FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Here's a photo of the express elevator access. Show me where 12' of concrete wall is supposed to fit.

Here's an annotated version. There is NO way the face of that elevator is 8' back. more like 4 1/2' back. That makes more sense since the large core column to the right of the man I dimensioned is 36" in length.


Once again, you fail to get something correct.

Screwed up again eh Chris?

If you read what I wrote, I wrote about 4 feet to the door and 8' feet to the car, ........ agent.

What is the matter with you attempting to prove core columns by looking at elevators?

You must have no evidence whatsoever to support steel core columns and doing so is very important to your masters, the perpetrators of mass murder.
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Here's a photo of the express elevator access. Show me where 12' of concrete wall is supposed to fit.

Here's an annotated version. There is NO way the face of that elevator is 8' back. more like 4 1/2' back. That makes more sense since the large core column to the right of the man I dimensioned is 36" in length.


Once again, you fail to get something correct.

Screwed up again eh Chris?

If you read what I wrote, I wrote about 4 feet to the door and 8' feet to the car, ........ agent.

What is the matter with you attempting to prove core columns by looking at elevators?

You must have no evidence whatsoever to support steel core columns and doing so is very important to your masters, the perpetrators of mass murder.


So there's 4' between the elevator sliding doors and the actual elevator car?!?!?!

Holy shit that funny!!!

Hey Chris. Just curious about something else. After all the years of you posting this photo with your annotattions...

Why is it just recently you "discovered" the 3'x7' utility hallway? What information did you find that backs up the fact that you THINK it's a hallway or are you once again just making shit up? It's funny, but every photo you interpret is like a damn inkspot picture left to be interpreted as whatever the viewer wants.

You need to provide backup evidence to bolster your claims of what you think you see. Otherwise it's worth nothing.
no shit, i see steel columns and no concrete in that photo
only a dfumbfuck would claim concrete in that photo

oh wait, its christopher a brown we are talking about
if you look up dumbfuck in the dictionary you will see a photo of him
Screwed up again eh Chris?

If you read what I wrote, I wrote about 4 feet to the door and 8' feet to the car, ........ agent.

What is the matter with you attempting to prove core columns by looking at elevators?

You must have no evidence whatsoever to support steel core columns and doing so is very important to your masters, the perpetrators of mass murder.


So there's 4' between the elevator sliding doors and the actual elevator car?!?!?!

Holy shit that funny!!!

yeah, no kidding
Chris. Another change in your story from what you used to say?

The core was 80 x 120 feet inside x 1300 + feet tall. The walls at the base of WTC 1 were 17 feet thick on the narrow axis end walls and 15 on the long side walls at the base as I remember. The top edge was 2 foot thick. WTC 2 walls at the base were a little narrower.

Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 103 - JREF Forum

15' thick? Now you say 12' thick for the long axis walls?

What gives? The folks that produced this supposed documentary are making mad revisions!!!

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Also in that post above you mention the walls of WTC2 being just a bit thinner. When did you find out that the cores were radically different and that WTC2 was a pedestal shape with the express elevator on the OUTSIDE of the core?

Also in that post above you mention the walls of WTC2 being just a bit thinner. When did you find out that the cores were radically different and that WTC2 was a pedestal shape with the express elevator on the OUTSIDE of the core?

i just recently purchased a DVD documentary of the actual construction footage of the WTC as shot by GE
it was published back in the 70's, so it will have EVERYTHING that was there

so, unless Christophera wants to say it was planned back in the 60's and 70's(durning construction) to destroy the buildings, this should be an accurate showing of it
i hope to be able to pull some stills and short vids from it to post
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Also in that post above you mention the walls of WTC2 being just a bit thinner. When did you find out that the cores were radically different and that WTC2 was a pedestal shape with the express elevator on the OUTSIDE of the core?

i just recently purchased a DVD documentary of the actual construction footage of the WTC as shot by GE
it was published back in the 70's, so it will have EVERYTHING that was there

Is that the same PBS documentary or something entirely different?
"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


