FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.

When 3,000 innocents died in 20 seconds on 9-11 then the investigation was blocked by federal admin, then cameras confiscated, then steel (gps on nyc trucking) shipped to india and china, then the air traffic controller tapes were destroyed, no black boxes, molten steel, miles of superfine dust, FEMA set up for an mass exercise 2.5 miles away the day before, then we find our airforce was flying exercises with similar aspects to what is actually happening over 1,500 miles away, people have a clue. There is a great deal of fear for that reason.
Yeah thats why their in denial.

Most of the posting you see is unreasonable opposition to my argument. Or, they actually have nothing to oppose with and are obfuscating to try and dilute and confuse the evidence. The thread is fluffed by agents of the post 9-11 disinformation campaign, a psyops in many ways because it depends on social fears. Not the same fears that make people interested. The social fears I refer to are artificial to a sincere societal exchange. Fears that only show up when manipulation is being conducted.

Yeah I try not to even bother getting into an argument about 9/11 on the net anymore cause I have found that internet people are the WORST kind of people to try and reason with.They blatantly ignore facts and evidence .Yeah I can tell you got a couple of disinformation psyops here on this thread.they got disinformation agents everywhere on message boards.Toto and Divecon arent though,their just in denial.I've seen far more clever dis in fo agents that have had far better posts than them.Believe me your wasting your time on those two.I wouldnt bother with them.Divecon is in denial about ANY government conspiracy.He STILL believes that other fairy tale of the governments that oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: Heck even my aunt at least will accept it that the CIA was behind that.9/11 she is close minded about of course cause she is a die hard republican.She wil listen to me when I talk about the evil autrocities Clinton committed in office,Bush though,it just goes through one ear and out the other with her.

I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well, particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread. Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.

People know what is important and they also know that there is something not quite right with the "urgency" and myriad of useless detail associated with those topics. It is useless information and Terral has shown he can provide no rational uses for the information he shares on 9-11, let alone the others. The alternative media is now corrupted with "over information".

Have to totally disagree with you on Terral about 9/11.some of his other threads like swine flu I havent read through.But he has taken many people here to school such as Toto and Divecon that 9/11 was an inside job.of course like always,they buried their heads in the sand like an ostrich and ignored it cause they only see what they want to see.Terral definetely has a lot of great threads on 9/11 I strongly encourage you to look at.Dont know about his other threads but he backs up everything he says on 9/11 though.
so, you believe the "government" destroyed the WTC??

I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.
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I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.
When are you finally going to cut the crap and post photos of these alleged concrete core walls with "3-inch rebar"?
I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.

thats why I was saying dont bother to engage in a converation with Divecon.No matter how many hard cold facts you present to him that the 9/11 version of the governments is a fairy tale,he ignores it cause he only sees what he WANTS to see.He is afraid of ANY government conspiracy.To give you an idea what an idiot he is,he STILL thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo: If the guy still believes in THAT fairy tale,then he is a hopeless cause on 9/11.The guy could care less that our constitution has been trashed and doesnt exist anymore and that our country isnt a government by the people anymore.sadly many around here dont care.sad but true.
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Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.

thats why I was saying dont bother to engage in a converation with Divecon.No matter how many hard cold facts you present to him that the 9/11 version of the governments is a fairy tale,he ignores it cause he only sees what he WANTS to see.He is afraid of ANY government conspiracy.To give you an idea what an idiot he is,he STILL thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo: If the guy still believes in THAT fairy tale,then he is a hopeless cause on 9/11.The guy could care less that our constitution has been trashed and doesnt exist anymore and that our country isnt a government by the people anymore.sadly many around here dont care.sad but true.
thats cause you are just another fucking troofer idiot
Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.

thats why I was saying dont bother to engage in a converation with Divecon.No matter how many hard cold facts you present to him that the 9/11 version of the governments is a fairy tale,he ignores it cause he only sees what he WANTS to see.He is afraid of ANY government conspiracy.To give you an idea what an idiot he is,he STILL thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo: If the guy still believes in THAT fairy tale,then he is a hopeless cause on 9/11.The guy could care less that our constitution has been trashed and doesnt exist anymore and that our country isnt a government by the people anymore.sadly many around here dont care.sad but true.

