FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

What you have quoted is not a theory that can be photographed. It is a behavior exhibited. The particular behavior is supporting the means of secret mass murder with no reasoning or evidence of substance. Accordingly you have just provided the evidence of the behavior.


In that case thanks for not reading and the evidence.
I get it now. The core walls really were made of invisicrete.:lol:

This image shows a piece of the WTC 2 concrete core, from near the top falling onto WTC 3.


Your support for the secret means mass murder is evidenced by your lack of evidence to support FEMA which was not created under the US Constitution.

FEMA - The Secret Government

You are supporting that an unconstitutional entity rule over Constitutional due process in a case of 3,000 murders and you attempt this with no evidence because there is no information for what you assert that has not been deeply questioned with substance posted here.
Are you really so unfamiliar with the WTC tower framing that you don't know what perimeter column trees looked like? Unbelievable...
I get it now. The core walls really were made of invisicrete.:lol:

This image shows a piece of the WTC 2 concrete core, from near the top falling onto WTC 3.


Your support for the secret means mass murder is evidenced by your lack of evidence to support FEMA which was not created under the US Constitution.

FEMA - The Secret Government

You are supporting that an unconstitutional entity rule over Constitutional due process in a case of 3,000 murders and you attempt this with no evidence because there is no information for what you assert that has not been deeply questioned with substance posted here.
that looks like a section of a floor
you FAIL once again

Your constant failure to do anything but support the means of secret murder and the demise of the US Constitution by refusing to use or produce evidence is a dominant feature of your behavior, such exposes you as someone working against the futures of free Americans.

Here is a usenet post from a relative of someone who studied the Twin Towers structure in a university. Not accurate on dimensions but quite good on the basic structure. They, about a week after 9-11 believed the official story despite the fact they knew the towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core structure.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: The Wizard of Oz <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: [email protected]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: dfw.singles
Subject: The Letter
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 19
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 04:07:51 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: news1.rdc1.tn.home.com 1001218071 (Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:07:51 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:07:51 PDT

As many of you know, I have a brother who lives in Birmingham, Ala who is an
architect of some stature in his community. He has never let his successes go to
his head, and is still the nice guy I grew up with.
Just a day or two ago, my parents got a letter from him regarding the recent
national tragedy in New York and Washington DC. He gave some technical details
about the construction methods used in the WTC Towers which are very
interesting, and also talks about his own thoughts on effects of the destruction
on the country and himself. I found it extremely interesting, even if he is my
brother, and, with his permission, will post it here in the NG for you to read
if you care to. The technical aspects of the constructions get a little
detailed, but he wrote it aiming at our parents who are non- professional in his
field, but learned a little from him when he was in school.
His own thoughts are interesting, to me, but I may be just prejudiced. Read it
if you wish, or just move on to the next one.
Reply to: wizard (at) wiz dot mailshell dot com
Complaints to: [email protected]


Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: The Wizard of Oz <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: [email protected]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: dfw.singles
Subject: Re: The Letter
References: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 120
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 04:29:09 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: news1.rdc1.tn.home.com 1001219349 (Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:29:09 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:29:09 PDT

The following is his letter in its entirety, without any editing by me:

September 17, 2001
Dear Mom and Dad,

I had just started a letter to you folks when I checked my voice mail
and had a message from Dad to call him back. I enjoyed our brief call, and
thanks for the stock update. I am still shaken over what has happened. I keep
replaying that day over and over in my head. We studied the Trade Towers
extensively when I was in school. They were one of the first examples of an
innovative and efficient structural concept called "tube" restraint. The Sears
Towers are a variation called "bundled tube construction" and the idea is based
on a minimum of interior columns, with the exterior facade having more numerous
exterior perimeter columns. In the case of the WTC, there are no interior
columns. Only a central concrete core roughly 60-80 feet square comprised of
several vertical voids that house exit stairs, hoistways for the elevators,
utility raceways and mechanical chases; and also, significantly, the sprinkler
system main lines. The floors were prefabricated broad cellular panels of
parallel trusses and main decking that had a light weight concrete topping
applied after they were installed. They spanned a distance of roughly 60 feet
from the concrete core to the exterior gridwork of columns and horizontal
beams. the floor trusses restrained the exterior walls and prevented them from
buckling outward. The exterior structural system was prefabricated in panels of
multiple columns (steel tubes only 14 inches square) that spanned vertically
through 2 or three floors. This was a fast way to erect the building and helped
enclose the building faster. At the upper floors, the winds are so high at
times that no other work can begin (including pouring the floor topping) until
the exterior is in place.

