FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

If there were steel core columns, they would be seen in the core on 9-11, and they are never seen. The core area is always empty surrounded by concrete walls, or parts of them when seen.

The west concrete core walls of WTC 1 left of the spire, formed by an interior box column, one of 24 surrounding the core structure.

i love how you show pictures of the steel core and say its concrete!! :lol:

you really are a funny guy.....

tell me again how you need information on a piece of paper from 1876 before you can get medical treatment!! thats one of my favorites too!! :lol::lol:

yeah, i wondered what those old records had anything to do with him paying his child support too
but didnt dare ask because he is so fucking insane
If there were steel core columns, they would be seen in the core on 9-11, and they are never seen. The core area is always empty surrounded by concrete walls, or parts of them when seen.

The west concrete core walls of WTC 1 left of the spire, formed by an interior box column, one of 24 surrounding the core structure.


i love how you show pictures of the steel core and say its concrete!! :lol:

The only steel is on the right. The left side is too thick to be steel, and left of it is the empty core.

Basically you demonstrate you are not competent to define what is seen, or, ....... more likely, the concrete core is vital to understanding mass murder and you are working to keep that secret.
Another contradiction by you Chris.

The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular cells. By watching a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers I learned the details needed to analyze what has happened and what photos show us.

I have met a civil engineer who remembers the documentary aired on another cable educational channel in 1995 and remembers the concrete core as they are shown above and labeled "ACTUAL CORE OF WTC TOWERS",

Demolition, the truth of 9-11

Here you claim that BOTH towers had the supposed "4 rectangular celled concrete core". No mention of the cores being "radically different" here. Could it be you changed your story to the cores being different because of the express elevator access issue I have brought up.


Yes, that is text dating back 5 years. I will revise it. Elsewhere it is clarified.

You are a complete idiot.

You have been saying that you got all this information from a damn video you supposedly saw. Are you saying that the video changed since that time???!!!

Who the hell are you kidding? The reason you keep making mistakes and contradictions is the fact that you keep changing your story in order to appear to be correct when debating someone who finds a major flaw in your evidence.

That four-celled core is something supposedly described in detail in the video you claim you saw. You claimed that both towers were the same. Then you claim that the tower's cores are radically different because people found a major flaw in your core description being that you placed the core walls where the express elevators are supposed to be.

You make up some bullshit explanation that the renters didn't like the access for the elevators being inside the core, so they changed the design, during the actual construction nonetheless, to put the elevators on the outside of the core for WTC2.

Basically you're full of shit and you have been exposed on numerous levels.

Another contradiction by you Chris.

The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular cells. By watching a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers I learned the details needed to analyze what has happened and what photos show us.

I have met a civil engineer who remembers the documentary aired on another cable educational channel in 1995 and remembers the concrete core as they are shown above and labeled "ACTUAL CORE OF WTC TOWERS",

Demolition, the truth of 9-11

Here you claim that BOTH towers had the supposed "4 rectangular celled concrete core". No mention of the cores being "radically different" here. Could it be you changed your story to the cores being different because of the express elevator access issue I have brought up.


Yes, that is text dating back 5 years. I will revise it. Elsewhere it is clarified.

And what changed you descriptions over those 5 years Chris? You supposedly got all your information from the documentary that discussed the cores in detail? Did they make revision to the video? That's a major change in your story to go from both towers having a four-celled concrete core that contained all elevators and stairwells to claiming that the cores of the towers were radically different.

Where did you get the information that the towers design was changed when the renters complained about elevator access? You say that WTC1's core had the core surrounding all the elevators and stairwells and that WTC2's core had the express elevators around the core.

Please provide this information that changed your description or you will be considered a liar.

Descriptions of the differences are very difficult because I'm not exactly sure at which elevations the core changed. I'm working on getting some good depcitions done that show the structure while also noting the unknowns.

No the core changes at different elevations? A while back you gave me dimensions and a drawing. Then you claimed the outside wall of the core tapered from 17' or 12' thick to 2' thick at the top of the towers and that the inside wall stayed plumb.

Now it changes?

Defeating your photoshopping and the the elevator issue you had to rely on with no evidence did require some thought. I knew the differences basically but hadn't thought much on exactly how the central pedastal of WTC 2 connected to the core walls with adequate strength.

Wait a minute! You mean you didn't know any of this before? How the fuck is that possible? So basically you're just making this crap up as you go along?

Let me ask you this. Do you have any proof whatsoever on how the core of WTC2 is supposed to look or are you just guessing?

I already know the answer.

It is no wonder they built a prototype as a rocket launch pad at cape canaveral to test the design.
It seems I remember that it was determined to be stronger than the base of WTC 1 core despite having the openings.

A prototype for the tower's core? You have any proof whatsoever of that claim or are you justr making shit up again?

Finally the configuration was visible in the elevator entries of WTC 2 when observing video. The elevator car itself is about 8 feet back. There is about 4 feet alone just in the stainless doors

Your entire presentation is completely contradicted by independently verified evidence showing the concrete core. Someone working from memory, gathering up independent pieces of information in the vacuum created by the perpetrators with the post 9-11 psyops is bound to have some inconsistencies.

