FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


From his own site ... It's probably been posted here but I'm not going to go through 400 pages to see. Anyway probably a timely reminder of who we are dealing with.

Bottom line explains a lot. Basket making would be a useful occupation for someone who likes doing repetitive things, without the need to think.

Stann :eusa_boohoo:

Wow, Chri$$y must have been spitting mad the day they made him empty his pockets to pay his support.

I can almost hear him whining about how he wouldn't be able to pay for his website for profit off the deaths of others, with it's wonderful high speed server.

All hail the speed of the server!!
WTC 1 concrete core base wall. According to eyewitnesses was cast free standing. However, after the 5th floor so the core could not be seen.

This was found on the usenet.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


However, from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" I learned that the construction sequence had improved when WTC 2 was built and 5 floors of steel were erected first, then the steel surrounding the concrete core was used to support forms. These are the forms getting started. There are very dark vertical strips on regular intervals behind the interior box columns. rebar

No independent verification of either claim, especially the one based on your poor memory of a decades old documentary that no one can produce a copy of.

Null post
That's funny stan pretending that he's showing something meaningful by showing the commissioners erroneous declaration.

Show the whole site stan.

The Purpose Of Law

Where egregious gaucheries of the courts are documented trying to protect the secret that keeps all secrets.

This one scan of a motion to strike that erroneous declaration of the commissioner proves the court violated my Constitutional right. The famliy law clerk refused to stamp the motion to strike "filed", only recieved. If not "filed", judges are not compelled to consider the pleadings.

Ripped my off for access to courts, equal protection and due process

Meanwhile, no agent has any independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns they mostly don't support.

Meanwhile, lots of concrete is seen surrounding the cores of the Twins.

A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the core.

No concrete seen in your repeatedly debunked movie.

Null post
WTC 1 concrete core base wall. According to eyewitnesses was cast free standing. However, after the 5th floor so the core could not be seen.

Well buddy it would be nice to see these eyewitnesses, and it would be nice to see how they could hide a structure like that after the 5th floor.... The pics of the lobby show windows where the unhidden solid concrete structure would have been... The lobby on the ground floor would have had to have been the thickest area above ground yet the pics from inside show nothing of the sort....

This was found on the usenet.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


Found on usenet...... Dude are you serious? Some guy on a newsgroup? That is what you consider an eyewitness? And the guys email said @texas.net... Some guy from texas on a newsgroup said he witnessed it and so you call it an eyewitness account...Okay so how do we verify this? Ah I see WE CAN'T.... Dude if you believe everything anyone on a newsgroup says, you need help....:lol:


12 foot thick? Where do you see a 12 foot thick piece? I see steel girders and beams... You just made that shit up. Seriously where is that 12 foot piece at? It doesn't look like it exists in all of the lobby pics......

However, from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" I learned that the construction sequence had improved when WTC 2 was built and 5 floors of steel were erected first, then the steel surrounding the concrete core was used to support forms. These are the forms getting started. There are very dark vertical strips on regular intervals behind the interior box columns. rebar


What? Seriously you are contending that they just radically changed the entire design midway through the construction? Also where are those so-called "dark vertical strips"??? Unless you mean the shadows? Uh-huh.... So why aren't they 12 foot thick? I mean if they were 12 foot thick it would take away greatly from the lobbies open floor space now wouldn't it... Again doesn't show in any pics of the lobby....

Ya know I can now see why kicking him is so addictive.... Its like my everlast punching back, no one can walk by it and not take a punch at it...LOL
OMG! Look!

In this pic we see the lobby at christmas time.... notice the windows on the right where the 12 foot thick core should be?


chris where is that 12 foot thick wall? We see very clearly through the glass where it should be and we can clearly tell it is not 12 foot thick walls....
OMG! Look!

In this pic we see the lobby at christmas time.... notice the windows on the right where the 12 foot thick core should be?


chris where is that 12 foot thick wall? We see very clearly through the glass where it should be and we can clearly tell it is not 12 foot thick walls....
actually, i dont think those are windows, but just reflections off the shiny surface
OMG! Look!

In this pic we see the lobby at christmas time.... notice the windows on the right where the 12 foot thick core should be?


chris where is that 12 foot thick wall? We see very clearly through the glass where it should be and we can clearly tell it is not 12 foot thick walls....
actually, i dont think those are windows, but just reflections off the shiny surface

Look closely at the way it wraps around...... If you look carefully you can see the back part of the window frames and wall structure. I saw two other similar pics, and those show the same way. Also if you remember the footage from the video taken by the fire training crew, just after the first plane hit, you can see all the glass from those windows all busted out....
That's funny stan pretending that he's showing something meaningful by showing the commissioners erroneous declaration.

Show the whole site stan.

The Purpose Of Law

Where egregious gaucheries of the courts are documented trying to protect the secret that keeps all secrets.

This one scan of a motion to strike that erroneous declaration of the commissioner proves the court violated my Constitutional right. The famliy law clerk refused to stamp the motion to strike "filed", only recieved. If not "filed", judges are not compelled to consider the pleadings.

Ripped my off for access to courts, equal protection and due process


Meanwhile, no agent has any independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns they mostly don't support.

Meanwhile, lots of concrete is seen surrounding the cores of the Twins.

A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the core.


words from a proven liar are meaningless. no pictures of concrete.

null post.
OMG! Look!

In this pic we see the lobby at christmas time.... notice the windows on the right where the 12 foot thick core should be?


chris where is that 12 foot thick wall? We see very clearly through the glass where it should be and we can clearly tell it is not 12 foot thick walls....