Then there is the structural engineer August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) who is certified in 12 states who independently verifies the concrete core. See chapter 2.1
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I get it now. The core walls really were made of invisicrete.:lol:

This image shows a piece of the WTC 2 concrete core, from near the top falling onto WTC 3.


Your support for the secret means mass murder is evidenced by your lack of evidence to support FEMA which was not created under the US Constitution.

FEMA - The Secret Government

You are supporting that an unconstitutional entity rule over Constitutional due process in a case of 3,000 murders and you attempt this with no evidence because there is no information for what you assert that has not been deeply questioned with substance posted here.
Are you really so unfamiliar with the WTC tower framing that you don't know what perimeter column trees looked like? Unbelievable...

Oh I see the perimeter columns fine. It is the brownish object behind them that is the concrete core. You however are very challenged and generally getting schooled in this thread.

There is no independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns that FEMA descibes, which is why no one has posted any.

NIST who provided the cause of death analysis relating to collpase was deceieved so due process has not been provided. By that deprival the US Constitution has been compromised by infiltrators working from official positions.

You support the secrecy that enables them, and keeps the means of mass murder secret.

This is a portion of the east concrete core shear wall falling into the core area of WTC 1, about 400 feet off the ground.

please show me columns in the core on 9-11 that looks ANYTHING like what FEMA says was in the core.


Here is the concrete core of WTC 2.

<removed pic>
first off, that image is an over simplification of the construction of the towers, it was not and is not ever expected to show the actual construction
it was JUST A DIAGRAM of the tube within a tube construction
get that inside your incredibly thick skull

and that second pic didnt show ANY concrete
please show me columns in the core on 9-11 that looks ANYTHING like what FEMA says was in the core.


Here is the concrete core of WTC 2.

first off, that image is an over simplification of the construction of the towers, it was not and is not ever expected to show the actual construction
it was JUST A DIAGRAM of the tube within a tube construction
get that inside your incredibly thick skull

and that second pic didnt show ANY concrete

You didn't post any evidence!.

Your efforts to destroy the Constitution by supporting the secret means of mass murder with nothing are pitiful.

Through the entire thread all you've posted is text in denial of the facts visible in image from 9-11.

I've shown concrete over and over, but he perps logically would drirect agents to never admit they see it, so that is what you do.

Of course a logical explanation of what it is IF NOT concrete cannot be provided.

Just as the fine, arcing vertical elements seen in this image can only be explained as rebar, proving concrete.


Independently verifying that is the article of Newsweek about Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 which describes a concrete core.
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please show me columns in the core on 9-11 that looks ANYTHING like what FEMA says was in the core.


Here is the concrete core of WTC 2.

<removed pic that DOESNT show concrete>
first off, that image is an over simplification of the construction of the towers, it was not and is not ever expected to show the actual construction
it was JUST A DIAGRAM of the tube within a tube construction
get that inside your incredibly thick skull

and that second pic didnt show ANY concrete

You didn't post any evidence!.

Your efforts to destroy the Constitution by supporting the secret means of mass murder with nothing are pitiful.

Through the entire thread all you've posted is text in denial of the facts visible in image from 9-11.

I've shown concrete over and over, but he perps logically would drirect agents to never admit they see it, so that is what you do.

Of course a logical explanation of what it is IF NOT concrete cannot be provided.

Just as the fine, arcing vertical elements seen in this image can only be explained as rebar, proving concrete.

