FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well,particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread.Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.
You're confusing "overwhelming" with "non-existent."

You are attempting to generalize with a "minimization" a cognitive distortion and not at all accurate. Such statements are unreasonable and every bit the typical of psyops tactics.

The infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution will appreciate your efforts.
something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well,particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread.Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.
You're confusing "overwhelming" with "non-existent."

You are attempting to generalize with a "minimization" a cognitive distortion and not at all accurate. Such statements are unreasonable and every bit the typical of psyops tactics.

The infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution will appreciate your efforts.
so, you believe the "government" destroyed the WTC??
something I have noticed here is 9/11 is obviously a topic that many people are easily more sensitive about and really want to come on and talk about more than most topics for some reason.I mean topics like the JFK assassination thread for instance and Terrals swine flu thread as well,particularly Terrals swine flu thread,were made a lot longer ago than this 9/11 thread.Terrals swine flu thread was first post back in april and the JFK thread back in the middle of july.Yet the JFK thread only has 192 posts on it and Terrals swine flu thread,amazingly just 242,where THIS thread was only created not even a week ago and it ALREADY has 275!!!!! Obviously 9/11 hits closer to home with people than those other threads "even though both of those topics are every bit just as important" for some strange reason.the other two just tragic yet it doesnt get the attention these 9/11 threads so.go figure.doesnt surprise me though I guess.cause I come across lots of people who can accept it that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination. 9/11 though,even though the evidence is is EVEN more overwhelming,it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.
You're confusing "overwhelming" with "non-existent."

You are attempting to generalize with a "minimization" a cognitive distortion and not at all accurate. Such statements are unreasonable and every bit the typical of psyops tactics.

The infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution will appreciate your efforts.
I'd appreciate your efforts to produce even one photo or accurate account of these alleged12" poured concrete core walls in the WTC towers that were reinforced with "3-inch rebar."
I'd appreciate your efforts to produce even one photo or accurate account of these alleged12" poured concrete core walls in the WTC towers that were reinforced with "3-inch rebar."

Requested like someone who knows the perpetrators of mass murder logically removed them before they murdered 3,000 innocent people.

If I am correct about the deception, right about the filtering of the construction photos to remove all that showed concrete, right about your request, then I would not be able to find such photos, AND be able to post an image of the core on 9-11 and see concrete surrounding the core while the core itself is empty.


At the same time, you would be unable to find an image of steel core columns in the core on 9-11.

Geeeeeeeeee, that is exactly the situation we have.

BTW, here is the rebar. Note the completely empty core.


I think that we should seriously consider that you are stupid for asking for those photos at this point.
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so, you believe the "government" destroyed the WTC??

I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
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so, you believe the "government" destroyed the WTC??

I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
so then, you MUST believe they are at least complicit and covering up for those that you believe actually did it, right?
It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.

No. We think you are wrong and it is very clear who committed the act of war against the United States. And it is no one in the US government, nor the Bush family, nor the oil companies, nor the Jews, nor Larry Silverstein, nor any silly inside conspiracy. We think you are wasting an enormous amount of time and resources propagating this nonsense.

People who believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories tend to believe in most conspiracy theories. And those who have a proclivity to believe in conspiracy theories are generally weak-minded.
It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.

No. We think you are wrong

Which is exactly what the perpetrators would want you to say. But, ....... you have no evidence to show that I am. While, I do have evidence showing I am correct.

A reasonable person NOT supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret, would simply. "Yes", it appears by the evidence that FEMA could have decieved NIST
It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.

No. We think you are wrong

Which is exactly what the perpetrators would want you to say. But, ....... you have no evidence to show that I am. While, I do have evidence showing I am correct.

A reasonable person NOT supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret, would simply. "Yes", it appears by the evidence that FEMA could have decieved NIST
and who are these people?
No. We think you are wrong

Which is exactly what the perpetrators would want you to say. But, ....... you have no evidence to show that I am. While, I do have evidence showing I am correct.

A reasonable person NOT supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret, would simply. "Yes", it appears by the evidence that FEMA could have decieved NIST
and who are these people?

What is important is identifying you, and why you support that the means of mass murder remain secret. Currently you are a faceless, nameless supporter of something dangerous and digusting. You will not say why you are here and you have no evidence to support your position.

The order of an investigation is as follows.
1. What happened. (I've proven that is not officially known)
2. How did it happen. (Once the proper structure is known, this might be determined.
3. Who did it. (Right now we know you are helping them to evade detection)

FEMA did decieve NIST and the world and I've proven it. Due process has not been provided.

