FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You are saying I lied

Because you did, and continue to do so, you miserable excuse for a father, a human, and a citizen. You are the one who is a traitor to your country to and the families of the victims of 9/11. No one here believes your lies and distortions, not even the other 9/11 truth members.

Why don't you go peddle your papers some where else??
You are saying I lied

Because you did, and continue to do so, you miserable excuse for a father, a human, and a citizen. You are the one who is a traitor to your country to and the families of the victims of 9/11. No one here believes your lies and distortions, not even the other 9/11 truth members.

Why don't you go peddle your papers some where else??
he cant, he gets banned eerywhere else
Chris that was my third attempt to get honest and fair debate on this, and that was the third time you declined..... You sir are a coward....
Agents without evidence are sooooooooo pitiful.

The concrete core is the only core that can be independenty verified.


Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992

Chris that was my third attempt to get honest and fair debate on this, and that was the third time you declined..... You sir are a coward....

I've asked him 3 times to show concrete in HIS steel core photos, and 3 times where the other 9/11 truth members are defending him, and he has been too chickenshit to answer either question.

Maybe you'll be 4th time lucky.

Or maybe Chri$$y will just change the subject again.
Agents without evidence are sooooooooo pitiful.

The concrete core is the only core that can be independenty verified.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992

Ah now see thats where you are wrong chris..... I gave evidence to back my claims, you didn't read my claims.... If you had you would have noticed the link in it..... Now want to play dumb some more?

"For buildings 300 feet or taller, the concrete core usually has a minimum dimension of 30 feet in each plan direction, with walls that are 18 to 30 inches thick (Figure 1)."

See that? Thats called a link to a outside and reliable source, a source involved in this very kind of thing you are claiming here; Construction..

I will post my previous words a gain maybe you will read it this time...

Chris your theory is based on bullshit you create from half-truths, unclear photographs, mistaken statements taken from panic-stricken, sometimes uneducated, often misinformed, and even more often, people who want to sound more informed than they really are.

you cry about evidence, you cry about agents and all the disinformation they try to use against you to hide the truth. Well lets use some evidence shall we.....

First, your theory of a concrete hollow core is highly unlikely for many reasons. THe reasons are listed below....

1. A concrete core, even a steel reinforced one would need to be exponentially larger as it went closer to the ground. Meaning the bottom floor would have to have the largest concrete core sections and thereby the least amount of open space on the floor. This does not show in the entrance floor lobby pictures we see even from you. In fact the escalators, the elevators, the stairs, the information desks and all the design elements show this to be utterly false....

2. Steel reinforced load bearing concrete wall pouring and mixing during the building process or on site, would take a great deal more time and expense than a steel space frame design. And given you yourself have claimed they used the concrete core to save money and speed the construction, this does not make sense. So they would have had to use pre-fabricated structural pieces or sections to even make this an option.

According to one legitimate and unbiased source; "For buildings 300 feet or taller, the concrete core usually has a minimum dimension of 30 feet in each plan direction, with walls that are 18 to 30 inches thick (Figure 1)."

Now IF the dimensions of concrete required for a building over 300 feet are those stated above from the reliable industry source, wouldn't the requirements be even greater for a building more than 1300 feet? Why yes I believe they would be.. So where is that tremendous concrete core structure in all of your Pictures of the lobby before the disaster?

A simple and basic policy to remember on this... As we add a piece onto another piece in a stacked structure. The pieces nearest the bottom will have to bear the most load. It will bear the load of the structure itself and the load of its upper stacks as well.

So again why does this not show in your Pictures or claims?

THose two should suffice for now.... Please respond to these obvious problems....
The concrete core is the only core that can be independenty verified.

You know what, Chris, I've had a change of heart. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

What was the name of the construction company who did the ABOVE GRADE concrete core work on the twins? I'll contact my counterparts in that company and ask how they constructed the concrete cores. If your information matches theirs, I will be your most fervent defender here.

So, do we have a deal, Chris? Just give me a name.

The Rat
Agents without evidence are sooooooooo pitiful.

The concrete core is the only core that can be independenty verified.


Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992


chris, all this crap has already been debunked. there is no concrete core in your picture. oxford uses the world trade center as an example of a skyscraper. it doesnt say the WTC had a concrete core.

once again you are trying to convince everyone the sky is red when everyone can see its blue.

you are a moron.
Agents without evidence are sooooooooo pitiful.

The concrete core is the only core that can be independenty verified.


Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992


chris, all this crap has already been debunked. there is no concrete core in your picture. oxford uses the world trade center as an example of a skyscraper. it doesnt say the WTC had a concrete core.

once again you are trying to convince everyone the sky is red when everyone can see its blue.

you are a moron.

Chris. I was just wondering.

