FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

misrepresents elevator guide rial support steel as core columns.

bullshit. you misrepresent the steel core columns as "elevator guide rail support steel" with absolutely NOTHING to back that claim up other than your wild, demented imagination. :cuckoo:
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some people just gravitate to the hysterical in life.................

Two gigantic planes flew into two buildings at 300 mph taking out a whole side with them.............

Of course they are going to collapse you fcukking moron!!!!
When the supposed steel core column are never seen in the core area on 9-11,


we know they must be elevator guide rail support steel.
When the supposed steel core column are never seen in the core area on 9-11,


we know they must be elevator guide rail support steel.

"we know"??

who is this "we"??

nobody else makes your absurd "elevator guide rail support steel" claim. YOU are the one that made that up. there is no WE.

(what a fucking moron for saying we never see steel core columns in the core area and then posts a pic of steel core columns!!) :lol:
When the supposed steel core column are never seen in the core area on 9-11,


we know they must be elevator guide rail support steel.

Here is a closeup of the same spire.

What you say is rebar, is CLEARLY dust and debris falling from the columns.
Your psyops fake social group is comprised of traitors.

I am doing this for my children and the thought that this boys,

fathers murder would be solved, and that the knowledge will protect the boy, is almost as good as the thoughts I have of my own children protected by our Constitution and the laws made under it.

Agents are losers.

You mean the same way you "protected" your children by not paying child support?

You're a disgrace.
Concrete is shown


OK Brown, you posted these pictures. You did, not anyone else, right?

So where, in either of these pictures YOU posted, is there even one ounce of concrete? Just one. Point it out to me, Brown, cause I'm having a hell of a hard time finding it for myself. Because all I see in both picture is STEEL, wood and cables.

I'm asking you again, you moronic, infantile, delusional, non support paying, non filing fee paying prick, where's the fucking concrete in your own damn pictures???

You truly are a nitwit if you can't answer this simple question.
Christopharter said:
..... Concrete is shown .. (image links removed because they do not show concrete .. nor do any other images Chris posts)

So anyway Chris I went out looking for a new forum where you could play silly games with others who like playing silly games .. I simply know you will find many good friends here who will assist you in many ways .. Don't be afraid now .. all you have to do is click on the link. Clicky poos .. Chri$$y poos ..

Click here

:lol: Stann
I have another legitimate question... I will ask it even though I already know chris will ignore it....

My question... If the core was indeed a concrete squared tube as chris claims. And they in fact did use explosives planted on,in, or near enough to it to bring the towers down. Why then was there such a massive cleanup? We had incredible amounts of debris that was taken out. Steel, concrete, aluminum sheeting, pieces and parts of everything we can think of. If the core were indeed a concrete hollow tube, we would have had far less of this type of debris to clean up..

So where did all the steel, and other debris come from?
110 story's each with an acre or so of 4inch thick concrete floor, times two (X 2) equals a lot of gravel.

That's 220 acres X 4inches deep of concrete in just the floors above grade. Did you forget that Chris.

The volumes seen in the image exceed the volume of the floors alone.

There was not enough hard stone aggregate to be as visible as it is in the photo. Only 10 floors were hard stone aggregate concrete.
The volumes seen in the image exceed the volume of the floors alone.

There was not enough hard stone aggregate to be as visible as it is in the photo. Only 10 floors were hard stone aggregate concrete.

You couldn't prove that in 2004 and you still can't prove that ..do you know why Chris?

Because it is another of your sick lies.

Click Here

Try this forum Chris you might have an audience who might just listen. They like good jokes and even bad jokes ... :lol:

slacker, you forgot to mention gravel.


They called it "digging out". The exterior metal exoskeleton had plenty of the materials you mention. The issue is, "why was all the office furniture, computers, carpets, desks all ground up?"

http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collapse update/collapsed to dust.mpg

Hmm well lets see... perhaps the fall from such heights and the other debris falling onto them and each other in turn, all of it accelerating until impact pulverized them?

yeah thats how logic works.... its not taking a question mark and making it a statement of fact. its using common sense and logic/reason. Something you seem determined to avoid BTW.....

Again I ask you to answer my previous question....
The issue is, "why was all the office furniture, computers, carpets, desks all ground up?"


i know this one!!

because super secret government agents designed the desks to be coated with plastic explosives and assembled at a super secret government factory and they were all wired to explode through the telephone wires to the phones on the desks. you can not show one picture of a normal desk on 9/11 therefore this is all a fact.

did i get it right you child abandoning psycho?
I've participated in forums perhaps 4 times. The volumes comparisons always show an abnormally high amount of sand and gravel.

I always stated that I consider the existing volumn depth is not known throughout the Twin Towers complex, subfloors and basements, or what of that was occupied by sand and gravel, so my participation was limited to calculating the volume of the concrete tubular core.

The volume of the core walls balanced and explained the apparent extra burden of particulate volume at the WTC generally, in each case.

Typically someone would propose a collective effort. They would already have part of the data. They shared and displayed that, or the basis for their volume calc. Some discussion about inclusion/exclusion of areas for reasons, then parallel calcs were done with the results posted. I was surprised at the consistency between some of the varying numbers once a review of methods and basis was done.

The added volume of concrete core walls always explained that, or what was over volumes of floors alone.

Volumes of sand and gravel show what would be expected with a concrete core. A structural engineer certifed in 12 states identifies a concrete core, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. and the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992 identifies one as well.

I've participated in forums perhaps 4 times. The volumes comparisons always show an abnormally high amount of sand and gravel.

I always stated that I consider the existing volumn depth is not known throughout the Twin Towers complex, subfloors and basements, or what of that was occupied by sand and gravel, so my participation was limited to calculating the volume of the concrete tubular core.

The volume of the core walls balanced and explained the apparent extra burden of particulate volume at the WTC generally, in each case.

Typically someone would propose a collective effort. They would already have part of the data. They shared and displayed that, or the basis for their volume calc. Some discussion about inclusion/exclusion of areas for reasons, then parallel calcs were done with the results posted. I was surprised at the consistency between some of the varying numbers once a review of methods and basis was done.

The added volume of concrete core walls always explained that, or what was over volumes of floors alone.

Volumes of sand and gravel show what would be expected with a concrete core. A structural engineer certifed in 12 states identifies a concrete core, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. and the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992 identifies one as well.

so to summarize, you have nothing to back up your claim. you just made it up. thanks.

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