FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

No. I'm all about due process being served in a case of mass murder that was used to subvert the Consitition and US law.

Are you against that?
due process has been served

I've proven it has not, (see concrete behind to left of flag)


and you have been attempting to dismiss the evidence, ............................ with nothing.

Such behavior, in the face of the uses of the deprivation of constitutitonal due process by infiltrators, is treason.

Will you continue?
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I've proven it has not,

You haven't proven anything really. It's just another theory totally based on your assumptions backed up by the shakiest of conjecture, and trotted out as the "smoking gun."

If you have anything, you should get an attorney and file suit. Obviously, you have a ton of time on your hands and nothing else going in your life.

If you don't have anything, stop wasting everybody's time with your craap.
No. I'm all about due process being served in a case of mass murder that was used to subvert the Consitition and US law.

Are you against that?
due process has been served

I've proven it has not, (see concrete behind to left of flag)


and you have been attempting to dismiss the evidence, ............................ with nothing.

Such behavior, in the face of the uses of the deprivation of constitutitonal due process by infiltrators, is treason.

Will you continue?
again, what you see standing up there is the OUTTER SHELL

and that is a combination of steel and an aluminum coating
due process has been served

I've proven it has not, (see concrete behind to left of flag)


and you have been attempting to dismiss the evidence, ............................ with nothing.

Such behavior, in the face of the uses of the deprivation of constitutitonal due process by infiltrators, is treason.

Will you continue?
again, what you see standing up there is the OUTTER SHELL

and that is a combination of steel and an aluminum coating

You are absolutely clueless.

"combination of steel and an aluminum coating"


Do you mean the perimeter walls and aluminum facade? Do you realize they were 14x14" box columns with 22" spacing?

Does that look like such a structure?

This may be the first time I've seen such a large degree of incompetence in this arena. You are definitely unable to use evidence and reason here. You perhaps are not a traitor, but you are absolutely a moron.

Mostly for trying to make the argument you attempt with no evidence and no ability to use evidence, and the assertion, ....... of those facts, ......... is very reasonable.

Now that you know what you don't know, after proving you don't, to somebody who does and they've informed you, ....... to continue what you are doing exhibits treasonous behavior, or perhpas just sociopathic behavior at the least, will you escalate your offense?
I've proven it has not, (see concrete behind to left of flag)


and you have been attempting to dismiss the evidence, ............................ with nothing.

Such behavior, in the face of the uses of the deprivation of constitutitonal due process by infiltrators, is treason.

Will you continue?
again, what you see standing up there is the OUTTER SHELL

and that is a combination of steel and an aluminum coating

You are absolutely clueless.

"combination of steel and an aluminum coating"


Do you mean the perimeter walls and aluminum facade? Do you realize they were 14x14" box columns with 22" spacing?

Does that look like such a structure?

This may be the first time I've seen such a large degree of incompetence in this arena. You are definitely unable to use evidence and reason here. You perhaps are not a traitor, but you are absolutely a moron.

Mostly for trying to make the argument you attempt with no evidence and no ability to use evidence, and the assertion, ....... of those facts, ......... is very reasonable.

Now that you know what you don't know, after proving you don't, to somebody who does and they've informed you, ....... to continue what you are doing exhibits treasonous behavior, or perhpas just sociopathic behavior at the least, will you escalate your offense?
YES, it looks exactly like the outter wall of the WTC
you are showing what a dumb fuck you are if you say it doesnt
again, what you see standing up there is the OUTTER SHELL

and that is a combination of steel and an aluminum coating

You are absolutely clueless.

"combination of steel and an aluminum coating"


Do you mean the perimeter walls and aluminum facade? Do you realize they were 14x14" box columns with 22" spacing?

Does that look like such a structure?

This may be the first time I've seen such a large degree of incompetence in this arena. You are definitely unable to use evidence and reason here. You perhaps are not a traitor, but you are absolutely a moron.

Mostly for trying to make the argument you attempt with no evidence and no ability to use evidence, and the assertion, ....... of those facts, ......... is very reasonable.

Now that you know what you don't know, after proving you don't, to somebody who does and they've informed you, ....... to continue what you are doing exhibits treasonous behavior, or perhpas just sociopathic behavior at the least, will you escalate your offense?
YES, it looks exactly like the outter wall of the WTC
you are showing what a dumb fuck you are if you say it doesnt

No wonder you don't use evidence, it would show you are wrong.


You are saying the below resembles part of the face of the Twins above.


Here is a much closer shot that shows the column to be an interior box column, perhaps 2 x 5 feet at the base and 20 feet from the the adjacent column left of the concrete core wall at its base
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FORTY-EIGHT HOURS LATER, Robertson, founder and owner of Leslie E.


Robertson Associates in New York, has only gotten as far as Tokyo. He’s still struggling to get home to his family in Manhattan, and the project he spent 10 years designing and perfecting.

“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible."

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. certified in 12 states as a structural engineer describes a concrete core at chapter 2.1

Left of the spire is an end view of the WTC 1 west concrete core shear wall.

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MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

FORTY-EIGHT HOURS LATER, Robertson, founder and owner of Leslie E.


Robertson Associates in New York, has only gotten as far as Tokyo. He’s still struggling to get home to his family in Manhattan, and the project he spent 10 years designing and perfecting.

“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible."

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. certified in 12 states as a structural engineer describes a concrete core at chapter 2.1

Left of the spire is an end view of the WTC 1 west concrete core shear wall.