I certainly see your point. However, after perhaps 100,000 posts in support of truth, justice and the Consitution, I know it's the best thing to do under these conditions.

I mean "Why not?", when it is so easy to show that he has no evidence and is actually acting to destroy the Consitution along with the perpetrators that he supports by unreasonably accepting that the cause of death determination can be correct when all the evidence which has independent verification shows a concrete core.

The Constitution has been seriously compromised, no doubt of that. And ditzcon would like to see it flushed the rest of the way, and works for it visibly over and over when he argues without evidence and reason. So providing opportunity to expose himself is a good thing.

The Constitution lives in our hearts and minds. That is where it originated before being put on paper, and no matter how much infiltration occurs, no matter how much corruption of the human mind and spirit occurs, people will always come around to knowing that the Constitution must be supported for human survival and evolution.
I certainly see your point. However, after perhaps 100,000 posts in support of truth, justice and the Consitution, I know it's the best thing to do under these conditions.

I mean "Why not?", when it is so easy to show that he has no evidence and is actually acting to destroy the Consitution along with the perpetrators that he supports by unreasonably accepting that the cause of death determination can be correct when all the evidence which has independent verification shows a concrete core.

The Constitution has been seriously compromised, no doubt of that. And ditzcon would like to see it flushed the rest of the way, and works for it visibly over and over when he argues without evidence and reason. So providing opportunity to expose himself is a good thing.

The Constitution lives in our hearts and minds. That is where it originated before being put on paper, and no matter how much infiltration occurs, no matter how much corruption of the human mind and spirit occurs, people will always come around to knowing that the Constitution must be supported for human survival and evolution.
No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:
No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.

No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.

World Trade Center
but that shot does NOT prove concrete core
again, the core was a steel cage
yes, it had wallboard around it, nothing else
unless you can show a construction photo of them POURING concrete
No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.

World Trade Center
but that shot does NOT prove concrete core
again, the core was a steel cage
yes, it had wallboard around it, nothing else
unless you can show a construction photo of them POURING concrete

The perpetrator would direct you to say that IF it does show the concrete. And, the fact that it does show concrete is independently verified by the information of the article from September 13, 2001 of L.E. Robertson who IS the chief engineer for the Twin Towers.

AND, it is completely unreasonable to assert there is an error in the article because a collapse is alleged AND the engineers for the tower would be VERY sensitive to liability SO would make sure that If there was an error, it be very well corrected.

Then there is the safety report by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

THEN there are more photos of concrete surrounding the core. The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core standing left of the spire. NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS left of the end view of the concrete core wall where the supposed steel core columns would be IF they existed, They did not.


is unreasonable
No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.

World Trade Center
but that shot does NOT prove concrete core
again, the core was a steel cage
yes, it had wallboard around it, nothing else
unless you can show a construction photo of them POURING concrete

The perpetrator would direct you to say that IF it does show the concrete. And, the fact that it does show concrete is independently verified by the information of the article from September 13, 2001 of L.E. Robertson who IS the chief engineer for the Twin Towers.

AND, it is completely unreasonable to assert there is an error in the article because a collapse is alleged AND the engineers for the tower would be VERY sensitive to liability SO would make sure that If there was an error, it be very well corrected.

Then there is the safety report by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

THEN there are more photos of concrete surrounding the core. The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core standing left of the spire. NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS left of the end view of the concrete core wall where the supposed steel core columns would be IF they existed, They did not.


More images of concrete core wall left of the spire. An end view. No steel core columns are seen.

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.