Find me one person who worked at the towers who says that the cores were different. Find me one person who worked at the towers who says the all the elevators of WTC1 were accessible from inside the core ONLY and that the express elevators were accessed from OUTSIDE the core. I have spoken with people who worked there and explained your garbage. They say you are full of shit and are completely out of you mind.

Why haven't you discussed this with anyone who worked there?

You're a damn coward. You KNOW the answer.

Is the engineer you speak of Harold Hill? Is that the one? I have recently written him and am awaiting his answer. I am waiting to see what he says about you using his supposed written declaration as proof that his cores existed as you claim. I am waiting to see what he says about the fact that you said he was afraid to say anything about the cores and yet you published his written declaration on a couple of public forums as support for your core and it being laden with explosives.
Finally the configuration was visible in the elevator entries of WTC 2 when observing video. The elevator car itself is about 8 feet back. There is about 4 feet alone just in the stainless doors

So now you are verify the dimension of the express elevators that I gave you months ago and you claimed were false?

How funny!
Finally the configuration was visible in the elevator entries of WTC 2 when observing video. The elevator car itself is about 8 feet back. There is about 4 feet alone just in the stainless doors

So now you are verify the dimension of the express elevators that I gave you months ago and you claimed were false?

How funny!

No, I only state the outside face of the car was about 8 feet from the outside core face, enough thickness for the concrete core.


Post an mage of the supposed steel core columns clearly in the core area on 9-11. That will mean you have evidence.

This is about as clear as it gets, and it shows an empty core.

Post an mage of the supposed steel core columns clearly in the core area on 9-11. That will mean you have evidence.
you've been shown many times. you even post pictures of the steel core on 9/11 and claim its concrete!!!

show one picture of the concrete core during construction. just ONE.:cuckoo:
No, I only state the outside face of the car was about 8 feet from the outside core face, enough thickness for the concrete core.

Your supposed core wall is 12' thick as you have said many times. You have said that the core columns SURROUNDED the core. How long were the core columns? 3' long? That leaves 5' feet between the elevator doors that faced the lobby and the inside column face.

Pull your head out of your ass already.

Your core does not fit. Plain and simple.

Please provide proof that the design was changed due to renters complaining about elevator access. Please provide proof of WTC2's core being a pedestal. Please provide proof of the missile structure being a prototype for the concrete cores.

Here's a photo of the express elevator access. Show me where 12' of concrete wall is supposed to fit.

Here's an annotated version. There is NO way the face of that elevator is 8' back. more like 4 1/2' back. That makes more sense since the large core column to the right of the man I dimensioned is 36" in length.


Once again, you fail to get something correct.
And you failed to recognize that the steel inside the core is elevator guide rail support steel, easily identified in the closest photo showing the methods of joining them. Left and right of the central crane is the tops of the support steel with butt plates on them.


Can you prove to me that those columns AREN'T deep fillet welded together in addition to having splice/butt plates?

I fail to see your reasoning as to why splice/butt plates are not used for column connections especially when the columns connected can be welded together.


Could they have used the splice/butt plates to align the columns together and then weld them?

You need to provide a better picture of that plate connection. You cannot just make assumptions from a blurry, distant photo. Seems to be your methodology when making your OWN claims about what something is or isn't. Post a blurry picture and then make claims. You do it with the supposed 3'x7' hallway, the spire and concrete core, rebar, the WTC2 core, etc. All blurry and non-distinct. Never a clear photo.

Funny how that works. You don't even have any evidence to back up what you claim are in your photos.
already debunked this. you got anything new? you just keep saying the same whacky and untrue shit over and over again. we showed you the steel core going up and we showed you the steel core after it came down.

Your words indicate the opposite as usual. Or you failed to define the steel structure surrounding the core.


And you failed to recognize that the steel inside the core is elevator guide rail support steel, easily identified in the closest photo showing the methods of joining them. Left and right of the central crane is the tops of the support steel with butt plates on them.


Butt plates are far too weak to join sections of "core column".

And you cmopletely failed to show the supposed steel core columns standing in the core area on 9-11 as I am easily able to show concrete standing as the core on 9-11.


where are the rebar cages.....could you point to what you think are elevator guide rails.....how come the haven't poured the concret core in just below the floor you can see.....

These are images, just like your ebay DVD contains images. These we can see right here and now and they have indepedent verification that has not been reasonably been discounted from the buildings engineer on .

listen you dumbfucking moron
buy the fucking thing and watch it and get edumacated for a fucking change
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has not been reasonably been discounted from the buildings engineer on

holy fuck, you are an idiot. you of all people should not be talking about reason. you have no concept of reason.

you denied your children child support for 15 years!! you are a deadbeat dad. you think some paper from 1876 is required before you can get medical treatment.

has not been reasonably been discounted from the buildings engineer on

holy fuck, you are an idiot. you of all people should not be talking about reason. you have no concept of reason.

You have not provided a reason for the September 13, 2001 article to not be corrected. Since that is true, it is correct. It is logical to assume it would be as the deaths of 3,000 people was attributed to the buildings demise. The buildings engineer would be very conscious of liability and be certain the article was correct.

Images from 9-11 confirm a concrete core.


An engineer certified in 12 states confirms the concrete core. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

The east wall of the WTC 1 core wall is seen falling into the empty core.

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