FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

This is fact,


and it shows an end view of a concrete wall with an empty core. This verifies the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 and Robertson in Newsweek If you term my independently verified evidence delusion then you are spreading lies in effort to conceal the methods of mass murder or acts used in treason.
This is fact,


and it shows an end view of a concrete wall with an empty core. This verifies the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 and Robertson in Newsweek If you term my independently verified evidence delusion then you are spreading lies in effort to conceal the methods of mass murder or acts used in treason.
yes, the photo is a fact, however, your take on it is paranoid delusions
and it has already been explained to you in ways that should be understandable to a 5 year old, that you LIE about those links
This is fact,


and it shows an end view of a concrete wall with an empty core. This verifies the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 and Robertson in Newsweek If you term my independently verified evidence delusion then you are spreading lies in effort to conceal the methods of mass murder or acts used in treason.
yes, the photo is a fact, however, your take on it is paranoid delusions
and it has already been explained to you in ways that should be understandable to a 5 year old, that you LIE about those links

Those links say what I say they say and they are verified by evidence of the crime itself as well as forensically.

Your text assertion is materially seen to be a lie trying to reinforce a lie trying to reinforce a lie, ad nauseum. Cease with the treasonous concealment.
This is fact,


and it shows an end view of a concrete wall with an empty core. This verifies the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 and Robertson in Newsweek If you term my independently verified evidence delusion then you are spreading lies in effort to conceal the methods of mass murder or acts used in treason.
yes, the photo is a fact, however, your take on it is paranoid delusions
and it has already been explained to you in ways that should be understandable to a 5 year old, that you LIE about those links

Those links say what I say they say and they are verified by evidence of the crime itself as well as forensically.

Your text assertion is materially seen to be a lie trying to reinforce a lie trying to reinforce a lie, ad nauseum. Cease with the treasonous concealment.
yes, the links say what they say
but not your paranoid delusional bullshit
how many of the families support your "concrete core" hoax? :cuckoo:

Because of the extent of misprision of treason you and yours are conducting, they do not even know of it.

so then the answer is ZERO!!! you dont have one family that supports your hoax yet you keep showing their pictures in your posts as if they support you.

you are a disgusting person. :evil:

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if families agree with a specific theory because many definitely agree the CR and NIST failed to explain how the towers collapsed. The very people you claim are hurt by pushing for a new investigation are the same ones that support AE9/11 you dumbass:

"In this case, it was of utmost importance to determine what actually caused the collapses to ensure the future safety of high-rise buildings. Since the government failed to do that, we applaud Mr. Richard Gage and the many other professionals who are spending their own time attempting to seek the truth."

Patty Casazza
Lorie Van Auken
Mindy Kleinberg
Monica Gabrielle

They reject the government's claims on how the towers came down.
Because of the extent of misprision of treason you and yours are conducting, they do not even know of it.

so then the answer is ZERO!!! you dont have one family that supports your hoax yet you keep showing their pictures in your posts as if they support you.

you are a disgusting person. :evil:

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if families agree with a specific theory because many definitely agree the CR and NIST failed to explain how the towers collapsed. The very people you claim are hurt by pushing for a new investigation are the same ones that support AE9/11 you dumbass:

"In this case, it was of utmost importance to determine what actually caused the collapses to ensure the future safety of high-rise buildings. Since the government failed to do that, we applaud Mr. Richard Gage and the many other professionals who are spending their own time attempting to seek the truth."

Patty Casazza
Lorie Van Auken
Mindy Kleinberg
Monica Gabrielle

They reject the government's claims on how the towers came down.

investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??
so then the answer is ZERO!!! you dont have one family that supports your hoax yet you keep showing their pictures in your posts as if they support you.

you are a disgusting person. :evil:

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if families agree with a specific theory because many definitely agree the CR and NIST failed to explain how the towers collapsed. The very people you claim are hurt by pushing for a new investigation are the same ones that support AE9/11 you dumbass:

"In this case, it was of utmost importance to determine what actually caused the collapses to ensure the future safety of high-rise buildings. Since the government failed to do that, we applaud Mr. Richard Gage and the many other professionals who are spending their own time attempting to seek the truth."

Patty Casazza
Lorie Van Auken
Mindy Kleinberg
Monica Gabrielle

They reject the government's claims on how the towers came down.

investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??

