FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I've participated in forums perhaps 4 times. The volumes comparisons always show an abnormally high amount of sand and gravel.

I always stated that I consider the existing volumn depth is not known throughout the Twin Towers complex, subfloors and basements, or what of that was occupied by sand and gravel, so my participation was limited to calculating the volume of the concrete tubular core.

The volume of the core walls balanced and explained the apparent extra burden of particulate volume at the WTC generally, in each case.

Typically someone would propose a collective effort. They would already have part of the data. They shared and displayed that, or the basis for their volume calc. Some discussion about inclusion/exclusion of areas for reasons, then parallel calcs were done with the results posted. I was surprised at the consistency between some of the varying numbers once a review of methods and basis was done.

The added volume of concrete core walls always explained that, or what was over volumes of floors alone.

Volumes of sand and gravel show what would be expected with a concrete core. A structural engineer certifed in 12 states identifies a concrete core, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. and the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992 identifies one as well.


Concrete as in the foundation you moron.... Ever put up a fence? What happens if you do not pour concrete around your fence poles when you plant them? Well sooner or later through water seepage, weather, expansion and contraction, they will start to lean and/or the bottom part of the pole in the ground will rot (wood) or oxidize (rust as in steel).

You fucking unbelievable idiot... you take a short reference like that and other similar misleading statements, and hunt and pick until you find enough nonsense you twist to mean something in your mind. And then you shout Eureka! I have it!

You don;t have anything other than some bullshit you make up from half truths, lies, misleading statements, and innuendo which in reality are more in your mind than anywhere else...
The issue is, "why was all the office furniture, computers, carpets, desks all ground up?"


i know this one!!

because super secret government agents designed the desks to be coated with plastic explosives and assembled at a super secret government factory and they were all wired to explode through the telephone wires to the phones on the desks. you can not show one picture of a normal desk on 9/11 therefore this is all a fact.

did i get it right you child abandoning psycho?

By George, I think you've got it!
I've participated in forums perhaps 4 times. The volumes comparisons always show an abnormally high amount of sand and gravel.

I always stated that I consider the existing volumn depth is not known throughout the Twin Towers complex, subfloors and basements, or what of that was occupied by sand and gravel, so my participation was limited to calculating the volume of the concrete tubular core.

The volume of the core walls balanced and explained the apparent extra burden of particulate volume at the WTC generally, in each case.

Typically someone would propose a collective effort. They would already have part of the data. They shared and displayed that, or the basis for their volume calc. Some discussion about inclusion/exclusion of areas for reasons, then parallel calcs were done with the results posted. I was surprised at the consistency between some of the varying numbers once a review of methods and basis was done.

The added volume of concrete core walls always explained that, or what was over volumes of floors alone.

Volumes of sand and gravel show what would be expected with a concrete core. A structural engineer certifed in 12 states identifies a concrete core, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. and the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992 identifies one as well.

More drivel from Captain Stupid, who is well on his way to an unprecedented 4th red badge.
When the supposed steel core column are never seen in the core area on 9-11,


we know they must be elevator guide rail support steel.

Here is a closeup of the same spire.

What you say is rebar, is CLEARLY dust and debris falling from the columns.

A truth so obvious and well supported by indisputable photographic evidence that CriscoFEARa is left playing with his clit and unable to offer a coherent rejoinder.

Of course, CriscoFEARa always plays with his clit and never has a coherent rejoinder, but let's not quibble.
* * * * [typical pansy bullshit from CriscoFEARa snipped] * * * *

The issue is, "why was all the office furniture, computers, carpets, desks all ground up?"

* * * *

Another FUCKING retarded and dishonest question from the lying dipshit unmanly Agent of PAID Disinformation, CriscoFEARa.

Hm. Why would wood, etc., crumble and get ground-up, as an extremely tall and massive skyscraper fell, floor by heavy floor, onto each lower floor thereby smashing such items to bits?

Did CriscoFEARa imagine that these items would somehow demonstrate super strength?

Scumbag retard liars like CriscoFEARa should stop wasting their time being utterly unpersuasive on the internet and, instead, get a job to pay for the long overdue support of their own children.
I've participated in forums perhaps 4 times.


Perhaps 4 times?? Are you kidding me?

Why do you keep lying? You've been to more than 4 forums idiot.
all you have to do is search his name and it shows up on more than 4 forums

Break for News
US Message Board
David Icke's forum
ATS (Above Top Secret)
The Avatar movie forum
Democratic Underground
Physforum Science, Physics, and Technology Discussion Forums
Australian 9/11 Truth Movement Forums
Pilots for Truth forum
Mike Malloy's forum
Let's Roll forums
Unexplained-Mysteries forum

He also posts as Chris-Whitefeather on the Namasteezy forum

There are others.

Only 4 you said? What a complete moron. This is the kind of "truth seeker" we are dealing with. Pathetic.

