FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Chris I am going to try again with you....

You seem to operate under the assumption "the cores" were some kind of separate entity from the elevator shafts, stairwells and other framework. Well sorry chris but its just not so.

First the entire structure was designed to maximize open floor space and give as near to equal for all window and elevator/stair access. With this type of open floor plan there really was no "bad" space to rent. There was no area harder to get to stairs or elevators, and there was no area cutoff from a window(s). Making all areas of near or equal rental/lease value.

Also with an open floor plan, there was no pillars or load bearing walls/structures every 30 or so feet as in a traditional similar structure. These things combined to (in the hopes of the designers and port authority) make the building have as much prime real estate as possible and draw in more rentals and create more options and areas to rent.

They designed it so the elevator and stairwells were part of the central core. They were inseparable. The elevators and stairwells framework were part of the core structure. So when you see an elevator shaft guiderail or support structure, or a stairwell guiderail or support structure, you are looking at part of the core. This is undeniable and shown in every single one of your own pics....

You can deny this and try to excuse, confound, or bullshit your way around it, but it is a fact. What you are relying on is a bunch of bad descriptions found in the media over the years, to justify a false hypothesis. Here is a picture I made for you expressly to show what I am talking about. I showed it to you before but you played dumb...


Now as you can see my depiction looks very much like the structure you have been calling the elevator guide/support/ whatever... These were placed at various intervals inside the core structure, and in between these we would get several other beams. These beams would also be interconnected at various intervals all of them together making up what is known as "the core"..

looking at one of your own pics we can see this is most assuredly true and accurate....


See right there? The stairs? yeah its in and part of the "core" structure. And in another of your pics....


Here we see the entire thing just as I described it..... Notice part of the outer walls still in the back ground? And then towards the center of the structure (foreground of pic) we see the "core" with some of the drywall and facade material still attached? This drywall and the facade material was what produced a great deal of the dust you try and attribute to being evidence of concrete... Now imagine all that drywall and material covering the entire core for 110 floors, and then imagine it covering the insides of every outer wall, divider wall, to separate every single separate office from one another. And then add in the fact it separated bathrooms from closets, and everything else that needed covered.

That is where your dust came from chris. it wasn't pulverized concrete for the most part it was drywall dust...

Once again we see my depiction shown all too clearly.... The "core" and the stairs and elevators shafts/supports, are one in the same. They make up the core together. An intricate framework of interconnected pieces of steel all pulling together to collectively make up the "core"...

Now your theory relies on these things being separate... But clearly even by your own pictures they are NOT....

I will be back with more as time permits.....
great work. i just have one thing to point out. the core was designed to carry vertical loads and the exterior walls carried the vertical and horizontal loads. therefore, since there was less horizontal loads on the core there was less diagonal bracing needed. this would make the core even lighter, i presume.
great work. i just have one thing to point out. the core was designed to carry vertical loads and the exterior walls carried the vertical and horizontal loads. therefore, since there was less horizontal loads on the core there was less diagonal bracing needed. this would make the core even lighter, i presume.


This is why they didn't need as much a size difference in the metal framework from bottom to top. The bottom sections were indeed bigger, but no where near the levels they would have needed in a traditional structure or design.

The unique design of this building was one of the reasons almost all descriptions in the media are off in some manner or another. THey say things like "concrete and steel core" when in reality the concrete stopped at ground level. They are not entirely wrong just inaccurate in a description and leaves openings for types like chris to pounce on..
Agents without evidence must rely on text and their false social groups to concenal treason and continue with their psyops designed to undermine the Constitution or the people ability to support and defend it.

The agents fail. Your contrived nanchalance and agreement is obvious.

You have no evidence. This can only be a concrete core. No structural steel protrudes from the top.


Agents have NEVER provided a reasonable explanation of what that is if not concrete.
Agents without evidence must rely on text and their false social groups to concenal treason and continue with their psyops designed to undermine the Constitution or the people ability to support and defend it.

The agents fail. Your contrived nanchalance and agreement is obvious.

You have no evidence. This can only be a concrete core. No structural steel protrudes from the top.


Agents have NEVER provided a reasonable explanation of what that is if not concrete.

Agent of Disinformation for pay, CriscoFEARa, a known and established filthy liar and an unmanly scumbag, has never honestly offered a single solitary shred of credible evidence -- NONE -- that shows a concrete core.

It is worth noting again, that images of dust and debris and images of steel do NOT establish a concrete core.
To suggest the evidence from 9-11 shows only dust and debri unreasonable serves the perpetrators of mass murder and protection of their secret methods. It servest eh infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution.

This image show the west wall of WTC 1 from the north in an end view. The north wall has fallen allowing view into the empty core area.


The photo, as the others, is fully clear enough to identify the structural elements.
Agents without evidence must rely on text and their false social groups to concenal treason and continue with their psyops designed to undermine the Constitution or the people ability to support and defend it.

The agents fail. Your contrived nanchalance and agreement is obvious.

You have no evidence. This can only be a concrete core. No structural steel protrudes from the top.