World Trade Center
but that shot does NOT prove concrete core
again, the core was a steel cage
yes, it had wallboard around it, nothing else
unless you can show a construction photo of them POURING concrete

The perpetrator would direct you to say that IF it does show the concrete. And, the fact that it does show concrete is independently verified by the information of the article from September 13, 2001 of L.E. Robertson who IS the chief engineer for the Twin Towers.

AND, it is completely unreasonable to assert there is an error in the article because a collapse is alleged AND the engineers for the tower would be VERY sensitive to liability SO would make sure that If there was an error, it be very well corrected.

Then there is the safety report by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

THEN there are more photos of concrete surrounding the core. The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core standing left of the spire. NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS left of the end view of the concrete core wall where the supposed steel core columns would be IF they existed, They did not.


More images of concrete core wall left of the spire. An end view. No steel core columns are seen.

you cant tell anything from that angle or distance
that looks like the outside wall to me
but that shot does NOT prove concrete core
again, the core was a steel cage
yes, it had wallboard around it, nothing else
unless you can show a construction photo of them POURING concrete

The perpetrator would direct you to say that IF it does show the concrete. And, the fact that it does show concrete is independently verified by the information of the article from September 13, 2001 of L.E. Robertson who IS the chief engineer for the Twin Towers.

AND, it is completely unreasonable to assert there is an error in the article because a collapse is alleged AND the engineers for the tower would be VERY sensitive to liability SO would make sure that If there was an error, it be very well corrected.

Then there is the safety report by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

THEN there are more photos of concrete surrounding the core. The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core standing left of the spire. NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS left of the end view of the concrete core wall where the supposed steel core columns would be IF they existed, They did not.


More images of concrete core wall left of the spire. An end view. No steel core columns are seen.

you cant tell anything from that angle or distance
that looks like the outside wall to me

The spire is outside the wall, to the right. Left of the concrete wall is the core area. This shot is from a few second earlier and the north core wall still stands behind the interior box columns or inner framed wall of the exterior steel framework. Beyond that is the empty core area.

You mean you don't want anyone to think that they can distinguish concrete because then the secret methods of mass murder might be exposed. It is well known that the spire is NOT the perimeter wall, if that is what you are suggesting.
The perpetrator would direct you to say that IF it does show the concrete. And, the fact that it does show concrete is independently verified by the information of the article from September 13, 2001 of L.E. Robertson who IS the chief engineer for the Twin Towers.

AND, it is completely unreasonable to assert there is an error in the article because a collapse is alleged AND the engineers for the tower would be VERY sensitive to liability SO would make sure that If there was an error, it be very well corrected.

Then there is the safety report by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

THEN there are more photos of concrete surrounding the core. The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core standing left of the spire. NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS left of the end view of the concrete core wall where the supposed steel core columns would be IF they existed, They did not.


More images of concrete core wall left of the spire. An end view. No steel core columns are seen.

you cant tell anything from that angle or distance
that looks like the outside wall to me

The spire is outside the wall, to the right. Left of the concrete wall is the core area. This shot is from a few second earlier and the north core wall still stands behind the interior box columns or inner framed wall of the exterior steel framework. Beyond that is the empty core area.

You mean you don't want anyone to think that they can distinguish concrete because then the secret methods of mass murder might be exposed. It is well known that the spire is NOT the perimeter wall, if that is what you are suggesting.
do you dealize that is the same thing only two different angles?
you cant tell anything from that angle or distance
that looks like the outside wall to me

The spire is outside the wall, to the right. Left of the concrete wall is the core area. This shot is from a few second earlier and the north core wall still stands behind the interior box columns or inner framed wall of the exterior steel framework. Beyond that is the empty core area.

You mean you don't want anyone to think that they can distinguish concrete because then the secret methods of mass murder might be exposed. It is well known that the spire is NOT the perimeter wall, if that is what you are suggesting.
do you dealize that is the same thing only two different angles?


You've used a term not a word and I won't use it.