Perhaps 4 times?? Are you kidding me?

Why do you keep lying? You've been to more than 4 forums idiot.
all you have to do is search his name and it shows up on more than 4 forums

Break for News
US Message Board
David Icke's forum
ATS (Above Top Secret)
The Avatar movie forum
Democratic Underground
Physforum Science, Physics, and Technology Discussion Forums
Australian 9/11 Truth Movement Forums
Pilots for Truth forum
Mike Malloy's forum
Let's Roll forums
Unexplained-Mysteries forum

He also posts as Chris-Whitefeather on the Namasteezy forum

There are others.

Only 4 you said? What a complete moron. This is the kind of "truth seeker" we are dealing with. Pathetic.
well, clearly, the opposite of everything he says is the truth
Chris your theory is based on bullshit you create from half-truths, unclear photographs, mistaken statements taken from panic-stricken, sometimes uneducated, often misinformed, and even more often, people who want to sound more informed than they really are.

you cry about evidence, you cry about agents and all the disinformation they try to use against you to hide the truth. Well lets use some evidence shall we.....

First, your theory of a concrete hollow core is highly unlikely for many reasons. THe reasons are listed below....

1. A concrete core, even a steel reinforced one would need to be exponentially larger as it went closer to the ground. Meaning the bottom floor would have to have the largest concrete core sections and thereby the least amount of open space on the floor. This does not show in the entrance floor lobby pictures we see even from you. In fact the escalators, the elevators, the stairs, the information desks and all the design elements show this to be utterly false....

2. Steel reinforced load bearing concrete wall pouring and mixing during the building process or on site, would take a great deal more time and expense than a steel space frame design. And given you yourself have claimed they used the concrete core to save money and speed the construction, this does not make sense. So they would have had to use pre-fabricated structural pieces or sections to even make this an option.

According to one legitimate and unbiased source; "For buildings 300 feet or taller, the concrete core usually has a minimum dimension of 30 feet in each plan direction, with walls that are 18 to 30 inches thick (Figure 1)."

Now IF the dimensions of concrete required for a building over 300 feet are those stated above from the reliable industry source, wouldn't the requirements be even greater for a building more than 1300 feet? Why yes I believe they would be.. So where is that tremendous concrete core structure in all of your Pictures of the lobby before the disaster?

A simple and basic policy to remember on this... As we add a piece onto another piece in a stacked structure. The pieces nearest the bottom will have to bear the most load. It will bear the load of the structure itself and the load of its upper stacks as well.

So again why does this not show in your Pictures or claims?

THose two should suffice for now.... Please respond to these obvious problems....
Agents with text have no credibility. Even with photoshopped images you have no credibility.

Compared to the independently verified evidence of the concrete core, in the circumstance of violations of law depriving the public of plans and construction photos, your text and fakery are just disgusting.

The concrete core is proven. Any who don't accept that are simply clinging to a hope that somehow FEMA acts in our interests and has not empowerd an insurrection with its misinformation.

The core structure FEMA persents is never seen on 9-11.


What is seen DOES NOT resemble the official diagram (the ONLY graphic depiction) in any way.

Agents with text have no credibility.
you are a fucking MORON
you have no credibility because you post photos showing STEEL and claim to see concrete that isn't there
and you repeatedly posting this bullshit about anyone being an "agent" only further shows how much of a fucking MORON you are
If you think your text has value then the moronic performance is your specialty.

You have proven you are an agent working to conceal methods of mass murder used to conduct treason. You have done this by lying, by being exposed conducting deception, all witout regard for the US Constitution.

Moronic in thinking that people would actually believe this is a floor falling.


Of course you failed to tell anyone where the floor fell from.
If you think your text has value then the moronic performance is your specialty.

You have proven you are an agent working to conceal methods of mass murder used to conduct treason. You have done this by lying, by being exposed conducting deception, all witout regard for the US Constitution.

Moronic in thinking that people would actually believe this is a floor falling.

Of course you failed to tell anyone where the floor fell from.
you have proven you are a fucking moronic idiot
The FEMA core did not exist. Only a concrete core can be shown. The only core the engineer of records has identified is a concrete core.
you have yet to prove that that image was provided by FEMA
you have no proof of a concrete core
and you LIE about what Mr Robertson said

that is proof you are a delusional fucktard
Your error demonstrates your psyops using "cognitive distortions".

You are saying I lied, when you can actually only say Newsweek lied.

Shame on you. It is unwholesome to support secret methods of mass murder.
Your error demonstrates your psyops using "cognitive distortions".

You are saying I lied, when you can actually only say Newsweek lied.

Shame on you. It is unwholesome to support secret methods of mass murder.
you lie by claiming Mr Robertson said something that not even the reporter attributed to him
the reporter was simply incorrect in her reporting
you, LIE by trying to claim otherwise

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