Why does the esteemed and well researched Oxford Encyclopedia article mention that the floor connected to the concrete core? No mention of steel box columns anywhere. What about the fact that WTC2's core was totally different according to you. You said the express elevators were OUTSIDE the core of WTC2. Why does the esteemed Oxford Encyclopedia say the the elevators were contained INSIDE this concrete core for the WTC towers?
gummie the photoshopping agent, exposed in these posts,



refuses to NOT misinterpret.

In a blatent misinterpretation, basically acting as a confuser gumjob tries to say that Oxford states the floors were connected to the core.

What it says is, From this core the concrete and steel composite floors span on to a steel perimeter structure. What it says is that there were floors spanning outwards from the core. DUH!

Your support for secret methods of mass murder with this inadequate, incompetent subterfuge is sickening.
What was fastened to the core were the interior box columns. The spire was one of those.


In the lower image concrete fastened to interior box columns or the first elevator guide rail support steel is seen falling with concrete still attached.

The first row of elevator guide rail support had a brace going through the concrete core wall, cast into the wall. The interior box columns were also directly bolted to the rebar inside the concrete wall at each floor.
What was fastened to the core were the interior box columns. The spire was one of those.


In the lower image concrete fastened to interior box columns or the first elevator guide rail support steel is seen falling with concrete still attached.

The first row of elevator guide rail support had a brace going through the concrete core wall, cast into the wall. The interior box columns were also directly bolted to the rebar inside the concrete wall at each floor.
The interior box columns were also directly bolted to the rebar inside the concrete wall at each floor.


How could the box columns have been bolted to the concrete core wall when according to you, there was a taper in the outside face of the core wall!!!! Your wall shrank from 12' to 2' at the top. We're talking upwards of 10' long bolts to go from the box columns to the core inside?!


You're a fucking idiot.
gummie the photoshopping agent, exposed in these posts,



refuses to NOT misinterpret.

In a blatent misinterpretation, basically acting as a confuser gumjob tries to say that Oxford states the floors were connected to the core.

What it says is, From this core the concrete and steel composite floors span on to a steel perimeter structure. What it says is that there were floors spanning outwards from the core. DUH!

Your support for secret methods of mass murder with this inadequate, incompetent subterfuge is sickening.

How did they do this in WTC2 where you claim the express elevators were outside the core? The elevators would have been between the core and the interior box columns dumbass.

No mention of that in the Oxford explanation.
gumjob, your intentional misinterpretations are just incompetent.

I've only said that the first row of elevators inside the core opened on the lobby. You will be unable to prove I've said anything else.

The fact is that this one image proves that the vertical steel in the core WAS NOT core column. Butt plates are far too weak to use to join sections of "core column".

elevator guide rail support steel

Which is why no structural steel is seen in the core area on 9-11. All that is seen is rebar, the fine slightly arcing vertical elements seen here.


The agents of treason will try and say that image shows "core columns". The fact is that IF core columns existed, they would be much larger and look like the columns immediately outside the concrete core walls


I show that the spire, the north most column of the west wall is outside the core, seen on the right in that link with the concrete core wall on the left. Empty core area left of that.
gumjob, your intentional misinterpretations are just incompetent.

I've only said that the first row of elevators inside the core opened on the lobby. You will be unable to prove I've said anything else.

The fact is that this one image proves that the vertical steel in the core WAS NOT core column. Butt plates are far too weak to use to join sections of "core column".

Which is why no structural steel is seen in the core area on 9-11. All that is seen is rebar, the fine slightly arcing vertical elements seen here.

The agents of treason will try and say that image shows "core columns". The fact is that IF core columns existed, they would be much larger and look like the columns immediately outside the concrete core walls

I show that the spire, the north most column of the west wall is outside the core, seen on the right in that link with the concrete core wall on the left. Empty core area left of that.
hey dipshit, you need to understand those two photos are of the exact same thing
one you call rebar, the other you call columns

dipshit, you are too fucking stupid for words
The agents of treason will try and say that image shows "core columns". The fact is that IF core columns existed, they would be much larger and look like the columns immediately outside the concrete core walls

what a bunch of bullshit. your claim that the spire is outside the core area is completely bogus. it is an outright LIE.

here is the image chris shows continually from his website:

the towers appear to be taken from this image i stumbled across which shows the towers from a different angle and therefore cant match up correctly.

so now that we know that his superimposed image isnt correct i decided to try to superimpose the towers over where the spire is located to see how everything lines up. the problem with this is that they need to be taken from the same angle. luckily, this photographer has posted several of his images from 9/11 and we can superimpose one of his images over the other. no more angle problems. here is the photographer's web site.
Aman's Home page

all the images i used come from this site. (except the ruler image)

i resized and superimposed part of this image:

onto this image:

to create this image. all the buildings line up exactly once the sizes of the photo are matched (due to his zooming in and out). zooming in and out also changes the light level going into the camera so as you can see the superimposed section has a slightly different color.

i then downloaded an image of a ruler, resized it so the marks match the corners of the towers and marked the center point.

as you can see, the steel spire was primarily the CENTER TWO ROWS OF STEEL CORE COLUMNS.

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