FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Group denial of the light of the mid day sun, and insistence on dark of night, does not make evidence or fact.


Clearly, Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

no concrete. one nut.

Black Walnut Cake Recipe

This cake need no frosting.
Cook:35m Servings:0


* 1/2 c. butter or margarine or Crisco
* 1 1/2 c. sugar
* 2 eggs
* 2 1/2 c. flour
* 1/2 tsp. salt
* 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
* 1/2 c. milk
* 1 chopped black walnut


1. Cream sugar and shortening until light--add eggs lightly beaten.
2. Then add flour, sifted measured and sifted with baking powder and salt.
3. Alternate with the milk and flour, add nuts to the flour layer and fold in.
4. Bake in a paper lined tube pan, 9 inche, for 35 or 40 minutes at 350 degrees.
5. This cake needs no frosting, as it forms and unusual crust.

Black Walnut Cake Recipe

Apparently these agents can produce no logic defining HOW the supposed drywall fastened to the supposed steel core columns was not destroyed exposing the steel columns.


The concrete core looks exactly as it should with all the exterior steel gone. The engineer of record, Leslie Robertson provided a description of the structure to Newsweek 2 days after 9-11 and it contained that of a concrete core.


&#8220;Beyond the reaction that any citizen has&#8212;the sadness that we all feel&#8212;you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,&#8221; says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. &#8220;It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible.&#8221;
Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did&#8212;managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
Christophera said:
Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

How about you quote Katherine Stroups retraction of the comment which she erroneously made regarding the WTC structure Chris ? How about you do that, just to show us that you can be honest.

I posted it for you once before ... so you know it exists don't you .. I still have it but I'm not going to post it for you. You must do that .. ! You must do that Chris !! it's the only way to correct your life which is in a big mess mate. All the lies .. must take a toll.

Agents will fake any amount of text in anyones name to protect the secret methods of mass murder concealed by the FEMA deception.

Since not one image from 9-11 showing steel core columns in the core area has ever been seen, the lie you support is exposed.

There is an image from 9-11 of the WTC 2 core, and it appears as a concrete, rectangular tube.


WTC 1 core had its north wall go down before the west wall which is seen in an end view from the north.


The structural steel of the spire, the corner "interior box column is to the right, outside the core as seen here at ground zero left of the 12 foot thick core base wall.


Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 describes a concrete core.

Christophera said:
Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

How about you quote Katherine Stroups retraction of the comment which she erroneously made regarding the WTC structure Chris ? How about you do that, just to show us that you can be honest.

I posted it for you once before ... so you know it exists don't you .. I still have it but I'm not going to post it for you. You must do that .. ! You must do that Chris !! it's the only way to correct your life which is in a big mess mate. All the lies .. must take a toll.

could you PM that link to me
i'd love to read it
The perpetrators would want you to pretend such a link exists. It does not.

the agent squirms under the weight of the truth being exposed at the risk of losing all credibility. The fact is it always comes back to the truth is always the opposite of what the agent says. The link exists, and under the terms of citizen stanrod's exposure of said link and the request he has made, the agent will be given limited time to post said link before loyal citizens post said link in this very thread. The agent should therefore post said link himself to preserve less than a shred of dignity and credibility.
The 'WTC Had a Concrete Core' Hoax, page 1

"Back on the “concrete core” page, I find this statement:
What follows are the statements of various architects and engineers regarding the concrete core.

Is followed by an expert from a Newsweek article written 9/13/01.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
Says engineer Robertson, “If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,” he says. “The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.” The buildings were designed specifically to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, the largest plane flying in 1966, the year they broke ground on the project.


Note that Robinson doesn’t actually say anything about the core, the author of the article, Katherine Stroup, does. Unfortunately it appears that Ms. Stroup either no longer works at Newsweek, or no longer goes by that name, so we can not contact here to verify the actual statements by Robinson.