Agent fiz I think an investigation into your behavior is due at some point. Law certainly supports it IF you are conducting misprision of treason, you are legally barred from spreading falsities promoting treason.
so then the answer is ZERO!!! you dont have one family that supports your hoax yet you keep showing their pictures in your posts as if they support you.

you are a disgusting person. :evil:

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if families agree with a specific theory because many definitely agree the CR and NIST failed to explain how the towers collapsed. The very people you claim are hurt by pushing for a new investigation are the same ones that support AE9/11 you dumbass:

"In this case, it was of utmost importance to determine what actually caused the collapses to ensure the future safety of high-rise buildings. Since the government failed to do that, we applaud Mr. Richard Gage and the many other professionals who are spending their own time attempting to seek the truth."

Patty Casazza
Lorie Van Auken
Mindy Kleinberg
Monica Gabrielle

They reject the government's claims on how the towers came down.

investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??

You're such a sad bitch. Very predictable you ignored the facts in that post.
This is fact,


you are correct. that is a fact. its the steel core. very good. you must have taken your medication today.

The towers did have a reinforced concrete core.

Yea they did. Super strong as well, particularly WTC 2. A combined cell/shear with concrete hall floors overlapping the walls to make cells and a 3rd wall crossing the short axis in the center. It was termed, "The super core". That is looking at the long side of WTC 2 core, the short 3rd wall was in the center, the high point.

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if families agree with a specific theory because many definitely agree the CR and NIST failed to explain how the towers collapsed. The very people you claim are hurt by pushing for a new investigation are the same ones that support AE9/11 you dumbass:

"In this case, it was of utmost importance to determine what actually caused the collapses to ensure the future safety of high-rise buildings. Since the government failed to do that, we applaud Mr. Richard Gage and the many other professionals who are spending their own time attempting to seek the truth."

Patty Casazza
Lorie Van Auken
Mindy Kleinberg
Monica Gabrielle

They reject the government's claims on how the towers came down.

investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??

Agent fiz I think an investigation into your behavior is due at some point. Law certainly supports it IF you are conducting misprision of treason, you are legally barred from spreading falsities promoting treason.

listen you fucking moron.

listen to me very good because i am only going to say this one time.

i dont care if you are mentally ill. if you accuse me of breaking the law one more fucking time i am going to come there and we are going to have a nice little face to face discussion. dont think i wont do it. i have never in my life been convicted of a crime. i am not like you. i dont willfully break the law, you lying sack of shit deadbeat dad. you were stupid enough to post your real info on the internet and this is exactly why its not safe to do it.

one more fucking time you accuse me. just once. we wont need to worry about your stupid concrete core hoax ever again. i'm sick of you accusing honest americans of breaking the law just because they dont buy your stupid fucking hoax.:ahole-1:
investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??

Agent fiz I think an investigation into your behavior is due at some point. Law certainly supports it IF you are conducting misprision of treason, you are legally barred from spreading falsities promoting treason.

listen you fucking moron.

listen to me very good because i am only going to say this one time.

i dont care if you are mentally ill. if you accuse me of breaking the law one more fucking time i am going to come there and we are going to have a nice little face to face discussion. dont think i wont do it. i have never in my life been convicted of a crime. i am not like you. i dont willfully break the law, you lying sack of shit deadbeat dad. you were stupid enough to post your real info on the internet and this is exactly why its not safe to do it.

one more fucking time you accuse me. just once. we wont need to worry about your stupid concrete core hoax ever again. i'm sick of you accusing honest americans of breaking the law just because they dont buy your stupid fucking hoax.:ahole-1:

Whazz a matter? Not enough evidence but still want to deny? Its all but proven you are violating the law. Too bad buddy, this is about treason. Get evidence or shut up, or be furthering the concealment and be busted doing it.