This is the point Chris will invoke the "That's a photo of WTC2's lobby" bullshit.

I've been through this with him before many times. He used to say that both towers were almost identical and that neither of them had access to the express elevators from outside the core at the lobby level.

I showed him a picture back at the Break for News forum where he admitted he was incorrect. At this time, he started the "towers were radically different" crap. It was the only way to keep his lie going and save face. Not once has he provided any proof that this actually happened. A redesign of the core AFTER WTC1 was started and right before WTC2 was started. What a bunch of bullshit.

If both towers are proven to have access to the express elevators from outside the core at the lobby level, being that the elevators are situated just inside the walls on both sides of the core, there would be no room for his 12' core as the bank of 12 or 11 express elevators would be there and he would be completely wrong.
Since the agents have no images of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 all of their posts are subterfuge intended to conceal felony and treason.

Slackers post is garbage. Erroneous. Not windows, only reflections of the finish panels.
Here is a plan view of what Chris says existed in WTC1.


His concrete core totally displaces the 23 express elevators (one bank of 12 and one bank of 11) on either side of the core.
Since the agents have no images of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 all of their posts are subterfuge intended to conceal felony and treason.

Slackers post is garbage. Erroneous. Not windows, only reflections of the finish panels.
you are nothing but a delusional paranoid
seek out professional help

Since the agents have no images of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 all of their posts are subterfuge intended to conceal felony and treason.

Slackers post is garbage. Erroneous. Not windows, only reflections of the finish panels.

Even though Chris posts evidence and claims that are physically impossible and unprovable, he STILL posts his shit.

I have asked you before Chris. Where did you get the evidence that the towers were radically different? Where did you get such exacting evidence to be able to state that the WTC2 core was redesigned based on WTC1's inability to be rented based on it's poor elevator access?

Or did you just make this stuff up? Post your proof of these claims weasel.
Like I said. The agents cannot show the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11. That is because they did not exist.

What existed was a concrete tubular core and it is seen on 9-11.


Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 describes a concrete core.

A structural engineer who was a GZ 2 weeks after 9-11 saw plans and describes a concrete core. See chapter 2.1. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

The agents have no goos evidence so must play mind games with lobby photos.

The WTC 1 & 2 concrete cores were radically different in many ways, but they were the same in that they were both concrete. The agents have never provided a reasonable explanation for the image at top if not concrete.
Like I said. The agents cannot show the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11. That is because they did not exist.

What existed was a concrete tubular core and it is seen on 9-11.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 describes a concrete core.

A structural engineer who was a GZ 2 weeks after 9-11 saw plans and describes a concrete core. See chapter 2.1. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

The agents have no goos evidence so must play mind games with lobby photos.

The WTC 1 & 2 concrete cores were radically different in many ways, but they were the same in that they were both concrete. The agents have never provided a reasonable explanation for the image at top if not concrete.
diupshits just keep repeating the same lies over and over as if they hadnt already been PROVEN to be lies
Since the agents have no images of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 all of their posts are subterfuge intended to conceal felony and treason.

Slackers post is garbage. Erroneous. Not windows, only reflections of the finish panels.


You are busted pal..... your theory is bullshit..... Even IF they are simply reflections, there is no room for your 12 foot core wall asshole..... And We have yet to see any evidence they are not windows....
The opposite of what agents post is closer to the truth that what they post.

They have to play the elevator lobby game because they have no real evidence of steel core columns.

Show me an image of the core on 9-11 that looks like this agent.

The WTC 1 & 2 concrete cores were radically different in many ways, but they were the same in that they were both concrete.

Hey weasel.

Post the evidence you used to get that fact that WTC2 was redesigned differently from WTC1 because of the inability to rent WTC1 due to a lack of access to the elevators in the center of the core.

Did you get that information from somewhere to make such an exacting claim or are you making it up?

When did the folks that were supposed to rent office space make this decision that they wouldn't rent because of the poor access to the elevators? How did the renters make the decision that the access to the elevators in the center of the core sucked and thus making the decision to not rent? Did they make their decisions based on what they saw on the plans or did they make their decision based on seeing the actual WTC1 structure and layout. Did they walk through WTC1 at some point and see this poor access to the elevators?
Seeing as you have no evidence from 9-11 of the supposed steel core columns in the core area, the ones that kept the towers standing for 33 years, you have no argument.

Since you have not acknowledged the violations of law
that deprive the public of the building plans, your intentions are exposed.

You are an agent protecting the secret methods of mass murder, felony and treason.

If anything needs to be posted it's images from 9-11 showing steel core columns in the core area. If you don't post that, your keyboard should travel right through were the sun don't shine.
The WTC 1 & 2 concrete cores were radically different in many ways, but they were the same in that they were both concrete.

Hey weasel.

Post the evidence you used to get that fact that WTC2 was redesigned differently from WTC1 because of the inability to rent WTC1 due to a lack of access to the elevators in the center of the core.

Did you get that information from somewhere to make such an exacting claim or are you making it up?

When did the folks that were supposed to rent office space make this decision that they wouldn't rent because of the poor access to the elevators? How did the renters make the decision that the access to the elevators in the center of the core sucked and thus making the decision to not rent? Did they make their decisions based on what they saw on the plans or did they make their decision based on seeing the actual WTC1 structure and layout. Did they walk through WTC1 at some point and see this poor access to the elevators?

Answer weasel.

Post your evidence that you used to make the above claims. Or did you make them up?

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