The next item on the concrete core page quotes from this page,

The twin towers of the World Trade Center were essentially two tubes, with the north tower (1,368 feet) six feet taller than the south tower (1,362 feet), and each were 110 stories tall. Each tube contained a concrete core, which supported only the load of the central bank of elevators and stairwells (Snoonian and Czarnecki 23).

which is in fact a quote from a the following article:

Snoonian, Deborah and Czarnecki, John E. "World Trade Center's Robust Towers Succumb to Terrorism." Architectural Record Oct. 2001: 22-28.

(not available on-line)

I took the liberty of contacting Ms. Snoonian about the reference to a concrete core and she e-mailed back:
unfortunately that was a mistake which was corrected
in the next issue."

The above link has an entire page debunking the agent of lies and deception about his concrete core hoax.

Scrolling down the page one is treated to a maintainence photo of the gypsum plank covered interior core showing full well the actual construction was not concrete.
Further down this informative page one is reminded of the following report from the actual day of the tragedy;

"OOPS, I almost forgot about the six guys that escaped from a stalled elevator on 9/11 by cutting through the drywall of the elevator shaft into a bathroom with a squeegee.

STM :: Suburban Chicago Newspapers...

Two passengers pried open the elevator doors, only to find solid drywall in front of them. By then, smoke was pouring down the elevator shaft, so Demczur decided they shouldn't wait for help. Something was very wrong.
He and the others kicked the sheetrock wall. What they really needed was something sharp, but no one had a knife. Demczur looked down at his bucket of window-washing tools and reached for his squeegee."

Remember whatthe agent says is the opposite of truth, truth is the enemy of the agent and the friend of loyal citizens.

picture of interior building core showing gyspum plank covered steel frame. The agent will deny it as he did when it was posted on other sites and one has to remember that what the agent says is opposite of truth. This photo sent the agent into a snit on at least two boards and in the ensuing fit he violated rules leading to the agent being banned from those two sites. There may be more and the agent will go down in history as a liar and traitor to the constitution, as well as an enemy of the american people who are true citizens.

Furthermore here is an actual picture of one of the elevator shaft walls;


  • $ats29637_missingSOFP.jpg
    10.9 KB · Views: 12
All that and not one single image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11. How incompetent.

That ATS site is definitely run by the CIA. I will not go there. Major ping source if they know you are viewing pages and they want to mess with you.

At least with the concrete core, there is evidence and it is consistent. The core can be shown on 9-11 where misinterpretations cannot be so easily made.

FEMA deception depends on those to make people think there were steel core columns in the core area when the vertical steel in the core was actually there to support the elevator guide rails.


And the guide rail supports were weakly joined with butt plates so fell immediately
once the building started going down.
All that and not one single image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11. How incompetent.

That ATS site is definitely run by the CIA. I will not go there. Major ping source if they know you are viewing pages and they want to mess with you.

At least with the concrete core, there is evidence and it is consistent. The core can be shown on 9-11 where misinterpretations cannot be so easily made.

FEMA deception depends on those to make people think there were steel core columns in the core area when the vertical steel in the core was actually there to support the elevator guide rails.


And the guide rail supports were weakly joined with butt plates so fell immediately
once the building started going down.

Bullshit agent! You won't go there because you were debunked for over 200 pages AND then banned you ass! Above Top Secret is now run bythe CIA?

Prove that you asswipe! In fact , prove anything, anything at all you delusional fucktard.
So far in looking at over 900 pages of your utter bullshit, I have not been able to find one instance where you PROVED anything except the fact that your a delsuional treasonous fuckwit without an ounce of shame or logic.

prove something jailbird, anything!
All thadeleted the dishionest bullshit from agent chrissy the retard

And the guide rail supports were weakly joined with butt plates so fell immediately
once the building started going down.

the picture of the gypsum planking totally debunks your concrete core hoax as it shows the planking clearly.
If there was indeed an concrete core there would be no need for gypsum planking on the interior. Even though it shows no steel columns, the planking it self is the proof the steel is there. the planking is used for a curtain wall and to slow the spread of fire, and simply would not be needed if the core was concrete you fucking dolt.
ATS pinged a mac G4 so hard its hard drive needed to be re initialized just to get online again.