That proof invalidates the official cauue of death as collapse which makes an immediate inquiry into the deception mandatory by the chief law enforcement of NY state towards providing due process in the murders of 3,000 innicent people and the subsequent use of the deception of how they were murdered to conduct war
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Which is exactly what the perpetrators would want you to say. But, ....... you have no evidence to show that I am. While, I do have evidence showing I am correct.

A reasonable person NOT supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret, would simply. "Yes", it appears by the evidence that FEMA could have decieved NIST
and who are these people?

What is important is identifying you, and why you support that the means of mass murder remain secret. Currently you are a faceless, nameless supporter of something dangerous and digusting. You will not say why you are here and you have no evidence to support your position.

The order of an investigation is as follows.
1. What happened. (I've proven that is not officially known)
2. How did it happen. (Once the proper structure is known, this might be determined.
3. Who did it. (Right now we know you are helping them to evade detection)

FEMA did decieve NIST and the world and I've proven it. Due process has not been provided.

That proof invalidates the official cauue of death as collapse which makes an immediate inquiry into the deception mandatory by the chief law enforcement of NY state towards providing due process in the murders of 3,000 innicent people and the subsequent use of the deception of how they were murdered to conduct war
ok, the fun with you is over
you can fuck off
you are trying to get support to oppose people but you wont NAME the people?
you are a fucking moron
and who are these people?

What is important is identifying you, and why you support that the means of mass murder remain secret. Currently you are a faceless, nameless supporter of something dangerous and digusting. You will not say why you are here and you have no evidence to support your position.

The order of an investigation is as follows.
1. What happened. (I've proven that is not officially known)
2. How did it happen. (Once the proper structure is known, this might be determined.
3. Who did it. (Right now we know you are helping them to evade detection)

FEMA did decieve NIST and the world and I've proven it. Due process has not been provided.

That proof invalidates the official cauue of death as collapse which makes an immediate inquiry into the deception mandatory by the chief law enforcement of NY state towards providing due process in the murders of 3,000 innicent people and the subsequent use of the deception of how they were murdered to conduct war
ok, the fun with you is over
you can fuck off
you are trying to get support to oppose people but you wont NAME the people?
you are a fucking moron

ok, the truth with you is lost
you can fuck off
We are trying to be sure of what happened that killed all those people BEFORE blaming anyone.
you are a fraud.
What is important is identifying you, and why you support that the means of mass murder remain secret. Currently you are a faceless, nameless supporter of something dangerous and digusting. You will not say why you are here and you have no evidence to support your position.

The order of an investigation is as follows.
1. What happened. (I've proven that is not officially known)
2. How did it happen. (Once the proper structure is known, this might be determined.
3. Who did it. (Right now we know you are helping them to evade detection)

FEMA did decieve NIST and the world and I've proven it. Due process has not been provided.

That proof invalidates the official cauue of death as collapse which makes an immediate inquiry into the deception mandatory by the chief law enforcement of NY state towards providing due process in the murders of 3,000 innicent people and the subsequent use of the deception of how they were murdered to conduct war
ok, the fun with you is over
you can fuck off
you are trying to get support to oppose people but you wont NAME the people?
you are a fucking moron

ok, the truth with you is lost
you can fuck off
We are trying to be sure of what happened that killed all those people BEFORE blaming anyone.
you are a fraud.
no, thats you that is the fraud, we KNOW what killed those people
highjacked airplanes were flown into them and the resulting fires helped to weaken the structures to the point of colapse

claiming anything else is fucking retarded
ok, the fun with you is over
you can fuck off
you are trying to get support to oppose people but you wont NAME the people?
you are a fucking moron

ok, the truth with you is lost
you can fuck off
We are trying to be sure of what happened that killed all those people BEFORE blaming anyone.
you are a fraud.
no, thats you that is the fraud, we KNOW what killed those people
highjacked airplanes were flown into them and the resulting fires helped to weaken the structures to the point of colapse

claiming anything else is fucking retarded

Parroting the official story created by infiltrators, usurpers of the Constitution will not help you.

How could you possibly know if the agency analysing collapse didn't know the correct design of the buildings core? They don't know, and, ........... you don't want them or anyone to know. Something very obvious when you come here doing what you do.

Plain and simple, you are working to keep the methods of mass murder secret and assist in the usurpation of the US Constitution.