<removed pic that is irrelevant>

Independently verifying that is the article of Newsweek about Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 which describes a concrete core.
except there WAS NO CONCRETE in the core, and you havent shown a SINGLE photo of one during construction
and you have been shown what the core was made of
you claim concrete in pics that dont show any
first off, that image is an over simplification of the construction of the towers, it was not and is not ever expected to show the actual construction
it was JUST A DIAGRAM of the tube within a tube construction
get that inside your incredibly thick skull

and that second pic didnt show ANY concrete

It is a misrepresentation and you can post no evidence except misrepresentations of construction photos that show elevator guide rail support steel. Which may appear similar to unexperienced, but the same person can recognize that IF such a depiction were to be competent and comprehensive, and diagrams exist for that purpose, the interconnecting braces would be perhaps enlarged in a detail after depicting it at the smaller scale we see.

You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever and are completely depending on the fear or confusion of the sheep.


Even though the dumbing down documented by Norman Dodd who budgeted the the dumbing down of America for global foundations and recent manipulations by tv over perhaps several generations has removed peoples direct knowledge of many critical aspects of technology needed, mostly dividing them. People still know that you are not proving anything except you support the the true means of mass murder on 9-11 remain unknown.

And, the US Constitution means nothing to you because the rule of law, due process is critical to any part of that. I've shown absolutely reasonable, independently verified evidence showing that the Twin Towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete core which invalidates the official cause of death.

You have no evidence and support a lie.

Supporting the impossible, to obscure the possible, within hitlers "big lie."
Accordingly, FEMA decieved NIST about the core structure of the Twin Towers. No independently verified evidence or statement of independent authority can be found to define steel core columns in the core area.

This is a total lie and no evidence can be found to support it.


The below can only be giant rebar with the slightly arced vertical lines.


Molten steel? That is way off topic, and in error there were many tons of it that had to cool which took a very long time, great mass. The piece of steel in the grapple is dripping molten metal from it and completely appears as a piece of "I" beam uniformly melted over its configuration.


The USGS hot spot shows nearly 1400 F from a mile up. Looking down 15 feet below the surface into a 12 foot diameter hole at molten metal will create that kind of effect.

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do you understand what the term molten means?

Very well, and the image posted shows a situation that can only be an excavator working over a pit that has molten steel.


The steel in the grapple is at around 1800 F. The extra 1000 F needed for molten is lost very quickly. The grapple is using the steel as a thermal absorber to cool the puddle. Drop a cold one in, wait a 30 seconds, pull it out, drop it inthe pile get another cold one, drop it in the puddle, wait, and so on.
first off, that image is an over simplification of the construction of the towers, it was not and is not ever expected to show the actual construction
it was JUST A DIAGRAM of the tube within a tube construction
get that inside your incredibly thick skull

and that second pic didnt show ANY concrete

You didn't post any evidence!.

Your efforts to destroy the Constitution by supporting the secret means of mass murder with nothing are pitiful.

Through the entire thread all you've posted is text in denial of the facts visible in image from 9-11.

I've shown concrete over and over, but he perps logically would drirect agents to never admit they see it, so that is what you do.

Of course a logical explanation of what it is IF NOT concrete cannot be provided.

Just as the fine, arcing vertical elements seen in this image can only be explained as rebar, proving concrete.

<removed pic that is irrelevant>

Independently verifying that is the article of Newsweek about Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 which describes a concrete core.
except there WAS NO CONCRETE in the core, and you havent shown a SINGLE photo of one during construction
and you have been shown what the core was made of
you claim concrete in pics that dont show any

I just have to show concrete in the core, and I have on 9-11 where no misrepresentaion is possible. That is why only 9-11 images of the supposed steel core columns are acceptable.

9-11 images show huge concrete walls hundreds of feet in the air. Note the empty core.


How many reasons can there be for ditzcon to continue after it has been so completely shown that FEMA did deceive NIST. Why would ditzcon do this? Constitutional due process has been violated and ditty shows it does not want people to realize such by obfusucating efforts to use free speech and does so unreasonably over and over.
You didn't post any evidence!.

Your efforts to destroy the Constitution by supporting the secret means of mass murder with nothing are pitiful.

Through the entire thread all you've posted is text in denial of the facts visible in image from 9-11.

I've shown concrete over and over, but he perps logically would drirect agents to never admit they see it, so that is what you do.