I never knew I was banned there. How do you know that agent?

Oh, . . . I guess you're an agent so you know.

This proves there were no steel core columns and proves the concrete core because gypsum cannot withstand the crash of thousands of tons of structural steel and remain uniform without major structural steel protruding, core colummns sticking out the top . . . if they existed and they DID NOT.

i have a G4 and am in the habit of visiting ATS for years, never encountered a threat.

Your machine was fucked up from your "information" you gathered from al qaida sources in your quest to deceive.
fuck off and die chris, fuck off and die treasonous scum.
"Buffalo Spamburgers;


* 1 can SPAM® Classic
* 1/2 cup prepared hot wing sauce
* 1/2 cup seasoned dry bread crumbs
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 4 Kaiser rolls, split
* 6 tablespoons ranch or blue cheese salad dressing
* 4 leaves lettuce
* 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
* 0 Celery sticks


1. Cut SPAM® Classic into 4 slices
2. Dip SPAM® into hot wing sauce, then into bread crumbs. In skillet, sauté SPAM® in oil until golden brown.
3. Meanwhile, toast rolls. On bottom of each roll half, spread dressing; layer with lettuce, SPAM® and onion. Top with crumbled blue cheese and additional sauce, if desired. Cover with top halves of rolls. Serve with celery sticks."

SPAM > Recipe Details
Spam and stuffing

Sending... Please wait...
SPAM & Stuffing

* 2 (6-ounce) packages instant stuffing mix
* 1 (10.75-ounce) can reduced-sodium cream of chicken soup
* 1 cup sour cream
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Lite, cubed
* 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
* 1 cup sliced tomatoes


1. Heat oven to 350°F.
2. Prepare stuffing mix according to package directions.
3. In 13x9-inch baking dish, combine soup, sour cream and SPAM® Lite; mix well. Top with prepared stuffing.
4. Bake casserole 25 minutes or until golden brown and heated through. Sprinkle with cheese; bake 5 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Top with tomatoes.


* 2 (6-ounce) packages instant stuffing mix
* 1 (10.75-ounce) can reduced-sodium cream of chicken soup
* 1 cup sour cream
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Lite, cubed
* 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
* 1 cup sliced tomatoes


1. Heat oven to 350°F.
2. Prepare stuffing mix according to package directions.
3. In 13x9-inch baking dish, combine soup, sour cream and SPAM® Lite; mix well. Top with prepared stuffing.
4. Bake casserole 25 minutes or until golden brown and heated through. Sprinkle with cheese; bake 5 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Top with tomatoes.

SPAM > Recipe Details
Spam Waldorf Salad


* 2 apples, cored, diced
* 1 tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 can SPAM® Classic, diced
* 1 cup thinly sliced celery
* 1/3 cup raisins
* 1/2 cup mayonnaise
* 4 leaves lettuce
* 2 tablespoons chopped pecans


1. In large bowl, sprinkle apples with lemon juice; toss with SPAM® Classic, celery and raisins. Add mayonnaise; mix gently.
2. Scoop onto lettuce-lined serving plates; sprinkle with pecans.

SPAM > Recipe Details
California Toasted Cheese Spam Sandwiches


* 4 slices bread, toasted
* 1 (12-ounce) can SPAM® Classic, cut into 8 slices
* 1 tomato, cut into 8 slices
* 4 onion rings, thinly sliced
* 8 slices Muenster cheese


1. Heat oven to 425°F.
2. Place bread on baking sheet. Layer 2 SPAM® Classic slices, 2 tomato slices, 1 onion ring and 2 cheese slices on each bread slice.
3. Bake sandwiches 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

SPAM > Recipe Details

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