Agents have NEVER provided a reasonable explanation of what that is if not concrete.
a reasonable explanation is something you wont accept, dipshit
To suggest the evidence from 9-11 shows only dust and debri unreasonable serves the perpetrators of mass murder and protection of their secret methods. It servest eh infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution.

This image show the west wall of WTC 1 from the north in an end view. The north wall has fallen allowing view into the empty core area.

The photo, as the others, is fully clear enough to identify the structural elements.
yes, one can see STEEL CORE COLUMNS

The agent suggests that only dust and debri are visible here.


Such a suggestion is unreasonable.

That photo clearly shows what can only be rebar. The agents say it shows steel core columns, which is unreason in service to the perpetrators of mass murder by secret methods. Proven by an image taken seconds before, from the same location and same camera, that shows structural steel about the size of the supposed steel core columns. This steel is outside the core and I've proven that too.


I've just proven these agents are working to create an impression of a social group to try and sway the beliefs of viewers. It is a false social group acting in a psyops.
The agent suggests that only dust and debri are visible here.


Such a suggestion is unreasonable.

That photo clearly shows what can only be rebar. The agents say it shows steel core columns, which is unreason in service to the perpetrators of mass murder by secret methods. Proven by an image taken seconds before, from the same location and same camera, that shows structural steel about the size of the supposed steel core columns. This steel is outside the core and I've proven that too.


I've just proven these agents are working to create an impression of a social group to try and sway the beliefs of viewers. It is a false social group acting in a psyops.
youy fucking idiot, those are showing the exact same thing
yet you call one rebar and the other columns
I am reposting this until I get some response from the douchebag...

Chris I am going to try again with you....

You seem to operate under the assumption "the cores" were some kind of separate entity from the elevator shafts, stairwells and other framework. Well sorry chris but its just not so.

First the entire structure was designed to maximize open floor space and give as near to equal for all window and elevator/stair access. With this type of open floor plan there really was no "bad" space to rent. There was no area harder to get to stairs or elevators, and there was no area cutoff from a window(s). Making all areas of near or equal rental/lease value.

Also with an open floor plan, there was no pillars or load bearing walls/structures every 30 or so feet as in a traditional similar structure. These things combined to (in the hopes of the designers and port authority) make the building have as much prime real estate as possible and draw in more rentals and create more options and areas to rent.

They designed it so the elevator and stairwells were part of the central core. They were inseparable. The elevators and stairwells framework were part of the core structure. So when you see an elevator shaft guiderail or support structure, or a stairwell guiderail or support structure, you are looking at part of the core. This is undeniable and shown in every single one of your own pics....

You can deny this and try to excuse, confound, or bullshit your way around it, but it is a fact. What you are relying on is a bunch of bad descriptions found in the media over the years, to justify a false hypothesis. Here is a picture I made for you expressly to show what I am talking about. I showed it to you before but you played dumb...


Now as you can see my depiction looks very much like the structure you have been calling the elevator guide/support/ whatever... These were placed at various intervals inside the core structure, and in between these we would get several other beams. These beams would also be interconnected at various intervals all of them together making up what is known as "the core"..

looking at one of your own pics we can see this is most assuredly true and accurate....


See right there? The stairs? yeah its in and part of the "core" structure. And in another of your pics....


Here we see the entire thing just as I described it..... Notice part of the outer walls still in the back ground? And then towards the center of the structure (foreground of pic) we see the "core" with some of the drywall and facade material still attached? This drywall and the facade material was what produced a great deal of the dust you try and attribute to being evidence of concrete... Now imagine all that drywall and material covering the entire core for 110 floors, and then imagine it covering the insides of every outer wall, divider wall, to separate every single separate office from one another. And then add in the fact it separated bathrooms from closets, and everything else that needed covered.

That is where your dust came from chris. it wasn't pulverized concrete for the most part it was drywall dust...

Once again we see my depiction shown all too clearly.... The "core" and the stairs and elevators shafts/supports, are one in the same. They make up the core together. An intricate framework of interconnected pieces of steel all pulling together to collectively make up the "core"...

Now your theory relies on these things being separate... But clearly even by your own pictures they are NOT....

I will be back with more as time permits.....
To suggest the evidence from 9-11 shows only dust and debri unreasonable serves the perpetrators of mass murder and protection of their secret methods. It servest eh infiltrators of the US government and the usurpers of the Constitution.

This image show the west wall of WTC 1 from the north in an end view. The north wall has fallen allowing view into the empty core area.

The photo, as the others, is fully clear enough to identify the structural elements.

Brown, I'm sure if you look hard enough, you should be able to find and return enough soda bottles to buy the English language version of Rosetta Stone. If you learn it, you just might attract a non family member to visit your website.
Post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area showing their interconnections from 9-11.

Here is what I know is a rectangular concrete tube.


On September 13, 2001 the engineer of record provided information to Newsweek identifying a concrete core.

In 1990 I viewed a 2 hour documentary about the construction of WTC 1 titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" and most of it was about a concrete core.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core.

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