This is just an outright lie. There were no shear walls in the tower cores, and shear resistance for the towers was provided at every floor by continuous 52" high steel spandrels inside of the perimeter columns. These kept the building from racking, and the floor trusses transferred the shear resistance to the core. The fact that you can't produce even one photo of these alleged concrete shear walls speaks volumes.
MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

FORTY-EIGHT HOURS LATER, Robertson, founder and owner of Leslie E.


Robertson Associates in New York, has only gotten as far as Tokyo. He’s still struggling to get home to his family in Manhattan, and the project he spent 10 years designing and perfecting.

“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible."

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. certified in 12 states as a structural engineer describes a concrete core at chapter 2.1

Left of the spire is an end view of the WTC 1 west concrete core shear wall.


This is just an outright lie. There were no shear walls in the tower cores,

You are in error and the quote you've made proves such as it has an image of the end view of the concrete shear wall of WTC 1 core with a statement of the chief engineer.

Also you have provided no evidence to substantciate your statement, so it is incompetent in this thread. Note that I've been asking for proof of the supposed steel core columns with an image from 9-11 that shows them in the core area and NO ONE has ever posted such.

This is the core of WTC 2.


Does it look like the core FEMA says existed?


The below scan of a photocopy from the "The Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992" identifies a concrete core.

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

FORTY-EIGHT HOURS LATER, Robertson, founder and owner of Leslie E.


Robertson Associates in New York, has only gotten as far as Tokyo. He’s still struggling to get home to his family in Manhattan, and the project he spent 10 years designing and perfecting.

“Beyond the reaction that any citizen has—the sadness that we all feel—you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,” says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. “It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible."

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. certified in 12 states as a structural engineer describes a concrete core at chapter 2.1

Left of the spire is an end view of the WTC 1 west concrete core shear wall.


This is just an outright lie. There were no shear walls in the tower cores,

You are in error and the quote you've made proves such as it has an image of the end view of the concrete shear wall of WTC 1 core with a statement of the chief engineer.

Also you have provided no evidence to substantciate your statement, so it is incompetent in this thread. Note that I've been asking for proof of the supposed steel core columns with an image from 9-11 that shows them in the core area and NO ONE has ever posted such.

This is the core of WTC 2.


Does it look like the core FEMA says existed?


The below scan of a photocopy from the "The Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992" identifies a concrete core.

You apparently tried to bullshit Mark Roberts with your shear wall malarkey, Christophera, because this is on his web site:

There are more photos of the WTC tower cores under construction at this link:
911 Links - WTC Core Construction
Your photos show dust clouds and smoke during the collapses, not evidence of your imaginary, "Invisicrete" walls.
And "3-inch rebar" in a 12" concrete wall? LOL. You're kidding, right?
something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well,particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread.Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.
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This is just an outright lie. There were no shear walls in the tower cores,

You are in error and the quote you've made proves such as it has an image of the end view of the concrete shear wall of WTC 1 core with a statement of the chief engineer.

Also you have provided no evidence to substantciate your statement, so it is incompetent in this thread. Note that I've been asking for proof of the supposed steel core columns with an image from 9-11 that shows them in the core area and NO ONE has ever posted such.

This is the core of WTC 2.


Does it look like the core FEMA says existed?


The below scan of a photocopy from the "The Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992" identifies a concrete core.

You apparently tried to bullshit Mark Roberts with your shear wall malarkey, Christophera, because this is on his web site:

There are more photos of the WTC tower cores under construction at this link:
911 Links - WTC Core Construction
Your photos show dust clouds and smoke during the collapses, not evidence of your imaginary, "Invisicrete" walls.
And "3-inch rebar" in a 12" concrete wall? LOL. You're kidding, right?

You appear to have no knowledge of structural engineering. Your reference doesn't either because they prove their criticism erroneous with this image on your references server and page.


Left and right of the center crane are seen "butt plates" on top of the elevator guide rail support steel occupying the core. They have no lateral strength and cannot be used to join sections of "core columns". Only a 100% deep fillet weld is accepatable.

Accordingly all of your evidence has been proven to be misrepresentation. Yuo are supporting that the means of mass murder remain secret, wheter you know it or not.

If you would have read the thread which has become congested by the efforts of others unwittingly, or even knowingly, (ditzcon/toromierda team) supporting the secret methods of mass murder, you would have found the image proving the steel core column deception.

something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.

When 3,000 innocents died in 20 seconds on 9-11 then the investigation was blocked by federal admin, then cameras confiscated, then steel (gps on nyc trucking) shipped to india and china, then the air traffic controller tapes were destroyed, no black boxes, molten steel, miles of superfine dust, FEMA set up for an mass exercise 2.5 miles away the day before, then we find our airforce was flying exercises with similar aspects to what is actually happening over 1,500 miles away, people have a clue. There is a great deal of fear for that reason.

Most of the posting you see is unreasonable opposition to my argument. Or, they actually have nothing to oppose with and are obfuscating to try and dilute and confuse the evidence. The thread is fluffed by agents of the post 9-11 disinformation campaign, a psyops in many ways because it depends on social fears. Not the same fears that make people interested. The social fears I refer to are artificial to a sincere societal exchange. Fears that only show up when manipulation is being conducted.

I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well, particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread. Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.

People know what is important and they also know that there is something not quite right with the "urgency" and myriad of useless detail associated with those topics. It is useless information and Terral has shown he can provide no rational uses for the information he shares on 9-11, let alone the others. The alternative media is now corrupted with "over information".
something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well,particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread.Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.
You're confusing "overwhelming" with "non-existent."

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