movement thinks. That is why Frank DeMartino engineer for the port authority said "The Twins could take multiple plane hits", he then compared a plane to a pencil poking a hole in a window screen to illustrate how little the plane compromises the shear strength of the concrete walls.

Notice the tower hit hardest stood for a long time after being hit.

THIS thread is not about how they came down, but that fact supports that they were stronger. The structure that the truth movement thinks existed did not. They take their information straight from FEMA without any reason other than "everybody does(?)" or some such nonsense.

Mr. Martino died on 9-11.

The Towers to resist torsion and sway had to be extremely ridgid. While they stood they took 110 mph winds 3 times. They were designed for 120. The core was like a vertical piece of steel reinforced concrete pipe but rectangular. The structure supporting the floors around it was steel.

Steel has greater compresive strength but it flexes. The concrete kept the steel straight where it could take the greatest loads.

The canadian keeps asserting that there are official plans available. It is not true. You will not find any. This infiltration of the US govenment depends on the division of the people. Divide and conquer. You people here don't know what is going on over there and vice versa.

The truth movement gets their plans from silverstein who made $6 billion on the tragedy. Those plans are scans of blueprints and the scans were altered by the addition of revision tables to make them look as final drawings.

I knew they were faked so examined them very closely and found that a bout 20% of the drawings have a strange digital artifact in one or more of the cells of the graphic table. Here is a screen shot.


Here it is on the original 9-11 conspiracy sites.


The author of that site refuses to communicate. They all do basically.
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How well did you read? Not well enough. The construction of the towers was actually a great deal stronger than the truth movement thinks. That is why Frank DeMartino engineer for the port authority said "The Twins could take multiple plane hits", he then compared a plane to a pencil poking a hole in a window screen to illustrate how little the plane compromises the shear strength of the concrete walls.

Notice the tower hit hardest stood for a long time after being hit.

THIS thread is not about how they came down, but that fact supports that they were stronger. The structure that the truth movement thinks existed did not. They take their information straight from FEMA without any reason other than "everybody does(?)" or some such nonsense.

Mr. Martino died on 9-11.

The Towers to resist torsion and sway had to be extremely ridgid. While they stood they took 110 mph winds 3 times. They were designed for 120. The core was like a vertical piece of steel reinforced concrete pipe but rectangular. The structure supporting the floors around it was steel.

Steel has greater compresive strength but it flexes. The concrete kept the steel straight where it could take the greatest loads.

The canadian keeps asserting that there are official plans available. It is not true. You will not find any. This infiltration of the US govenment depends on the division of the people. Divide and conquer. You people here don't know what is going on over there and vice versa.

The truth movement gets their plans from silverstein who made $6 billion on the tragedy. Those plans are scans of blueprints and the scans were altered by the addition of revision tables to make them look as final drawings.

I knew they were faked so examined them very closely and found that a bout 20% of the drawings have a strange digital artifact in one or more of the cells of the graphic table. Here is a screen shot.

The author of that site refuses to communicate. They all do basically.


So the towers were strong enough to sustain the attacks of planes?

Not really. Not apparently.

You really need to come on out and say in two sentences what your thesis is because nobody can follow what you're trying to say.

In fact, you seem to be going out of your way to "not" state what you think.

Its tiresome.

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