Any reason your own witness debunks your claim of the concrete core being 7 floors behind the steel which is why it was never seen?
Also in that post above you mention the walls of WTC2 being just a bit thinner. When did you find out that the cores were radically different and that WTC2 was a pedestal shape with the express elevator on the OUTSIDE of the core?

i just recently purchased a DVD documentary of the actual construction footage of the WTC as shot by GE
it was published back in the 70's, so it will have EVERYTHING that was there

Is that the same PBS documentary or something entirely different?
something different
Hey Chris. Here's part of your annotated photo claiming that there is a 3'x7' utility hallway through your supposed concrete core wall.

Here's a better photo of that same area.

And another.

It's gypsum planking. The planking is set BETWEEN the horizontal columns on those photos. Just like we always have said. I see why you use blurry, distant photos all the time now. So you can "fake" people into seeing what you want them to see.

Nice tactic.
The dead-beat is still trying to hustle his book. On most forums that would get you and your thread tossed, especially if any moderator was paying attention to the thread in the last 200 pages. Most moderators would have closed this stupid shit up long ago.
"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


Any reason your own witness debunks your claim of the concrete core being 7 floors behind the steel which is why it was never seen?
Do you think the witness can see what is happening in the core area from the sidewalk after the 5th floor?

You need actual evidence that is consistent with what you claim from 9-11. This is consistent with what Robertson provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001


I've already proven with the 9-11 images that there are no steel core columns many times. This one, a construction photo shows that what you claim, what FEMA claims is bunk. This shows there are no continuous steel columns in the core.

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"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


Any reason your own witness debunks your claim of the concrete core being 7 floors behind the steel which is why it was never seen?
Do you think the witness can see what is happening in the core area from the sidewalk after the 5th floor?

You need actual evidence that is consistent with what you claim from 9-11. This is consistent with what Robertson provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001

I've already proven with the 9-11 images that there are no steel core columns many times. This one, a construction photo shows that what you claim, what FEMA claims is bunk. This shows there are no continuous steel columns in the core.

do you even begin to understand that that photo DISproves your concrete core??????
do you even begin to understand that that photo DISproves your concrete core??????
dont be silly. he doesnt even understand that you dont need a paper from 1876 to get medical treatment.

he doesnt understand that parents need to SUPPORT THEIR CHILDREN.

fucking lowlife.....
do you even begin to understand that that photo DISproves your concrete core??????

If that was true, this photo would not be possible.


dont be silly. he doesnt even understand that you dont need a paper from 1876 to get medical treatment.

True, divot could just take a lot of drugs to supress his criminal tendencies, they might help you too.

Then your drooling would match your communication skills.

You consistently ignore the violations of law by government. First relating to the FEMA deception where the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding enabling FEMA to deceive NIST, then subpoena law and Consitutional rights.

No legal action can be taken because the Counsty of santa barbara deprived my of subpoened information which would have brought plenty of income to pay. Not to mention information psychology needed from a mass insanity in santa barbara in 1876 that sbco covered up, with the help of the judges and newspapers.

do you even begin to understand that that photo DISproves your concrete core??????

If that was true, this photo would not be possible.

dont be silly. he doesnt even understand that you dont need a paper from 1876 to get medical treatment.

True, divot could just take a lot of drugs to supress his criminal tendencies, they might help you too.

Then your drooling would match your communication skills.

You consistently ignore the violations of law by government. First relating to the FEMA deception where the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding enabling FEMA to deceive NIST, then subpoena law and Consitutional rights.

No legal action can be taken because the Counsty of santa barbara deprived my of subpoened information which would have brought plenty of income to pay. Not to mention information psychology needed from a mass insanity in santa barbara in 1876 that sbco covered up, with the help of the judges and newspapers.

thanks for being such a fucking moron that gives the rest of us something to laugh at
motion to squash - DENIED.

35 counts of contempt - GUILTY

$30,000 worth of back child support -DEADBEAT

showing pictures of a steel core and claiming its concrete - SENSELESS.

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