Of course a logical explanation of what it is IF NOT concrete cannot be provided.

Just as the fine, arcing vertical elements seen in this image can only be explained as rebar, proving concrete.

<removed pic that is irrelevant>

Independently verifying that is the article of Newsweek about Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 which describes a concrete core.
except there WAS NO CONCRETE in the core, and you havent shown a SINGLE photo of one during construction
and you have been shown what the core was made of
you claim concrete in pics that dont show any

I just have to show concrete in the core, and I have on 9-11 where no misrepresentaion is possible. That is why only 9-11 images of the supposed steel core columns are acceptable.

9-11 images show huge concrete walls hundreds of feet in the air. Note the empty core.


How many reasons can there be for ditzcon to continue after it has been so completely shown that FEMA did deceive NIST. Why would ditzcon do this? Constitutional due process has been violated and ditty shows it does not want people to realize such by obfusucating efforts to use free speech and does so unreasonably over and over.
no it doesnt
it shows a WALLBOARD wall
they didnt put concrete above grade in the towers because it would have required a larger core at the base to handle it and made for less floor space
it was a SELLING POINT for the building
thats why it was such a marvel of construction
except there WAS NO CONCRETE in the core, and you havent shown a SINGLE photo of one during construction
and you have been shown what the core was made of
you claim concrete in pics that dont show any

I just have to show concrete in the core, and I have on 9-11 where no misrepresentaion is possible. That is why only 9-11 images of the supposed steel core columns are acceptable.

9-11 images show huge concrete walls hundreds of feet in the air. Note the empty core.


How many reasons can there be for ditzcon to continue after it has been so completely shown that FEMA did deceive NIST. Why would ditzcon do this? Constitutional due process has been violated and ditty shows it does not want people to realize such by obfusucating efforts to use free speech and does so unreasonably over and over.
no it doesnt
it shows a WALLBOARD wall


they didnt put concrete above grade in the towers because it would have required a larger core at the base to handle it and made for less floor space

There was only 31 feet from the narrow end core wall to the inside of the perimeter columns at the messanine level.


it was a SELLING POINT for the building
thats why it was such a marvel of construction

Is that why WTC 1 was 30% empty on 9-11?
I just have to show concrete in the core, and I have on 9-11 where no misrepresentaion is possible. That is why only 9-11 images of the supposed steel core columns are acceptable.

9-11 images show huge concrete walls hundreds of feet in the air. Note the empty core.


How many reasons can there be for ditzcon to continue after it has been so completely shown that FEMA did deceive NIST. Why would ditzcon do this? Constitutional due process has been violated and ditty shows it does not want people to realize such by obfusucating efforts to use free speech and does so unreasonably over and over.
no it doesnt
it shows a WALLBOARD wall


they didnt put concrete above grade in the towers because it would have required a larger core at the base to handle it and made for less floor space

There was only 31 feet from the narrow end core wall to the inside of the perimeter columns at the messanine level.


it was a SELLING POINT for the building
thats why it was such a marvel of construction

Is that why WTC 1 was 30% empty on 9-11?
that pic is the GROUND FLOOR LOBBY you moron
and you will need to show proof of that claim of 30% unleased
and besides, that would have no bering on the fact that greater floor space per floor was a selling point for the building
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no it doesnt
it shows a WALLBOARD wall


There was only 31 feet from the narrow end core wall to the inside of the perimeter columns at the messanine level.


it was a SELLING POINT for the building
thats why it was such a marvel of construction

Is that why WTC 1 was 30% empty on 9-11?
that pic is the GROUND FLOOR LOBBY you moron
and you will need to show proof of that claim of 30% unleased
and besides, that would have no bearing on the fact that greater floor space per floor was a selling point for the building


The railing on the far right was only present on the mezznine level, ..... moron without evidence supporting that the means of mass murder remain secret.

You can show no proof of anything whatsoever and have not, and so have forfieted your argument long ago. I have to show nothing to prove that the twins had a concrete core, it's already been shown, all I'm doing is letting you demonstrate for everyone what you are really doing by getting you to do it so unreasonably for so long, agent.
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