You haven't even acknowledged that you know what the violation of law is. You got a bad record to be so concerned about accusations based in observations of your behavior. This one deprives 3,000 victims of due process and 250 million Americans of equal protection of law.

guiliani took the WYC documents while the courts protect their hiding

at the very least you are a sociopath.
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Agent fiz I think an investigation into your behavior is due at some point. Law certainly supports it IF you are conducting misprision of treason, you are legally barred from spreading falsities promoting treason.

listen you fucking moron.

listen to me very good because i am only going to say this one time.

i dont care if you are mentally ill. if you accuse me of breaking the law one more fucking time i am going to come there and we are going to have a nice little face to face discussion. dont think i wont do it. i have never in my life been convicted of a crime. i am not like you. i dont willfully break the law, you lying sack of shit deadbeat dad. you were stupid enough to post your real info on the internet and this is exactly why its not safe to do it.

one more fucking time you accuse me. just once. we wont need to worry about your stupid concrete core hoax ever again. i'm sick of you accusing honest americans of breaking the law just because they dont buy your stupid fucking hoax.:ahole-1:

Whazz a matter? Not enough evidence but still want to deny? Its all but proven you are violating the law. Too bad buddy, this is about treason. Get evidence or shut up, or be furthering the concealment and be busted doing it.

You haven't even acknowledged that you know what the violation of law is. You got a bad record to be so concerned about accusations based in observations of your behavior. This one deprives 3,000 victims of due process and 250 million Americans of equal protection of law.

guiliani took the WYC documents while the courts protect their hiding

at the very least you are a sociopath.

see you soon.....
you are correct. that is a fact. its the steel core. very good. you must have taken your medication today.

The towers did have a reinforced concrete core.
you buy into this bullshit too?

"Modern skyscrapers such as the World Trade Center, New York, have steel and concrete hull-and-core structures. The central core –a reinforced concrete tower–contains lift shafts, staircases, and vertical ducts."
Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6.

I'm pretty sure that says it had a reinforced concrete core.

"At the heart of the structure was a vertical steel and concrete core, housing lift shafts and stairwells. Steel beams radiate outwards and connect with steel uprights, forming the building's outer wall. All the steel was covered in concrete..."

That one too.
investigate all you want. whats stopping you? certainly not me. go for it.

how many investigations do you need??

Agent fiz I think an investigation into your behavior is due at some point. Law certainly supports it IF you are conducting misprision of treason, you are legally barred from spreading falsities promoting treason.

listen you fucking moron.

listen to me very good because i am only going to say this one time.

i dont care if you are mentally ill. if you accuse me of breaking the law one more fucking time i am going to come there and we are going to have a nice little face to face discussion. dont think i wont do it. i have never in my life been convicted of a crime. i am not like you. i dont willfully break the law, you lying sack of shit deadbeat dad. you were stupid enough to post your real info on the internet and this is exactly why its not safe to do it.

one more fucking time you accuse me. just once. we wont need to worry about your stupid concrete core hoax ever again. i'm sick of you accusing honest americans of breaking the law just because they dont buy your stupid fucking hoax.:ahole-1:

You break the law all the time you fucking stoopid cocksucking cowardly ball licking shitbag. Fuck you and your childish barbie doll strong veiled threats you ignorant ass sucking sheep raping dumbass bitch. You can't debate so you throw your stoopid little tantrums that reinforce what we already know: you are a sniveling little useless bitch.
listen you fucking moron.

listen to me very good because i am only going to say this one time.

i dont care if you are mentally ill. if you accuse me of breaking the law one more fucking time i am going to come there and we are going to have a nice little face to face discussion. dont think i wont do it. i have never in my life been convicted of a crime. i am not like you. i dont willfully break the law, you lying sack of shit deadbeat dad. you were stupid enough to post your real info on the internet and this is exactly why its not safe to do it.

one more fucking time you accuse me. just once. we wont need to worry about your stupid concrete core hoax ever again. i'm sick of you accusing honest americans of breaking the law just because they dont buy your stupid fucking hoax.:ahole-1:

Whazz a matter? Not enough evidence but still want to deny? Its all but proven you are violating the law. Too bad buddy, this is about treason. Get evidence or shut up, or be furthering the concealment and be busted doing it.

You haven't even acknowledged that you know what the violation of law is. You got a bad record to be so concerned about accusations based in observations of your behavior. This one deprives 3,000 victims of due process and 250 million Americans of equal protection of law.

guiliani took the WYC documents while the courts protect their hiding

at the very least you are a sociopath.

see you soon.....

Nobody is buying your tough guy act you fat ass lying fucking cowardly weasel. Just because you have licked a lot of guy's asses that doesn't mean you can kick anyone's ass you ignorant fool. You ignore the fact man families and first responders reject the government's conclusions on how the towers fell and when that evidence is put in your face you blow a gasket. What a fucking useless dumbass.

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