If this were not true, you would be reasonably using evidence, and you're not. Not mine, not yours. You have none.:(
ok, the truth with you is lost
you can fuck off
We are trying to be sure of what happened that killed all those people BEFORE blaming anyone.
you are a fraud.
no, thats you that is the fraud, we KNOW what killed those people
highjacked airplanes were flown into them and the resulting fires helped to weaken the structures to the point of colapse

claiming anything else is fucking retarded

Parroting the official story created by infiltrators, usurpers of the Constitution will not help you.

How could you possibly know if the agency analysing collapse didn't know the correct design of the buildings core? They don't know, and, ........... you don't want them or anyone to know. Something very obvious when you come here doing what you do.

Plain and simple, you are working to keep the methods of mass murder secret and assist in the usurpation of the US Constitution.

If this were not true, you would be reasonably using evidence, and you're not. Not mine, not yours. You have none.:(
ah yes, the old tired "you are part of THEM" routine
the facts are known
the WTC was a tube within a tube of steel, there was no concrete wall in the core
the weight of concrete would have made it impossible as the steel alone wouldnt have been able to hold it
and each floor would have had to have a larger core the closer to the bottom because it would have had to be bigger to hold the weight of the concrete above
you are a complete idiot if you dont understand that

it was a marvel of construction of its time

you have been asked SEVERAL times to show proof there was a concrete wall in the core in some phase of the construction, it would NOT have been possible that SOME photos of it wouldnt be available
It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.

No. We think you are wrong

Which is exactly what the perpetrators would want you to say. But, ....... you have no evidence to show that I am. While, I do have evidence showing I am correct.

A reasonable person NOT supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret, would simply. "Yes", it appears by the evidence that FEMA could have decieved NIST

No, the people who have committed mass murder are known. The organization that sponsored them have admitted it, and the organization that sponsored the mass murders has every reason to admit it.

This just isn't about the core of the WTC. You are implying - but refuse to say who, other than Larry Silverstein, of whom the basis of your conspiracy was wrong - that someone other than al-Qaeda is responsible for the murders. For this to be the case, you have to corroborate many so-called conspiracy theories about 9/11, not just the core.

For example, it takes a massive effort to wire up a building for demolition. In a complex that employed 50,000, why did no one see anyone planting explosives in the buildings?
At the same time, you would be unable to find an image of steel core columns in the core on 9-11.

Geeeeeeeeee, that is exactly the situation we have.

BTW, here is the rebar. Note the completely empty core.

I think that we should seriously consider that you are stupid for asking for those photos at this point.
I see the completely empty core, because there were never any concrete walls in it in the first place, but why is it stupid to demand proof of something? If I didn't, I'd be a prime candidate for your 9/11 "truth movement." Great picture of the "3-inch rebar," btw. I guess the concrete was all blown up and just one reinforcing rod was left untouched by the explosives, huh? Yeah, that's it.
no, thats you that is the fraud, we KNOW what killed those people
highjacked airplanes were flown into them and the resulting fires helped to weaken the structures to the point of colapse

claiming anything else is fucking retarded

Parroting the official story created by infiltrators, usurpers of the Constitution will not help you.

How could you possibly know if the agency analysing collapse didn't know the correct design of the buildings core? They don't know, and, ........... you don't want them or anyone to know. Something very obvious when you come here doing what you do.

Plain and simple, you are working to keep the methods of mass murder secret and assist in the usurpation of the US Constitution.

If this were not true, you would be reasonably using evidence, and you're not. Not mine, not yours. You have none.:(
ah yes, the old tired "you are part of THEM" routine
the facts are known
the WTC was a tube within a tube of steel, there was no concrete wall in the core
the weight of concrete would have made it impossible as the steel alone wouldnt have been able to hold it
and each floor would have had to have a larger core the closer to the bottom because it would have had to be bigger to hold the weight of the concrete above
you are a complete idiot if you dont understand that

it was a marvel of construction of its time

you have been asked SEVERAL times to show proof there was a concrete wall in the core in some phase of the construction, it would NOT have been possible that SOME photos of it wouldnt be available

This guy's nuttier than squirrel sh*t.
so, you believe the "government" destroyed the WTC??

I believe the US government is prohibited by logic from doing such a thing. Any entity that happens to be in an offical government position and does or participates in such a thing ceases to be part of our government. They then join the ranks of what would then be called "infiltrators" and "insurrectionists".

We should never compromise the ideal of the US government operating under the Consitution just because some group has compromised it temporarily, and never to cease unify to expose and to eject frauds who participate in treason as infiltrators.

It is fairly clear you are trying to assist those who have infiltrated because you attempt over and over to protect their most important secret. The one concealing the means of mass murder.
Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

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