The spire is the only such feature on 9-11 so it must be 2 different angles. The concrete wall in the image above, is seen below the spire and to the left behind interior box columns of the north side of WTC 1 fallen revealing the western core wall depicted here,

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No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.


Educate yourself, Chris:
911 Links - WTC Core Construction
FEMA: World Trade Center Building Performance Study
No evidence or reason sounds more like you, Christophera. I'm still waiting for the first photo of reinforced concrete walls in the tower cores. So far all you've posted is smoke and dust.:lol:

It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.


Educate yourself, Chris:
911 Links - WTC Core Construction
FEMA: World Trade Center Building Performance Study


One cannot prove a lie with the lie itself!

Glad you brought your own material for study, ........ fraud. You find the images from 9-11 because all of that is based on FEMA. Get independent verification such as what exists for the concrete core.


Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

How does it feel to support that the means of mass murder remain secret? How does it feel to be unreasonably working against Constitutional due process?
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It is logical that the perpetrators would remove those from public accessability prior to 9-11, so it is logical that I cannot post them.

What is illogical is that "If you are correct, then you should be able to post an image of the supposed steel core columns you and FEMA assert existed" and you cannot.

The reason for that is that the core is always the strongest part of a skyscraper. In this case it would have extensive diagonal and horizontal bracing that would be very distinctive and this image should show that instead of a smooth structure with absolutely no structural steel protruding as it absolutely would.


People should know that NO other 9-11 researcher uses that image. I assert because they are deceived or a part of the disinforamtion campaign. Consider that is the only image from 9-11 of the core structure fairly intact from 9-11.

Here is the site of the guy that took the picture and he has many more 9-11 images.


Educate yourself, Chris:
911 Links - WTC Core Construction
FEMA: World Trade Center Building Performance Study


One cannot prove a lie with the lie itself!

Glad you brought your own material for study, ........ fraud. You find the images from 9-11 because all of that is based on FEMA. Get independent verification such as what exists for the concrete core.


Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

How does it feel to support that the means of mass murder remain secret? How does it feel to be unreasonably working against Constitutional due process?
How does it feel to be a libelous nutcase? Those are excellent sources of real information. Read them or stay stupid. Your choice.


One cannot prove a lie with the lie itself!

Glad you brought your own material for study, ........ fraud. You find the images from 9-11 because all of that is based on FEMA. Get independent verification such as what exists for the concrete core.


Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

How does it feel to support that the means of mass murder remain secret? How does it feel to be unreasonably working against Constitutional due process?
How does it feel to be a libelous nutcase? Those are excellent sources of real information. Read them or stay stupid. Your choice.

A lie cannot be proven to be anything but a lie, by reference to the lie.

They are misinformation and the image of the WTC 1 concrete core wall base proves it..

That image is confirmed by the concrete seen left and behind the flag.


The "big lie" will not work here. You have no evidence to oppose massive evidence. "Your" information/reference is in question. It is not evidence. To attempt to assert it is evidence, is not reasonable. Such is obfuscation and evasion deterimental to the Consitution and rule of law endangering Americans.

It cannot support the secret, it fails, .......... get it?
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One cannot prove a lie with the lie itself!

Glad you brought your own material for study, ........ fraud. You find the images from 9-11 because all of that is based on FEMA. Get independent verification such as what exists for the concrete core.


Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

How does it feel to support that the means of mass murder remain secret? How does it feel to be unreasonably working against Constitutional due process?
How does it feel to be a libelous nutcase? Those are excellent sources of real information. Read them or stay stupid. Your choice.

A lie cannot be proven to be anything but a lie, by reference to the lie.

They are misinformation and the image of the WTC 1 concrete core wall base proves it..

That image is confirmed by the concrete seen left and behind the flag.


The "big lie" will not work here. You have no evidence to oppose massive evidence. "Your" information/reference is in question. It is not evidence.

It cannot support the secret, it fails, .......... get it.
just WHERE do you see a concrete wall there?

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